View Full Version : Linden and his suspension...

28-09-2008, 11:11
I've got to ask, as I'm not sure if I missed something (maybe it was the one episode that I missed)

Linden was suspended and Maddie was trying to get evidence that the patients death wasn't his fault etc and then everything was pointing to the anaesthetist, but then because of the way Maddie had got the evidence, it couldn't be used - still with me..?

Well, then the Tan's came in, whilst Linden was still on suspension, but now he isn't and I have a feeling, I must have missed an episode (or my sky + did) as I totally missed the conclusion to this.

Was the anaesthetist proved to be the one at fault in the end?? What happened? Can someone please help and put me out of my misery :D

Thanking you

Bad Wolf
28-09-2008, 11:24
pointless reply
but i like linden :wub: :wub: :wub:

28-09-2008, 11:39
pointless reply
but i like linden :wub: :wub: :wub:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

He's pretty lush in a kind of geeky way, but lush all the same....

Bad Wolf
28-09-2008, 13:35
pointless reply
but i like linden :wub: :wub: :wub:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

He's pretty lush in a kind of geeky way, but lush all the same....

he is dark and broody- and do the glasses not remid you of clark kent???? you can imagine him him taking them off and ripping of his shirt.................

ok rach getting a bit carried away now, i'll stop......

28-09-2008, 23:07
:eek: Rach! I'm shocked!! But thinking exactly the same thing :lol:

Putting that aside though, does anyone know how the storyline concluded please and can help me???!!

28-09-2008, 23:20
I don't remember them ever explaining how Linden got off :lol: I've just checked on the website and can't see anything on there either. Maybe Jayne made the hospital launch an investigation and they did their own tests...

Anyway...after a couple of weeks his suspension got revoked.

The aneathatist (sp) was sacked in the end. :D

28-09-2008, 23:27
Hmm, maybe I should email them and ask for clarification....looks like I didn't miss an episode, but still sooo confused lol (not hard at my age :lol: )

Thanks though x

29-09-2008, 17:44
Haha Rach.. I was said to someone (my sis I think) that Linden reminded me of Clark Kent and how I can imagine him coming through the double doors and ripping his top off :p.

Great minds eh ;-)

Bad Wolf
29-09-2008, 18:33
Haha Rach.. I was said to someone (my sis I think) that Linden reminded me of Clark Kent and how I can imagine him coming through the double doors and ripping his top off :p.

Great minds eh ;-)

he so is!!!!!!:cheer:

29-09-2008, 21:23
Clark Kent Linden. Surgeon. Superhero. This is so what he wears underneath his shirts. :rotfl: :rotfl:

29-09-2008, 21:24
:rotfl: that's made my week :rotfl: thanks. did you do that??

Bad Wolf
29-09-2008, 21:32
Clark Kent Linden. Surgeon. Superhero. This is so what he wears underneath his shirts. :rotfl: :rotfl:


29-09-2008, 21:45
:rotfl: that's made my week :rotfl: thanks. did you do that??
Lol no problem :p That was more fun than physics. :lol:

I cut out the head and neck of Linden, painted then smudged it together with the superman, coloured out the background white and then filled it in with the starry background.

Bad Wolf
29-09-2008, 21:49
total geniuis!!!! you are a legend, the superman pic is hysterical, he quite clearly has a secret weapon, clark kent does not

04-01-2009, 17:24
Clark Kent Linden. Surgeon. Superhero. This is so what he wears underneath his shirts. :rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: thats the funniest thing ever! :lol: