View Full Version : Bill Spoilers 10th and 11th September

24-08-2008, 17:03
Wednesday 10th September

After previously questioning Bobby Henshaw (Ashley George) over the attack on DC Jacob Banks’ (Patrick Robinson) wife, Naomi Woods (Kim Thomson), DI Samantha Nixon (Lisa Maxwell) is stunned to discover Bobby has been brutally attacked. As the investigation begins, PCs Ben Gayle (Micah Balfour) and Tony Stamp (Graham Cole) arrest suspect Gavin Wishart (Kevin Lancelot Everiste) who is brought in for questioning.

Back at the station, the officers are frustrated when Gavin provides them with a solid alibi for the attack. Later, Samantha heads to the hospital with Bobby’s father, Edward (Stephen Casey) and Bobby claims that whoever attacked him had been paid by Alistair Finch (Paul Venables), the man who ran over and killed his younger brother, Michael.

Samantha and Banksy later visit Edward and his wife, Judy (Tracey Wilkinson) at their home to dig deeper into Michael’s life and are surprised to discover threatening emails on his laptop from Alistair. As the case unravels, the officers realise that Judy and Alistair were having an affair and Michael had found out.

Their thoughts are halted when they receive a call to say there is a disturbance at Alistair’s workplace and they find a hysterical Judy trashing the office, while Alistair cowers under his desk. After calming her down, Judy admits to the affair and tells Banksy and Samantha that Alistair was so worried about the impact it would have on his reputation that she believes Michael’s death wasn’t an accident.

Thursday 11th September

DI Samantha Nixon (Lisa Maxwell) and DC Jacob Banks (Patrick Robinson) nervously go over their evidence against Tom Norris (Henry Garrett) who is standing trial for the attempted rape of Paula Merrick (Liza Walker) and the murder of Vikki Miller. Outside the courtroom, just as Paula is about to enter, Norris’ flatmate, Dan Cox (Jay Taylor) storms past her and accuses her of lying.

Terrified, Paula bravely testifies in court but Samantha and Banksy are crushed when her testimony begins to unravel under tough questioning from Banksy’s wife, Naomi Woods (Kim Thomson). After her experience in the courtroom, a shaken Paula goes to the toilet to freshen up, but accidentally meets a fellow witness and Paula gives her advice on what to say when questioned. As a result, the judge declares a mistrial and Norris is bailed.

Samantha, determined to see Norris go to prison, has him followed to his flat where is found fighting with Dan, and Samantha arrests him for assault. Back at the station, Norris claims he had just gone back to the flat to collect some clothes and Dan, still angry from the court’s questioning, threw the first punch.

With the case quickly falling apart, Banksy talks to CSE Eddie Olosunje (Jason Barnett) and decides to focus the investigation on Fallon Thomas (Beatrice Brown), who claims she saw Norris by the car Vikki’s body was discovered. Banksy, Eddie and Fallon head to the scene where Fallon provides new facts that suggests Norris was wearing gloves, meaning the fingerprints they have as evidence are meaningless.

Later, Samantha and Banksy are horrified to learn that another young woman has been raped in the same alleyway that Paula was attacked in and Norris is missing. At the scene, Samantha is convinced he is behind all the attacks, but Banksy realises that something doesn’t quite add up and realises the suspect may not be Norris at all.

NO mention of Kiddiecop:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: