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05-06-2008, 22:49
Please use this thread to discuss Big Brother 9. Major stories can have their own thread e.g. somebody walking out.

Please note - this is not a live updates thread.


05-06-2008, 23:36
i think the contestants this year are so much more interesting than last years. a bit more of a variety in there i think!

can't wait to see what happens, wonder if they will do an eviction quite quickly?? tomorrow?!?!?!

i guess the couple pretending to be together will have to sleep in the same bed then, and the wedding thing....brilliant!!

i love kathreya, she is brilliant, and i like the geeky bloke (sorry, bad with names i am!!) - is he the next john tickle???

05-06-2008, 23:50
It's going to be so hard for the real couple! I wonder how long Mario and Stephanie will have to keep the pretence up for. The wedding will be hilarious - especially as they are going to think it is real!

I agree, I love the variety, and there are some sane people in it this year! My favorites so far are the suit-wearing student, he just makes me laugh and reminds me of my sister's friend so much! :p And also the thai women..I forget her name lol.

Someone is going to have to update me tomorrow on what happens I'm not in! :crying: :p

06-06-2008, 10:03
a lot to take in for opening night, some real personalities, i think we have a very volatile bunch in there.

a lot of the women seem the same, in looks and personality, so that's a bit boring.

ok have a blind man maybe, but an albino aswell? it's becoming a bit OTT now isn't it?

06-06-2008, 10:05
a lot to take in for opening night, some real personalities, i think we have a very volatile bunch in there.

a lot of the women seem the same, in looks and personality, so that's a bit boring.

ok have a blind man maybe, but an albino aswell? it's becoming a bit OTT now isn't it?

It is bound to become a little OTT as we have had most "so-called normal" personalities in the house by now. I just shudder to think where it will end. :eek:

06-06-2008, 10:21
a lot of the women seem the same, in looks and personality, so that's a bit boring.

yeah i was thinking that, they all just look a bit dolly-bird chatter boxes who want to pose in Nuts when this is over. but saying that, I'm glad they have what appears to be some relatively normal people in this year rather than filling the place with freaks.

06-06-2008, 10:32
a lot of the women seem the same, in looks and personality, so that's a bit boring.

yeah i was thinking that, they all just look a bit dolly-bird chatter boxes who want to pose in Nuts when this is over. but saying that, I'm glad they have what appears to be some relatively normal people in this year rather than filling the place with freaks.

i agree, that said, there seems to be a real mix of people, and not everyone is there for just fame, even these women aren't your typical chanelle/charley who want fame, well Steph maybe, the rest seem to have a bit of substance to them.

exciting times ahead

ALSO - this one who has a baby, how can she swan off for 13 weeks and just leave the baby with someone else? hardly a responsible mother if you ask me!

and I've seen on the big brother site that over half the housemates are in relationships, where's the fun in that? no big brother romances this summer!

Chloe O'brien
06-06-2008, 11:18
Steph and Mario will never keep up the prentence of being a couple. you could tell last night that Steph was not a happy bunny and once they fake the wedding they will have a fit.

Most of the contestants appear interesting apart from Steph and Alexander a hint of Channelle and Charley in there I think. I'm going to stick my neck on the line by predicting Mickey the blind guy or Kat the Thai cookie girl will be the winner of BB9.

06-06-2008, 11:28
I thought it was a great launch night. Rachel and Kathreya (the cookie girl) are my favourite housemates so far...and Rachel is from Wales, so go Rachel. :cheer: Loved Kat's entrance "I have cookie but I have to eat them slow" :rotfl:

Rebecca seemed very annoying but I did find her funny the way she came in and couldn't stop screaming. :D

I think the secret mission is fantastic - Steph did not look happy at all. I wonder if her and Mario slept in one of the double beds though? Surely they would have too to make their 'relationship' convincing? :D Leaving Lisa out in the cold - I can't wait to see how it unfolds. I think Lisa's jealousy could get the better of her.

06-06-2008, 13:48
and I've seen on the big brother site that over half the housemates are in relationships, where's the fun in that? no big brother romances this summer!

oh come on, like that's stopped anyone in the past!:lol:

Kirsty :]
06-06-2008, 14:45
ALSO - this one who has a baby, how can she swan off for 13 weeks and just leave the baby with someone else? hardly a responsible mother if you ask me!

Exactly what I thought! In her video thing she was saing how she has responsibilities and never gets to ahve any fun... Its beyond me how she can't go out for a night but can go on BB for however long it lasts for.. it confuses me a bit :hmm:

This "relationship" between Mario and Steph is classic. However, do you think when they get told they ahve to marry that they will come clean? After all they'll be made to think the wedding is real?

And am I the only one who likes the Thai lady Cat... but thinks she is going to get super annoying?? Very cool bunch of housemates this year on the whole though :D

06-06-2008, 15:15
Not all of them are as crazy as I expected them to be which i'm glad about, good to have some normal housemates in there just like it used to be in the beginning.

Im not sure of all their names at the minute but I like a few.

Chloe O'brien
06-06-2008, 15:24
I don't know if anyone watch the launch night party with Justin Lee-Collins and Alan Carr last night, but it had some ex housemates. Ziggy and Nikki were saying that they were taken out of the country for 2 or 3 weeks before BB started. Ziggy stayed in a remote part of Belgium. If that is the norm for contestants how can those housemates with young kids do that.

06-06-2008, 15:38
A quick reminder of all the housemates -

Jennifer Clark, 22, from Durham

Kathreya Kasisopa, 30, from Kent

Lisa Appleton, 40, from Warrington

Luke Marsden, 20, from Wigan

Mario Marconi, 42

Mikey Hughes, 33, from Ayrshire

Mohammed Mohammed, 23, from London

Rachel Rice, 24, from Torfaen, Wales

06-06-2008, 15:39
Rebecca Shiner, 21, from Coventry

Stephanie McMichael, 19, from Liverpool

Sylvia Barrie, 21, from south London

Alexandra De-Gayle, 23, from south London

Dale Howard, 21, from Liverpool

Rex Newmark, 23, from London

Darnell Swallow, 26, from Ipswich

Dennis McHugh, 23, from Edinburgh

06-06-2008, 16:20
I don't know if anyone watch the launch night party with Justin Lee-Collins and Alan Carr last night, but it had some ex housemates. Ziggy and Nikki were saying that they were taken out of the country for 2 or 3 weeks before BB started. Ziggy stayed in a remote part of Belgium. If that is the norm for contestants how can those housemates with young kids do that.

I know, I cant believe the lengths they go to. It must be hard for those who are parents, but they have chosen to do it

06-06-2008, 18:05
I love Dennis already! hehe. He's fab!
And Rachel! I soo love the Welsh accent!

Kirsty :]
06-06-2008, 21:11
It turns out that Rachel is from my area lol. Quite alot of people I know, know her so thgats pretty cool.. I think she's something to do with our local theatre. I shall have to ask my friends lol :)

Chloe O'brien
06-06-2008, 22:24
Dennis is from Edinburgh :cheer:

06-06-2008, 23:05
Anything interesting happen tonight? :p

07-06-2008, 13:36
i feel quite sorry for Steph having to do this task and pretending to be Mario's girlfriend; like she said last night he's more than twice her age! and she was quite uncomfortable about the idea of sleeping in a double bed with a bloke she's just met, which i think is understandable, especially when you have to do it on national TV!

07-06-2008, 16:06
Does anyone know if last nights will be repeated at all?

07-06-2008, 16:29
Does anyone know if last nights will be repeated at all?

E4 - 6:55pm tonight :thumbsup:

07-06-2008, 16:35
Cheers bry! gotta keep up :cool: ha

07-06-2008, 16:38
Enjoyed last night's show, think there's some good times ahead this year, have a much better feeling about it than BB9.

Kat was so funny when she got lost and couldn't find the other bedroom! Just been seeing her on live feed, was funny becuase Lisa was being very energetic and running around the garden, and then Kat was just walking slowly, marching around - bless her, so funny.

The twist is brilliant, and with Mario proposing to Steph, and the wedding, it's all gonna be exciting stuff. The looks Lisa has been giving Steph - brilliant! :D

07-06-2008, 16:53
i feel quite sorry for Steph having to do this task and pretending to be Mario's girlfriend; like she said last night he's more than twice her age! and she was quite uncomfortable about the idea of sleeping in a double bed with a bloke she's just met, which i think is understandable, especially when you have to do it on national TV!

I know, I feel sorry for her too, and I think she seems like one of those nice people as well, not one of these pretty stuck up people, she pretty but seems nice

07-06-2008, 17:05
Big Brother's wedding task will take a further twist tomorrow night when Mario and Lisa are asked if they want to marry for real, according to a report.

Show chiefs have told the couple that they must pretend they are not together if they want to win immunity from the first eviction. Instead, Mario is pretending that his girlfriend is fellow housemate Stephanie, who he proposed to as part of the challenge yesterday.

Once the truth is revealed tomorrow, Mario and Lisa will be given the opportunity to tie the knot in front of their fellow housemates, according to the Daily Star. The Big Brother house has been licensed for marriages and the minister recruited for tomorrow's fake wedding is able to conduct ceremonies for real.

"Having put Mario and Lisa through an emotional wringer, we're keen to reward them with a happy ending," an insider told the newspaper. "An on-air marriage would be a real coup for the show. We've got our fingers crossed we can pull this off."

07-06-2008, 17:18
I think this task is putting BB to a great start and I think its nice if they do marry

07-06-2008, 18:12
lol, this is maddness! will BB give them a honeymoon suite too?!

07-06-2008, 18:38
lol, this is maddness! will BB give them a honeymoon suite too?!

Well they have done for wedding tasks before, so they must do with a real thing. DO you think they will though?

Kirsty :]
07-06-2008, 21:49
At first I thoguht Steph was being quiote spoilt stamping her feet because she's not the only person who has to go along with a lie... but now thinking about it, I feel so sorry for her. She's only 19 and the way Mario has been with her (like the comments in the diary room about being in love with her... and he's 42) I can completely see her point.

As for Mario and Lisa... I think they'll contemplate getting married but I don't think they will... Lisa seems the type to want a big white wedding with all the family and then jet off to somewhere boiling. However, she does seem so loved up... I don't think they will go through with it though.

I'm starting to not like Dennis now :(
He seemed really mean in the diary room... I didn't liek the other 3 in there anyways but Dennis has gone down in my estimations! :(

How is everyone else warming to the housemates now and who are turning into your favourites?

