View Full Version : Bill Spoilers 13th and 14th August 2008

28-07-2008, 09:13
Wednesday, August 13
Speeding after a joy rider through the streets of Sun Hill in their patrol car, PCs Millie Brown (Clare Foster) and Nate Roberts (Ben Richards) screech to a halt when the thief turns into a dead end. Frustrated when the suspect escapes, the officers check the car and are horrified to find the body of Vikki Miller (Emily Green) in the boot.

DI Samantha Nixon (Lisa Maxwell) and DC Jacob Banks (Patrick Robinson) join Sergeant Rachel Weston (Claire Goose) at the scene where CSE Eddie Olosunje (Jason Barnett) tells them it’s a possible sex attack. Samantha throws herself into the case and is alarmed when she discovers that previous rape suspect, Tom Norris (Henry Garrett) was seen arguing with Vikki the night before.

Together, Samantha and Banksy question Tom who admits he had been having a no-strings relationship with Vikki and that he had consensual sex with her the night before. Elsewhere, the joy-riding suspect, Falcon Thomas (Beatrice Brown), is caught and questioned by Millie. She admits to stealing the car but swears she had no idea there was a body in the boot and tells the officer that she saw a man fitting Tom’s description lock the car up before she stole it.

With the evidence against Tom mounting, Samantha questions him again and provokes a violent reaction. Finally charging him with the rape and murder of Vikki and the rape of previous victim, Paula Merrick (Liza Walker), Samantha knows they still have an arduous and emotional court case ahead of them in order to see a guilty verdict.

August 14 2008

Working undercover as a dock yard worker, DS Max Carter (Christopher Fox) discreetly watches Pete Monks (Blake Harrison) and Tom Harris (Danny Nussbaum) as they attempt to steal DVD players from one of the containers. Watching from an unmarked car, DCI Jack Meadows (Simon Rouse) decides to arrest Pete and Tom, but just as his team are about to move into action, Intelligence Officer DI Karen Lacy (Liz May Brice) arrives from nowhere to ask Jack not to arrest Pete.

She quickly explains that her team have had the Monks family under surveillance for months and they believe a shipment of cocaine, worth over £2million is about to be brought in - if Pete is arrested now, it will blow the whole operation. Max, listening in, uses his initiative and tips Pete off about the police so that only Tom is arrested.

Back at the station, Tom eventually agrees to help the police carry out their investigation in order to finally arrest Dave Monks (Shaun Williamson), head of a prolific gangster family. Karen explains to Superintendent John Heaton (Daniel Flynn) that her team have been trying to arrest Dave for years, but he has always managed to avoid being directly implicated in dodgy dealings.

Heaton decides it would be beneficial to get onside with Dave’s only daughter, Chloe (Leonie Hill) and her boyfriend Asif Perreira (Alton Letto), who both work in Dave’s bar and tasks PC Beth Green *****KIDDIECOP ALERT*****(Louisa Lytton) with the undercover operation.

Later at the bar, Max has a drink with Dave who has invited him to discuss putting ‘extra work’ his way while Beth *****KIDDIECOP ALERT*****works behind the bar and keeps an eye on the situation. Elsewhere, DS Stuart Turner (Doug Rao) visits Tom at home and finds two masked men, who hit Stuart before running out. Winded, Stuart checks Tom who is badly beaten and unconscious – have they lost their prime witness?

How ridiculous to have this apology for a police officer working undercover in such a serious operation:thumbsdow :mad: :sick: