View Full Version : Mike Reid set to return as Frank (Says The Sun)

25-05-2005, 04:35
:cheer: http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2005240131,00.html

25-05-2005, 06:44
Looks like EastEnders is bringing the whole cast of the 90s Back,lol.
I also thought that Frank was really funny,ands it could work out,as long as they have a good story for him!!!!!
What do You Guys think?????

:heart: Melanie :heart:

25-05-2005, 07:14
If they have a good plot planned and the scripts are good it WILL work. Frank's already made ONE comeback which was pretty successful. Let's hope this new one won't tarnish that :)
I reckon it should be good. They've been wanting to sign him up for a while now.
I think his return might have something to do with the possible return of Janine Butcher. I think it would be great if Frank persuaded Pat not to go ahead and lie in court so that Janine would be released.

25-05-2005, 08:31
Yeah, bring back Frank, hes a legend! :cheer:

Remember the spinning bow-tie?! :rotfl:

25-05-2005, 09:12
Just heard in the radio he is coming back.

He's a great actor and cant wait for his return

25-05-2005, 09:27
I cant wait to see if grant and phil doing anything to frank after the way he treated peggy.I wonder if him and pat will get back together

25-05-2005, 09:40
and he killed grants wife remember so hes probably never eally forgiven him for that but just tolerated him as he was married to his mum

25-05-2005, 09:48
Well are peggy and frank divorced now

25-05-2005, 09:53
Not sure! But it would explain why Pat could change her mind about Janine! Frank could pursude her and they could get back together - with the mitchels back it could be quite amusing watching the bitchyness betwenn pat and peggy - repetative but amusing!

25-05-2005, 09:56
frank is ok but his voice annoys me he talks like he has a sore throat

25-05-2005, 10:22
Oh no! Please no! Be a good storyline for Pat though, only with a different outcome this time.

25-05-2005, 11:08
i like frank so i hope this is true!! pat and frank back together again would be great

Carrie Bradshaw
25-05-2005, 11:21
I heard that on the radio too, but they said that Eastenders had said that they have no plans for Mike Reid to return. I think this rumour may have come from Ross Kemp saying that the past character he most wanted to return was Mike Reid.

25-05-2005, 11:23
carrie i like your banner (the dennis one) its a good picture of him

25-05-2005, 11:34
Not sure! But it would explain why Pat could change her mind about Janine! Frank could pursude her and they could get back together - with the mitchels back it could be quite amusing watching the bitchyness betwenn pat and peggy - repetative but amusing!

Sounds like a good plan - Charlie Brookes was interviewed recently and said that she didn't think she would come back as there was nothing there for her character now. She still has her house so it is quite possible that Frank comes back to the square, lives in Janines house and tries to pursuade Pat to retract her statement, hence freeing Janine. I don't think the trial has come up yet, so she would still be on remand. The car lot/taxi place is owned by Sam so I don't see her coming back to that, so the above sounds the most logical

25-05-2005, 11:38
johnny allen owns the taxi firm not sam

25-05-2005, 11:45
She still has her house so it is quite possible that Frank comes back to the square, lives in Janines house and tries to pursuade Pat to retract her statement, hence freeing Janine.

Johnny owns Janine's house now, and leases it to the Moons.

25-05-2005, 11:50
yea Bring back frank imagine peggy and Pat fighting over him again that would be fun

25-05-2005, 12:04
That is well good, frank was a really good actor hopehe is coming back!!

25-05-2005, 12:09
Yes!! Pat and Frank together.... where has he been all this time?

25-05-2005, 12:17
frank is ok but his voice annoys me he talks like he has a sore throat :rotfl: yea his voice is very annoying

25-05-2005, 12:20
Charlie Brooks said she was coming back

di marco
25-05-2005, 12:34
Charlie Brooks said she was coming back

where did she say that?

