View Full Version : Tennant: I'll be movie Doctor

10-09-2008, 06:49
DOCTOR Who heartthrob David Tennant is negotiating to play the role in a movie version as part of his big comeback deal.

TV Biz has already told how BBC bosses are wooing the 37-year-old with a £1.5million contract.

And we can now reveal that the star has agreed to make a full fifth series in 2010 if the big screen role can be tagged on to the deal.

Beeb chiefs are in talks about funding for a movie. At the moment Tennant is only signed up to star in four specials next year, as well as a Christmas episode.

Last night, a show source said: “It looks like the film is going to happen in the next few years.

“For ages, BBC Worldwide held the rights and were planning to make a movie, but it got held up and former BBC1 boss Lorraine Heggessey decided to bring back the TV series in 2005.

“But everyone is keen now and the fans are clamouring. Part of David’s conundrum is that he wants to do films, so this looks like it would solve both issues.”

Both outgoing show boss Russell T. Davies and his successor Steven Moffat have already voiced their support for the film.

Yesterday, Davies told us he would love Catherine Zeta Jones to be the Doctor’s companion on the big screen. And last month Moffat said: “It would be good to see it in the cinema so long as it’s fantastic.”

David, who has wowed critics as Hamlet on stage, has already filmed the Dr Who Christmas episode. Catherine Tate is set to return as Donna Noble in one of the specials.

Two previous big-screen versions of Dr Who have been made, starring Peter Cushing in 1965 and Paul McGann in 1996.

10-09-2008, 07:37
:cheer: Im glad hes doing it.
I just hope if they do a film it isnt rubbish

10-09-2008, 09:48
i dont think they will ever beat the series 4 finale tbh!

10-09-2008, 14:49
double post - sorry!

10-09-2008, 14:51
I just want him to do another series ..... :)
Although a movie would be cool :)

Buuuut CATHERINE TATE :thumbsup: yay

10-09-2008, 15:35
i dont think they will ever beat the series 4 finale tbh!

Very true :D