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30-05-2005, 16:51
Ive download Paintshop pro, But how do i create banners? Can anyone Help me please?

Thanks You .x.x.x.x.

30-05-2005, 16:56
Ooh, how do you download that please? :)

30-05-2005, 17:19
Ooh, how do you download that please? :)

Type in Paintshpp pro in Google,askjeeves or yahoo, and it comes up

Can anyone Please tell me how to create banners now have download paintshop pro?


Thanks .x.x.x.x.

30-05-2005, 17:21
Thankyou! :D

31-05-2005, 20:13
Why dosen't enyone help us around here!!

31-05-2005, 20:30
Please can someone tell me how to create banners using paint shop pro, because ive downloaded it and now i dont kno how to use it PLease help

di marco
31-05-2005, 20:51
id help if i knew how to but i dont soz

29-06-2005, 19:59
Hi i am not very good at making banners but here goes to make one like thishttp://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b104/sammie91/soapboardexample.gif follow the instructions:
1. open paint shop pro
2. click new and set it to about 500x150 but it depends how big or small you want it.
3. copy a picture you want and then click edit,paste,paste as new selection and arrange it where you want it.
4. repeat step 3 for how many pics you want for now im doing two.
5. To add text click the A on the left-hand toolbar.
6. you will get a box come up type your text.
if you want to change the color,font,size read 7 if not go to 8.
7. highlight the text whilst still in the box and then on either change the size or font on the top toolbar or the color in the color thing.
8. Click apply and put the text where you want it.
9. To change the background click the paint pot on the left-hand side and click on the picture.
Ta da you have made your banner

29-06-2005, 20:24
Hi to make a banner like thishttp://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b104/sammie91/soapboardexamplelight.gif follow these instructions
1. Make a banner like the one above.
2. click on effects on the top toolbar.
3. Go down to Illumination effects and click sunburst.
4. You have a screen come up with your picx2 and some button thingy's.
5. Click on the dice and it will give you loads of effects.
6. Keep clicking on them until you find one you like then you can change the color and where it is then click ok.
Hope this helps

29-06-2005, 20:43
To make a banner like this http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b104/sammie91/soapboardsexampleeraser.gif follow these instructions
1. open an a new page 500x150 depending on how big you want it
2. copy a background picture and place it in the middle
3. copy another pic and paste it as new selection and put it on the edge it can overlap the other.
4. now it is placed click on the eraser button on the left-hand toolbar the click on the bit of the pic you want to erase .
5. Then paste another pic as a new selection and put it on the edge and erase the bit of that pic as well.
6. Then you can add text as well if you like and add the light thing it is up to you.
Now you have another banner
Hope these are helping i no i don't make much sense but never mind and i no they arn't very good but i am learning as well.

29-06-2005, 20:46
Hi there is loads of other things you can do with it and if anyone wants any more help i will help them

29-06-2005, 20:49
Hi there is loads of other things you can do with it and if anyone wants any more help i will help them

i know how to make normal banners, but how do i make moving ones like that shannis one of yours?

29-06-2005, 21:10
Oh i didn't make that i thought you meant normal banners.
I can make small moving ones like avatars but bex_t made me that and u need animation shop or wot eva it is

30-06-2005, 16:38
Oh i didn't make that i thought you meant normal banners.
I can make small moving ones like avatars but bex_t made me that and u need animation shop or wot eva it is

Ok, i have made small moving ones b4 like these :
http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/4642/jakechrissie7as.gif http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/7830/katalfienmo8kg.gif http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/3562/shannisanimated2wt.gif

(If you want any of those pics just take em)

I know how to make them with still picture but dunno how to make em with movies like urs, it doesnt matter anyway my trails run out lol


di marco
30-06-2005, 21:06
fabbi, i love the moving ones! :)

30-06-2005, 22:24
Ok if i find certain pictures I would like a banner made.. how do I send them to a person to make the banner ????:searchme:

Thanks in Advance:)

30-06-2005, 23:32
justjodi I can make you a banner if you post the links to the pictures or the pictures themselves on here. You can either post them in this thread or in the thread I started called 'banners' (make sure it's the one with my name underneath as there are a few with the same name I think)