View Full Version : Classic Holby - Greatest Moments/Memories :cool:

07-07-2008, 19:44
How good did Holby used to be? Not that it still isn't brilliant but...Diane..Maddy Dan, Lou Dan, Tom, Ed, Owen, etc. I do miss the good old days sometimes...occasionally it feels like Holby loses the plot a little *coughLindenFayelovagecough* :p

Anyway...reminisce here...

My memorable moments:
Just whistle...:wub: Has to be one of the best Maddy/Dan moments..
YouTube - Maddy & Dan.

Mud wrestling:
YouTube - Holby City - For Whom The Bell Tolls

Why, would you have worn better shoes? Classic Connie -
YouTube - Why.. Would you have worn better shoes?

Connie shows a complete lack of sympathy towards Diane -
YouTube - Holby City - Diane & Connie

Lou and Dan kissing in the rain...
Jac having the nerve to turn up at Lord B's funeral and putting a white rose on the coffin.
And not advocating violence here but also Joseph slapping Jac. Twice. Well deserved. (at the time.)
The next episode where Jac slapped Joseph twice - 'now we're even' - and then realising Lou and Dan were behind her. :lol:
Connie exposing the fraud Thandie. Connie rocks.
Harvey falling off the roof (now if only Kyla had gone with.....:lol: ) and then Max being taken away, which at the time, was quite sad.
Mark finding out he wasn't Chrissie's father and even worse he was her brother...
Will's death, and Mickie having to turn in her girlfriend...
Zubin and Jess in Paris, and baby Paris dying. :(

I do realise some of that is not that long ago oops :p I did have more but...I realise my list is getting a teensy bit long! I'm remembering too much! :lol: I've just bullet pointed...to get discussions going :D