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10-11-2008, 15:57
Libby is faced with an impossible choice between two very different brothers; Lucas and Dan. After Susan advises her to trust her instincts, Libby makes a choice – Ben. Dan and Lucas' rivalry turn disastrous and when a scuffle breaks out, Lucas ends up dangling over the side of a warehouse rooftop.

Determined to no longer burden family and friends, Rachel puts on a brave face. Harassment and bullying at school tests her resolve but she tries to remain cool. Susan writes an article for the newspaper and Rachel nobly puts her family's needs above her own. however Rachel's mask falls when a surprise gift arrives. Is Rachel's love life about to take an unexpected turn?

The fun of the footy club slave auction proves an antidote for Libby's man angst despite the fact she is clearly still on both Dan and Lucas' radar. When Lucas engineers it so that it's impossible for her to avoid him, Libby lets him down and makes it clear she is done with both Fitzgerald boys. Luke hears her but it won't stop him because he wants Libby come what may.

Ramsay Street questions how well they know Ty when he is revealed as the man thought to be stalking Rachel. But when savvy Rachel investigates, she discovers jilted Justin is her stalker. Rachel attempts to make it up to Ty but is their budding romance over even before it begins?

Susan takes up Paul's challenge to write a story for the Erinsborough news, calling into question her career plans. Susan admits to Paul that she realises it'll be difficult to return to teaching, and isn't certain that she wants to. Could this be a new career for Susan Kinski?

The Parker family are rocked by the return of Pete Ferguson who breaks into the vet clinic. Desperate to be welcomed back into the family fold, Nicola assures the Parkers she will take care of Pete. At the hospital, where Pete is treated for bad lacerations, Nicola withholds his pain medication in an effort to force a confession to the police. But she triggers a struggle that ends in a potential life-threatening needle stick accident.

Karl is forced to keep the secret of Nicola's worrying needle stick injury leading Susan to question the nature of his relationship with Nicola. Susan accepts Karl's word that there's nothing improper in the relationship, but when a domestic crisis leads her to the hospital she finds Nicola in her husband's arms.

Donna decides to buck up Rachel's spirits and use Hamish and Andy's radio show to help repair her rift with Ty. Although things don't go to plan, the experience brings Rachel and Ty one step closer to reconciliation.

A school IQ test triggers competitiveness with the teens. Ringo feels a failure and his dismay turns to negativity. A close call with Dan's car leaves Ringo smarting but Dan convinces him to confide his problems in someone he trusts. That 'someone' is Carmella but when Ringo arrives to speak to her, he doesn't realise she's in terrible danger.

The Parkers panic when word is received that Mickey has gone missing. Little do they know that he's hiding out at Number 30! Callum feels guilty for keeping Mickey a secret from his worried family and spills his secret – but is it too late? Meanwhile, Bridget is shocked to hear from Riley, but her relief turns to anxiety when she wonders how she can gain her parents' permission to travel to Sydney – alone – to see him.

10-11-2008, 15:58
Tempers flare and fear escalates as Mickey remains missing overnight. Callum is hurt when his character is called into question over Mickey's disappearance. While co-ordinating search teams, Miranda is forced to swallow hostilities with Nicola for Mickey's sake. The search teams have no luck and Mickey remains missing. Callum's own one-man search for Mickey reaps results and the adults aren't too far behind. But a near miss leaves the boys left to their own devices in the city.

Callum finds Mickey in the city and attempts to convince him to return to Ramsay St. But Mickey's certain he'll be sent back to Perth. Knowing he is betraying Mickey, Callum rings Toadie and tells him where they are. Safely back on Ramsay St, Callum reveals the extent of Mickey's loneliness and neglect to the Parkers. They reach a compromise, for Mickey to be sent back to his parent's, but Lou will accompany him and hopefully help Ned and Kirsten decide what's best for their son.

Ty goes along with his band's decision to audition for a female singer but stacks the odds in Rachel's favour. When Sienna's unexpected talent disrupts the farce, Ty falls victim to his own plan, hurting Rachel with his lack of faith.

Carmella and Ringo continue to bond when Ringos' encouragement helps Carmella emerge from her grief over Marco. When Rebecca raises their closeness, Carmella fears Ringo may still have romantic feelings for her and pushes him away. Later, when she realises she's acted too hastily, she makes an effort to show him that the friendship goes both ways.

Rivalry between Libby and Dan intensifies as they compete for the same job. While Dan is distracted by an upcoming football match, Libby is well and truly prepared for the interview. However, Dan wins the job when an unexpected cry for help from Zeke derails Libby's bid. When Dan learns the circumstances he turns the job down in her favour. Resenting the apparent charity, Libby takes Dan to task and the resulting sparks reignite their passion.