View Full Version : Corrie actress wants 'new tottie'

28-10-2008, 12:30
Coronation Street's Jennie McAlpine has called on producers to introduce some "new totty" to Weatherfield.

The 24-year-old, who plays knicker-stitcher Fiz Brown in the ITV soap, is worried that once her screen romance with love rat taxi driver John Stape (Graeme Hawley) comes to an abrupt end next week, her character may not find love with any of the Street's current residents.

Speaking of the predicament, she told DS: "We need some new totty for her! There isn't really anyone that she'd go for that isn't already taken. It'd be interesting, though, if Fiz ended up having an affair - the same thing that John did to her."

She also hopes that Fiz will one day find the man of her dreams, but still enjoys on-screen single life. She continued: "I hope [she'll be lucky in love] one day. I think she should be. On the other hand, it's a lot more fun to play 'unlucky in love' than 'shacked up happily ever after'!"

She added: "You have much more fun rowing and screaming at on-screen boyfriends."