07-06-2008, 21:55
Yeah I know, Im not too sure about Dennis anymore, he seemed WAY too over the top!!!
And I feel so sorry for Steph, yeah it can look like a strop, but she must feel so stressed in case they think she is fake and like people are looking at her all the time. And I mean the marriage thing is very scary

Kirsty :]
07-06-2008, 22:06
Yeahh I agree.
I felt so sorry for her when she cried.. I think being told you were getting married to a 42 year old you barely knew in the BB house in 2 days at the age of 19 would have a bad effect on anyone. I just have this bad feeling the rest of the housemates aren't going to take it well when they find out the truth :hmm:

07-06-2008, 22:30
;579023']Yeahh I agree.
I felt so sorry for her when she cried.. I think being told you were getting married to a 42 year old you barely knew in the BB house in 2 days at the age of 19 would have a bad effect on anyone. I just have this bad feeling the rest of the housemates aren't going to take it well when they find out the truth :hmm:

Awww I know, I do feel bad for her.
I dont think they will take it well either. I think at the start they will be like aww well done, when the find the real couple, but then when the find out they are all up for evition they wont

Kirsty :]
07-06-2008, 22:37
It's quite weird how some of the housemates figured it out straight away... not just by the way the "couple" were/weren't interacting... but by the picture and sussing it was new and the formal agreements... I think BB needs to think through their tasks carefully otherwise they'll all be on the case lol

07-06-2008, 22:38
Lol But to be honest with anything huge like this the housemates are always thinking that they might be getting tricked or in a task

Kirsty :]
07-06-2008, 22:41
Yeahhh that's very true.

Oohh well BB is already at higher standards than I expected so I'm looking forward to the next 13 weeks or so!! :D

07-06-2008, 22:42
Yeah I know :D
And I can say, Bless Kat when she was crying and omg she doesnt half talk loud

Kirsty :]
07-06-2008, 22:44
Hahaha yeah!!
I felt really (I don't know the word) awwwish when she was saying how she wants to speak better english and she kept saying Hilarious and spelling it and that.

I think she speaks better english than some British people I know :lol:
I think alot is going to be learnt this year both in the house and by the viewers if you get what I mean?

07-06-2008, 22:45
No I dont know what you mean? :confused:

Kirsty :]
07-06-2008, 22:51
Lol I didn't think anyone would understand my weird ways of putting things lol.

What I mean is like in the house with Mikey and Darnell and Kat.. I think in and out of the house people will learn about blind and albinos and people from foreign countries and realise that they're normal people really and I think people will elarn to not treat them as outcasts and will start treating them properly... as humans should be treated

Understand now?

Chloe O'brien
07-06-2008, 22:55
Steph was unlucky being on of the housemates to enter the house early,but BB has been on the TVfor 9 years now so those applying for the show know that anything could happen so they have to be prepared for anything.

07-06-2008, 22:56
;579038']Lol I didn't think anyone would understand my weird ways of putting things lol.

What I mean is like in the house with Mikey and Darnell and Kat.. I think in and out of the house people will learn about blind and albinos and people from foreign countries and realise that they're normal people really and I think people will elarn to not treat them as outcasts and will start treating them properly... as humans should be treated

Understand now?

Yeah I understand now :)

Chloe O'brien
07-06-2008, 23:03
Mickey, Kat and Darnelle will go far in the competition as they are in it to prove that they deserve to be treated like everyone else. What you see with Mickey and Kat is what you get. They are not there for fame or fortune that the cover of heat magazine offers.

07-06-2008, 23:05
Steph was unlucky being on of the housemates to enter the house early,but BB has been on the TVfor 9 years now so those applying for the show know that anything could happen so they have to be prepared for anything.

Very true, but I dont think you can ever prepare for it and I mean the marriage thing, you never though BB would do that

Chloe O'brien
08-06-2008, 02:05
It will be a shame if they loose the task, which I think they have because depite Steph's bimbo approach she has not done anyting wrong. and if the first four were up for eviction she would be favourite. I rather it was Alexander or Dennis who went first we need to ger rid of the wannabees and fame grabbers early one.

08-06-2008, 10:34
It will be a shame if they loose the task, which I think they have because depite Steph's bimbo approach she has not done anyting wrong. and if the first four were up for eviction she would be favourite.

yes! i really feel like BB have spoilt her chances by making her do this task. Lisa is fine cos she doesn't have to do anythng apart from bite her tongue and whilst Mario is obviously embarassed poor Steph has no idea who these people are and can't interact with the other housemates properly because she's being watched. no one seems to be quizzing Mario about the ins and outs of the relationship-just her!

08-06-2008, 14:45
The wedding is on E4 live feed atm! :thumbsup: :D

08-06-2008, 15:13
I've just watched it. It was hilarious. :D

08-06-2008, 16:47
It will be a shame if they loose the task, which I think they have because depite Steph's bimbo approach she has not done anyting wrong. and if the first four were up for eviction she would be favourite.

yes! i really feel like BB have spoilt her chances by making her do this task. Lisa is fine cos she doesn't have to do anythng apart from bite her tongue and whilst Mario is obviously embarassed poor Steph has no idea who these people are and can't interact with the other housemates properly because she's being watched. no one seems to be quizzing Mario about the ins and outs of the relationship-just her!

I dont know, I mean sure Steph appears annoying cos she doesnt want to do the task, but I think alot of us understand this so like her and feel sorry for her

08-06-2008, 17:11
The wedding task is over and Big Brother has announced that Mario, Stephanie, Luke and Lisa have failed.

Channel 4 have confirmed that a live episode will air tonight instead of the usual highlights show so there could be another twist in the tale…

At 4.28pm, Big Brother asked housemates to take a seat. He announced there is a secret couple living in the Big Brother house and gave them a minute to decide who it is. The housemates came to a decision than it was Mario and Lisa.

Big Brother told the group about the secret mission, and then announced that as a result of housemates successfully guessing, Mario, Stephanie, Lisa and Luke face eviction. The other housemates, particularly Dennis and Alexandra, cheered at this announcement.

Lisa told Mohamed and Rex the task was very hard for her as Stephanie got into the pool with her wedding dress on, accompanied by Sylvia and Dale.

Following the announcement, Mario told Michael he genuinely likes him despite the revelation. Steph looked relieved it was over, while Lisa and Mario walked in the garden arm in arm. “There will be noise in the bedroom tonight,” he said. “You were so good,” Alexandra remarked of Luke.

Many fans are left feeling cheated that Mario, Stephanie, Lisa and Luke are now facing eviction as the other housemates did not guess Lisa and Mario were a couple - they only were forced to think about it when Big Brother helped them. Many argue they should have passed.

Keep it here!

08-06-2008, 18:33
Many fans are left feeling cheated that Mario, Stephanie, Lisa and Luke are now facing eviction as the other housemates did not guess Lisa and Mario were a couple - they only were forced to think about it when Big Brother helped them. Many argue they should have passed.

i agree, from what i'd seen they just thought they were pretending or one of them was an actor etc.

08-06-2008, 18:34
I think that was really harsh of big brother, by saying what they did it became obvious

08-06-2008, 21:57
didnt take long for the arguing to start did it

08-06-2008, 21:57
Lol it didnt and ouch it was tense!

08-06-2008, 22:00
Alexandra is really annoying. And also really rude. She was talking as if Mickey wasn't even there. Then he was explaining the whole knicker thing and she just started talking over him! :mad:

Plus..why did she leave her knickers in the bath anyway?..Eww!

Chloe O'brien
09-06-2008, 12:16
Alexander is just a vile bully another Charley who needs to be booted out as soon as possible with her buddy Slyvia. The way they spoke to mickey was bang out of order. I can understand Sylvia being annoyed that Mickey had on her knickers I wouldn't like it, but apart from the fact they shouldn't have been in the tub to begin with. All she had to say was please don't wear my knickers Mickey not curse and swear at him like that.

09-06-2008, 12:23
when she was outside she was fing and blinding like no ones buisness, yet her argument was micky was she had no respect for him for swearing at sylvia. talk about double standards

at the end of the day it was a stag do, everyone was a little drink and up for a bit of fun, things got taken out of context, but Alexsander had no right over reacting like that and speaking to Micky the way she did. not a fan of her at all!

09-06-2008, 18:35
when she was outside she was fing and blinding like no ones buisness, yet her argument was micky was she had no respect for him for swearing at sylvia. talk about double standards

at the end of the day it was a stag do, everyone was a little drink and up for a bit of fun, things got taken out of context, but Alexsander had no right over reacting like that and speaking to Micky the way she did. not a fan of her at all!

ditto. for god's sake you'd think he'd murdered her pet hamster or done a poo in her bed the way she was reacting! and she's not that clever, who comes across as such a miserable cow this early on? not popular with viewers!

Kirsty :]
09-06-2008, 22:13
I watched it earlier and omg! How horrible was Alexandra!?
Poor Mickey! As annoyed as she was she shouldn't have reacted like that at all... they weren't even her knickers!
Sylvia shouldn't have left them in the bath should she... which btw is absolutely disgusting anyways!
Alexandra and Sylvia make my skin crawl! They're just horrible horrible people who need to be stood up too. :(

09-06-2008, 22:19
;579556']I watched it earlier and omg! How horrible was Alexandra!?
Poor Mickey! As annoyed as she was she shouldn't have reacted like that at all... they weren't even her knickers!
They weren't?! I thought they were! :p

Kirsty :]
09-06-2008, 22:23
Nooo they were Sylvia's knickers and then Alexandra jumped in and argued alongside her.

Btw, is it jsut me or is Mario using Mikey as an excuse?? To me he's making Mikey seem like a burden? When it wasn't anything to do with him? :S

09-06-2008, 22:26
;579561']Nooo they were Sylvia's knickers and then Alexandra jumped in and argued alongside her.
The way she was laying into Mickey I thought they were hers! I hope she's evicted soon! Along with Sylvia. :p

Kirsty :]
09-06-2008, 22:31
;579561']Nooo they were Sylvia's knickers and then Alexandra jumped in and argued alongside her.
The way she was laying into Mickey I thought they were hers! I hope she's evicted soon! Along with Sylvia. :p

Me too!!
Haha have you noticed that both Sylvia and Alexandra have lost their voices?? :cheer: Maybe they'll be quiet for a bit?... I highly doubt it though! :angry:

Hahaaaaaaaaaa I bet Alexandra feels so stupid!! :lol: :rotfl:

09-06-2008, 23:18
;579561']Nooo they were Sylvia's knickers and then Alexandra jumped in and argued alongside her.

Btw, is it jsut me or is Mario using Mikey as an excuse?? To me he's making Mikey seem like a burden? When it wasn't anything to do with him? :S

This is what I thought. I actually can't stand Mario - there's something about him that I don't like. Is he trying to come across as "the nice guy" by sticking up for Mikey and his disability or something? On the highlights today, he basically made Mikey upset I think by bringing him into the argument that him and Steph had over food. Steph didn't say anything against Mikey. :confused: Mario is just making him seem like a burden and giving him special treatment and not making Mikey feel equal to the group, and that's what made Mikey upset. Mario was out of order, in my opinion.

Kirsty :]
09-06-2008, 23:39
;579561']Nooo they were Sylvia's knickers and then Alexandra jumped in and argued alongside her.

