View Full Version : Bill Spoilers 20th & 21st August

03-08-2008, 17:29
Wednesday 20th August 2008

Still undercover, DS Max Carter (Christopher Fox) learns that the ship carrying drugs for Dave Monks (Shaun Williamson) has docked. Max and Dave’s son, Pete (Blake Harrison), have been tasked with driving a ‘special delivery’ out of the ship but after arriving at their destination, Max is frustrated when he discovers that the van is drug free and they have been sent on a dummy run.

Back at the station, DCI Jack Meadows (Simon Rouse) informs his officers that they face a race against time to find the drugs and decides that the best way to get to Dave is through his family.

Jack visits Dave’s daughter, Chloe (Leonie Hill), who is in a safe house with her boyfriend, Asif Perreira (Alton Letto). Stunned to learn the extent of Dave’s violence, she agrees to help and calls her father to tell him she will never see him again. Devastated, Dave storms into his bar and demands to know from PC Beth Green (Louisa Lytton), also working undercover,:lol: :lol: ******Warning kiddiecop alert****** where Chloe is. Sensing that Beth :rotfl: is covering for her, he slaps her hard across the face before Max intervenes.

Max, steadily gaining Dave’s trust, persuades him that the police are onto them and that they need to move the drugs as soon as they can. Together, they head to the docks where they begin to offload the shipment, all the time being discreetly watched by Jack and Intelligence Officer, Karen Lacy (Liz May Brice).

Max and Dave are soon startled by Pete, who pulls out a gun and holds it to Max’s head. Desperate to gain his father’s respect, Pete tells Dave he has worked out Max is undercover and is willing to kill him.

Thursday 21st August 2008

Demolition Girl

Sergeant Stone (Sam Callis) and PC Leon Taylor (Dominic Power) respond to a burglary and are bemused when they meet Bob (Gary Lilburn) and Janey Fields (Ann Penfold) who say that the only stolen item is their prize canine, Bo. Surrounded by pictures of their beloved pet, the officers are determined to bring Bo back to his owners but discover that the thief is much closer to home then they thought.

Elsewhere, PCs Sally Armstrong (Ali Bastian) and Ben Gayle (Micah Balfour) man a demonstration at a demolition site, where two tower blocks are due to be pulled down. Sian McGuire (Matti Houghton), a distressed young woman, claims that she has to get into one of the flats before it’s torn down in order to retrieve a diary that holds details of when she was abused as a child by her uncle, Graham Boyce (John Graham Davies). Sally, desperate to help her, begs Inspector Gina Gold (Roberta Taylor) to give them more time, but the decision is out of her hands. As Sian makes a last ditch attempt to run into the flat, Sally chases after her as the buildings come crumbling down.

Later, distraught that the only evidence she has against Graham has been destroyed, Sian drops the idea of making a case against him, but Sally encourages her to pursue it. As the investigation continues, Graham is brought in for questioning and his answers only serve to fuel Sally’s anger and frustration. At the end of her shift, Sally decides to let off some steam by joining Ben in a club and after knocking back one too many drinks, she leans in and kisses a shocked Ben, who pushes her away.

Humiliated, Sally finds herself outside the club with another party goer, who she begins to kiss. However, when he becomes pushy, Sally’s drunken paranoia sets in and she runs to her car. As she drives away, Sally’s night takes a horrific turn when she smashes head on into another car.

13-08-2008, 18:47
There are three episodes for this week, the extra episode is on Tuesday 19th due to no episode being shown today, Wed 13th (football again :rolleyes:.)