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Bad Wolf
19-06-2008, 13:37
Doctor Who – Journey's End – Ep 13/13
Saturday 5 July
7.00-7.45pm BBC ONE
www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho (http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/)

The Daleks activate their
masterplan as the series
reaches a thrilling conclusion

The entire universe is in danger as the Daleks activate their masterplan, in the concluding episode of Russell T Davies's Bafta Award-winning time-travelling drama. The Doctor is helpless, and even the Tardis faces destruction. The only hope lies with the Doctor's secret army of companions – but as they join forces to battle Davros himself, the prophecy declares that one of them will die.

David Tennant plays the Doctor and Catherine Tate plays his companion, Donna Noble.


19-06-2008, 14:08
Oh gawd!!!!

Its got to be Donna surely, with everything thats been said/going on this series, I don't know if it could end any other way....but then, stranger things have happened....:hmm:

Chloe O'brien
19-06-2008, 14:37
It could be the Dr that dies and they leave us hanging with a cliff-hanger not knowing if he can be saved.

19-06-2008, 22:14
I read loads of spoilers/rumours somewhere.. I'll try and find all the links again. Apparently the Doctor is shot by a Dalek and Rose saves him, and from some pictures on youtube spoiler videos, it looks like Donna is killed when she is hit by a lorry.

19-06-2008, 22:25
I dont think that any of them will die, but i think Donna might do something to lose her memory or something. So she won't be Donna like we know her anymore. I hope she doesn't die!

19-06-2008, 22:39
I really hope she doesn't either, if it had to be any of them I would prefer it to be Martha. Donna's excellent at keeping the Doctor in line. Jackie Tyler and Donna should be an interesting meeting. I suppose memory loss would kind of tie in with what's previously happened to her where she had the.. kids that weren't really there - something was happening to her there that wasn't really happening, so I guess she could seem like she's dying and not really die.

19-06-2008, 23:22
wow I don't know anymore I thought maybe donna would die but after reading peoples thoughts and ideas I'm not too sure

Bad Wolf
19-06-2008, 23:58
donna or rose? not capt jack- he has torchwood and martha is not major enouth

20-06-2008, 00:17
Jack can't die anyway, being immortal since Rose brought him back to life. I read somewhere (may have been on here) that Russell T Davis would never kill off Rose. And since she's only just got back to that universe after being presumed dead in it for two years, killing her off seems a bit strange.

20-06-2008, 16:03
:eek: NO! they couldnt and should Kill of rose :(

20-06-2008, 21:13
I've heard a rumour that...

Martha and Mickey go with Jack and join Torchwood.

Might not be true, but it might narrow it down a bit..

20-06-2008, 22:14
I've heard a rumour that...

Martha and Mickey go with Jack and join Torchwood.

Might not be true, but it might narrow it down a bit..

:cheer: It was makes sense
Since there are 2 spaces free at Torchwood since Tosh and Owen died :( But that means Mickey stays in this universe, what about the rest of them

20-06-2008, 22:20
Maybe they all stay.. I would have thought parrallel Pete would be in the finale since Jackie is but it doesn't look like he is so maybe he and Jackie split up.

20-06-2008, 22:43
I heard he was gonna be in it, maybe theres more to see :hmm:

20-06-2008, 22:50
I was sure I saw the back of his head in a scene pic with Jackie that I'd seen....


I don't want it to end already!!!! :crying:

21-06-2008, 14:00
Read the bit about Doctor Who in the TV Mag and Billie said in the interview thing she couldn't give up Doctor Who and may be prepared to return at a later date.. so it can't be Rose that dies.

21-06-2008, 16:35
Whooo thats good, I still think Donna will die
I dont want it to end too ems :(

21-06-2008, 17:43
Same, I did think Sarah Jane because I read a rumour on a site with Series 4 stuff last night that Donna loses all of her memories, and surely that wouldn't count completely as death? But myself I still think that Donna will die because I don't see why else they'd have had all this build up to show us that Donna is doomed.

Chloe O'brien
21-06-2008, 23:21
Poor Donna after all the stick that Catherine Tate has taken about her role as the Dr assistant. She was a better assistant than we all thought she would be I preferred her to Martha, but when it comes down to it who would we rather loose Donna, Rose or the Dr.

Sorry Donna you've drawn the short straw.

21-06-2008, 23:23
Donna has been great, and she was great in the last episode "Turn Left"

21-06-2008, 23:28
Donna's my favorite sidekick :p I hope she lives :D

Chloe O'brien
21-06-2008, 23:35
I still think it will be the Dr who dies as the series is taking a break for a year so they could end on a cliff-hanger to let David Tennent decide if he wants to return. Rumours in todays newspapers are that Robert Carlyle is being lined up as the new Dr. I like Donna a lot more than I thought I would but Rose is the best out of the three assistants.

21-06-2008, 23:56
Right, so clearly her getting hit by a lorry didn't have anything to do with the actual finale. Quite creepy how Rose has turned into a bit of a prophecy though.. she knew who Donna Noble was without being told by a UNIT person or anyone that Donna had travelled with the Doctor, so I think she'll be right about Donna dying.

22-06-2008, 00:05
Nah the doctor wont die, David is gonna be in 3 speicals next year on their break :p
I think it will be Donna
Its gonna be sooo cool how like eveyone is in it next week :D

Chloe O'brien
22-06-2008, 00:40
The doctor, Donna, Rose and Captain Jack together YEHAAA!!!!

22-06-2008, 01:03
And Sarah Jane and Rose - looking forward to that reunion after they got on well and Sarah told Rose to find her if she needed to, despite their initial fighting. Obviously looking forward to Rose/Doctor reunion 100000000 times more. Also looking forward to how Martha and Donna will react to meeting one of the Doctor's older companions.

Jack and Rose should be a good one too - I wonder what he's going to say to her now that he is aware that she is the one who made him immortal.

Jack and Donna.. now I so want him to start flirting with her so she can trial her "door skills" on an actual person! :lol: Doubt it but I can hope!

And Martha and Mickey should be a good meeting. And I want to know if Rose knows about Martha like she knew about Donna, or finds out next week like NOW lol!

22-06-2008, 01:22
Lol :lol:

I think its just gonna be great though cos its basically all the people the doctor knows that we love form different series ans spin-offs meeting each other :D

22-06-2008, 01:36
Yep, and of course the reunion. I hope they get some alone time.. and Rose better officially be his lover by the end of this!

23-06-2008, 10:08
Yep, and of course the reunion. I hope they get some alone time.. and Rose better officially be his lover by the end of this!

I hope so, or at least admit it!!! :heart:

23-06-2008, 14:52
I'm just a little worried Rose will die. I'm thinking Donna might be the one going to die but rose will do something to take her place. I so hope it doesn't happen! Also cannot wait for the reunion scene!

23-06-2008, 15:33
They've got to give us something after putting us through 2 years with the Doctor missing Rose, then those R*versong episodes. I bought this magazine today because it had a good picture on the front and said that Russell T Davies gives the lowdown on the Doctor's women.. from what I remember of it:

-You should see his face when he sees her again
-He doesn't realise exactly how much he's missed her until he sees her again
-The unfinished Bad Wolf Bay conversation has not been forgotten
- Donna does something in the last episode which outperforms all previous performances (I'm thinking maybe she sacrfices herself and therefore is the one that dies.)
-The phone that Martha left in the TARDIS is significant

23-06-2008, 15:45
:cheer: Ive got that magazine. Very exciting stuff :D

23-06-2008, 15:48
I'm tempted to go and get a different one tomorrow to see if there are any more spoilers.. talk about obsessed. I was reading one in the shop that said they phoned Billie saying they needed her and expected her only to agree to one episode, and she started suggesting three or four.. woo hopefully she'll be in more than these three episodes before long.

23-06-2008, 16:03
So i found a similar link somewhere else and have been looking through photos, cant u just imagine these are their faces when they first see each other!

23-06-2008, 16:10
I reckon that's definitely the Doctor spotting Rose somewhere in the distance.. not so sure about that being Rose first seeing the Doctor though; obviously she knows he's going to be around somewhere as all universes are in danger and she's the one that's crossed universes and not him.. personally I think her first glance at him will be more emotional. I'm thinking that Rose one could be where a load of daleks come out from nowhere or something.

23-06-2008, 21:24
I hope Billie does some more episodes in the future :D

Ooo that pic of the doctor that looks like it could be him looking at Rose :cheer:

Chloe O'brien
03-07-2008, 23:56
What can we say about the finale of one of the best-ever series of Doctor Who? As it happens, not much, as preview DVDs weren't available. So, for all we know, the Doctor marries Davros and they live happily ever after in a little cottage with a pink door. Mmm, well perhaps not. What we do know is that the universe is in danger from the Daleks. Last week we saw this implacable foe take over the Earth after they'd captured a string of planets. But the Doctor was powerless to help, which meant the future of civilisation depended on former companions and old friends - Torchwood, Sarah Jane, Martha and Rose. Tonight, in a 65-minute special, the Doctor remains helpless and even the Tardis faces destruction. Time is running out and, as this small secret army musters to battle the wicked Davros himself, the prophecy declares that someone will die. Prepare to be gripped

04-07-2008, 01:37
wait a min wait a min back up,,, are u saying there is ONE MORE EPISODE this COMING SATURDAY ?? THE 5TH ?? 65 minutes worth of Dr Who ??:searchme:

04-07-2008, 09:23
mmmmm, 65 mins of DW :D

Me likey

Bad Wolf
04-07-2008, 09:31
mmmmm, 65 mins of DW :D

Me likey

totally agree hopefully 65 minutes of david tennant:wub:

04-07-2008, 23:48
OMG :D :D Thank god its longer cos I was worried we woudnt get enough of Rose, I mean of course we will see a lot of her but with so much going on I was worried and wanted more of her :p OMG :cheer: Im soooooo excited now, bring it on :D :D Its gonna be awesome :D

Chloe O'brien
05-07-2008, 01:17
wait a min wait a min back up,,, are u saying there is ONE MORE EPISODE this COMING SATURDAY ?? THE 5TH ?? 65 minutes worth of Dr Who ??:searchme:

Yeah Jodi this is the last episode until the Christmas special. :crying:

05-07-2008, 09:42
I cant believe its tonight, its gonna be amazing, but so sad at the same time, Series 4 is gonna be over :( Its not fair, I still want to be able to see more of Rose :(