Btw, is it jsut me or is Mario using Mikey as an excuse?? To me he's making Mikey seem like a burden? When it wasn't anything to do with him? :S

This is what I thought. I actually can't stand Mario - there's something about him that I don't like. Is he trying to come across as "the nice guy" by sticking up for Mikey and his disability or something? On the highlights today, he basically made Mikey upset I think by bringing him into the argument that him and Steph had over food. Steph didn't say anything against Mikey. :confused: Mario is just making him seem like a burden and giving him special treatment and not making Mikey feel equal to the group, and that's what made Mikey upset. Mario was out of order, in my opinion.

I completely agree!
At first I liked Mario... but after the diary room thing where he was quite foreward with Steph.. I found that creepy.
Since then I think he's just sneaky.
I think he is jsut using Mikey as an excuse to shield himself from criticism from other housemates. Like when Steph was sayign it's unlucky to see each other and he said initially "food comes first", then as the argument progressed, he said that "Mikey needed food and he has a disability"... completely out of order if you ask me.

10-06-2008, 11:20
It think MArio should go, he is trying way too hard and I mean he is mothering Micheal and he has been very creepy

10-06-2008, 12:24
I didn't really like the way he used Mikey in arguements, but I thought he was really good in pointing out that his disability was real and that the rest of the housemates couldn't ignore that.. Sylvia and Alexandra just seemed to completely ignore the fact that he is blind when they laid into him about the knickers. I hope Mario stays in for Mikey's sake really; Mikey seems to rely on him a lot more than he does on any other housemate so I think he'll be a bit lost without him. Loved the scene with Lisa, Mario and Mikey at the end last night.

Luke has grown on me and I like Lisa. I don't really want any of the ones that are up for eviction to go but out of them it has to be Stephanie to go for me.

10-06-2008, 19:03
I didn't really like the way he used Mikey in arguements, but I thought he was really good in pointing out that his disability was real and that the rest of the housemates couldn't ignore that.. Sylvia and Alexandra just seemed to completely ignore the fact that he is blind when they laid into him about the knickers. I hope Mario stays in for Mikey's sake really; Mikey seems to rely on him a lot more than he does on any other housemate so I think he'll be a bit lost without him.

i agree, i think Mario might go a bt overboard with it, but not many people have any experience of living with a blind person and i think he just wants to make sure he's ok. i'm sure they'll all settle down to what Mikey needs in a couple of weeks.

Bad Wolf
10-06-2008, 21:10
sorry but how much of a twit is mario (real name shaun- never been to italy)? everything he says is so contrived!!! he was just sticking up for mikey when there was no need to to make himself look good

10-06-2008, 21:12
sorry but how much of a twit is mario (real name shaun- never been to italy)? everything he says is so contrived!!! he was just sticking up for mikey when there was no need to to make himself look good

Completely agree. Mario (or should I say Shaun)...is as genuine as his tan.

Bad Wolf
10-06-2008, 21:16
sorry but how much of a twit is mario (real name shaun- never been to italy)? everything he says is so contrived!!! he was just sticking up for mikey when there was no need to to make himself look good

Completely agree. Mario (or should I say Shaun)...is as genuine as his tan.

he is a complete tool!!!!

and alexandria and that other horror are are giving charley a run for her money and steph who want to be the most famous housemate ever will hopfuly have the noteriety of being first out! ha ha ha ha ha

10-06-2008, 21:16
sorry but how much of a twit is mario (real name shaun- never been to italy)? everything he says is so contrived!!! he was just sticking up for mikey when there was no need to to make himself look good

Completely agree. Mario (or should I say Shaun)...is as genuine as his tan.

Lol I agree
And have you noticed the way he talks about Steph, its like he slags her off in a way to basically tell the viewers how awkward she was and so we wont like her so we vote her out

10-06-2008, 21:21
sorry but how much of a twit is mario (real name shaun- never been to italy)? everything he says is so contrived!!! he was just sticking up for mikey when there was no need to to make himself look good

Completely agree. Mario (or should I say Shaun)...is as genuine as his tan.

Lol I agree
And have you noticed the way he talks about Steph, its like he slags her off in a way to basically tell the viewers how awkward she was and so we wont like her so we vote her out

It's as if he's saying things to try and please or influence the viewers. I think he has a gameplan to be honest. Him and Lisa have been bitching about Steph constantly apparently. Let's hope they show it on tonight's highlights.

Bad Wolf
10-06-2008, 21:23
just watching it on catch up - mario is vile

scrap that so is steph

10-06-2008, 21:36
The thing is, I feel for steph, cos being that age I reckon she feels/flet really creeped out by mario and I dont blame her

Bad Wolf
10-06-2008, 21:38
i did feel sorry for her, but think she will join the wrong gang and be bitchy will alex and sylvia

10-06-2008, 21:41
i did feel sorry for her, but think she will join the wrong gang and be bitchy will alex and sylvia

I hope she doesnt, they are awful

Bad Wolf
10-06-2008, 21:44
i did feel sorry for her, but think she will join the wrong gang and be bitchy will alex and sylvia

I hope she doesnt, they are awful

she said she wants noteriety and thats the way to get it, be a complete bitch or just plain mental like charley and chanelle

10-06-2008, 21:45
I am hoping she doesn't and I really hope she doesn't leave on Friday. There's something I like about Steph. I thought I wouldn't like her but I do. Mario to go on Friday for me! It will be interesting to see Lisa split away from him.

10-06-2008, 21:45
Steph said that? When? :confused:

Bad Wolf
10-06-2008, 21:48
I am hoping she doesn't and I really hope she doesn't leave on Friday. There's something I like about Steph. I thought I wouldn't like her but I do. Mario to go on Friday for me! It will be interesting to see Lisa split away from him.

ohh yes - kick out shauny!!!!!!!!!! it would be very intereting to see who lisa sucks up to!

Bad Wolf
10-06-2008, 21:49
Steph said that? When? :confused:

in all her pre entrance interviews she said she wanted to be the most famous husemate ever and she has said inside the house she is in it just for the fame - twit

10-06-2008, 21:51
Oh right, sometimes I think most of what they say is true, but I think they go over the top and fake some parts

10-06-2008, 22:08
Completely agree, with what Luke said in the Diary room

Kirsty :]
10-06-2008, 22:09
I read an article earlier.. I wil have to find the link.
Alexandra yet again starts ranting at Rebecca along with Sylvia and Dennis.
Then Steph and Rachel go to see if Rebecca is ok and tells Alexandra she's out fo order so Alexandra turns things personal and is so horrbile that Rachel is in tears and Jennifer tells Rachel to go and tell BB about how intimidated and threatened she feels.. I ahve a feeling it's on tonight.

I hope I was allowed to say all that.

10-06-2008, 22:11
Well I think Alexandra is gonna be the one we all hate

Bad Wolf
10-06-2008, 22:15
cookie monster kat to win!!!!!! she is the only one who is herself

10-06-2008, 22:43
why the hell is alexandra nd sylvia in there, all they are doing is picking fights, being bitchy and just generally being miseable cows!

i hope they get voted out soon, shes really annoying me!
and picking a argument over some soggy chips?? for gods sake shut up

10-06-2008, 22:44
I know they are awful, and Rachel is so nice and then she started attacking her and then Steph, Alexandra started to contradict herself she is an idiot!!

Kirsty :]
10-06-2008, 22:45
BB needs to sort out the whole "no tolerence" approach.
Alexandra is just vile!
She's such and evil bully!! That is all she is.. a bully!
I don't mean this offensively either.. I really don't
But if any of the whiter contestants spoke to Alexandra like that.. they'd be booted out straight away for bullying and racism.
I think this is so unfair and something should seriously be done... Alexandra seems threatening.. imagine her temper if they've all had a bit too much to drink?? BB needs to desperately sort it out.

10-06-2008, 22:45
Alexandra :angry: Slating Mario, Jennifer, Lisa etc! Sylvia and Dennis are like sheeps following her lead. Does she like to create arguments? All she's doing is going around and upsetting people!

This women really winds me up! :mad: :o

10-06-2008, 22:47
she is a bully and its only been 5 days, she is only gona get worse!

i cant see her lasting long though, Remeber she told her, who the effing hell is she anyway!!!

ohhh she really is going to annoy me!!

10-06-2008, 22:48
I know, I mean Rachel and Steph were being nice trying to help Bex in the situation and Alex just went on and didnt make sense!!!!
Looks like BB is gonna talk to her

10-06-2008, 22:50
I know, I mean Rachel and Steph were being nice trying to help Bex in the situation and Alex just went on and didnt make sense!!!!
Looks like BB is gonna talk to her

Good, although theyll give her a warning and do nothing,

i dont want to watch quiet boring people but i really dont want to watch someone like her!


Kirsty :]
10-06-2008, 22:51
Imagine how the housemates feel being stuck in there with her?
We're all ranting and raving and we're only watching... then again we see more than what the housemates do.
I'm glad BB are sorting it out but I bet it will do absolutely nothing to her attitude. No matter how hard they try that's her and she will not change.. the best thing to do is eject her because she is an absolutely vulgar bully.
What upsets me most is that... even though peopel are trying to stand up to her.. she is too dominant adn I think aggressive... the housemates are scared of her!! Grr get her out!
Dennis and Sylvia will soon start "floating" in with the rest of them.
It reminds me of Mean Girls!

10-06-2008, 22:52
Aww....I just wanna hug Rachel :(

10-06-2008, 22:54
bless her, she is such a nice person.

10-06-2008, 22:54
Aww....I just wanna hug Rachel :(

Me too

:angry: I wish Alexandra wouls shut up, what does she mean she cant be told what to by Steph but Alexandra can tell Steph what to do
She is an idiot, she think she can have her own way

Kirsty :]
10-06-2008, 22:55
Rachel is right... we don't sort things out in that manner in Cwmbran!
I completely agree with her.. they should be able to enjoy the experience.. they shouldn't have to be subject to abuse liek that! Argh it's jsut so out of order!

10-06-2008, 22:56
At least we know now that Steph wont join the bad group

10-06-2008, 22:58
;579920']Rachel is right... we don't sort things out in that manner in Cwmbran!
I completely agree with her.. they should be able to enjoy the experience.. they shouldn't have to be subject to abuse liek that! Argh it's jsut so out of order!

i cant think of anywhere where things get sorted out like that. i certainly dont sort problems out like that but then i wouldnt pick on someone coz theys erved me soggy chips! id just be grateful someone cooked something for me!

10-06-2008, 22:59
I cant believe that Slyvia thought Bex burnt them on purpose, thats sooo stupid, its childish

10-06-2008, 23:01
omg! is she all there????

not agressive?? not bully?? oh dear this is just obviosly how she has been bought up! she see this as completely normal behaviour!

and she dosetn give a toss!

