View Full Version : Thoughts On New Look BBLB

24-06-2008, 18:08
What does everything think of Big Brother's Little Brother this year?

In one word - AWFUL!

The show has really suffered with the loss of Dermot!

George and Zezi are a shambles, total lack of talent, and rubbish presenters!

George's grey streak of hair, stupid bow ties and silly sock/footwear is annoying, as is the way he drags his lines out for empthasis.

Zezi - don't get me started on her. Totally and utterly useless - I'd rather sit and watch Jade Goody 24-7, and that's saying something!

Either sack the presenters or axe the show!

Bad Wolf
24-06-2008, 18:11
george would be all right on his own, the two dont gel at all, and zezi is just rubbish, every word she says just come out as patronising

24-06-2008, 18:13
I havet even bothered with it, without dermot i didnt think it would be the same so i didnt bother, glad i havent! same with bbbm.

tbh i think thye shold just axe these shows.

24-06-2008, 18:16
the quality of bblb has deminshed ever since big mouth took off.

big mouth wouldnt be so bad if they got some good guest presenters in, but half the time it's some wannabe russel brand who the public have never heard of.

both shows new a massize rethink/revamp. I think maybe they should be merged into one, and get a decent presnter behind the project!

24-06-2008, 20:45
what was with the pair wearing stupid Dame Edna glasses tonight? all this gimmick clothing and stuff is doing my head in! If they think fancy fashions are going to hide their poor presenting styles, they are wrong!

24-06-2008, 21:19
Bry, you should quit spending valuable Fresher writing time watching that rubbish!

I want to know what happens next!

24-06-2008, 23:54
I cant watch BBLB this year it's awful full stop!!

it would been better if they changed the format some way