View Full Version : Corrie 07 - 11 July 08

01-07-2008, 07:27
Kevin loses his temper with Tony
Airs on Monday, July 7 2008 at 19:30 BST on ITV

Tony is still determined to buy the garage off Kevin even though Kevin is equally determined not to sell. First, Tony turns the charm on Sally, who had no idea about the offer, and then he gets a surveyor in to value the business, telling an ignorant Tyrone that Kevin has approved the visit. When Kevin returns to find Tony and the surveyor at the garage, he's furious and let’s rip at a non-plussed Tony who remains convinced that everyone has their price.

Eileen’s got a house full of lodgers and asks Becky what her plans are. Everyone is intrigued by her fallout with Roy but Becky won’t talk about it.

Meanwhile, Sean is enjoying being the breadwinner, while Marcus investigates college courses. But with Tony on the warpath, is staying in the pub drinking after lunch hour really a good idea?

Liam is starting to enjoy his life of leisure but as he takes delivery of a new jukebox, Maria warns him not to keep putting off sorting out some work. Later, he meets up with his cousin Tom and they discuss business options.

Elsewhere, Teresa is leading the convalescing Jerry astray with trips to the pub.

Rosie retrieve information for Tony
Airs on Wednesday, July 9 2008 at 19:30 BST on ITV1

Maria is less than impressed with Liam’s attempts to discuss business with Tom and with the fact that every meeting seems to end up in the pub. As he nurses a hangover, she tells him that baby-making is off the agenda until he gets his act together.

Rosie is incredulous that her dad thinks she is having an affair with Tony and she flounces out of number four determined to give Tony the info he needs from the garage. When Kevin leaves for a job, she sneaks into the garage and with seconds to spare, finally finds the client list Tony wanted. Carla is still feeling slightly uneasy about using Rosie in this way, but Tony has no such concerns.

Marcus moves into Eileen’s but Sean is desperate to get his job back and even bakes a cake for Carla. But with Tony on the warpath over the garage purchase, he's not in the mood for forgiveness and Sean’s attempts to apologise fall on deaf ears.

Lloyd is not looking forward to Steve returning and finally tells him over the phone that he has told Michelle that he is going to propose when he gets back. Meanwhile, Lloyd is also uncomfortable about Becky working behind the bar and tells her he thinks she should quit before Steve returns. But with Michelle keen to keep Becky around, it looks as though Steve is going to get a shock when he arrives home.

Elsewhere, Sally is less than impressed with Teresa throwing cigarette buts onto her conservatory roof.

Tony introduces Carla to Jimmy
Airs on Friday, July 11 2008 at 19:30 BST on ITV1

Lloyd is annoyed with Michelle as she seems to have told the world and his wife about Steve’s secret proposal plans. He confides in Becky about how it all got out of hand and when Steve finally does return, Lloyd knows he will have to face the music.

But Michelle gets to Steve before he can tackle Lloyd and an incredulous Steve is also faced with Becky breezing into the Rovers and offering to pull him a pint. How is he going to get himself out of the mess that he has got himself into?

Lloyd, meanwhile, has other problems to deal with as Clarissa is becoming more and more demanding – she even insists on him taking her to the pub which he didn’t think came under his job description as her driver.

Sally tells the factory girls about Tony’s offer on the garage and Kevin’s refusal to sell. She asks Rosie to keep an ear out for any important info – unaware that Rosie has already sold them down the river. Meanwhile, Tony introduces Carla to his mate Jimmy, a mechanic – his latest weapon in the David and Goliath battle between him and Kevin Webster.

Dev, meanwhile, is watching Tony at work with a begrudging admiration so he is less than impressed when Norris talks to him about how ‘the small fish’ like himself and Dev should all swim together to try and out-manoeuvre the Tonys of the world. Is this what Dev’s life has become - being more like Norris than Tony?

Elsewhere, after an emotional visit to the prison, Deirdre feels that Ken is more interested in the past and his school reunion that her and Tracy.

Steve learns of his own 'proposal' plans
Airs on Friday, July 11 2008 at 20:30 BST on ITV1

Steve is like a rabbit caught in the headlights as he tries to get to the bottom of what has been going on while he's been away. Lloyd doesn’t want to face his questions and manages to avoid him for most of the day. Becky is not so lucky, but she insists she is staying put and that he should just forget about what happened like she has.

Meanwhile, Steve bumps into Maria and Liam who seem to know about the ‘proposal’ and when he finally tracks down Lloyd, he is fuming. Lloyd points out that he was under pressure and at least he didn’t let on about Steve and Becky but Steve refuses to take responsibility – he doesn’t want to get married again and he blames Lloyd for the whole thing.

Carla and Tony survey his business empire and he tells her he plans to make ten million quid and retire on his 42nd birthday – despite glitches like Kevin Webster. Carla is impressed and assures him that she wants to be around to celebrate that birthday with him.

Ken is apprehensive about his reunion and once there, he starts to feel worse as he is forced to admit he still lives in the same house he has lived in all his life. He enjoys catching up with his old friends but it just highlights for him how little he has done with his life.

01-07-2008, 12:05
So Rosie betrays her father Kevin for Tony :thumbsdow

I hate Rosie Webster

01-07-2008, 12:15
That girl will never learn, even after her Dad went to jail because of her, she still sells him and the whole family down the river. :angry: I hope that one day soon she is going to get her come uppance.