View Full Version : Private Practice

05-08-2008, 08:55
anyone watching this on living tv? it is like an off shoot from grey's anatony. it is about addison and the private practice she has moved to. there are different medical stories and ongoing stories with the staff too. its really good. it's on tuesdays 10pm.

05-08-2008, 12:49
I watched this when it was first released in america its really good.

Havent watched it since the writter strike didnt think it had started again

05-08-2008, 22:26
living is showing season 1 and they are just a few episodes in. i dont know how much of the series they have got to show.

07-08-2008, 13:05
I'm really enjoying it and surprisingly, hubby remarked that he thought it was pretty good aswell, which is most unusual for him!

"Mr Arm & Hammer is bald" "No, he's just an arm and a hammer!" :rotfl:

08-08-2008, 09:39
my hubby watches it with me too, he really enjoys it!

08-08-2008, 14:12
Generally my hubby hates medical style dramas, like ER, Casualty, Holby etc, whereas I enjoy Holby. But he did enjoy Private Practise as he said, its not like the normal ones, were you have lots of blood, illnesses and death etc, there are heart warming moments too - like with the older couple where he kept falling asleep.