View Full Version : DVD Help :(

samantha nixon
10-08-2008, 15:31
Hiya, I was wondering if anyone knows how to solve this problem, or whether it isnt something that can be solved
If i record onto dvd, and finalise the disc, that will play fine through my dvd player but when i put it on my laptop it will play, but wont go into a programme that i can screencap from (I have tried BS Player, I have tried print screening and pasting into photoshop, paint shop pro and powerpoint but it doesnt paste the picture)
Whereas, if I download the programme that i want, then i can screencap and stuff, but it then goes funny on my dvd player and will play but as the scenes change the images all blur into one another and the colour goes dodgy
So does anyone know why this is? and if it can be solved
Thanks for any help

12-08-2008, 01:52
Bit of a long route, but you could try ripping the disc to the computer, importing into the collections into Windows Movie Maker, then go to the clip you want and press the camera type button on the frame which captures the image. Then you just type in a file name and save.

samantha nixon
12-08-2008, 16:55
Thanks for answering Kim :), I've given up now lol, as I have them on 2 diff disks anyway so one is working so im just gonna bin the other one
Thank you anyway :)