View Full Version : Fringe

29-09-2008, 10:32
Coming to Sky one soon and will be on Irish TV on Wednesday.

from the makers of Lost.. anyone thinking of watching this?

06-10-2008, 09:43
Anyone watch this? Started really slow but it was brilliant by the end. I love it.
It will never be as good a lost but good all the same!

06-10-2008, 12:33
Joshua Jackson is HOT

I enjoyed the premiere, very X Files like


11-10-2008, 11:47
JJ Abrams’ new show Fringe is currently wowing viewers with its slick look into the paranormal aspects of science. As the troubled Dr Walter Bishop, a former government researcher locked up for 17 years, Australian actor John Noble stars alongside Joshua Jackson and Anna Torv in the X-Files like drama, which has just begun its run on Sky1 in the UK. We recently chatted with John about his character, making the show and one very special bovine creature.

How would you describe the ambiguous character of Walter Bishop?
"My description, almost clinically, is that he’s a man that suffers from bipolar disease. A lot of the time we see him in incredibly manic mode but he’s a genius and has this incredible knowledge. Then you’ve got the other side of him, which is the depressive side. We haven’t explored that to a huge degree but it’s something I need to consider through the course of the show. Also, the fact that he’s been locked away for 17 years and stuffed full of drugs means that he has real memory problems now. He has flashbacks, which makes him very childlike at times also."

What’s Walter’s relationship with his son Peter, played by Joshua Jackson, like?
"Like many workaholics, Walter is almost an absentee father to some degree - totally focused on his work. Certainly he would have been a good provider, but not the ideal dad in terms of emotional contact. He was imprisoned when his son Peter was going through his most difficult teenage years. Joshua has incredible insight into this from his own life and I do as a father myself. I know how it works. We really enjoy spending hours, he and I, just discussing how they would relate to each other and how they would feel."

Did you have any doubts about signing up to Fringe, given that you’re contracted for six years?
"I didn’t. It was something that my wife and I discussed. We’re at the stage now where our kids are grown up so we’ve treated it like a great adventure and it’s turned out so far to be exactly that. We’re having the time of our lives."

How did you cope with all the scientific jargon in the script?
"The internet is a dictionary, it really is. Every week there’s this list of scientific terms and when necessary there are advisors around. But so much of the stuff is available on the internet now so I have a bit of fun researching it before I do it."

What are the highlights of working on the show?
"The whole cast are fantastic people. Every week something astonishing happens and we’re introduced to these new phenomenon that we need to then bring to life. Believe it or not, we do laugh a lot on set despite the long hours and the gruelling expectations. I have to say, I love it when the cow comes in. That’s happened a few times in fact - she was in a couple of nights ago. That was the end of a very long night and then the cow came in and we all started to laugh and have fun!"

What are your thoughts on the cow?
"She’s beautiful but she’s a huge animal. Somehow or other she seems to have a very natural gift because whenever the cue comes she’ll give the right look at the right time. I did something with her the other night where absolutely right on tune, she turned around an looked at me and went 'moooo!' Everyone just cracked up laughing - it was perfect timing."

Can we expect lots of plot twists over the course of the season?
"Oh, absolutely! Every episode - have no doubt about that!"

Fringe airs Sundays at 9pm on Sky1.

13-10-2008, 16:17
This weeks episode was brilliant... some of the shock tactics as used in Lost.. brilliant!!! Recommend to watch

The doctor is just brilliant, love him!! he is so funny without meaning to be

19-10-2008, 14:28
I keep meaning to watch it, but I forget!

07-12-2008, 21:51
Just got into watching this think it brilliant but what do all those wee pictures mean? Like the leaf and the butterfly???

26-03-2009, 09:04
Hi there Fringe watchers...
is anyonoe else watching the current series a.t.m.?
I'd love to hear your views about this show.
I'm afraid i am totally hooked.:cheer:
I'm not sure if it is allowed to post the link for this - so will wait until I hear, but there is a good info website about Fringe.