10-06-2008, 23:02
Can't believe Alex said she was defending herself. No she wasn't...she was causing other people to defend themselves :nono:

10-06-2008, 23:06
Can't believe Alex said she was defending herself. No she wasn't...she was causing other people to defend themselves :nono:

I know! She keeps twisting everything people say.
She'll be gone by next week

10-06-2008, 23:11
Alexandra is completely vile. I never thought there could be anyone worse than Charley. She is clearly lacking in social skills and the irony is that she goes on about respect when she has none herself...and she calls Steph "simple" when she can't really string a coherent sentence together and form a proper conversation with somebody.

"Are you ready?" what was all that about with Steph? :confused: she comes across as a bit of a nutter!

Kirsty :]
10-06-2008, 23:35
I hoep BB realises that that went in Alexandra's one ear and out of the other.. I wonder how long it will take until another argument breaks out with her and her sheep at the source?

And when Sylvia went out to eavesdrop for Alexandra... that was jsut plain childish. Typical 8 year old schoolgirls!

10-06-2008, 23:41
And Sylvia thought Rebecca burnt the chips on purpose to make herself look stupid on camera?! How stupid was that...Sylvia is so two faced. She went out there to get any negative gossip on her "best mate" Alex...and came across as being understanding towards the situation and offering her honest view. She just wants to see what Rachel and Rebecca now think of Alex, so she can report back to Alex. She's just acting as Alex's messenger, I think.

And apparently another argument broke out today between Alex and Rex - this time over a cigarette!!!

Kirsty :]
10-06-2008, 23:48
Oh dear!! I like Rex... he jsut sits on the side and says nothing and gets on with things.
I'm going to personally ring up the BB man myself and tell him to get Alexandra out :) Haha

11-06-2008, 11:35
Alex is stupid if she thinks acting like that is going to get her anywhere in the contest. On BBLB 97% of the public said they hated her, she'll be gone by next week!

I must admit I laughed at some of her insults, as harsh as they are they were kind of funny at the same time. She is just laughable, so rude and agressive and she doesnt think she has a problem with it.

Chloe O'brien
11-06-2008, 11:56
I will be surprised if Alex makes it to next week evictions. They way she is going BB will boot her vile ass out, though I would rather she got evicted properly so she suffers the boos from the public maybe it will give her a reality check on how nasty and vile she really is. Its one thing to grumble about chips not been cooked right but for goodness sake it's only a handful of chips it's not as if they are living in poverty that they have to wait another 3 days for food. If they are hungry the only have to go to the fridge and help themselves.

what I detest about her is that if she has a gripe with someone she can't say her point and move on she has got to go on and on and on she is a bully and gets great pleasure in upsetting people. Slyvia and Dennis are just as bad but they have no spine they would rather bitch behind housemates back rather than be open. Those worms will change next week when she gets the public boot. They will here the reaction she gets and they will be filling the pants.

11-06-2008, 15:47
Alexandra! :angry: "Who do you think you're talking to?" Some gobby little witch who has absolutely no respect for any of the other housmates! She goes on that she won't be spoken to that way by a 19 year old; she can't be that much older and she's just so childish!

11-06-2008, 16:18
I pity her child to be honest with you, I think her kid is about 8 or something...what example is she setting to her daughter?

I must admit Alex was funny last night when she was slagging off what Lisa was wearing and the fact that she had a 19 year old "i wouldn't let my mother out of the house wearing that" :lol:

Kirsty :]
11-06-2008, 22:14
Marios off on one again... fair play Mikey can't see whats on the floor... but he doesn't have to say it in front of Mikey... he must feel so shown up!
What is Alexandra still rambling on about flipping food for! She's such a child! I'm glad Sylvia tried to say something though... even if it wasn't successful.

Lol at Kat and her cookies!! :lol: She is a character! I thought she would annoy me but I really like her.. I think she's fab :)

11-06-2008, 22:21
I keep forgetting that it's on :lol: I'll have to watch the first 20 mins on Channel 4+1 :rolleyes: Lol at the shiny suit things :p

Kirsty :]
11-06-2008, 22:28
Lol they're very fetching.... not.

Haha... what happened to "I can cook well but I wouldn't take on responsibility of cooking for 16 people"

"Rex should do the cooking" "Practice cooking at home"

Go Rex!!
Whats with this whole "Remember I told you" Pfft. Seriously.. put me in that house. I will make sure she remembers the punch my hand told her.

I'm not violent at all but she angers me soooo much!

11-06-2008, 22:42
I know what you mean about Mario, its like he means well but he sounds so patronizing
Alex will be gone by next week, we'll see

11-06-2008, 22:53
ok im now not liking mario!

what the hell was that health and safety talk all about! its big brother not school ffs!he thinks he is a lot better than everyone else! so annoying and lisa is just as bad!

although him calling steph a hemmaroid was quite funny LOL

Kirsty :]
11-06-2008, 22:59
Mario is so sleazy!! What's he on about degrading???
He was led on Lisa with flipping speedo like things on while she was massaging his bum!!
As they say, practice what you preach.

It amazes me how Mario and Lisa can sit there talking about Steph with Alexandra and Sylvia when yesterday night they were talking about Mario and Lisa. Deary me.

Poor Jennifer :( I feel sorry for her :(

I didn't liek Luke at the beginning but I think he's really funny! Him and Kat make a good pair when they were on about the cookies! :lol:

11-06-2008, 23:02
Mario is getting on my nerves. Totally agree with everything you said Kirsty.

Loving Kat :lol:

Kirsty :]
11-06-2008, 23:03
Ah bless Kat and her cookies!!
She cracks me up!!
Oh my she has a good set of lungs on her too! Jeeeeeeeeez!! :lol:

12-06-2008, 10:44
Alex and Sylvia weren't as bad last night, I think Alex has some serious anger management issues, i think she is fair to raise problems, but the way she goes about it is totally wrong.

I'm glad Mario told Stephanie and Jenny what he thought about their outfits, it's contestants like them that give Big Brother a bad name. When he called Steph a hamaroid, that was hilarious.


12-06-2008, 21:46
The things Alexandra is saying about Rex...er...she's doing it herself! It's a lighter! Share for goodness sake :rolleyes:

12-06-2008, 22:08
my local car boot sells lighters for 5 for a quid....i will buy her some just to shut her up!!

hopefully she will be out next week

12-06-2008, 22:10
I'm just watching tonight bb now and that task is hilarious :lol:

id have to shock them on purpose :lol: coz im evilllll :lol:

12-06-2008, 22:11

12-06-2008, 22:14
Can't stand Mario. Commenting on Steph's looks behind her back, saying she needs to put more of an effort in... Why should she?! He is such a creep!

And he complained about her and Jen looking tarty, but now he is basically saying Steph should doll herself up and make herself look good?...a tad hypocritical, I think

12-06-2008, 22:19
I'm just watching tonight bb now and that task is hilarious :lol:

id have to shock them on purpose :lol: coz im evilllll :lol:

me too....i have to say watching an entire hour of the shocks wasn't boring at all....it was hilarious!!!!

12-06-2008, 22:23
Is BB repeated tomorrow anytime? My friend rang me and we talked through most of it!

12-06-2008, 22:24
Oh dear alexandra is off again, quick someone get that shocker and turn it to max :D

im pretty sure it is repeated tomorrow, maybe on e4 but not certain, its on now though on channel 4 +1

Kirsty :]
12-06-2008, 22:25
No wonder they failed... they spent most of the time arguing!
Jeeez I just want to go in and wash Alexandra's mouth out with soap!! It's absolutely vile mouth!
Seriously... whats with this "remember I told you"
Arghhh get out you bully. Maybe she should remember what all the other housemates are saying to her and stop being so hypocritical!!

Awww poor Kat!! :(

Kirsty :]
12-06-2008, 22:26
E4 at about 7:30 am and again at about 6:00 pm...I think! Its on around those times thoguh on E4 :)

12-06-2008, 22:27
I cant wait for alexandra to go, i want to see what her little sheep sylvia will do without her, i bet we see a real change in the way she acts

bless kat, i really like her she is so genuine!

kat to win!

Chloe O'brien
12-06-2008, 22:34
What a bunch of lightweights complaining about a little pain in the ass. Then they go and moan because they are starving and have to live on basic rashions big deal my heart bleeds, so they have to go without food for a few hours. What about all those homeless people and families having to go without food for days. All they care about is were their next bottle of cheap cider is coming from. Get a life for fooks sake.

And why was Dennis the weasel crying like a baby becaused he failed the task if he hadn't spent so much time farting around setting of the shocks early on in the task they may have passed it.

12-06-2008, 22:36
exactly, i mean big brither is not going to let them all starve to death, so they may not have the best food but they will have something!

12-06-2008, 22:39
Completely agree Kath. They really don't realise how lucky they are in there. They thought life in that house would be luxury. How wrong they were. :p They've chose to go in there, so they should live with it.

13-06-2008, 10:01
brilliant task last night, the best one ever in my opinion, so funny! Especially when Dennis did it on purpose to shock them. Rex was very annoying, he had no idea what kind of pain they were getting, and the way he shouted at Alex, Dale and co was out of order in my opinion.

As much as i detest Alex, I feel sorry for her in a way. Whenever she argues, she has a valid point, but it's the way she goes about it, shes so agressive and rude, that she looses any sense of reason with her arguments. I can understand why she wouldnt want Rex to touch her things, but she said it all in a nasty way. I must admit it was hilarious for her to tell Darnell to tell Rex to "**** off", that had me in stitches.

What was with Dennis saying Rachel was patronising him? Then he went crying into the arms of one of the people who was responsible for the task failing! Don't like him AT ALL!

And omg Kathreya, my little heart was breaking seeing her cry in that task. Then she went into the diary room and said she was going to carry on for her friends, becuase she respected them. So sweet, such a lovely person, and so funny. I hope she wins!

Eviction night...wonder who'll go? I have a feeling it's a toss up between Mario and Steph...:hmm:

Chloe O'brien
13-06-2008, 11:11
As much as I would like to support Dennis because he is from Edinburgh I can't help but dislike the little creep. Him, Alex and Slyvia are so fake and vile. How could Dennis go an hug Alex after she and sylvia were the main reasons the housemates failed the task. Tonight's eviction is going to be classic as I can see it being turned into the "Get Alex out" show from the crowd like they did with Grace. Once she discovers how hated she is she will flip and her little sidekicks will jump ship to save their own skin.

13-06-2008, 11:23
brilliant task last night, the best one ever in my opinion, so funny! Especially when Dennis did it on purpose to shock them. Rex was very annoying, he had no idea what kind of pain they were getting, and the way he shouted at Alex, Dale and co was out of order in my opinion.

