View Full Version : kerry katona on this morning drunk

22-10-2008, 19:49
YouTube - Kerry Katona This Morning 22nd October 2008 (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=RxKMPTR0MVA) :lol: :lol: :rotfl:

22-10-2008, 19:53
It isnt certain she was drunk though

i feel for her, im sick of seeing her everywhere but something isnt right with her at all. I dont think its a funny video, its sad to see her like that.
Hope she gets the help she needs soon

would you be laughing it that was a family member behaving like that? i know i wouldnt

22-10-2008, 19:54
I've just watched it! How awkward and uncomfortable! Phil and Fern came across as acting like Kerry's concerned parents, giving her a telling off :D

The way she came across in that interview is very concerning though, even if she is blaming it on sleeping pills.. why did the producer let her do the interview if she was in a state like this?? It made for cringeworthy television!

22-10-2008, 20:28
It isnt certain she was drunk though

i feel for her, im sick of seeing her everywhere but something isnt right with her at all. I dont think its a funny video, its sad to see her like that.
Hope she gets the help she needs soon

would you be laughing it that was a family member behaving like that? i know i wouldnt
no and thats why i can laugh :lol:
but she may be acting it out to get attention they all do it...

22-10-2008, 20:51
I do feel sorry for her. Its seems to be getting like what happened to Britney Spears. All the papers slagged her off and said that she shouldnt have her kids and hated her n then as soon as she got better they decide that they love her again.

Maybe it is just side effects from tablets she takes we will never know but maybe people should give her the benefit of the doubt.

22-10-2008, 20:58
very much like britney, makes you wonder iof hubbie is helping or making it worse!!

fingers crossed after this she'll get help she needs

22-10-2008, 23:39
Its sad to watch, you could tell Phil and Fearne were uncomfortable interviewing her.

23-10-2008, 00:09
Oh dear me....the producers of This Morning should never have allowed her to go on there!!! Where was her publicist/advisor??? :eek:

Very tragic, if you ask me...

Bad Wolf
23-10-2008, 00:17
its awful to watch, apparently its because she took her medication late,

why didnt she just walk off the set?

23-10-2008, 11:19
kery was late when she arrived the programme was about to start! phil and fern kissed her on the cheek she sat on the sofa phil and fern had to run over to where they introduce the programme if kerry hadn't been late they would of noticed her slurred voice and the producer wouldn't of let her open the show! what phil cant understand is mark drove her to the studio! why did he bring her in that state! .......if you ask me they have done all this deliberately to get some media attention

23-10-2008, 22:34
I feel sorry for her, I like, well used to like her and whatever made her this way or worse, whether its the media or whatever its really sad.
I mean theres some people who ask for it like Jodie Marsh and you do laugh at her, but I just cant laugh at Kerry, its really sad

23-10-2008, 22:42
kery was late when she arrived the programme was about to start! phil and fern kissed her on the cheek she sat on the sofa phil and fern had to run over to where they introduce the programme if kerry hadn't been late they would of noticed her slurred voice and the producer wouldn't of let her open the show! what phil cant understand is mark drove her to the studio! why did he bring her in that state! .......if you ask me they have done all this deliberately to get some media attention

im sure youre right, this morning isnt going to be bothered about whether she is ok or not just the publicity it has created for them. and it worked didnt it?!

23-10-2008, 23:09
Is she not bi-polar? Whether it the meds or something else that caused this, if it were a family member of mine, I'd be more concerned about her health and well being, than laughing, thats for sure.

ITV may well have got publicity out of this and so may Kerry and Mark, but I personally feel sorry for her children. If she is in that state after taking her pills four hours late and appearing on TV, then what is she like at home and is she really in a fit state to look after her children properly?!

Anyone with a mental illness should not be laughed at, but given the help that they need and she obviously needs that, not laughing at.

I would like to add that I'm not a fan of hers at all, but laughing at people with mental illnesses, in my mind, is one of the lowest things you can do.

Bad Wolf
24-10-2008, 00:13
Is she not bi-polar? Whether it the meds or something else that caused this, if it were a family member of mine, I'd be more concerned about her health and well being, than laughing, thats for sure.

ITV may well have got publicity out of this and so may Kerry and Mark, but I personally feel sorry for her children. If she is in that state after taking her pills four hours late and appearing on TV, then what is she like at home and is she really in a fit state to look after her children properly?!

Anyone with a mental illness should not be laughed at, but given the help that they need and she obviously needs that, not laughing at.

I would like to add that I'm not a fan of hers at all, but laughing at people with mental illnesses, in my mind, is one of the lowest things you can do.

completely agree!!!

ive been readimg different stuff allday and its all pointing towards....mark. if she was running late so missed her pre intervew meeting etc with the producers etc then why didnt he stop her if he knew she wasn't 100%? he just likes making a mockery out of her

24-10-2008, 14:41
I think it all a bit harsh, there is no way she should have been allowed to go on air like that. She was put in a very vulnerable position if you ask me and ITV have some explaining to do.

It was also harsh on Phil and Fern as well to be put in that situation.

Bad Wolf
24-10-2008, 14:44
there is a mickey take all ready its brilliant

24-10-2008, 15:28
Is she not bi-polar? Whether it the meds or something else that caused this, if it were a family member of mine, I'd be more concerned about her health and well being, than laughing, thats for sure.

ITV may well have got publicity out of this and so may Kerry and Mark, but I personally feel sorry for her children. If she is in that state after taking her pills four hours late and appearing on TV, then what is she like at home and is she really in a fit state to look after her children properly?!

Anyone with a mental illness should not be laughed at, but given the help that they need and she obviously needs that, not laughing at.

I would like to add that I'm not a fan of hers at all, but laughing at people with mental illnesses, in my mind, is one of the lowest things you can do.

I think Phil and Fern owe her an appology.
JOJO I agree with what U said,,I do not speak clearly because of my deafness and believe me it is not a nice feeling having people mock you,, and the mental illness can not be helped,, and shame on those who made fun of her :banned:

24-10-2008, 16:06
Is she not bi-polar? Whether it the meds or something else that caused this, if it were a family member of mine, I'd be more concerned about her health and well being, than laughing, thats for sure.

ITV may well have got publicity out of this and so may Kerry and Mark, but I personally feel sorry for her children. If she is in that state after taking her pills four hours late and appearing on TV, then what is she like at home and is she really in a fit state to look after her children properly?!

Anyone with a mental illness should not be laughed at, but given the help that they need and she obviously needs that, not laughing at.

I would like to add that I'm not a fan of hers at all, but laughing at people with mental illnesses, in my mind, is one of the lowest things you can do.
I completely agree with you
I felt really awkward for her when they were asking her if she replaced one addiction with an another!

Kirsty :]
25-10-2008, 22:42
I watched it and cringed. It's just really sad.
She's not herself at all, there's a drastic change from the Kerry that came out of the jungle to the Kerry that was on This Morning a few days ago.
I also believe Phil and Fern were out of line, asking her if she was addicted to alcohol. I know the public were concerned but there was no need to ask her that live on air.
Drunk or not, it was horrible to watch and if she was a member of my family I'd be worried sick. As for her hsuband... he should of known better! No way would you take someone to do a live interview if you knew they weren't right and somethign was up, surely you'd be saying sod the interview and seeking medical advice? He's the one who doesn't seem right in the head to me... he's just dragged Kerry down with him by the looks... but we don't know what goes on behind closed doors :/ :confused:

di marco
26-10-2008, 13:04
i found that really uncomfortable and awkward to watch, i didnt find it funny at all. i feel sorry for her. whatever the reason she was like that in the interview (alcohol or her medication) i think she needs help. i cant believe they let her go on there like that

27-10-2008, 09:48
Someone needs to get her away from Mark:


31-03-2009, 10:02
Fresh concerns have been raised about Kerry Katona's wellbeing after a video emerged showing the singer slurring her words.

The footage was reportedly taken by a MTV crew last week following her reconciliation with Mark Croft.

A source told the News Of The World: "Kerry seems to be in a state all of the time. The footage that's been coming in has shocked a lot of people here.

"Kerry blames it on medication for her bipolar disorder - but that's becoming harder for us to believe."

MTV insiders fear that a six-part series focusing on Katona's life may not be shown because of her increasingly bizarre behaviour.

"We're desperately trying to put a show together - but her behaviour keeps changing the game," the source added.

A flurry of calls from worried viewers were made to ITV last October when Katona slurred her words and appeared disorientated during an appearance on This Morning.

Shame she went back with Marc, I don't htink he is helping her much. :(

di marco
02-04-2009, 09:29
Shame she went back with Marc, I don't htink he is helping her much. :(

me neither, i really think she needs to get away from him

25-05-2009, 11:53
Furious Philip Schofield got Kerry Katona banned from a comeback interview on his This Morning show.

