View Full Version : 'Pregnant Man' Gives Birth In US

04-07-2008, 10:54
Thomas Beatie, who lives as a male after undergoing surgery and hormone treatment, gave birth at a hospital in Oregon on June 29, according to People magazine.

Both he and the baby are said to be "healthy and doing well".

Beatie, 34, kept female reproductive organs when he legally became a man 10years ago.

The baby was conceived through artificial insemination using donor sperm and Beatie's own eggs.

"The only thing different about me is that I can't breast-feed my baby. But a lot of mothers don't," People quoted Beatie as saying.

He has had his breasts surgically removed.

He said that the baby was not delivered by Caesarean section, but no other details about the birth have been confirmed.

Earlier this year, Beatie caused controversy when his pregnancy was revealed and he appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

His wife Nancy, 46, whom he married five years ago, was unable to conceive because she had already had a hysterectomy.

The couple, who operate a T-shirt printing business in Bend, Oregon, are legally married and he is recognised under state law as a man.

04-07-2008, 12:45
Wasn't born by C Section - then how?!?!?!

04-07-2008, 14:15
I was wondering that myself. Unless he is still female down below and get this sorted now he has had the baby? :confused:

04-07-2008, 14:29
Hmm seems very strange doesn't it. You sort of think, if he is legally recognised as a man, does that mean that he has had a full sex change, bar the internal reproductive organs, or hasn't had them touched at all.

Very confusing like you say :confused:

04-07-2008, 15:06
here ya go gang:


04-07-2008, 16:09
I've just read in the paper that she was delivered by c section?!
Ahh well.
Congrats to them but tbh, I feel for the poor child. That's gonna be a hard one to explain when she's older...

04-07-2008, 17:07
i read that baby was a c section too :S

how on earth did it come out?????????????

05-07-2008, 00:23
That sounds very strange about the whole C-section thing, I think its really nice thugh that he has had the baby since his wife couldnt

05-07-2008, 00:47
Well he did still have womens parts down below just not up the top :p So if all was well I wouldn't see why he couldn't have a baby naturally. Since everything is still wired up correctly...he just looks like a man.

Chloe O'brien
05-07-2008, 00:52
That is just so wrong, there poor child is not going to be able to have a normal life. What confuses me was he born with both male and female gender parts as they have been classed as a legal married couple or has he only had half a sex change operation.

05-07-2008, 00:56
He only had half a sex change operation. He was born female but is now recognized male. Which I don't really get because technically he's not fully male.

Chloe O'brien
05-07-2008, 00:58
He only had half a sex change operation. He was born female but is now recognized male. Which I don't really get because technically he's not fully male.

But how are they legally married under American law if he's not a full man. Technically they have a gay marriage.

05-07-2008, 01:00
same-sex marriage is currently recognized on the state level by two states, California and Massachusetts.

05-07-2008, 09:46
This is all very confusing

Chloe O'brien
05-07-2008, 21:41
Why didn't she/he just wait until after the baby was born before she started taken hormonal drugs. Unless she is planning to go for a full sex change she is just going to be a female with a facial hair problem and that is going to be worse for the child than having two mums.

06-07-2008, 15:26
Why didn't she/he just wait until after the baby was born before she started taken hormonal drugs. Unless she is planning to go for a full sex change she is just going to be a female with a facial hair problem and that is going to be worse for the child than having two mums.

Hang on I though she was already a he :confused:

di marco
06-07-2008, 15:35
Why didn't she/he just wait until after the baby was born before she started taken hormonal drugs. Unless she is planning to go for a full sex change she is just going to be a female with a facial hair problem and that is going to be worse for the child than having two mums.

Hang on I though she was already a he :confused:

yeh i thought the sex change happened 10years ago? so had probably already been taking the drugs?

06-07-2008, 15:36
Okay now Im more confused than when I first read it!

06-07-2008, 16:08
If y'all will go to the link I attached on a previous post you will see photos and description of what the person has had done to its body..Offically and legally he is a she,, cos he still has female reproductive organs( she only had her breasts "removed" )..there fore the sex change is not 100%( meaning no (male)wedding tackle or jangly bits whatever u folks call it in the UK :lol: )

Note to Rimmer and Mods: I am trying not to be EXPLICIT/or graphic OK :D

di marco
11-06-2009, 11:22
Thomas Beatie, believed to be the world’s first ‘pregnant man’, has given birth to his second child in America.

