View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers 03 Nov - 07 Nov

28-10-2008, 12:45
Maria discovers Carla's involvement in Lad Rags
Airs on Monday, November 3 2008 at 19:30 GMT on ITV1

Fiz and John are back from their weekend way and the first thing on John’s mind is getting over to his gran’s house to feed the ‘cat’. But he’s distracted by a taxi job and leaves without his keys and mobile phone. When Fiz discovers that Lloyd hasn’t been feeding the cat at all, she panics and takes the keys to feed it herself.

When John discovers from Eileen what Fiz is planning, he panics and races across town – with his passengers still in the cab - to try and get to his gran’s house before Fiz.

Meanwhile, Rosie is anticipating John’s return and has armed herself with a towel rail to attack him. Will John arrive in time to avert disaster?

Maria is still tormented by the amount of calls on Liam’s phone to and from Carla. Tom tries to calm her down telling her they were all calls about the stag night details. But when she takes a call on the phone for Carla or Tom about Lad Rags she sees red. Is Maria edging closer to the truth about Carla and Liam?

Steve is worried when Michelle asks Becky to stand in for her whiles she helps JD out at a gig. When Dan starts winding Steve and Becky up, Steve starts to wonder if he knows something.

Elsewhere, Norris’s obsession with entering competitions is driving Rita and Emily to distraction, while Pam tries to persuade Molly to go to a wedding fayre.

Rosie knocks John unconscious
Airs on Monday, November 3 2008 at 20:30 GMT on ITV1

A happy Fiz has arrived at John’s gran’s house and is looking for the cat but she can’t find any evidence of one being there. Instead finds evidence of another kind which knocks her sick – whose is the woman’s underwear drying on the back of a chair?

Meanwhile, John is racing across town and arrives at the house just as Fiz starts to head upstairs to investigate some noises she has heard. A stunned Fiz is forced to listen as he explains that Rosie is locked in the attic and that he abducted her five weeks ago. She races to the attic to see the horrible truth for herself but Rosie is armed and lying in wait.

Maria tells Tom she is going to find out more about Carla’s involvement in Lad Rags forcing him to come clean about Carla investing in the business. He tries to convince her it was all above board and purely a business arrangement but Maria decides to seek out Tony and see if he knew what was going on. How will Tony react?

Dan is winding Steve up about his stamina and Steve is worried that he is going to drop him in it so he suggests Becky start flirting with other guys to put him off the scent. But how does he feel when she starts giving JD the come-on?

Elsewhere Norris takes his quest to win the competitions a little too far for Rita’s liking.

Rosie is reunited with her family
Airs on Wednesday, November 5 2008 at 19:30 GMT on ITV1

John lies unconscious on the bed after being hit by Rosie, who has raced out of the house with Fiz in hot pursuit. Still stunned by what John has done, Fiz manages to persuade Rosie she wants to help and calls the police. Back at the Websters’, Sophie is opening a birthday card when the call comes in from Rosie.

Overjoyed, they race to John’s gran’s house to find her safe with the police. But as John is taken away, a devastated Fiz has to return to Coronation Street and explain to Kirk and Julie what has happened.

Maria feels bad about accusing Liam of being involved with Carla as he's not alive to defend himself. Tom tries again to explain that he set up the deal with Carla behind Liam’s back but Maria can’t stop the niggling doubt that something was going on.

Peter offers to get some fireworks for Simon but when he still hasn’t returned by nightfall, Ken is forced to go to the Kabin and get some instead. Will Peter let his son down again?

Steve and Becky are alarmed to see Hooch arrive in the Rovers and Steve desperately tries to distract Michelle. But once she’s out of the way Becky goes into flirting overdrive with Steve for Hooch’s benefit.

Sally discovers Rosie's secret about Liam and Carla
Airs on Friday, November 7 2008 at 19:30 GMT on ITV1

With Rosie safely back at home, Sally and Kevin still have many unanswered questions and are surprised when Rosie defends John’s actions. But when Tony Gordon gets wind of Rosie’s return and arrives at the house with a bunch of flowers for her, Sally is suspicious of his motives. She quizzes Rosie who eventually caves in and confides in Sally about the video of Carla and Liam kissing.

Elsewhere, Rosie’s return is not the only thing rattling Tony – his accountant spells out in no uncertain terms that his business is in dire straits and he is hugely in debt. Unless he starts selling the apartments, things will get a lot worse.

Fiz knows that she has to try and convince everyone that she knew nothing about John keeping Rosie a prisoner but she also knows that she has to go and see John to find out some answers of her own. But all of this has to be put on hold when the police arrive to ask her some questions.

Things aren’t looking too good for Janice - she is due in court later for the lottery fraud. Leanne is grateful to her for keeping her name out of it and agrees to go with her to court. But Janice still has a lot of work to do to win the other factory girls round.

Ken is grilling a weary Peter about his plans for Simon and points out that he needs to enroll him at school. At the moment, though, it's taking Peter all his effort to stay awake whilst he is in charge of his son, never mind plan his future.

Fiz is questioned by the police
Airs on Friday, November 7 2008 at 20:30 GMT on ITV1

Fiz doesn't understand why the police want to talk to her, until it suddenly dawns on her that they think she was involved. She is eventually released after convincing them that she had no idea what John was up to. John is delighted when she turns up to see him but she makes it clear that she only wants answers and as far as she's concerned, their relationship is over.

Sally decides to watch Rosie’s footage of Carla and Liam for herself and manages to save the information onto a memory stick just before Tony arrives at the office. He’s oblivious as to what's going on, however, as he is more concerned with his finances and resorts forging Carla’s signature so he can take money from the payroll to finance his property business. Is it all falling apart for Mr Gordon?

Peter is struggling with being a full-time dad and despite Ashley telling him that things will get better, he decides the only option is to do a runner and leave Simon with Ken and Deirdre. But Ken rumbles his plan and insists he stay and face up to his responsibilities.

Janice rerturns from court having being given community service but she gets no sympathy from her ex-colleagues who make it clear they wish she'd been locked up.

Pam and Tyrone find themselves caught up in another of Pam’s scams when she ‘treats’ them to a slap up meal at a posh restaurant.

28-10-2008, 14:09
Rosie's back :angry: :thumbsdow

I wonder what Sally will do about Carla and Liam's indscretion :hmm:

31-10-2008, 07:44
Well, looks like she is telling Maria after a couple of glasses of wine

31-10-2008, 12:15
Things aren’t looking too good for Janice - she is due in court later for the lottery fraud. Leanne is grateful to her for keeping her name out of it and agrees to go with her to court. But Janice still has a lot of work to do to win the other factory girls round.

Janice returns from court having being given community service but she gets no sympathy from her ex-colleagues who make it clear they wish she'd been locked up.

Actually I had forgotten about this storyline with all the other excitement going on! Also because in recent episodes her colleagues seem to have forgotten all about it too!