As much as i detest Alex, I feel sorry for her in a way. Whenever she argues, she has a valid point, but it's the way she goes about it, shes so agressive and rude, that she looses any sense of reason with her arguments. I can understand why she wouldnt want Rex to touch her things, but she said it all in a nasty way. I must admit it was hilarious for her to tell Darnell to tell Rex to "**** off", that had me in stitches.

What was with Dennis saying Rachel was patronising him? Then he went crying into the arms of one of the people who was responsible for the task failing! Don't like him AT ALL!

And omg Kathreya, my little heart was breaking seeing her cry in that task. Then she went into the diary room and said she was going to carry on for her friends, becuase she respected them. So sweet, such a lovely person, and so funny. I hope she wins!

Eviction night...wonder who'll go? I have a feeling it's a toss up between Mario and Steph...:hmm:

well steph was fave to go but peope are not liking mario now as well so i think it will be very very close! personally i want steph out i just dont like her

13-06-2008, 11:37
at first I didn't like Steph, the wedding task certainly didn't do her any favours, but I'm slowly warming to her now.

I've gone off Mario tbf. At first he seemed alright, and had potential to be a good housmate. But i don't like the way he's leeched himself to Micky. And the fact that he and Lisa spend all their time alone in the bedroom rather than intigrating with the group, they're only segregating themselevs from the group.

Also I don't like how he and Lisa have been having these "young vs old" chats with Alexander. Get in the same boat as her and you'll be sailing down **** creek in no time.

Chloe O'brien
13-06-2008, 12:15
I can see Mario's concerns about Mickey in the begining as housemates have to be aware not to leave objects lying around incase Mickey falls over, but at times he just uses being Mickey's carer as an excuse to stay in the house and becomes patronising. Even though Mickey is blind I have no doubt believing that mickey can live a normal life he has carers and friends at home helping him when he needs it but mostly he lives on his own.

13-06-2008, 12:25
Mario out tonight please! :)

13-06-2008, 21:55
Gah.. Missed it. Dad's watching the football! ;[

13-06-2008, 22:06
Steph has been voted out! What an absolute travesty!! Now we have to put up with that Mario for another few weeks I bet!

Put it in spoilers for Hollie - just in case you don't want to know.

13-06-2008, 22:11
Had to look - couldn't resit! :D

I wanted her to go on't sly, but I realllllly wish Mario had gone. I think he's playing it safe being best buds with Mickey which is ever so slightly unfair.

Kirsty :]
13-06-2008, 23:32
Aww I didn't want Steph to go. I didn't know who went I've been out but the silly voice over ady spoilt it and told me on the telly!!
Lisa or Mario should definately have gone
Mario is jsut sleazy and uses Mikey as a safety thing.
Lisa just sits there smiling and staring at everyone
Both of them together just don't associate with anyone and massage bums!

13-06-2008, 23:35
I thought Davina was rather harsh on Steph during her interview. Now we'll have to put up with Lisa massaging Mario's back for the next few weeks. :rolleyes:

Chloe O'brien
13-06-2008, 23:50
In all fairness if this had been a usual nomination none of the four would have been up for eviction they were just unlucky but that's what housemates have to be prepared for remember when Cameron won BB4 and they made all the housemates nominate the first night and poor Annushka went because they all nominated her because she was drunk and a bit loud.

A very clever plan by BB to announce the result in the studio I knew the crowd would be shouting Get Alex Out. Mario is becoming annoying by trying to look after Mickey and what Steph said was true that Mickey would come out of his shell more without Mario. I still want Alex, Slyvia and Dennis out before Mario.

14-06-2008, 00:52
Steph got voted out?!?!? WHAT?! I was so sure it was going to be Mario! What are the public thinking?! :p

14-06-2008, 11:35
as much as i wanted Steph to go I think it was a bad move for her to go really. thinking of it really Mario and Lisa are contributing nothing to the house, they spend their time alone moaning - why big brother put an old couple in over a young couple beats me.

it was obvious something would have happened between steph and rex. steph had a lot more to offer the house, but mario and lisa - this is all we're gonna get from them.

i think its good that davina speak to the house inside, becuase the housemates shouldn't get any indiction what the public think, as it can influence their gameplans and nominations.

I liked Alex last night, she was alright, I hope she stays a while as she's a character and adds a lot to the house. i mean without her it would be quite boring, and it'lll go like BB8 if you remove the characters early.

Bad Wolf
14-06-2008, 16:08
how deluded are lisa and shaun (sorry mariooooon) "mario has the best head in here" dont make me laugh!!!!! he is a total prat and he makes it hard to watch, he is just vile and is looking more leathery with his tan every day, as is lisa who i think does look like a crap drag queen

14-06-2008, 16:14
Im glad In her Interview steph explained why she was so aganist Mario to people in the task, I thought in the beginning it was a good way to play it, until thye had to get married :lol:

Mario should of went

14-06-2008, 16:17
I thought that the interview with Steph was very poor. It wasn't Steph's fault but I felt Davina wasn't her best. It may just be me but Davina seemed to have it in for Steph and came across quite bitter that Steph didn't play along with the task - I didn't blame Steph to be honest!

And in the Sun today, they reported that Lisa and Mario have had sex in the house! Eurgh... Mario really should have gone last night!

14-06-2008, 16:23
I know what you mean tbsout the Interview its seemed a bit off, I dont think she had it nin for Steph, Davina was just making sure Steph knew how some people had percieved Steph during that task,she did say that opinions had chnaged.
I didnt blame steph either.
The thing is Alex will be gone next week, so we have to put up with MArio for longer :thumbsdow

Bad Wolf
14-06-2008, 16:25
mario is a total moose, he needs to go

14-06-2008, 22:56
Mario makes me feel sick :sick: Just cos he is annoying me so much!

Oh and Fan club my ass!!!

Chloe O'brien
14-06-2008, 23:17
Oh leave Mario in he's amusing me. It doesn't matter if no-one loves him. He loves himself enough :lol: I could warm to Lisa if she was on her own without Mr I love me who do you love. There are other housemates who bore the t**s of me more Jennifer and Dale for one. She doesn't fancy him but she's always hanging around him, she claims she hates game players but she's one herself. Her and Dale both know if they pretend to fancy each other then the public will keep them in. It's so yesterday, we've had that trick done many times over the years. It's not working.

14-06-2008, 23:38
I agree Kath. The Dale/Jennifer thing would be so boring if they got together. We've seen it so many times before and I wouldn't believe it if they started getting romantic in that house...I believe they would just be playing up to the cameras to stay in, as they know it has worked in the past, with past couples, but we've seen it all before ... it would just get repetitive.

On the other hand, if Steph stayed in...her and Rex together would have been much more realistic in my opinion.. I could sense there was something there between them.

14-06-2008, 23:40
On the other hand, if Steph stayed in...her and Rex together would have been much more realistic in my opinion.. I could sense there was something there between them.

I thought that too :hmm:

Chloe O'brien
14-06-2008, 23:58
I know a lot of people didn't want Steph to leave and if it had been a proper nomination week she wouldn't have been up for eviction, but the harsh reality is that Steph went because she was boring, she bought nothing to the table. Yes she is pretty but if it hadn't been for for the wedding task she would have been happy to hide in the backgroound for a few weeks like Dale, Jennifer and Slyvia are doing.

As much as a Sleezy slimeball Mario is at least when him, Lisa and Mickey are discussing housemates they use the name of the housemate they are talking about not like Jennifer would constantly ueses the words certain housemates. She hasn't got the bottle to come out and say I don't like they way Rex does this or Dennis does that. Get the boring fookers like Dale out leave Mario in.

15-06-2008, 13:10
mohammed is a joke, you cant eat all that to yourself when the house is on rations. the first thing ive heard from him since he moved in, he's dull as dishwater, i can't stand housemates like that, they're just wasting a place in the house. boring! get him out!

don't know what to make of Sylvia trying to distance herself from Alex and Dennis. Is it a case of too little too late? I dont know, she's not been influenced by the outside crowd, she must have figured what Alex and Dennis are up to, and realises she wants none of it. Which is fair enough, it's still early days and everyone is still finding their feet. I'm willing to give Sylvia a second chance if she actually moves away from them and starts being nice to the others.

dunno what to make of Dale and Jennifer, I thought she had a husband!?

Kirsty :]
15-06-2008, 21:29
Argh!! I feelk so sorry for Mikey! Mario is always stuck to his side ranting on about him being blind and makes sure he gets special treatment!
If I were Mikey I would feel so downa dn like a burden on the rest of the house. Mario should walk a day in Mikey's shoes being smothered by someone constantly ranting on about something about him! I bet he wouldn't like that!

Good on Darnell for saying something to Mario though. Mario is jsut so patronising and over powering. I don't recall him being declared most musical so why is he taking charge of the task?? He's jsut such a hypocrit! Sat there complaining they keep failing tasks and they don't want to fail that one... fair enough, but jeez Louise stop yapping on about the instruments and make do with what you've got! I'd give anything to be able to have the chance to learn how to play a new instrument! Silly man! Get him out, the sleeze.

15-06-2008, 21:37
Wow that was the best music, Ive ever heard :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

15-06-2008, 22:38
Mario could probably play that thing better out of the back end! :lol: He really annoyed me for a bit tonight as he didn't even really ask Mikey what instrument he wanted to play before he started sticking his oar in and trying to get him an easy one.

Couldn't believe Alexandra was trying to pass her attitude off onto Muhammad now! Well actually I can. First Sylvia, now Muhammad. Get her out! Then she was basically taking the mick out of his hair with the shears thing.

15-06-2008, 22:41
Good post Kirsty.... oh did you know Mikey is blind?! :rolleyes: ...it's getting so silly now. Once again, Mario is segregating him from the group and preventing him from feeling equal by bringing his disability up for no reason. He's trying to make out he's the good guy by trying to take order of the house and highlighting Mikey's blindness pointlessly. He shouldn't have poked his nose in when it came to the task. Darnell was in charge and it seemed to me that he was doing a good job.

His "fan club" thing is ridiculous too. 14 million people watching them on Ant and Dec? ... they don't get that many viewers... lol... he is so stuck up his own behind!

16-06-2008, 09:15
mario is a joke, get him and his mabeast "girlfriend" out, had enough of them!

16-06-2008, 09:21
I agree bry, they need to go! i really dont like alex but id rather she stayed so we all had something to moan about!

I think mario will go this week

Chloe O'brien
16-06-2008, 12:57
Jennifer and Dale are game players. She keeps going on that she doesn't have feelings for Dale yet she's allways beside him, lord knows why because he's hardly spoken to anyone else apart from her. Slyvia had a reality check and knows Alexandra is bad news but it's too late for her. We need a surprise double eviction this week with Alex and Mario going then we can get rid of Slyvia, Dennis, Jennifer and Dale.

Bad Wolf
16-06-2008, 13:48
i watched it this morning and i still cant watch seaun(mario) everytime he opens his mouth i want to throw things at the telly, his and his girlf and so deluded!!!

17-06-2008, 07:01
who came up with that absolutely mental crisp-licking task?! it was genius :lol:

Chloe O'brien
17-06-2008, 11:27
So one worm has turned. Slyvia was in the diary room moaning about Alexandra saying she can't believe she let herself be sucked in by her. HA! too late loser you've already shot yourself in the foot, along with Dennis the weed.

Love the lipstick Lisa is so you NOT!! Mario hit an all-time low last night with his "we are older and wiser talk" Man he is like that tit Gervas in the office.

17-06-2008, 17:20
What on earth is Dennis's game? I don't get him at all... did he try to stir things up by holding the meeting last night or did he genuinely want to sort out the atmosphere in the house? Because he's the usual suspect who talks behind people's backs. :p

Rachel is fantastic. I loved her speech at the table. She is so genuine and probably the housemate that I can relate too most in there.

Still can't stand Mario - get him out please....

Sylvia - she could grow on me...I think she's very interesting. Atleast she has realised Alex's bitchy streak and she's willing to separate herself from her and be her own person, opposed to Alex's sidekick. It will be interesting to see where she goes from here.

17-06-2008, 17:55
fair play to Slyvia for turning her back on Alex. I'm prepared to give her a second chance. I think she'll be an alright housemate.

17-06-2008, 20:03
fair play to Slyvia for turning her back on Alex. I'm prepared to give her a second chance. I think she'll be an alright housemate.

Same here, I mean they havent been there 2 weeks yet, she deserves another chnace

17-06-2008, 20:22
fair play to Slyvia for turning her back on Alex. I'm prepared to give her a second chance. I think she'll be an alright housemate.

Same here, I mean they havent been there 2 weeks yet, she deserves another chnace

exactly it's only early days and everyones still trying to suss one another out. I'm sure when Alex isn't confronting people and bitching about them, she is probably an ok person to be around, and probably why Sylvia was friends with her. It wasn't like Slyvia ever joined in the arguments, and she didn't condone them either. Now she's realised what Alex is like she's distanced herself from her, which I think is very compendable.

17-06-2008, 22:02
Oooooo :D
I watch BBLB to see who was up

Kirsty :]
17-06-2008, 22:09
Ohhh nominations tonight!! :D
Haha bless my Granch
He walked past my room and told me to turn my alarm clock off.
I was liek I can't... it's BB!!
Haha Grandparents eh? :)

Whattt she's always nicey nicey to Dennis. Messed uppp

17-06-2008, 22:57
Alex just needs to shut up, she just started an agrument for no reason! Its his birthday, he can do what he likes!

HA!!! Now who has been told!!
Thank god BB stepped in

Kirsty :]
17-06-2008, 23:16
What is Alex on about now?
Fair play yeah if it offends their religion or something.
But surely her behaviour in the house can't have exactly had the most positive feedback off other Muslims? I'm sure they feel she is offending their religion the way she's bullied and swore at people.

Mohammad cracked me up when he couldn't get the bra off though! Haha

I'm still unsure about Sylvia. I know she wants to get away from Alexandra and that.. well she did jsut before nominations, but she didn't convince me that she didn't want to around her after nominations.

So glad that other housemates are picking up on Mario's attitude about Mikey though!!

18-06-2008, 08:29
Who recons that when big brother 'accidentaly' let the house hear Mohammad in the diary room? lol

18-06-2008, 09:57
i'm not happy with big brother making that "mistake" it was obvious it wasn't a mistake, they wanted Alex to kick up a new argument, not fiar when they know she's up for eviction, felt like it's being rigged.

i can't stand mohammed, all this food he keeps eating is a joke, and other than that he's been sooo boring. I don't know why he calls himself a muslim if he refuses to stick to any of the rules of his religion. fair play to alex for standing up against him.

i really dont want alex to go. the house would be oh so boring without her.

Chloe O'brien
18-06-2008, 10:54
So both Dennis and Slyvia have turned their back on Alexandra. Can't wait to see her face on Friday when she finds out how many nominated her. she has to go.

Dennis and Slyvia are still a pair of two-faced back-stabbing bitches they need to go as soon as possible.

Dale and Jennifer total game players they both nominated Lisa and Mario because they want to be the couple in the house but it is so false and out-dated we have had enough pretend couples over the years. Get them out.

Mario and Lisa. He is such a tango slimeball but I can live with his I love me attidude for a few more weeks if we could get rid of the four above first. Lisa could be okay if she was on her own.

As for the rest.

Mickey and Kat brilliant pair have to be the final two.

Rex and Mohammad: Rex is okay he is a people watcher and he is playing a very clever game. Mohammad is just sticking with Rex

Rebecca and Rachel: nice funny girls still a bit quiet but they may come out of their shells once the back-stabbers are out of the house,

Luke and Darnell. Cool and funny couple of guys. I wasn't too keen on Luke to begin with but his rant in the diary room about Mohammad and his sugar intake was priceless.

18-06-2008, 18:54
I dont know, I think it could of been a mistake

18-06-2008, 21:15
Alex has been ejected from the Big Brother house... this week's eviction has been cancelled, according to the Big Brother channel 4 site.

Article from the Channel 4 site:

Alex is removed from Big Brother for repeated unacceptable behaviour...

Contestant Alexandra De-Gale has been removed from the Big Brother House for repeatedly breaking the programme's rules on conduct by behaving in an unacceptable and sometimes intimidating manner towards fellow housemates.

Alex was in discussion with Darnell in the living room shortly after 10.15pm yesterday evening (17th June), with a number of other housemates in proximity.

Discussing her nomination for this week's eviction, Alex was heard to make apparently intimidatory comments about her intentions on leaving the House. Shortly afterwards, Dennis, Rebecca and Rex discussed her comments in the garden and were clear that they found her behaviour to be threatening, a view that Rex repeated subsequently during a Diary Room discussion with Big Brother.

This incident follows a series of arguments involving Alex since the ninth series of Big Brother started on 5th June. She has twice been called to the diary room and reminded of the rules governing behaviour towards other housemates.

There has been a strong negative reaction from viewers to Alex's behaviour with Channel 4 having received a significant number of comments since launch.

Her latest remarks were not screened via the 'as live' streaming on E4 but were reported up to senior production staff. In consultation with executives at Channel 4 the decision was taken to remove Alex from the house on the grounds that she had repeatedly broken the programme's rules governing housemate behaviour, despite twice being reminded of her responsibilities.

Alex was called to the Diary Room at approximately 6pm on Wednesday 18th June to be informed of the decision and was removed from the House without further contact with other contestants. The remaining housemates were informed of Big Brother's decision at approximately 8pm.

Alex was one of two housemates nominated for eviction this week and as a result, in line with the terms and conditions covering phone voting on Big Brother, the latest eviction vote has been suspended.

Angela Jain, Head of E4 and Big Brother at Channel 4, said: "Alex has said her comments were not intended seriously and has apologised, but those comments will be widely interpreted as having been intended to intimidate. Big Brother has very clear rules about housemates conduct and that kind of behaviour is simply not acceptable.

Other housemates have said they found her comments to be threatening and we believe that is a reasonable conclusion for them to have reached given the way Alex has behaved previously. She had already been spoken to twice about her behaviour and, like all housemates, was clearly informed before entering the house that she faced eviction if she acted in an unacceptable manner."

Chloe O'brien
18-06-2008, 21:45
I takte it there will be no eviction on Friday then unless they open the phone lines and start afresh with Mario, Dennis and Sylvia because those two had the most nominations next to Alex and Mario.

Hurray!!! the bullying bitch has gone let's hope it's the last we have seen of her. Pity she could not have kept her fat gob shut for another two days I was looking forward to a good Booing and Jeering from the crowd.

18-06-2008, 22:23
From The Guardian:

Big Brother contestant Alexandra De-Gale was tonight thrown off the show for intimidating other housemates.

As a result, the first eviction of the ninth series - due to take place on Friday - has been cancelled.

Channel 4 said that during her nomination for this week's eviction, De-Gale allegedly threatened her fellow housemates with punishment from "gangster friends".

Alexandra allegedly made the comment about gangsters while speaking to albino contestant Darnell last night, while a number of other housemates were in proximity.

According to Channel 4's transcript, while discussing the fact that she had been nominated, Alexandra told Darnell: "I'm not throwing water at anyone. It's bigger than that ... personal offence is never forgotten. Do you know what I mean?

"We are just inside the house. I've got a very, very, very, very, very strong team outside the house".

She added: "I just can't wait to see my mans and them and see what their plans are, who they got ... I'm not talking about those mans, I'm talking about my gangster friends. They got some instructions to follow out."

She added later: "I get to go out, see everyone's friends, I get to see their family. I get to do the **** that I wanna do. Pow, pow, pow."

Angela Jain, Head of E4 and Big Brother at Channel 4, said: "Alex's comments will be widely interpreted as having been intended to intimidate. Other housemates have said they found her comments to be threatening and we believe that is the reasonable conclusion for them to have reached given the way Alex has behaved previously.

"Big Brother has very clear rules about housemates' conduct and that kind of behaviour is not acceptable.

"She has already been spoken to twice about her behaviour, and, like all housemates, was clearly informed before entering the house that she faced eviction if she acted in an unacceptable manner."

18-06-2008, 22:25
ahahaha, how great. maybe te housemates can actually develop as a group now, people were getting scared to speak!

more importantly, how the hell does Alex function on the outside world? i do seriously wonder how she manages to hold down a job or have friends if she's like that all the time.

Chloe O'brien
18-06-2008, 22:29
What a looney what planet is she on. Going to see my gangster friends please. good riddance to bad rubbish.

18-06-2008, 23:04
Well, Sylvia's turning her back on Alex really lasted a long time. Oh well, she can't be influenced by Alex any longer.


19-06-2008, 19:00
I'm glad Alex is out. She just started arguments for nothing it was unnecessary and mean.

Shame she didn't get evicted, I wanted to see the interview and if she still thought her behavior was normal.

19-06-2008, 20:38
Good riddance to bad rubbish

19-06-2008, 22:04
So happy for the housemates that they passed the task. They've just seemed to have a string of bad luck where tasks are concerned.

19-06-2008, 22:28
Did i just hear wrongly, or did they just say at the end of BBBM that a new housemate is going in tomorrow?

20-06-2008, 07:00
Did i just hear wrongly, or did they just say at the end of BBBM that a new housemate is going in tomorrow?

yes, they just said it on the radio too. makes sense, especially at this early stage in the competition.

and yes, well done to the housemates for completeing the task. that moment when Dale smashed the wooden block was brilliant!

20-06-2008, 09:26
Channel 4 has announced that a new housemate is to enter the house tonight.

A story on the official website confirms that Davina McCall will interview Alex and a replacement will be introduced.

The eviction was cancelled on Wednesday after Alex was removed from the house for repeated unacceptable behaviour.