25-05-2005, 14:05
charlie brooks said she is not coming back

25-05-2005, 16:54
yay :)

25-05-2005, 17:05
:rotfl: yea his voice is very annoying
Agree!! :lol:

25-05-2005, 17:19
he could be good IF they had the right LONG-TERM storyline or a good SHORT storyline for him... but didn't he fake his own death? didn't Peggy go out to Spain and found him still alive but he manged to get her not to say antthing to anyone...

25-05-2005, 21:18
Peggy told Pat that Frank was still alive :D

Anyways it said in the paper that Charlie Brooks had finally agreed because she was going to get some special treatment because of her baby.

25-05-2005, 23:31
Would YOU fight over Frank
or as Peggy calls him FWANK

26-05-2005, 13:07
Nah but that smooth charisma of his might have talked me into bed :o

26-05-2005, 14:28
Is he definitely comin bk? The article in the sun said it wasn't definate because he wants it to be part time because of his heart problems but producers expect him to work the same long hours as everyone else.

26-05-2005, 14:55
He's the one that's asking to come back though, they're not asking him so he might be back. There's a good chance.

26-05-2005, 15:07
Eastenders needs all the help it can get to go back on top and if that means the old cast coming back so be it

Sarah Gregory
26-05-2005, 21:07
I hope not. I never liked Frank.

Sarah Gregory
26-05-2005, 21:09
Oh not jeannie. I never liked her.

26-05-2005, 21:50
dont bring janine with you frank please

26-05-2005, 21:55
Well, if frank is coming back i think it will be good to see what happens between him pat and peggy!!
I love the episode on bonfire night when peggy finds out and slaps them both! Just pure Class! :rotfl:

26-05-2005, 23:11
Of all the EE refugees Janine was by far the greatest I truly hope she comes back she was brilliant

26-05-2005, 23:18
Talking of possible comebacks, I also heard on digital spy that ee bosses are considering bringing back Daniella Westbrook, who originally played Sam Mitchell, as Kim Metcalf who currently plays Sam is leaving towards the end of 2005.

27-05-2005, 07:24
Talking of possible comebacks, I also heard on digital spy that ee bosses are considering bringing back Daniella Westbrook, who originally played Sam Mitchell, as Kim Metcalf who currently plays Sam is leaving towards the end of 2005.
Yes its being discussed in another thread just here (http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=8386)

27-05-2005, 13:20
frank maybe be coming back but remember only part-time.and remember any revenge that grant makes will have to be quick.remember grants is only back for up too 3 months

27-05-2005, 13:22
Ross Kemp could be back for 4 months in the new year.

Carrie Bradshaw
27-05-2005, 15:08
Frank did get a mention recently, when Pat was talking to Tina about Johnny, so you never know - that could be a hint! I remember a bit before the whole Chloe storyline when there were a few rumolurs that it might happen flying about, Sonia mentioned Chloe when she was speaking to Zoe!

27-05-2005, 15:13
Even Michelle collins who played Cindy Beale is in talks with Eastenders Bosses to come back even though she was killed off

Source Sky news intractive Showbiz Section

27-05-2005, 15:23
Even Michelle collins who played Cindy Beale is in talks with Eastenders Bosses to come back even though she was killed off

Source Sky news intractive Showbiz Section

No shes not, it says on the BBC/Eastenders website that she is not coming back!

Lizzie Brookes
27-05-2005, 15:34
Hmm I liked Den more than Frank. Don'yt like Frank much and can't stand the itchells. Wish Shannis would return.

27-05-2005, 15:40
No shes not, it says on the BBC/Eastenders website that she is not coming back!

good would be a really bad idea anyway but i just wish the papers including sky news would stop making up things like that

27-05-2005, 19:44
I really don't want him to come back again.. It will be the same storylines that were aired about 4 year ago. Him and Pat Evans/Butcher..whatever it is she calls herself now, and the digusting storyline of them two getting back together for like the millionth time... Please no!!! The image of him standing at her back door with nothing on except that revolving dickie bow will stay with me forever. Please EE leave him exactly where he is now...wherever that is :banned: