View Full Version : Boy, 2, dies in baking hot car in France after parents go shopping and forget about h

17-07-2008, 06:53
A boy aged two-and-a-half died from dehydration after being left in a baking hot car after his parents went shopping and forgot about him.

Now the boy's parents, who have not been identified, face charges after the horrific accident.

The pair were said to be in "a state of shock". A local police spokesman added: “When the parents are in a fit state they will be interviewed at length. This was their only son and they are naturally traumatised.

“It appears that the father forgot all about the child when he parked up. The child was left in the vehicle for some three hours. It was exposed to direct sunlight.

“The child was rushed to hospital on being freed, but all attempts to revive him failed.”

Possible charges range from neglect of a minor to manslaughter.

The horrific accident happened in the centre of Pont-de-Chéruy, a market town in the Rhone-Alpes region of south east France.

While the temperature was 25C (77F), it was thought to have reached 45C (113F) inside the vehicle - a Renault which did not have its windows open.

French state prosecutor Franck Rastoul said: “The boy’s father, age 38 and a resident of Pont-de-Chéruy, has indicated that he forgot his son was in the car which was parked in the sun for several hours.”

The child was seen at around 5pm on Tuesday and alerted the police. They smashed windows to free him but could not revive him.

They are in a state of shock and traumatised? Probably nothing compared to what the little boy went through. :angry:

17-07-2008, 08:48
That's awful!
Poor little boy.

I know someone who did the same, luckily she didn't die. Her mum was taking her to McDs but she fell asleep in the car so she parked p and left her in the car whilst she went in to eat. Liv was sat in the back but the sun was shining right on the window and so the heat was magnified by the glass. She burnt all her right shoulder and top of her arm. I just can't believe the stupidity of some people!

17-07-2008, 12:37
I just dont know what to say
That is awful!

17-07-2008, 12:46
Shopping was important than their child

I hope they get a prison senetence :thumbsup:

17-07-2008, 13:54
How do you forget that you've left your two year old in a car? :confused:

17-07-2008, 14:45
That's what I don't get Abigail! Arrr lock them up and throw away the key! Stupid idiots! :angry:

Kirsty :]
17-07-2008, 18:09
Omg. Stupid people! Argh. That winds me up! How can you forget that you've left your 2 year old in the flipping car!!
Surely that's well impossible!

17-07-2008, 18:15
Why didn't they take him with them. :angry:

17-07-2008, 20:35
Must admit I have been somewhat too choked to say anything to this, happens every year to kids and animals :angry:

Chloe O'brien
18-07-2008, 00:32
What *********g ass-holes, why on earth did they not take the child with them or have one of them stay on the car. Has parents not learnt their lesson after Madeline McCann you don't leave children alone unattended.

The should be locked in a car for 3 hours to bake to death.

18-07-2008, 00:38
I do hope those parents are PUNISHED TO THE EXTENT OF THE LAW,, if some one left their kids in a car in the states, you can bet cell phones would be pulled out and 911 is called..parents have been PUNISHED big time for doing such a thing..no child or animal should be left in a car to bake..:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

18-07-2008, 21:57
I just can't understand how you could not only forget you left your child in a car on a very hot day, but why you would leave your child, something so precious, in your car in the first place??? :angry: I mean if they wouldn't leave their wallet in there would they, bet they checked they had that!

I just goes to show that some people really don't deserve to have children.

di marco
19-07-2008, 07:46
thats awful! i dont understand either how they could just forget about their child, surely they knew the child was in the car! i cant believe some people sometimes! i hope they get punished for what theyve done! :angry:

Kirsty :]
01-08-2008, 12:14
When I was camping we pulled up into Tescos to go get food and stuff and in the car next to me shockingly, was 2 little boys that were probably at the oldest 3 or 4... on their own. No parents, nothing. It was a boiling hot day and all I could think about was this story. Do Parents not want responsibility these days or soemthing? It's beyond stupidity! and anyone could easily get into the car and take the children away aswell. Grrr some people make me mad!

01-08-2008, 13:15
My partner and I were going to the grocery store and I stopped dead in my tracks, a baby no more than 18 mos was sitting in the back of a SUV alone,, and I stood there and my partner said COME ON I said No I am watching this child till the parents come back,,sure enuff this very well dressed Dutch woman came back with a trolly loaded down with groceries( the amount told me approximately how long she was in there plus waiting in line at the long check out ) came out and I gave her a withering look she was turning all shades of red,, she quickly THREW her stuff in the back of the SUV,, I stood there until she at least checked on the child,, SHE DIDN'T bother,, and got in and gave me one more look of total embarassment,, and got in and left ( and did not even put the trolly back .. she just left it on the curb/kerb) I hope she thought about this LONG AND HARD on her way home and mentioned it to her partner/husband ,,I know there have been instances here in Holland that has thrown me ... but this one really ticked me off. Problem is some people think OH THATS NOT MY PROBLEM, if people would just get INVOLVED there would be alot less unneccesary deaths of childern of that type...:angry:

01-08-2008, 14:22
My partner and I were going to the grocery store and I stopped dead in my tracks, a baby no more than 18 mos was sitting in the back of a SUV alone,, and I stood there and my partner said COME ON I said No I am watching this child till the parents come back,,sure enuff this very well dressed Dutch woman came back with a trolly loaded down with groceries( the amount told me approximately how long she was in there plus waiting in line at the long check out ) came out and I gave her a withering look she was turning all shades of red,, she quickly THREW her stuff in the back of the SUV,, I stood there until she at least checked on the child,, SHE DIDN'T bother,, and got in and gave me one more look of total embarassment,, and got in and left ( and did not even put the trolly back .. she just left it on the curb/kerb) I hope she thought about this LONG AND HARD on her way home and mentioned it to her partner/husband ,,I know there have been instances here in Holland that has thrown me ... but this one really ticked me off. Problem is some people think OH THATS NOT MY PROBLEM, if people would just get INVOLVED there would be alot less unneccesary deaths of childern of that type...:angry:

One of my neighbours had her car stolen at a petrol station a few years ago. She had filled up the tank, and left her 4 year old strapped in the back seat as she went to pay. She was away for minutes - the car was in her sight all the time. But she left the door unlocked and her keys on the front seat.

The thieves got such a shock finding the wee girl in hte back that they abandoned the car not far away, but that was probably the longest 30 minutes in my neighbours life. Her child was stolen with her car.

Really anything can happen when you leave a child unattended. Ask the McCanns.

01-08-2008, 14:48
Isn't it illegal to leave a child of that age unattended? I can't believe anyone would do something like that; leaving a child of that age for 2 minutes is completely ridiculous, but 3 hours :angry:

You can't just forget you left a child in a car. As has been said above, some people just don't deserve to have children. If they were any kind of parents to that boy then surely they'd have been constantly worrying if he was ok after they'd left him on his own, and rushed to get back to him. They don't even have an excuse - they could have taken the child in a pushchair, or put him in one of those seat things in their trolley if they were shopping for grocieries.

You don't leave a dog sitting in a car with all of the windows closed, so to do it to a child is just unacceptable. :angry: :angry:

They deserve everything that they get for this. Traumatised or not, they should have been interviewed straight away; that way they might have felt a millionth of what the boy felt.

01-08-2008, 22:01
I said No I am watching this child till the parents come back,,... I gave her a withering look....
Good on you Jodi! :thumbsup: :bow: