View Full Version : Anyone Scared of Flying?

09-06-2008, 13:35
I saw this was mostly about Holidays, but i think the flying part are very much of the holiday.
Me and my family often goes to Nice every year, but you know i am so nervous, i am probaly nervous for about one month before i actually go on the plane, so we are not going to have any holiday this year, because of me.
Has anyone the same problem as me, do you know what we Scared of Flying could do?.....

09-06-2008, 14:54
I'm not scared of flying but I have become very nervous of going to America next week. I haven't flown for a couple of years and keep dreaming that the plane crashes and bursts into flames. I don't think I'm worried about flying as such, just of flying to America. Plane hijacking and all that.

I know that there are much tougher security controls than before 9/11 (I also know it's a pain for packing hand luggage) but I tend to worry a lot.

I think British Airways and Virgin (http://flyingwithoutfear.info/index.htm) offer 'flying without fear' courses. Maybe there's an airline in Sweden that do something similar.

09-06-2008, 15:06
I am not keen of flying but fly to Spain 3 to 4 times a year. I sit on the aisle seat rather than the window seat and don't look out of the window and try to concentrate on anything else but that I am 30000 ft above the ground. It has got a little easier over the last few years, the thought of flying long distance like to the States or so makes me feel nervous too. I am off to Mauritius next year for a wedding, wish they would get hitched in Manchester instead :lol: A friend of mine learned self hypnosis which got her to fly to Malta and Germany and even Australia. The flying courses do suit some people, worth investigating. All the best.

09-06-2008, 15:09
I like flying. I'd happily fly to Australia on my own, but the thought of flying to America, even with family, worries me.

di marco
09-06-2008, 17:48
im not scared of flying, its the safest mode of transport. its more likely youll be in a car accident than something happening on a plane! i love flying, its half the fun of going on hols lol!

my mums friend tried the hypnosis thing and she found it really worked

09-06-2008, 19:41
I suppose one is not scared of flying but coming down without the pilot's assistance :lol:

09-06-2008, 21:15
Im not scared of flying, sometimes, I get nervous, but Im okay. I do get scared of my ears popping :p

09-06-2008, 21:33
I've never flown. I don't think I'm scared of flying though :hmm:.

di marco
10-06-2008, 01:47
I do get scared of my ears popping :p

i hate it when that happens, sucking mints or something like that tends to help it a bit

10-06-2008, 06:06
Or pressing on your nostrils and trying to exhale through your nose, certainly does the trick for me. :D

10-06-2008, 11:01
I always get very bad ear ache afterwards too

11-06-2008, 22:38
I actually wasn't scared of flying but thinking about it before hand (before the actual day) I get very nervous.
Mum said I could stay in Canada longer but I would have to come back alone, as Dad has work (and only us 2 are going), and I refused because I am worried something might happen and well yeah :(
Stupid I know but that's how I feel..

11-06-2008, 22:41
I actually wasn't scared of flying but thinking about it before hand (before the actual day) I get very nervous.
Mum said I could stay in Canada longer but I would have to come back alone, as Dad has work (and only us 2 are going), and I refused because I am worried something might happen and well yeah :(
Stupid I know but that's how I feel..
I'm sure you'd be fine if you fly on your own, I flew to Australia and they looked after me fine :D

11-06-2008, 23:04
I woke up this morning to hear that a plane has crashed in Sudan and killed 29 people. That did a whole lot of good for my worry about the plane crashing :lol:

I'll be ok I think :)

12-06-2008, 06:30
I woke up this morning to hear that a plane has crashed in Sudan and killed 29 people. That did a whole lot of good for my worry about the plane crashing :lol:

I'll be ok I think :)

You will be fine, I am sure :thumbsup:

di marco
12-06-2008, 12:50
I actually wasn't scared of flying but thinking about it before hand (before the actual day) I get very nervous.
Mum said I could stay in Canada longer but I would have to come back alone, as Dad has work (and only us 2 are going), and I refused because I am worried something might happen and well yeah :(
Stupid I know but that's how I feel..
I'm sure you'd be fine if you fly on your own, I flew to Australia and they looked after me fine :D

yeh i think youd be fine travelling by yourself, i think you get someone to look after you if youre under 16 so its not like youll be totally alone

di marco
12-06-2008, 12:51
I woke up this morning to hear that a plane has crashed in Sudan and killed 29 people. That did a whole lot of good for my worry about the plane crashing :lol:

I'll be ok I think :)

youll be fine :) plane crashes are really rare, its more likely youll have a car crash. the thing with plane crashes is that you always hear about them cos quite a lot of people die each time there is one compared to a car crash

12-06-2008, 17:16
I actually wasn't scared of flying but thinking about it before hand (before the actual day) I get very nervous.
Mum said I could stay in Canada longer but I would have to come back alone, as Dad has work (and only us 2 are going), and I refused because I am worried something might happen and well yeah :(
Stupid I know but that's how I feel..
I'm sure you'd be fine if you fly on your own, I flew to Australia and they looked after me fine :D

yeh i think youd be fine travelling by yourself, i think you get someone to look after you if youre under 16 so its not like youll be totally alone

When I went we had to pay about £20 each way for a person to escort me. It's great though you get to skip all the boring queues :D :p

16-06-2008, 19:26
I am 16 though.. :( When I do travel alone when I am 18/19 or something I would still like someone to escort me :lol:

di marco
16-06-2008, 20:29
I am 16 though.. :( When I do travel alone when I am 18/19 or something I would still like someone to escort me :lol:

oh yeh, sorry forgot you were 16 now, probably cant get anyone to travel with you then. although i do know what you mean, although for me i think it would be a case of boredom going by myself rather than being scared

23-06-2008, 15:59
I haven't flown.. I'd have preferred to have flown before 9/11 though as now I think I'd just be terrible. I'm scared of heights so that can't help. I might have to fly before too long so I'm just going to have to stay away from the window, think of the holiday and wipe what happened on Doctor Who out of my head :lol:

28-12-2008, 02:25
Even the P word makes me panic lol, I can't sand being in a tin can miles above the earth and there so clostrophobic!

30-12-2008, 09:25
I quite like it :o haha

30-12-2008, 09:30
I love flying! I flew to New York the year after 9/11 and have been back twice since then aswell.

The only reason I haven't flown more recently is with taking all the kids on holiday with us, and because of the business, we haven't been able to take a proper holiday, so have had weekends away instead which has been far better.

Kirsty :]
30-12-2008, 10:31
I've never flown before either, and have never wanted too.
I think I'm going to have to get over that though.. or I'll never really go anywhere will I? and plus me and my friends are hoping to go on a girls holiday in the summer, so I'd best buck up my ideas lol

30-12-2008, 14:39
Flying before 9/11 was funner. :p I remember being allowed into the cockpit once with my sister to see the sunrise once. That was cool. :D

30-12-2008, 15:26
Flying before 9/11 was funner. :p I remember being allowed into the cockpit once with my sister to see the sunrise once. That was cool. :D

wow! that does sound cool!

di marco
04-01-2009, 07:47
Flying before 9/11 was funner. :p I remember being allowed into the cockpit once with my sister to see the sunrise once. That was cool. :D

wow that sounds cool! :) me and my sis were allowed to have a quick look in the cockpit once but we werent actually allowed to go in there