View Full Version : Should Aden go to Prison

21-10-2008, 13:59
After the hostage situation with his dad, Rachel and Belle, Does Aden deserve to go to prison in your opinion

21-10-2008, 14:09
I feel for Aden he really needs help but yes he should go to prison

21-10-2008, 14:27
I totally think what he did was wrong but he was sufering some sort of mental breakdown and he is now in a psychiatric hospital. I dont think he should go to jail,

21-10-2008, 18:11
No, he had a breakdown and with the right help and after all the circumstances he shouldnt, I mean community service and all that yes, but circumstances in this case does count

22-10-2008, 10:09
No.. he needs help not prison... he has a breakdown, he is not a villian.. he needs support not punishment as such

22-10-2008, 12:16
I agree that Aden needs professional help rather than prison, nobody knows how they react when they have a nervous breakdown and having lost Belle is sufficient punishment for him. He know what he did was wrong.