She and Mario were the contestants facing the chop this week.

20-06-2008, 09:28
im gutted that Alex has left. she was entertaining, and without her the house is going to be very dull! there's no real conflict in the house, especially if Mario leaves next week.

I doubt she actually has gangster friends, it was probs all just a lot of hot air. I thought Rex was made of stronger stuff then to go crying to big brother about intimidation.

I look forward to her interview tonight, see what she has to say. But knowing Davina's track record for handling these situations badly (Jade, Jo, Danielle) I doubt we'll get to the nitty gritty.

Chloe O'brien
20-06-2008, 10:03
Alex should have been booted out after the hen/stag night when she kicked off at Mickey. She is a bully and should never have had the media attention that BB gave her. BB audience is mainly young people who can be infulenced by housemates actions.

20-06-2008, 15:24
im gutted that Alex has left. she was entertaining, and without her the house is going to be very dull! there's no real conflict in the house, especially if Mario leaves next week.

I doubt she actually has gangster friends, it was probs all just a lot of hot air. I thought Rex was made of stronger stuff then to go crying to big brother about intimidation.

I look forward to her interview tonight, see what she has to say. But knowing Davina's track record for handling these situations badly (Jade, Jo, Danielle) I doubt we'll get to the nitty gritty.

I didn't see Rex go "crying" ? :confused: Alex's behaviour was absolutely appalling and she should never ever have been allowed on Big Brother. Her actions weren't entertainment, they were bullying, intimidating and threatening. Alex going on about her gangster friends wasn't taken out of context at all in my opinion - she sounded serious and it sounded like a threat and I would have taken it as a threat, just like Rex did. It was a serious matter and Alex had to go - if Big Brother didn't boot her off, it would have made them look like that they condoned the threat that Alex stated and it would have sent out the message to viewers that it's ok to be a bully and intimidating.. as you can still be accepted on Big Brother and become well known and famous in the public eye.

You don't have to be threatening and intimidating to be an interesting housemate.. Big Brother will strongly go on without her because there are more likeable, well rounded people in there that I would prefer to watch. What Alex was doing wasn't entertainment in my view. Yes conflict is good and can be entertainment, but she went too far... there are other things that make up a good Big Brother without intimidating people and that is good game playing, entertaining and likeable housemates, and a good set of tasks, with maybe some interesting conflict that doesn't involve threatening or bullying behaviour.

20-06-2008, 16:01
I dont want another housemate :( Theres no need really

20-06-2008, 17:49
Nah, they'll then have to evict two in one week or something so that they get all the housemates out of the house in time. Unless this is going to form part of the show's no tolerance plan, and they'll just set something up at a later date to make one of the housemates kick off so they are removed from the house.

20-06-2008, 18:42
been watching live feed for most of the day, been feeling ill :(, and there was a massize barny between Sylvia and Micky.

Sylvia, Dale and Luke were just chatting normally in the bedroom and Micky asked them to be quiet as he was trying to sleep (even though housmates shouldn't be sleeping during the day)

He blamed Slyvia for keeping him awake the night before at 2am, and she defended herself by saying she's come on to big brother to have fun, and not to be told what to do.

I have to agree with her entirely. Why come on Big Brother to go to bed early every night and moan? make the most of it and have fun. I'm all for having older houseamtes, but if all they do is moan and contribute bugger all to the house than they're just taking up a place in the house imo.

I hope this argument doesnt fall badly on Sylvia come nominations time, as I'm growing to like her. Putting her friendship with Alex aside she is actually a fun and interesting housemate, who seems to be getting along nicely with everyone (bar Micky) atm.

20-06-2008, 21:55
eeeeeeeeeeew omg, make them stop!

Kirsty :]
20-06-2008, 21:56
Yuckkk. Does Mario and Lisa make anybody else cringe?
Dancing around the bedroom in their underwear... and Mario said that Steph and Jen were degrading themselves? What a hypocrit!

I'm looking forward to this new housemate :)

20-06-2008, 22:31
Eurgh...how...is..that..acceptable..to..be..broadc ast..on..tv?! lol. And where were the other half of Lisa's knickers exactly? They didn't need to use tongues either!

No wonder all of the other housemates were in the living room!

Kirsty :]
20-06-2008, 22:54
Oooof! Well, I'm happy about the new housemate if I do say so myself :)

20-06-2008, 22:56
Ew...my eyes :sick: That was one experience I could've done without!

btw - Did Mo really ask Sylvia they should pretend to be a couple to get magazine deals?

I'm watching channel4+1 so I haven't seen the new housemate yet :( :p

Kirsty :]
20-06-2008, 23:01
I never heard Mo say anythign liek that to her.. btu I missed some so I don't know. It doesn't seem the type of thing he would say.. hmm. I suppose you never know with BB

Sylvia has latched on to the new housemate. Oh deary me.

20-06-2008, 23:07
;582136']I never heard Mo say anythign liek that to her.. btu I missed some so I don't know. It doesn't seem the type of thing he would say.. hmm. I suppose you never know with BB

Sylvia has latched on to the new housemate. Oh deary me.

I watched it all but was also on the computer so I thought I might've missed something :p It just seemed like something Sylvia would make up...

Oh dear..poor new housemate :p

Chloe O'brien
20-06-2008, 23:10
OMG I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a week without having nightmares after watching Mario and Lisa. Please god keep in him the public are a lot safer with him locked up. Loving the guy Stuart georgous eyes Dale is not happy tough he's a boring sh*t anyway.

I can understand Mickey's point of view about Sylvia fair enough you go into the house to have fun, but if you want to lark about do it in the living room not in the bedroom when people are trying to sleep.

20-06-2008, 23:54
Phwoar.....liking the new housemate ;) :p

Kirsty :]
20-06-2008, 23:55
I feel sorry for Mario and Lisa's kids! That's if they're old enough to watch it (I don;t know how old they are)
It's cringey for anyone.. let alone their own kids! Ewwww.

New housemate :wub:
Maybe Dale will perk up a bit now and stop being a boring sod :)
Is it me or does Dale seem quite angry to anyone else?
He's forever punching stuff and getting agitated.

Bex made me laugh when she got locked in jail and she had all the teddies around her :lol:

Chloe O'brien
21-06-2008, 00:40
Dennis the weed wants to go home. Don't hit your face on the door on the way out.

Why do they always pick the 50% of scots that are total loonies to appear on bb.

21-06-2008, 09:21
Alex interview showed that she isn't that bad after all, and that Big Brother blews things out of propotion. I hope she is hounded like Jade Goody was back in the day.

Mohammed is just annoying me full stop. I don't know why but everything he does and says annoys me. If he's up for nomination this week (which I think he will) I really hope he goes.

Liking the new housemate, they need more hunks in the house. Dale is going to have his nose put out of joint, did you see how impressed Jennifer looked when Stuart walked in? If he loves himself as much as his VT showed though, he wont be in there for long.

21-06-2008, 13:15
Alexs interview was ok, BUT it was obvious she had been told how to behave in interview and to look sorry!

stuart hmm sylvia was very struck on him, weird for someone who was only just saying about her boyfriend

Mohammed is boring me, as is mario and lisa! in fact i was enjoying bb but im kinda not at mo!! its actually boring me, a lot of them in there are very boring and i can see it becoming like the bb with cameron etc in it towards the end of the weeks!

im not sure it is going to keep me interested!

21-06-2008, 13:31
Alexs interview was ok, BUT it was obvious she had been told how to behave in interview and to look sorry!

stuart hmm sylvia was very struck on him, weird for someone who was only just saying about her boyfriend

Mohammed is boring me, as is mario and lisa! in fact i was enjoying bb but im kinda not at mo!! its actually boring me, a lot of them in there are very boring and i can see it becoming like the bb with cameron etc in it towards the end of the weeks!

im not sure it is going to keep me interested!

there's rumours on Digital Spy that Stuart is Sylvia's boyfriend and that they're having to hide it for a task. I like Slyvia, so if it gets her more screen time then that's all good!

exactly! there are so many boring characters in there, which is why I didn't feel Alex should have gone!

21-06-2008, 13:56
Hmm.. that would be a bit repetitive in my opinion. I'd be worried that if Stuart is Sylvia's boyfriend that it could turn the house against her, and they might decide that it was planned between Sylvia, Stuart and the Big Brother bosses to stir things up in the house.

I'm not quite sure what to make of the new housemate, but he's certainly attractive.

Couldn't wait until Alexandra's interview was over. I just wanted to start throwing things at the TV with the way she was butting in all of the time and trying to wriggle her way out of everything.

21-06-2008, 16:45
Okay I missed the shoe last night, I only saw the interview and the new housemate going in so Im kinda worried to watch the show now after all you have been saying :eek:

21-06-2008, 17:22
Bit dissapointed with Alex's interview... she didn't seem to show any remorse in my opinion and kept making excuses for her behaviour - good riddance to her.

New housemate seems alright...would have been good if they put in a female though if you ask me, seeing as they've lost two females already in that house. I hope he turns out to be interesting.

21-06-2008, 17:48
Don't watch it, Abbie! Erm basically all that was worth knowing from that episode was that the housemates used 3 tokens on hair straighteners out of 10 that they bought, and Muhammad kicked up a fuss about it. Bex got put in jail and then got her stay extended by an hour because she made a sign out of nail polish declaring, "Big Brother is a BEAST!" Housemates overspent by £100 on the shopping list and got items removed from the bottom.

21-06-2008, 18:10
Lol that sounds fun, I heard it was Bex that went to Jail?

21-06-2008, 18:27
what do we all reckon does he wear mascara or is he "naturally this beautiful" as he claims?

he could also do with a decent shave if you ask me!

21-06-2008, 19:41
Alexs interview was ok, BUT it was obvious she had been told how to behave in interview and to look sorry!

stuart hmm sylvia was very struck on him, weird for someone who was only just saying about her boyfriend

Mohammed is boring me, as is mario and lisa! in fact i was enjoying bb but im kinda not at mo!! its actually boring me, a lot of them in there are very boring and i can see it becoming like the bb with cameron etc in it towards the end of the weeks!

im not sure it is going to keep me interested!

there's rumours on Digital Spy that Stuart is Sylvia's boyfriend and that they're having to hide it for a task. I like Slyvia, so if it gets her more screen time then that's all good!

exactly! there are so many boring characters in there, which is why I didn't feel Alex should have gone!

have you read the thread on ds about how sylvia ans stuart actua;;y know each other?? They were in the test run of the house and apparently they were talking about it on live feed last night

21-06-2008, 19:43
what do we all reckon does he wear mascara or is he "naturally this beautiful" as he claims?

he could also do with a decent shave if you ask me!

am i the only person on here who does not see anything attractove about him????:searchme:

i think he is either wearing mascara or had his eyelashes dyed to make it look like it!