Insiders said he was angry after she complained about the way he handled her shambolic last appearance on the couch when she appeared drunk but blamed prescription drugs.

A source said: “It was made clear it was very much Phil’s decision. She’s gutted.”

The ex-Atomic Kitten was also dropped as a guest on ITV’s Loose Women next day.

Katona was scheduled to go on This Morning on May 12 after a campaign by producers to get her to agree.

But Schofield changed his mind after she complained about him at the launch of her MTV show Kerry Katona: What’s the Problem? on May 6.

The insider added: “Kerry said she was looking forward to going on the show but was still aggrieved at her treatment first time round.

“This tipped Phil over the edge. He was furious she was bringing it up again. He spoke to the team and they all agreed to pull her.”

Schofield was angered by Katona’s claims he was ignorant of her bi-polar condition.

She claimed: “What really annoyed me was how they ignored the illness and just presumed I was a drunk.”

ITV said last night: “Both This Morning and Loose Women care for Kerry Katona and her well-being but felt that the time was not right at this moment.”

Chloe O'brien
25-05-2009, 23:42
Kerry needs to stay out of the limelight for a while and get rid of that waste of space of a husband, then sort herself out before she has a mental breakdown and looses her kids.

27-05-2009, 14:29
Totally agree with Phil (if it was his decision)

She made herself look ridiculous, he showed concern and then she very recently slated him over it all.

Sort yourself out girl and stop blaming everyone else - like you said Kath, she needs to get out of the limelight and sort herself out, for the sake of her children and herself

27-05-2009, 20:58
Totally agree with Phil (if it was his decision)

She made herself look ridiculous, he showed concern and then she very recently slated him over it all.

Sort yourself out girl and stop blaming everyone else - like you said Kath, she needs to get out of the limelight and sort herself out, for the sake of her children and herself

I agree, but I guess she needs to stay in the spotlight to keep her profile high, soooo she can make dosh from flogging stories about her Bi-polar etc.. to the mags... she has a husband with expensive tastes to keep.

Chloe O'brien
27-05-2009, 22:55
And he needs to get of his lazy backside and get a proper job instead of sponging of Kerry.

06-06-2009, 13:23
Where are the kids when she is acting the fool all the time?

06-06-2009, 14:09
With a nanny I presume.

Did anyone see her program "What's the problem?" I caught a few minutes of it and Mark was in virtually every scene she was in. He controlled what she said and spoke for her most of the time.

She was constantly making out like she was perfectly fine and everyone else is to blame for her problems.

Eugh, I can't stand her.

06-06-2009, 14:34
I can't believe how much she has fallen from grace. She seemed to have it all at one stage in her life and then now it's all gone. I don't think he can be blamed for it all she never seems to learn from all the bad publicity- she only behaves worst!
On GMTV the other day it was embarrassing to watch :(

06-06-2009, 14:50
She had it all until her first divorce. It is rather sad that she had so much happiness with Bryan then she (reportedly) became a coke user, drank too much and all the rest of it.

Money and fame doesn't always result in happiness. There's plenty of examples going back decades.

06-06-2009, 15:17
It seems and feels like she had to grow up very fast and in the process she lost her sense of self. Plus she didn't seem to have a strong network behind her just people that are trying to financially better themselves. As that is not what friends or loved ones are about!
I wonder when she will meet a real person who really can help her and wants nothing from her.

06-06-2009, 15:17
Wasn't her agent the revered Mr Clifford at one point...?

06-06-2009, 15:19
Yes the man who likes to make money off you when your in need of real help!

Chloe O'brien
06-06-2009, 22:51
Kerry has got to admit to herself that she has problems. I know she would hate to admit she needs help but medical help is what she needs not more booze. When someone who is not in the public eye suffers some kind or breakdown then a Dr usually sections them for a time and that is what Kerry is needing.

06-06-2009, 23:39
She needs an intervention of some kind to get real help not more time in the limelight thats what is damaging her being surrounded by people who don't have her best interests at heart

di marco
08-06-2009, 21:58
i sort of feel sorry for her. yeh ok she might have brought most of her problems on herself but mark really isnt helping her and i think if she got rid of him then she would have more chance of getting help

08-06-2009, 22:36
She seems like the kind of woman who needs a man and unfortunately for her she has chosen someone who would rather take from her then help her :(