26-03-2009, 09:08
fraid I lost totally interest in this.. it was on the same time as my dancing and then they kept moving it around to different times and stations... I will stick with LOST

26-03-2009, 17:09
yeah they stopped it for too long me thinks lost interest myself

26-03-2009, 20:34
Shame - you are missing a pretty decent sci-fi drama series.
It would have been nice to discuss it with other folk, but hey - no worries!*T*:)

27-03-2009, 09:30
Shame - you are missing a pretty decent sci-fi drama series.
It would have been nice to discuss it with other folk, but hey - no worries!*T*:)

I know.. I loved it at the start but as I said my tv station kept changing the times and days and I missed a lot.. might get back into it one day

04-10-2009, 22:16
Season 2 starts on 3e tonight

27-01-2010, 13:33
Season 1 is available on DVD. My mum and I are now watching season 2 online. :p I think its an amazing drama, especially being based on science I find it really interesting. But just when you think you know what's going on you don't. :lol:

I've lent my season 1 to a flatmate and he is hooked now too. :lol:

27-01-2010, 13:47
I have kinda lost interest

06-03-2010, 19:56
Itrs been renewed for a third season

06-04-2010, 17:15
Dirty Sexy Money’s Seth Gabel is joining the cast as the lead Fringe investigator in the alternate universe.
Gabel’s detective will debut in the show’s two-part finale (airing May 13 and May 20) and could return on a recurring basis next season.
Consulting producer Akiva Goldsman revealed that much of the finale would be set “over there.”
“We’re trying to do the last two episodes as a singular event, a little bit more movie-like,” he added. “It’s really one big story. We’re approaching it like a mini-feature. It’ll have a singular narrative drive.”

06-04-2010, 22:45
Itrs been renewed for a third season

I like!

Am loving series 2 at the moment! Episode 16 was really interesting in flashbacks filling in all the blanks. :)

Edit: I noticed in this episode they changed the credits randomly...! :p

Hmm alternate Fringe detective...I'll be interested to see how that will be explained/work haha! :p

10-04-2010, 20:20
Anna Torv and Mark Valley have called it quits after just over a year of marriage.

Torv, 31, and Valley, 45, wed in a secret ceremony in December 2008. The former Fringe co-stars separated a few months ago, according to People.

Torv still stars on the sci-fi drama, which was recently renewed for a third season, but Valley has moved on to headline Fox's new action series Human Target.

13-04-2010, 12:34
Am loving series 2 at the moment! Episode 16 was really interesting in flashbacks filling in all the blanks. :)

This was a great episode.....how did they make him look so much younger!

i prefer Fringe over Lost......

13-04-2010, 12:54
This was a great episode.....how did they make him look so much younger!

i prefer Fringe over Lost......

Shocked! Lost is the best ever.. only 5 more episodes and we find out WHY? or for some people "WTF is that about"

13-04-2010, 13:20
i like Lost as well...........but a bit fed up of waiting for something to happen............

i dont know if i really care why now!!

or it might be that Fringe appeals to my inner geek!!

13-04-2010, 13:28
I watched the first series of this and was liking it but they kept moving the time and day so missed it.. I might just get it on box set and catch up

Chloe O'brien
14-04-2010, 00:12
Shocked! Lost is the best ever.. only 5 more episodes and we find out WHY? or for some people "WTF is that about"

Shiv there's only 8 episodes left of 24 I think we need some kind of offical mouring of our favourite american drama's

14-04-2010, 09:12
Shiv there's only 8 episodes left of 24 I think we need some kind of offical mouring of our favourite american drama's

Ah.. at least you have 8.. I only have 5 left.. then now more Sawyer :cry:

Chloe O'brien
15-04-2010, 01:21
I may as well go and poke my eyes out now with a hot poker, as there will be no hunks to drool over come May. :cry:

10-05-2010, 00:09
Series 2 Episode 21...things just got a whole lot weirder! Epic episode. :D

31-05-2010, 22:02
It's been a pretty intense season for the Fringe gang. What with the revelation that Peter's from an alternate universe and the worrying feeling that the two worlds are about to collide, the upcoming finale should be a belter. We caught up with Lance Reddick, who plays Agent Philip Broyles, to find out more.

What can you tell us about the upcoming season finale?
"We figure out that Peter's disappeared, so we decide to go after him. The first part is pretty much about the decision and the preparation to go after him and the second part is about what ensues and the pursuit and whether or not we get him back. You find out [whether we get him back], however... the season finale is still a huge cliffhanger."

Were you surprised when you read the finale?
"I was shocked. My jaw hit the ground. I was like, 'No, no, no, no!' I was thrilled. I mean, it could take two seasons just to resolve that."

Do we meet an alternate character for you?
"Yes, you see an alternate Broyles. It's interesting. Once again I don't want to say too much. You've already seen at the end of this last episode the alternate Walter. [Broyles] is still the head of Fringe division but he's much more of a footsoldier. I don't want to say too much about the Fringe over there but... it's the same, but it's different. One of the things that Jeff Pinkner (executive producer) said to me on a couple of occasions that even though in the alternate universe the actual state of the world is much worse, the characters actually are not as broken."

What's it like to play a different version of your character?
"It's a lot of fun. I mean, you know actors, we always want to do something else, something different. It's great."

