View Full Version : The Children

di marco
02-09-2008, 12:26
did anyone watch this on itv last night? what did people think?

05-09-2008, 16:07
just got round to watching it and it was really good. love the way they show the girls death near the beginning then back track to 6 months before and build up a picture of everyones situation. wonder who has done it though!

di marco
05-09-2008, 22:12
i like it when they do that too, although i always get slightly confused to start with lol! i think it was either her mum or dad who did it, i dunno why, especially as at the end it looked like an accident

di marco
16-09-2008, 20:41
did anyone see it last night? it was the end one. all of the adults by the end had a good reason to being annoyed with her i thought, and although she didnt deserve to die, i cant help thinking that if i was any of those adults id have wanted to give her a slap too, she was quite a horrible little girl! i knew it was gonna be the dads girlfriend as soon as they showed everyone else seeing the girl that afternoon apart from her. although all the way through with the flashbacks it made it look like an accident, i wonder if it was or not seeing as you didnt actually see what happened

16-09-2008, 21:58
i was disappointed with the ending. it was a bit abrupt and didnt explain things properly. yes the girl was a brat and really annoyed me with her whining but then it does show what it can be like for some children during divorces etc. for all the teenage lad was a pain in the backside i did feel sorry for him getting the blame for everything and then emily died and never told the truth! and who on earth would have chosen that girl as your childs babysitter!!?

di marco
17-09-2008, 07:55
i was disappointed with the ending. it was a bit abrupt and didnt explain things properly. yes the girl was a brat and really annoyed me with her whining but then it does show what it can be like for some children during divorces etc. for all the teenage lad was a pain in the backside i did feel sorry for him getting the blame for everything and then emily died and never told the truth! and who on earth would have chosen that girl as your childs babysitter!!?

i know! how old was that girl suppose to be? she cant have been older than 16! i felt sorry for the boy as well. thats why i asked if it was actually an accident or not as we didnt actually see what happened. did the police work out who it was i wonder. i think it would have been quite good to see the reactions of her mum and dad when they found out who killed her