The transgender man gave birth to a healthy baby boy, as yet unnamed, who joins Mr Beatie’s one-year-old daughter, Susan Juliette.

Announcing his second pregnancy in an interview with Barbara Walters in the US last November, Mr Beatie said: "I feel good. I had my checkups with my hormone level, as far as the HCG. And everything is right on track."

When Susan was born last June, Mr Beatie told People magazine: “The only thing different about me is that I can’t breastfeed my baby. But a lot of mothers don’t.”

Instead, his wife Nancy breastfed Susan and it is believed she will also breastfeed the couple’s new son, who was born on Tuesday, three days premature. Sources told ABC news in the US that Mr Beatie’s new son was born naturally.

Mr Beatie, 35, was born a girl named Tracy Lagondino but had gender reassignment surgery and is now legally male, wears a beard, and is married to Nancy. Despite changing his gender, Mr Beatie had kept his female organs so he could fall pregnant one day.

After his daughter’s birth last year Mr Beatie told ABC news that he wanted to expand his family, so he did not go back onto his male hormones in order to be able to fall pregnant again. Both babies were conceived via sperm donors.

Mr Beatie went public about his first, unusual, pregnancy by posing semi-naked and holding his heavily pregnant stomach on the cover of the national American gay magazine The Advocate.

The announcement made headlines around the world as it was believed Mr Beatie was the first man to become pregnant. He said the international attention – some positive, but much of it negative – was “shocking” but he does not regret his decision to go public about his family, despite still receiving death threats.

"We are a man, woman and child. It's ironic that we are so different but yet, we're just a family, just the same as anyone else," Mr Beatie said in November.

11-06-2009, 11:56
Genetically, he's still a woman. In mind he's a man but biologically he's female.

I have no problem with people changing sex, each to their own. But I don't agree with the media saying he's the first man to give birth. Until scientists can genetically engineer the female reproductive system and transplant it into men, there never will be a first man to give birth.

11-06-2009, 14:47
But this is a woman. He hasn't had a full sex change so in my mind it's like another woman giving birth

11-06-2009, 15:01
Oh sugar, I got mixed up there.

Yes, strip it down to the bare bones and it's a woman giving birth.

11-06-2009, 15:03
It is a woman giving birth- which is a wonderful event to see and be part of. But this woman hasn't had the full surgery to make her a man just yet hence her having 2 children. So she is still biologically a woman living her life as a man.

Chloe O'brien
12-06-2009, 22:47
How can his wife Nancy breastfeed the new baby she won't have any milk in her breasts, why not just bottle feed the baby like he did with the first. I've nothing against transgenders but he is doing more harm to his children than he would if he stayed a female until he had the children. How do they explain to the children when they're older how babies were born when they see Daddy and are told they came out of his tummy.

13-06-2009, 04:40
Sorry to say but those childen will need a lot of couch time with a counsellor as they will have a lot of confusing times ahead :(

13-06-2009, 12:06
How can his wife Nancy breastfeed the new baby she won't have any milk in her breasts, why not just bottle feed the baby like he did with the first.

Nancy breastfed the first child too. Apparently a woman can lactate even if she isn't pregnant by stimulating the nipple with the sucking action of a baby.

13-06-2009, 17:34
.....really? I didn't even know that!

Chloe O'brien
13-06-2009, 23:23
How can his wife Nancy breastfeed the new baby she won't have any milk in her breasts, why not just bottle feed the baby like he did with the first.

Nancy breastfed the first child too. Apparently a woman can lactate even if she isn't pregnant by stimulating the nipple with the sucking action of a baby.

No me neither I thought a woman had to be pregnant to produce milk.

13-06-2009, 23:29
Thats what I thought pregnancy had to of occurred for milk to be there?

13-06-2009, 23:35
It's called induced lactation.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactation#Lactation_without_pregnancy.2C_Induced_l actation.2C_Relactation


13-06-2009, 23:39
Wow I really don't know anything about my own body!

14-06-2009, 15:16
Oh wow! I never knew that, I just knew the hormones that caused it :lol:

thats biology revision for you

14-06-2009, 19:37
yes the info was interesting I thought we only produced milk when we were pregnant I guess not!