View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers 03 Oct - 10 Oct 08

30-09-2008, 06:02
The police talk to the factory girls
Airs on Friday, October 3 2008 at 19:30 BST on ITV1

Kevin and Sally are stunned as they read the bank statement. Convinced Rosie has done a runner with the money, Kevin insists they call the police. Sally finally relents and the police are soon investigating the lottery win. They visit the factory to quiz the other girls, sending Janice into a blind panic. She tries to stop Leanne spending any more money, but Leanne is adamant that she's going to give Dan the money to buy the bookies.

Tony, Carla, Liam and Maria arrive at the hotel for their weekend away. Maria thinks the hotel is lovely but a guilty Carla and Liam are still suspicious of Tony's motives. When Tony announces that he has booked the girls into the spa while he takes Liam on a tour of the local caves, Liam's unease starts to grow.

Jason is in turmoil after discovering that Sarah is thinking about returning to Weatherfield. Bill urges him to think about what he's doing setting up home with Becky when he clearly still has feelings for Sarah. But Becky is forging ahead with the plans, borrowing the flat deposit off Roy and even has her eye on a sofa.

Elsewhere, Amber tells Darryl that she has seen his mum drunk in the precinct.

Fiz realises she truly loves John
Airs on Monday, October 6 2008 at 19:30 BST on ITV1

Liam, Tony, Carla and Maria are back from their weekend away and Tony refuses to take any money off Liam, who still feels distinctly uncomfortable about the whole thing. He's still not sure why Tony asked him to be best man and Carla is also worried about Tony’s motives.

Fiz is stunned into action when she discovers that John has had an accident in his cab. Lloyd runs her to the hospital where a bruised and battered John is delighted to see her. As he talks to her about the way his life has turned out, she realises that she still has feelings for him and can’t turn her back on their relationship.

Jason, meanwhile, is another resident trying to rekindle an old flame. As he whispers sweet nothings down the phone to Sarah, an oblivious Becky is enlisting the help of Kirk and Michelle to get the flat ready as a surprise for Jason. But it's Becky who gets the biggest surprise when Jason arrives home and tells her that Sarah has decided to return to Weatherfield to give their relationship another go.

Elsewhere, Janice can hardly contain her guilt when Sally tells the factory girls that the police think Rosie is off somewhere having an adventure with the lottery money.

Becky goes on a bender
Airs on Monday, October 6 2008 at 20:30 BST on ITV1

Becky is devastated by Jason’s betrayal and arrives to do her shift in the Rovers, but not before downing a few stiff drinks.

When Jason turns up in the pub to try to apologise, she sees red and launches herself over the bar at him, attacking him like a banshee.

Michelle tells her to go home and sober up but Becky decides to go on a bender, rapidly turning into a one-woman crime wave – stealing a purse, smashing shop windows, trashing police cars, flashing her boobs and vandalising Jason’s van before she is found by Steve, who escorts her to the café for Roy to take care of her.

Leanne is worried that Janice is about to crack and spill the beans about the lottery scam. As Sally grows increasingly concerned about Rosie’s whereabouts, Janice is finding it hard to cope with the guilt.

John insists on discharging himself from the hospital as he tells Fiz he is worried about his gran’s cat and hates the smell of the ward.

Fiz travels home with him but he is surprised when she tells him that she would like him to stay at her house and give their relationship another go. Delighted, he needs little persuading.

Elsewhere, Dan encourages Steve to go out on the town with him and Liam tells Carla the flirting has to stop – she is about the marry Tony.

Janice confesses to the lottery scam
Airs on Wednesday, October 8 2008 at 19:30 BST on ITV1

Roger wants Janice to splash out some of her cash on a luxury weekend away for the two of them but Janice is still not keen on spending the money.

When Sally gets upset hearing the factory girls talking about Rosie running off with the lottery syndicate money, Janice realises she has to own up.

Despite Leanne pleading with her to keep quiet, Janice blurts out the truth to a stunned Sally – she stole the lottery money and opened a bank account in Rosie’s name. The police are called and Janice is arrested and charged with fraud. Roger, meanwhile, can’t believe what she has done and packs his bags – has Janice lost everything?

It's the morning after the night before for Becky. She can’t remember much about what went on but as they day goes on, she starts to get flashbacks and when she finds a strange purse in her handbag, she realises things are worse than she thought.

Meanwhile, Jason is back from Milan with his tail between his legs – Sarah has decided to give it another go with her Italian boyfriend, leaving Jason heartbroken and single once more.

Liam is worried about his best man speech. Tom offers to help, unaware of the real reason as to why Liam is actually struggling with the duty. Later, when Maria suggests a night of baby making, it's clear that Liam’s heart is not in it and Maria is troubled when Liam can’t quite get down to the business at hand.

Liam and Carla fall into each other's arms
Airs on Friday, October 10 2008 at 19:30 BST on ITV1

Maria is not best pleased with Liam who spent the night on the sofa. Audrey warns Maria that she's turning Liam into a baby making machine and she should give him a break.

Meanwhile, Carla is having her wedding dress fitting and when Liam arrives on the pretext of speaking to Tony (who he's just left in the pub). Liam's blown away by her beauty. He makes his excuses and leaves but when Michelle and the dressmaker have left, he returns to the flat and the lovers fall into each other's arms.

Things are not looking good for Becky when the police turn up to arrest her in connection with a series of incidents on Monday night. Just when she thinks it couldn’t get any worse, she discovers the policeman heading up the case is one of her old adversaries DC Hooch.

Anxious to get herself off the hook and wipe the smile of Hooch’s face, she tells him she has an alibi – she's having an affair with a married man, Steve McDonald, and she was with him all night. How will Steve react when she tells him what she has done?

Janice has been released on bail and feels sick at the thought of going into work. The factory girls don’t pull any punches and make it very clear exactly what they think of her. Meanwhile, over at the Websters’, Sally and Kevin are stunned when a postcard from Rosie drops on the doormat.

Elsewhere, Nina isn't best pleased when she finds Dev entertaining Tara at the flat she she leaves him in no doubt about what will happen if he continues to see her.

Liam and Carla fall into each other's arms
Airs on Friday, October 10 2008 at 19:30 BST on ITV1

Maria is not best pleased with Liam who spent the night on the sofa. Audrey warns Maria that she's turning Liam into a baby making machine and she should give him a break.

Meanwhile, Carla is having her wedding dress fitting and when Liam arrives on the pretext of speaking to Tony (who he's just left in the pub). Liam's blown away by her beauty. He makes his excuses and leaves but when Michelle and the dressmaker have left, he returns to the flat and the lovers fall into each other's arms.

Things are not looking good for Becky when the police turn up to arrest her in connection with a series of incidents on Monday night. Just when she thinks it couldn’t get any worse, she discovers the policeman heading up the case is one of her old adversaries DC Hooch.

Anxious to get herself off the hook and wipe the smile of Hooch’s face, she tells him she has an alibi – she's having an affair with a married man, Steve McDonald, and she was with him all night. How will Steve react when she tells him what she has done?

Janice has been released on bail and feels sick at the thought of going into work. The factory girls don’t pull any punches and make it very clear exactly what they think of her. Meanwhile, over at the Websters’, Sally and Kevin are stunned when a postcard from Rosie drops on the doormat.

Elsewhere, Nina isn't best pleased when she finds Dev entertaining Tara at the flat she she leaves him in no doubt about what will happen if he continues to see her.

Becky blackmails Steve
Airs on Friday, October 10 2008 at 20:30 BST on ITV1

Liam and Carla are unable to fight their feelings for each other any longer and head for the bedroom. Meanwhile, back at The Rovers, Tony’s suspicions are aroused when Michelle tells him how stunning Carla looks in her wedding dress and says how that Liam thought so, too. He decides to head straight for the flat to try and catch them at it – is the game up for Liam and Carla?

Steve is stunned as Becky blackmails him, telling him if he doesn’t agree to be her alibi, Michelle will get to know everything about their fling. Faced with no option, he tells DC Hooch that Becky could not have done the things she is accused of as she was with him all night.

Sally is on the phone to the police telling them about the postcard from Rosie. The detectives tell her they will liaise with Holyhead police and circulate Rosie’s details. This isn’t enough for Sally who wants to go there herself and look for her daughter.

Dan has put two and two together after Janice’s arrest and has worked out where Leanne’s money was from, even though Janice has kept Leanne’s name out of her confession. Leanne tries to explain to Dan but he isn’t prepared to listen and tells her that their relationship is over.

Elsewhere, Tina has had enough of Teresa and walks out of her job at the Kebab shop.

02-10-2008, 10:27
flashing her boobs
I'm looking forward to this bit...:thumbsup: :cheer: