View Full Version : Six Feet Under

12-09-2008, 10:53
Did anyone use to watch this when it was on?

I've just brought the complete boxset and started watching it. It's starting off slow, does it pick up the pace and get any better as the show goes on?

30-12-2008, 16:06
I thought the earlier episodes were the best! There are some great storylines ahead. Won't spoil it for you but keep watching! I think it's one of the best tv shows of this century!

30-12-2008, 17:10
i've totally deserted this show! not intentionally, it's just other shows have been cropping up for me to watch! I will get back to it at some point though! it's just so hard to get into!

06-10-2009, 09:58
I know this is a really old thread that i have found but i bought the box set for the first series the other day as it was on sale and i heard it was meant to be good, im finding the same as you when you watched in Bryan, its quite slow starting, it quite good though. A weird idea!

DId you get any further with it or was it a complete desertion.

06-10-2009, 10:02
I know this is a really old thread that i have found but i bought the box set for the first series the other day as it was on sale and i heard it was meant to be good, im finding the same as you when you watched in Bryan, its quite slow starting, it quite good though. A weird idea!

DId you get any further with it or was it a complete desertion.

i've kind of given it a wide birth, as other sparkling shows have taken my attention, but i will go back to it though some day. it's just so slow and morbid (obviously) and boring.

06-10-2009, 16:02
Yeah well i watched a little bit but like you say i have been distracted, Spooks is my favourite at the mnute, im hoping ill finish i though

06-10-2009, 16:47
I watched the first series and throughly enjoyed it. There were a lot of ''IN'' jokes that you would have needed to be in the Funeral Trade to really appreciate.

However after that it for me went downhill and became too deep and weird