What did you think when you heard you'd be doing a musical episode?
"When I heard that we were doing a musical episode I thought, 'Man, that's bizarre'. And then I found out I was going to have to play and sing! That said, even though I'm ostensibly playing, you can't really see me playing, which I was a little bit disappointed about because I had to learn the stuff! But it was a lot of fun and actually the concept of the story was even more fun than actually having to worry about the music."

Do you think there will be another musical episode in the future?
"I don't know, there might be. I don't know how successful that week was - I mean, Fox was doing all musicals that week. So I don't know."

Glee is another Fox show - do you think there's any chance of a crossover?
"Well it's interesting, because they tried to get the cast of Glee to play some singing cadavers [in the musical episode]. But for some reason it didn't happen."

There's been a bit of a debate recently between mythology episodes and 'monster of the week' episodes, so which do you prefer?
"Personally, I prefer the mythology episodes. I feel like that's really where the series lives. I think it's going to be much more about the mythology [in the third season]. I do think there'll be some monster of the week stuff, but I think it's going to be much more about the mythology."

What else do you think will happen in the third season?
"Beyond that, it's hard for me to say. I can tell you some of the things I'd like to see happen. I'd like to see more of my personal life, particularly in the alternate world. And I'd like to see more of Broyles' relationship with Walter, in both universes but particularly the primary universe, because I think that dynamic's much more interesting. The relationship between Walter and Broyles is much different [in the alternate universe]."

Is it the case that the alternate characters are bad and the primary characters are good, or is it more complex than that?
"It's interesting. That's what I thought before we kind of got over there, but no. It's much more complicated than that. This is one of those areas where I find Fringe interesting and pretty traditionally sci-fi, in that this is where it becomes kind of veiled sociology and politics. Both versions think that the other people are the bad people."

Are the complex characters what attracted you to the show? Even Walter has a bad past.
"Especially once you juxtapose the alternate Walters, then it really gets complex. And that's one of the things I love about the show and playing the characters and the relationship between the characters."

You seem to land roles in a lot of cult hits - Oz, The Wire, Lost, Fringe. Are you just lucky? How do you pick your roles?
"I feel like they picked me, really. Your career's kind of a tricky thing. You go along and once you hit on a particular trajectory and you get recognised within the system... pigeonholed isn't the right word, because I feel like I've had a very wide range of characters that I've been allowed to play. It really started with The Corner. And from that to Oz, to The Wire, Fringe and Lost. But coming from the theatre, I feel like I've been put on that intense dramatic character actor track, and so I guess I appeal to the people who want that in their shows."

The first part of the Fringe season finale airs Tuesday at 10pm on Sky1

01-06-2010, 02:23
I've seen the season finale already and it was AMAZING. Total shocker didn't see that coming! So intrigued what will happen next season and how they will resolve it all. Especially gutted that Olivia and Peter kissed and then Olivia was replaced by the alternate!! Ahhh!

I CANNOT WAIT until next season!! :p :p I just hope they don't take a massive break in the middle because that cannot help the viewing figures..

09-09-2010, 16:31
Fringe has cast Amy Madigan in the pivotal role of Olivia’s mother.

The Oscar-nominated actress — who’s most recently played shrink to those head cases over on Grey’s Anatomy — will appear in roughly four episodes beginning with the season premiere when mother and daughter reunite in the alterna-verse.

The original casting breakdown for Mama D. described her as “lovely and together” and deeply devoted to her daughter.

12-11-2010, 11:57
Ok firstly - can any spoilers/interviews please be put in spoiler tags? Including US pace discussion. :)

S6 E07 = :eek:
Wow, what an episode. Best yet I reckon!

Ahh the pieces are adding up!

AltOlivia you are a sly one! But I think she's going to kill Astrid, given that she didn't tell them about the device. :(

18-11-2010, 10:38
I am watching the fringe episodes. I am a great fan of it. I used to watch it online on some tv shows site.

27-04-2012, 12:56
Fox has renewed the cult drama for a fifth and final season, giving the go-ahead on 13 more episodes. The renewal will bring the sci-fi series to an end after 100 episodes, a critical syndication threshold for the series' studio, Warner Bros. TV.

“Fringe is a remarkably creative series that has set the bar as one of television’s most imaginative dramas,” said Fox entertainment chief Kevin Reilly. “Bringing it back for a final 13 allows us to provide the climactic conclusion that its passionate and loyal fans deserve. The amazing work the producers, writers and the incredibly talented cast and crew have delivered the last four seasons has literally been out of this world. Although the end is bittersweet, it’s going to be a very exciting final chapter.”