View Full Version : Detailed Corrie Spoilers 10 - 19 September 2008

09-09-2008, 06:39
Fiz goes with John to his gran's funeral
Airs on Wednesday, September 10 2008 at 19:30 BST on ITV1

John's surprised when Fiz asks if she can accompany him to his gran's funeral. Grateful for her support, it's a tough day for John who admits he couldn't have got through it without her.

As they head back to his grandmother's to check the house, John admits how he regrets ruining their chance of happiness. It's been an emotional day for Fiz and with her guard down, will she let John back into her heart?

Liam's got a lot of making up to do with Maria but he can't get Carla out of his head. Guessing the pair have history, Tom lays his cards on the table and says he fancies his chances with her. Liam's non-committal but when he sees Tom and Carla flirting in the Rovers, Liam's narked as Carla milks the situation.

Abi's gutted to hear the injuries to her eye will mean she's confined to a desk job. As she tells Mel she's considering quitting the force if she can't be a proper copper, Mel can't help but blame herself.

Elsewhere Amber consoles Darryl as Teresa tries to use him to get to the rest of the Mortons.

Fiz agrees to give John another chance
Airs on Friday, September 12 2008 at 19:30 BST on ITV1

Mel is still struggling with her guilt, knowing she's the one who's responsible for Abi's injuries and she can' face going into work. As Jerry wonders if she's got enough nerve for the job, Mel decides to drown her sorrows in the Rovers.

But as the evening goes on, she heads for a taxi, refusing to say where she's going. Teresa and Darryl decide to follow her and are shocked to hear she's heading back to the club where Abi was injured. What's Mel up to?

Fiz is throwing another sickie to be with John. Admitting she'd miss him if he wasn't around,she agrees to give their relationship another try and blow what their friends think. John's delighted but how long will they be able to hide themselves away for?

As Liam and Tom prepare stock, Maria muses about how nicely they're doing without Carla. The boys know better but neither are prepared to let Maria in on their secret.

Elsewhere, Amber gets herself a date with Darryl but Dev's determined to scupper her chances. Dev, meanwhile, is getting fed up of Nina's reckless attitude towards their affair.

Darryl and Amber kissAirs on Friday, September 12 2008 at 20:30 BST on ITV1

Teresa catches up with Mel as she trails Charelle and her friends at the club. Sending the bouncer on a wild goose chase, Mel's about to make her move until Teresa stops her. Guessing she's spoiling for a fight, Teresa talks sense to her stating she risks losing her job and going to prison.

It works and Mel calms down but as she goes to the bar to get them a drink Teresa follows Charelle to the toilets. Is she about to exact her own revenge?

Meanwhile, Amber's gutted when a preoccupied Darryl forgets their date. But as she consoles herself with chocolate, Darryl appears full of apologies. Will they kiss and make up?

Dev's late for a meeting with Prem but Nina doesn't care and is in no hurry to leave the flat.

Eventually Prem arrives at the door and Dev is forced to hide Nina in the bedroom. Is their affair about to be uncovered?

Elsewhere, Fiz arrives back on the street with John in tow. Julie's disappointed to see she's let John talk her round and Fiz realises their relationship is not going to be readily accepted.

And as Liam and Tom have their first secret business meeting with Carla, she's happy to hear him making lame excuses to Maria.

John makes a public display of affection
Airs on Monday, September 15 2008 at 19:30 BST on ITV1

Jerry is less-than-impressed that Teresa has managed to weedle her way back into the house through the kids and when he finds her baking cakes, he immediately thinks the worst and tries to throw her out. Mel is devastated when she arrives home to hear Jerry lambasting Teresa for trying to kill him. Incredulous, Mel goes straight into police officer mode and arrests her mum for attempted murder.

Fiz feels awkward about the fact that she is back with John and asks Julie to keep it a secret from their workmates. Julie agrees but Fiz had not banked on John telling the world about them getting back together and turning up at work armed with a large bouquet of flowers. How will her friends react to the news?

Becky is desperate for her and Jason to get a place of their own but he's not the sharpest tool in Bill's box and doesn't notice that she is dropping heavy hints.

Meanwhile, Dev is worried when he gets a mysterious invitation to Prem's house for dinner. Could it be that Prem has found out about him and Nina?

Harry is already bored with Clarissa and wastes no time in heading over to the Rovers for a quick drink. Hiding in the back yard, he convinces Liz to serve him but she points out that if he is going to make this a regular thing he will need to get a spy to watch out for the missus.

Dev meets Prem and Nina's daughter
Airs on Monday, September 15 2008 at 20:30 BST on ITV1

Dev realises that his worries about the dinner party at Prem's were unfounded when he is introduced to Prem and Nina's daughter - the beautiful Tara. It is clear that Prem is matchmaking and Dev finds himself instantly attracted to her. A jealous Nina is furious at the development and decides to warn Dev off in no uncertain terms.

Mel is dismayed when Jerry arrives at the police station and refuses to press charges. He tells her that he is worried about the effect it will have on the kids but Mel just wants her mum to pay for what she has done. Back at home, however, Teresa is given her marching orders by all her kids and she cuts a sad and lonely figure as she walks away from her family.

Fiz's mates are all worried about her being back with John. Even Maria has a row with her about giving him another chance and he is starting to worry about whether they have a future whilst she is surrounded by her friends and family.

The future is looking brighter for Becky, meanwhile, when Jason, prompted by Bill, suggests they get a place of their own.

Elsewhere, Lloyd finds that he is quids in when Harry pays him to spy on Clarissa and she hires him to spy on Harry!

Fiz hears about John's plans for themAirs on Wednesday, September 17 2008 at 19:30 BST on ITV1

Fiz confides in Julie that she is finding it difficult to get on with John because of other people sticking their oar in. John, meanwhile, tries to convince Maria that he is truly sorry for what he did to Fiz but she is having none of it.

Desperate to keep hold of Fiz, John decides they would be better off living at his gran's house in the country. He confides in Lloyd who lets slip to Fiz. How will she react to this latest development?

Tom tells Liam that they are launching their new range in New York and that they should go over for the fashion show. Maria is having none of it and puts a stop to Liam going anywhere, much to Carla's amusement!

Becky suggests that she and Jason go to view a property they have seen in the Gazette but they are stunned by the state of the place - it looks as though it isn't going to be as easy as they'd hoped to set up a love nest.

Elsewhere, Vernon tries to tell Liz about his song writing plans but she is more interested in inviting Harry to a lock-in at the pub.

John bundles Rosie into his taxiAirs on Friday, September 19 2008 at 19:30 BST on ITV1

John is desperate to try and make it up with Fiz but she is still furious about his plans for them to move away and refuses to speak to him.

Later, when John goes to collect Rosie from town in his cab, he sees her flirting with a lad and is reminded of why things went wrong for him and Fiz. When Rosie refuses to get in his cab, he sees red and takes drastic action - bundling her into the back and locking the doors.

Janice sneaks off from work to check the factory syndicate lottery tickets with Leanne at the bookies and is stunned to discover that they have won over £24,000. Returning to work, she is furious to discover that no one covered for her with Carla and decides to keep news of the windfall to herself.

With Tom away, Liam is at a loose end and when Maria tells him she is going out for the evening with Natasha, he can't resist ringing Carla and asks her to meet him to discuss the business.

Harry is looking forward to his evening with Liz but first he has to get round the fact that he was supposed to be taking Clarissa to a ball. Elsewhere, Vernon is delighted to get a call from a record producer wanting to buy one of his songs.

Rosie fears for her safety
Airs on Friday, September 19 2008 at 20:30 BST on ITV1

A terrified Rosie is still locked in John's car as he drives like a man possessed through the streets of Weatherfield. Convinced that he is about to kill her, she pleads with him to let her go. But John is a man pushed to the limit - he has lost everything he cares about: his job, his girlfriend and his future. He blames Rosie for everything and is determined to teach her a lesson - what exactly does he have in mind?

Leanne wonders why Janice is not celebrating her win with the other girls. Janice tells her she is going to make them wait until they start being nice to her. This gives Leanne an idea - why tell the others at all? As Leanne convinces her of the reasons why the others don't deserve the lottery winnings, Janice starts to warm to the idea of her and Leanne sharing the cash.

As Liam meets Carla at the factory, it becomes increasingly evident to her that he still wants her and she tells him that she will always be there for him if he gets stir crazy. Will Liam fall for her charms once more?

Molly is shocked when Tyrone returns from 'visiting Jack' full of spots. He tells her that he has a seafood allergy but Auntie Pam is not convinced. However, when he produces the cheque for £500 from the medical research company, she's thoroughly impressed.

Liz decides to be nice to Vernon when he tells her about his good luck but it simply lets him think he stands a chance of getting back with her. He's gutted when he goes to the Rovers and finds Liz in a clinch with Harry.

11-09-2008, 12:58
John should drive off a cliff with Rosie