View Full Version : peggy

Bad Wolf
07-08-2008, 18:16
as much as i like babs windsor who plays her, i really am starting to dislike the character like you would not believe,

i know she is supposed to represent the older "ignorant"(WTF!!) generation, but she is becoming one dimentional and unbelivable

- all the stuf with her refusal to accept baby janet for having downs:angry:
- everything that ronnie told her about her dad and she just got engaged to him - what about the sister-hood peg!!:searchme: :banned:

there are all several other instances where she has proven to be biggoted and narrow-minded

maybe its time to take her own advice and get-out-of-her- pub????????

07-08-2008, 18:22
Oooh, Alan's going to love you for stating this thread :D

She doesn't really bother me. She does goes OTT sometimes, like smashing the bottle of champagne when Phil hit Sean.

Bad Wolf
07-08-2008, 18:24
bring it on, she is awful at the mo, i'll probably change my mind again when archie starts messing with her........

07-08-2008, 18:24
- all the stuf with her refusal to accept baby janet for having downs

This is one of the reasons why i stopped watching they took that too far

07-08-2008, 19:33
Oooh, Alan's going to love you for stating this thread :D:nono: :nono: :rotfl:

She doesn't really bother me. She does goes OTT sometimes, like smashing the bottle of champagne when Phil hit Sean.

She is an OTT old has been who couldnt act her way out of a wet paper bag. She is not even one dimensional. How she can be called an acto is beyond me. All she is known for is flashing her boobs in the Carry On films.

Bad Wolf
07-08-2008, 20:06
well said!!!!!!!!

07-08-2008, 21:28
I think this is the one where she was nominiated for an Os COR!!!


07-08-2008, 21:33
:rotfl: Where did she get those knickers from? :eek:

Bad Wolf
07-08-2008, 21:54

07-08-2008, 22:00
She contradicts herself. One minute she won't accept Janet as she has down's (which only succeeded in making the family appear more hostile than they already did,) and then she's really protective of her. Honey did the same, but at least that was all she did. Peggy never could stick to one opinion on Sharon either and rejected her in a way for being infertile. She went on about what Eric did to her so she goes and gets engaged to Archie, after already having been engaged to Harry Slater and getting herself known for being engaged to a rapist.

Yeah get her out of her own pub.. or rather gerrouta our (Mitchell) square!

08-08-2008, 00:35
They should get her put down instead of poor Well Ard


Bad Wolf
08-08-2008, 00:38
good point. well made.

archie has a big mansion why would he want to live in the vic??? they should go there

Chloe O'brien
08-08-2008, 00:42
I couldn't stand Barbara Windsor even before she joined EE. She has to be the worst actress in the country. Heaven knows how she has lasted on the show this long when other actor/actresses have been given the boot.

08-08-2008, 00:47
Her "get out of maa pub!" act is so old and tired now. I remember when it was Frank week, her argument with Pat was so fake and staged, with the token "get out of maa pub" line clearly slotted in with no subtlety at all because it worked before...

It's about time she got her marching orders.

16-08-2008, 22:30
Or a lock in, whereby she gets to stay in her precious pub but is permanently locked in it! :lol:

Spain 2002 was probably the last decent storyline she got.