21-06-2008, 19:47
what do we all reckon does he wear mascara or is he "naturally this beautiful" as he claims?

he could also do with a decent shave if you ask me!

am i the only person on here who does not see anything attractove about him????:searchme:

i think he is either wearing mascara or had his eyelashes dyed to make it look like it!

I think he's attractive, but Rex is still the most attractive in there in my opinion. :p

21-06-2008, 20:31
I dont like this new housemate, theres just no need for him :(

21-06-2008, 20:48
what do we all reckon does he wear mascara or is he "naturally this beautiful" as he claims?

he could also do with a decent shave if you ask me!

am i the only person on here who does not see anything attractove about him????:searchme:

i think he is either wearing mascara or had his eyelashes dyed to make it look like it!

I think he's attractive, but Rex is still the most attractive in there in my opinion. :p

now that i CAN see :love:

21-06-2008, 20:49
Lol that sounds fun, I heard it was Bex that went to Jail?

That's the one :lol: It was a pretty good day of house action but you really don't want to put yourself through the Lisa and Mario stuff. When it says that housemates have traded in one of their record vouchers, TURN IT OFF! :rotfl:

21-06-2008, 20:51
Lol that sounds fun, I heard it was Bex that went to Jail?

That's the one :lol: It was a pretty good day of house action but you really don't want to put yourself through the Lisa and Mario stuff. When it says that housemates have traded in one of their record vouchers, TURN IT OFF! :rotfl:

oh god yeah, lisa in her mismatched undies and mario :sick: :sick: :sick:

please there are just some thing i do not want to see, and his poor kids must be sooo embarrassed!

21-06-2008, 21:04
He's got kids?! Eurgh, bet they've moved out by the time those two get out :lol:

21-06-2008, 22:00
sylvia and stuart seem very comfortable with each other! i know they met through the selection process but you still wouldnt be that comfortable with each other so quick! something is going on there for sure!

21-06-2008, 22:05
Yeah definitely! I thought the way she started saying she was going to her bed and then didn't go straight away was dodgy enough if we're supposed to believe that they're not together, then she's asking for a hug. And if that's not enough, she then climbs over him for a kiss! Would love to see what that housemate who got up has to say; that would make an interesting diary room conversation with Big Brother. Sylvia really annoyed earlier on and just seemed like Alexandra mark 2. Some of those housemates really need to go and look up the definition of halal meat; it must be killed by a licenced halal butcher, facing Makkah, must be perfect, drained of blood and killed quickly with no pain with a sharp knife across the jugular vein. Even if Muhammad does whatever with some of the meat that housemates do have, that isn't going to make it halal. I felt really sorry for him especially considering the talk about the demand for larger. Loved the diary room bit about 3 things to do in a Big Brother meeting.

21-06-2008, 22:14
I did too, its part of his religion, part of his diet and they all moaning! jennifer saying eat what i eat im vegetarian is not gonna be the same for him! hes not vegetarian and he should be able to get the food he wants!! they all got the snacks etc they wanted!

i dont mind sylvia she annoys me sometimes but i could see her point with mikey, during the day your not supposed to be in bed resting and during the day she can make as much nosie as she wants, there is another bedroom if he really wanted to sleep! but then i agree with him if at 3am in the morning people were shouting and messing around while im sleeping id be annoyed to!

Dale is being kind of pathetic!! first few hours of a new male housemate and he ois talking about not fighting for a girl :confused: i wouldnt worry dale, noone will be allowed near stuart! sylvia will be by his side 24/7

21-06-2008, 22:32
Yeah exactly. How do they know; some of the stuff such as the vegiterian stuff that they are trying to make him eat might be haram in his religion! I'd dread to think what Alexandra would have said about Muhammad defending his religion after he cross dressed for his birthday and she said it was against the religion.

I hated the way she was going on that she came into the house to have fun and therefore didn't care if she kept any of the other housemates awake in the early hours of the morning. They're supposed to have fun during the day, and as you said, there's more than one bedroom. They should agree a bedroom for those who want to sleep and one for those who want to stay up, then go to the relevant one.

21-06-2008, 22:48
I really like Sylvia - I think she's a great housemate. She is the perfect balance - she can be a bit annoying and cause conflict, but she is so interesting to watch. I cringed at her flinging herself at Stuart! ... she really doesn't waste her time does she :p do we really think Stuart is interested in Sylvia though?

Dale seemed really jealous of Stuart... hopefully he will no longer be as dull as that plank of wood he broke in half a few days ago... and he will do something interesting. I thought him crying was a rather aww! moment... I think he has quite a vulnerable side, hiding away that he doesn't like to reveal... I think his VT on the launch night was very misleading for him as a person.

Mikey is really annoying me... why come in the Big Brother house if you don't want to have fun? :rolleyes:

Luke and Bex are brilliant together - loved their talk in the diary room about the house meetings that are held. :D

21-06-2008, 23:03
I agree about Sylvia/Stuart, Dave. I think there's more interest in the other on Sylvia's part than Stuart's.. if he does like her then maybe he's just being a bit cold because he doesn't want to be labelled by the public as a bit of a womaniser and evicted quickly.. I mean he'd only gone into the house a few hours previously.

22-06-2008, 11:21
sylvia must say, she provided most of the action in last nights show. i'm really liking her at the moment, as Dave says she's the right balance I think. Plus we might have a potential romance on our hands between her and Stuart. Becuase let's face it Vanessa Feltz will go size 0 before Jennifer and Dale get it on.

Going off Micky and Mohammed very last! I agree with Dennis the bores are taking over! I dont want another 10 weeks or so of Rachel and co who contribute very little to the house!

22-06-2008, 23:34
Right, they may as well have plastered across the screen that Sylvia and Stuart are an item with that being shown! The "I can't be your friend thing," was sooo obvious - you wouldn't pretend to be someone's friend if you were with them.

Sylvia really wound me up with the cookie business. It's not her food; I wonder if the woman has actually heard of rations even though she's been in the house for over two weeks! Fair enough if she didn't want to eat cookies at that time, but they should share the cookies out as a house so that each housemate can do what they like with the cookies if there's that much of a problem; not go and hide half of them in the luxury bedroom. And if someone did steal coffee last week, at least that isn't food. Kat for one obviously likes cookies so there should be a fair way of distributing them in place.

23-06-2008, 09:09
. And if someone did steal coffee last week, at least that isn't food.

doesnt matter if it's food, drink, whatever. Micky can not attack Sylvia for hiding things when he did the same himself. he's also gone and hidden some pot noodles under his bed. absoulute hipocrit if you ask me! Can't stand Micky, if he wasn't blind he'd be evicted faster than you can say looser.

i saw live feed from friday and syvliva offered cookies to about 4 people, it's not like she was hoarding them just for herself, she probably thought if the cookies were left around then they'd be eaten up in a second flat, espec with cookie monster Kat around.

Kirsty :]
23-06-2008, 17:31
Am I the only one who fins Sylvia sneaky?
I really do not like her
The way she was all over Stuart and like... she was telling him people that didn't trust him but she failed to mention she had some input into the discussion too.
As for the food thing. I never knew Mikey had pot noodles under his bed, so in all fairness they;re as bad as each other. The food in the house should be kept in the kitchen for everyone and nowhere else :)
I'm also starting to dislike Jennifer now :/

23-06-2008, 17:40
Yeah I find her sneaky too.

I didn't see that Mikey hid pot noodles. Totally agree about the kitchen thing; Luke was the only one that seemed bothered about other housemates and what they did with the food last week, as he nominated Muhammad for eating way more than his fair share of the food... if he can manage not to hide food, then everyone should be able to.

24-06-2008, 09:44
micky out please!

hiding pot noodles - HIPOCRIT.
washing his privates in a cup - TRAMP
dirty jokes that made the group uncomfortable - PERVERT

I'm not gonna pussy foot around with my opinions just becuase he's blind and neither should the housemates when it comes to nominations.

and Mo annoys me, he's just so sly, always trying to slither out of arguments and stuff, grow a back bone and stand your ground. then people will see what you're really like and boot you out!

I agree with the housemates about Rachel, she is definatley fake! She is so happy it makes me sick, becuase no-one can be that nice and positive all the time, especially in such an environment as the Big Brother house!

Bad Wolf
24-06-2008, 13:45
so who nicked the custard cremes?

24-06-2008, 17:26
found this on ds, Mario on ant and dec

YouTube - Mario from BB9 set up by Ant & Dec in 2006

24-06-2008, 17:35
micky out please!

hiding pot noodles - HIPOCRIT.
washing his privates in a cup - TRAMP
dirty jokes that made the group uncomfortable - PERVERT

I'm not gonna pussy foot around with my opinions just becuase he's blind and neither should the housemates when it comes to nominations.

and Mo annoys me, he's just so sly, always trying to slither out of arguments and stuff, grow a back bone and stand your ground. then people will see what you're really like and boot you out!

I agree with the housemates about Rachel, she is definatley fake! She is so happy it makes me sick, becuase no-one can be that nice and positive all the time, especially in such an environment as the Big Brother house!

Agree with you up to the bit about Rachel... she is lovely...it's a shame that people are being accused of being 'too nice and happy' in Big Brother. She is a genuine woman I think and there should be more considerate and understanding people in this world like Rachel - I don't get how being nice and positive is such a crime!? I actually feel sorry for her... 2 faced people like Luke and Bex have been talking about her behind her back about being overly nice and Rachel clearly stated that if someone had a problem with her, they say it too her face but they haven't...she probably makes up the average nice person in the world as we know the most eccentric and strong willed groups of people are normally picked for Big Brother! Rachel to win! :)

24-06-2008, 17:57
how hilarious is that vid of Mario on "the ant and dec" :lol:

sorry dave but for me Rachel HAS to go, she's not genuine at all i'm afraid

looks like Syvlia and Mohammed are up for eviction this week. in an ideal world I'd like to see Moahmmed out, but it will probably be Syvlia, which is a shame as she's an entertaining character in the house.

Mohammed loves playing the victim in the house, whenever someones argues with him he acts all innocent and pretends to be victimised, but at the end of the day the reason they are arguing with him is becuase he's in the wrong for things. So this "i'm innocent" act don't wash with me at all!

Get Mohammed out! I will even phone up to evict him!

24-06-2008, 18:07
Now, I agree with that post Bry. Sylvia provides a whole lot more entertainment than Mohammed does anyway which is another reason why he should get evicted.

Bad Wolf
24-06-2008, 18:09
noone has answered my q!!!

who nicked the custard cremes, i think they have been absorbed in to mario's ever growing head

24-06-2008, 18:10
noone has answered my q!!!

who nicked the custard cremes, i think they have been absorbed in to mario's ever growing head

big brother has probably taken them to stir up the ****.

24-06-2008, 18:14
noone has answered my q!!!

who nicked the custard cremes, i think they have been absorbed in to mario's ever growing head

:lol: :lol: :lol: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: