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View Full Version : Beryl Meets......LUCY!!!

19-10-2008, 15:04
Good afternoon sbbb people

Im still here! Wanted to fook off back to my huge house BUT nooooo i have to stay until every single one of those blooming housemates are interviewed!! Do you not think their 15 minuetes is now over!i

Shouldnt moan, i love my job, just i love my house toooooo.

So its all over. Friday night was just to much excitement for me, i have to admit i changed my ten lady 4 time out of exictement, Thats one for every announcement and one time at party after.... yeah i drank to much wine, pharrell said something and i laughed so hard i wet myself :o You try having 5 kids, your pelvic floors will never be the same :o

I was sooo happy Lucy and Claire were the final 2, nd estactic claire won!

So today im meeting the person in second place!!

Lets here it for LUCY :cheer: :cheer:

*sings* get your tits our for the ladssssssssssssssss. gettttttttt your titssssssss out for the lads :lol: :lol:

Bless her Fully clothed ,I hope, Lucy..........................

19-10-2008, 15:07
*runs in screaming fully clothed :p*
woooooo! :p Hiya Beryl its soo good to be here :p
Cant believe Im actually out of that house :lol: its mad!!! :p
*squeals* :D

19-10-2008, 15:08
:lol: my 'puppies' will be staying in my top today :p

19-10-2008, 15:11
:lol: i think we'll be thrown off air if they come out at this time of day:lol:

SOOOO so fab to meet you lucy at last, you are just as mad out of the house as you are in!!

Second place girlie, how does it feel??? You were soo close to those vouchers... you must have felt just a tad gutted?

19-10-2008, 15:14
:rotfl: dont worry they are staying in there *points to boobs in top*
And I blame that house for making me go mad :p :lol:

I love coming second place and yeah I know I cam sooo close, but honestly it doesnt bother me at all, I mean I loved claire she was my best friend in there so Im happy for her so I cant really say im gutted, the only thing that would of made be gutted what if someone I hated won, and well.....that was only steve and he was booted out aaaaages ago :p
So yeah Im soo happy for her, shes the best person you will ever meet, Im just so happy and pleased that I got that far! It was amazing to be able to say yeah I was there start to finish :p

19-10-2008, 15:24
I'm gonna admit, at first i thought youn were boring and i think i said it many times on the show that you were dull...... sorry..... but then you grew into a lucy who was such fun to be watch!

Is the lucy we saw the actual lucy?? Did you fell you couldnt be yourself at teh beginning???

and dont even get me started on that moronic twit steve!!!!!!!

19-10-2008, 15:31
Its fine, at the start, well it was after the whole steve thing and during I had peope warning me and telling me I didnt spend time with them *sighs* I felt really bad.
I think....at the beginning cos steve moved quick and well the way she was...so sweet and all that crap and I fell for it so I would kinda party with the guys like lisa and aaron but would be scared about what I should do cos of steve....thats why I said to him to take things slow cos I just wanted to have fun and party with people, cos afterall thats what big brother is all about aint it? :p
wooooo :D so what after that Sh*t left....oh! sh*t!!! :eek: I forgot about not swearing....well you know what I mean after he left and all the things he said like easy shag :angry: made me sooo mad that I though enough was enough and I let go and was myself
I like to think that Im still the sorta sweet person I was in the beginning still, cos my friends all say Im sweet.....when I sober :lol: :p

19-10-2008, 15:43
Well party lucy it the lucy we all love!!!

Oh i went and said to the producers give the housemore vodka :lol: I started boob watch too your boobs were out so much :lol:

Are you going to be getting them out for any mags?? Have you had any offers for your story or anything??

Your not just gonna go back to your old life surely

19-10-2008, 15:52
:lol: I love being party lucy or juicy lucy as pharrell called me a few times
I love vodka! :p so thank you very much, and when you gave us that message to get my boobs out I laughed so much! I didnt think they were out THAT much.....once or ....twice maybe? :p

God Ive only been out 2 days, its sunday right? so yeah yesterday, my first full day was mad!! I mean really insane, I cant tell you how much little sleep ive had.
Nuts have approached me, zoo and even FHM! :eek: Im sooo shocked but yeah I'll get them out :p why not? If they get me money and I could really do with the money *smiles* And for my storry, the usual heat and OK want my story cos as you know there are a few things...they er ....want to know about :lol: Im assuming the first thing will be steve :mad: then erm....other things :p
Of course Im gonna do them all, as many as I can, I mean I didnt set out to get them on purpose! but since theyve asked and we could all do with the money they offer

Back to my old life? I love hairdressing though and plus what else can I do? Im still the me that went in there.....sorta

19-10-2008, 15:59
oh see me later i need me hair done!!

good on ya girl do them all babe, i did * squishes boobs together* these babies were in great demand when i came out, that why we were give n them huns, to get them out for men!

youve led me nicely into my nice question....Pharrell???

do you fancy him or was it just one night of madness and Lucy WHY pharrelll?? i think id rather have given it up for steve love!!!!

what i really want to know is is he hung like a pythin and was he any good :lol: *winks*

19-10-2008, 16:05
Yeah dont worry I'll do your hair, its been ages since I cut anyones hair, Ive really missed it!!!

oh my god Pharrell! :lol: where do I start :o
Firstly after what steve said, I dont think I could go near him again! though with me you never know since I fall so quick and im worse when Im drunk!
Pharrell is lovely really, you just have to really get to know him :p
I used to never know what to say to him at beginning but you know once you all settle down...I mean there was the hot tub was well :rotfl:
I mean I liked everyone in that house including pharrell and yeah I do think hes good looking and very attractive....o! dont do this to be I think It was all for fun...BUT you never know what could happen at this reunion party :lol:

and yes to the last two questions :p *winks*

19-10-2008, 16:11
tell auntie BYREL lucy!!!! coz ill be upset of you go and spill all to OK or some other crappy mag!!!

Just keep away from steve at that party!!!!!! Dosent pharrell have a girlfriend?? doe that worry you? ive heard she is rough as a dog!

who did you hate teh most Lucy??? Dont hold back tell me exactly how you felt about the other housemates!!

19-10-2008, 16:19
:lol: dont worry I am spilling to you!

I will keep away from him, well I just need to give him a good slap first!
Please tell me hes hated and hes done crap with women since he left!!!

:eek: erm....I didnt know that about pharrell....now that youve said that youve got me worried after what we did!!!!!!

Riiiiight my housemates
Collette, she really confused me, telling me stuff about mirrors, I didnt know if she was being nice or mean to me or what!
Aleesha, well she was nice, but she was the mole, I cant even remember that far back, but well done to her!! :cheer:
Steve is a *******er
Tyler, :( what happened to him, he was nice, telling me I could model and all that
Micth, awww it was a shame he left I really liked him, he was fun and he sooo wanted jess, I wanted to play cupid :p
Lisa, I really got on with her, we had a little iffy bit in the middle what with the lies but she is such a fun person I cant wait to party with her
aaron, I loved him too, I know he was ill but before and after that, we had so much fun and hes a great guy and friend :D
Jess, aww shes lovely too, another of my drunk buddies :p
Claire is just my best friend and an amazing girl
Pharrell.....you know the story....

Have I missed anyone? :p

19-10-2008, 16:46
oh im sure he has done a lot worse babe, ill protect ya :lol:

urmm alex??? and what about that bloke jack :P

19-10-2008, 16:54
I need all the protection I can from the likes of him :rotfl:
Well....alex, I dont think I ever met her!
Oh yeah Jack :D he was great, I think we got on in the end, but at the start I dont think he liked me cos sometimes he would see me in the room and then walk out

19-10-2008, 17:01
oh dear... hes a man love, you an never suss them out, they all wierd!

so nearly done s i have to go off and get ready for anotehr interview!!!! god im none stop

what re you planning for the future?

19-10-2008, 17:04
My....future.....I have no idea
Ive never been a one that has big plans and all :p I just see how things go, I dont see myself, becoming famous and all that, I'll end up doing my old job, you never know I could own my own buisnesses and stuff, Id love that! :D
I hope to stay in touch with a few people from the house and stuff
I really just want to go on one bih holiday and you never know, maybe one day I will be lucky with a man and get my life really on track :D

By the way Im sooo sorry :o for getting your name wrong *bites lip* Hug? *offers hug*

19-10-2008, 17:17
Me either luce, take it day s it comes! You already are famous you numpty :lol: the public loves ya

:lol: hmm i forgive you! I'm thinking of changing it to byrel, ha a kind of ring about it :lol:

19-10-2008, 17:20
:lol: I keep forgetting people know me, when they say my name across the street I get really freaked out! :p

:p I might have been under the influence of vodka that night :)

19-10-2008, 17:28
:lol: im shocked at that! you under the influence of vodka!!!!!

well it has been lovely to meet you lucy, im sure it wont be long until we meet again!!

Lucy everyone.......

19-10-2008, 17:31
:lol: I know, I er....never drink vodka :p
aww thank you so much for having me, Ive always wanted to meet ever since I got your name wrong!
:rotfl: you really should come and and party with me :p

Aww Ive loved this....now to prepare for the reunion :p what to wear....
bye everyone xxx

19-10-2008, 17:37
i love to party, ill be there luce!

oh yes the reunion im gonna be watching that and reporting about it!!!

There ya have it sbbb fans, just a few more interviews. Join me later when ill be interviewing the lovely jess.... and grovelling lots, here hoping she hasnt seen me calling her dull yet

Thank lucy youve been a fab guest

See ya all laters