View Full Version : Dial a doctor: 2,500 Dr Who fans try to ring Time Lord's mobile

07-07-2008, 10:21
Doctor Who finished its latest series on Saturday night watched by a huge audience of nearly 10million.

But it was another set of figures that got some fans really worked up - the Time Lord's phone number.

The digits had been flashed up on screen several times in the previous week's episode as the Doctor's sidekicks Sarah Jane Smith, Martha Jones and the Torchwood team contacted him.

The Doctor's private mobile number appeared on screen during the final episode

More than 2,500 fans - whipped into a frenzy of anticipation after a cliffhanger ending in which it appeared that star David Tennant might be leaving as the Doctor began regenerating - dialled it before the last episode aired on Saturday.

One fan complained: 'They showed that number so many times, as if they were asking for it to be called.'

But their attempts to contact their hero on his personal number - 07700 900461 - came to nothing when they discovered that it would not connect.

Writing on the BBC's website, one disgruntled viewer said: 'Grrr - I phoned the Doctor's phone number but there was just an annoying network message.

'What's the point in showing a phone number if you're not gonna use it?!'

Ofcom, the TV industry watchdog, said the number was simply one reserved for use in television dramas.

A spokesman added: 'It wouldn't have cost anything to call these numbers because they are not real.

'If someone did call it they would hear either a dead dial tone or number unavailable. There are a series of phone numbers we assign to producers for TV series.'

A BBC spokesman said: 'BBC complied with Ofcom who supplied the programme with a safe number that was inactive and reserved specifically for the use of TV programmes.'

Saturday's finale was watched by 9.8million viewers at its peak, taking 47 per cent of the total audience share.

But the show experienced a backlash from some viewers who felt tricked by the Doctor's non-regeneration. Instead, Tennant's character quickly recovered to defeat the Daleks and their creator Davros.

Tennant will return in a Christmas episode this year and four specials next year, but he is not yet confirmed for the next full series in 2010.

Later this year he will play Hamlet for the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Bookmaker William Hill has tipped the three favourites to succeed Tennant to become the 11th Doctor as David Morrissey (who will guest star in this year's Christmas special), Robert Carlyle and James McAvoy.

07-07-2008, 11:29
Oh come on, I mean Im now a huge fan and all and okay if I was to call the number I wouldnt expect anything. People have to realise its all for the purose of story telling in TV

di marco
07-07-2008, 11:42
that is so stupid! these people need to get a life! :rolleyes: i mean phoning the number is bad enough, but then to complain when you didnt get through!

07-07-2008, 12:52
:lol: I can't decide what's worse; that or when the group of teenagers stole that dalek model, took off the weapon and said they were waiting for orders from the Doctor.

07-07-2008, 17:21
I can't believe 2500 people thought it was a real number :rotfl:

Chloe O'brien
07-07-2008, 23:48
The same thing happened in 24 a couple of years back. Jack gave chloe his number during a telephone conversation and all these 24 fanatics tried calling it. (No I wasn't one of them :lol: )

08-07-2008, 18:27
The same thing happened in 24 a couple of years back. Jack gave chloe his number during a telephone conversation and all these 24 fanatics tried calling it. (No I wasn't one of them :lol: )

Are you sure? :p :lol:

08-07-2008, 18:53
Just found out one of my friends tried to ring Dr Who's number...:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

08-07-2008, 21:39
I told my mum about this thread and she asked if I tried calling it :lol:

Chloe O'brien
10-07-2008, 20:25
The same thing happened in 24 a couple of years back. Jack gave chloe his number during a telephone conversation and all these 24 fanatics tried calling it. (No I wasn't one of them :lol: )

Are you sure? :p :lol:
I positive cheeky. Why did you phone Dr Who :rotfl:

10-07-2008, 21:01
I read this, and i must admit as i was reading i was like 'hmm i wonder if it worked' then i rang it - even though i read that it didn't work. I am strange!

There was a number on a phone in eastenders once, and me and my friend rang it for a laugh and some guy answered - i swear :ninja: !

10-07-2008, 21:48
The same thing happened in 24 a couple of years back. Jack gave chloe his number during a telephone conversation and all these 24 fanatics tried calling it. (No I wasn't one of them :lol: )

Are you sure? :p :lol:
I positive cheeky. Why did you phone Dr Who :rotfl:

:eek: No i didnt

Bad Wolf
10-07-2008, 22:09
The same thing happened in 24 a couple of years back. Jack gave chloe his number during a telephone conversation and all these 24 fanatics tried calling it. (No I wasn't one of them :lol: )

Are you sure? :p :lol:
I positive cheeky. Why did you phone Dr Who :rotfl:

:eek: No i didnt

thou doth protest too much........ you soooooooo did:thumbsup: :rotfl:

10-07-2008, 22:32
:eek: Oh my god, thats the thing I didnt.
I didnt even notice the number, I was too busy replaying the moment Rose and The doctor ran to each other :wub:

11-07-2008, 08:10
Sounds like excuses, excuses, excuses :hmm: :rotfl:

di marco
11-07-2008, 08:11
There was a number on a phone in eastenders once, and me and my friend rang it for a laugh and some guy answered - i swear :ninja: !

haha lol! did you hang up quick?

11-07-2008, 17:10
There was a number on a phone in eastenders once, and me and my friend rang it for a laugh and some guy answered - i swear :ninja: !

haha lol! did you hang up quick?

Yes! Rang back like days later and it was the network message!

Imagine if it was David Tennant's actual number (I said Imagine :P) And then he asked you out on a date - and then you got married - what a great story for the kids :D!

Chloe O'brien
11-07-2008, 23:28
Wait until the phone bill comes in Abbie you're gonna be in so much trouble phoning outer-space. :lol:

12-07-2008, 16:35
Wait until the phone bill comes in Abbie you're gonna be in so much trouble phoning outer-space. :lol:

Fine, dont believe me.
Now I know who my real friends are

12-07-2008, 20:11
I believe you! *hugs and gives evil stares to everyone else* :p :cool:

12-07-2008, 22:29
I believe you! *hugs and gives evil stares to everyone else* :p :cool:

Thankyou :) *hugs*

Chloe O'brien
12-07-2008, 22:31
Oooh Kasple you are such a sook :lol: