View Full Version : Freshers (New 10 Part Drama Series)

31-05-2008, 12:22
Starting Next Week On Soapboards...


Drugs, drink, parties, sex, clubbing, sleeping,raves and deadlines! Welcome to university life!

Freshers is an exciting new drama about a group of first year university students at Southampton Solent University. Taking their first steps into the real world, the gang soon realise that life isn't so smooth when you're in control of your own future.

"Move over Steve McQueen & co, there’s a new magnificent seven in town, and they’re so hardcore, they make you look like pussycats" Heat Magazine!

Alex has spent her life caring her for MS suffering father, she’s not had much of a childhood, so uni is a whole new way of life for her. Everyone she meets is wild and wacky in their own ways, with lives complicated enough to give Freud a headache.

To make matters worse lecturers are just are dysfunctional as their students. Uni life keeps certainly keeps Alex and her friends on their feet. But no matter what happens - one thing will help them get through their problems - their friendships with one another.

31-05-2008, 12:34
Looks exciting. I look forward to giving it a read. :)

31-05-2008, 14:24
Looks really good. Can't wait! Love the banner you made too!

31-05-2008, 14:27
This sounds great. Is it based on any of your friends at uni?

31-05-2008, 15:31

Alex Deane (Jessica Fox)

Age: 19

Hometown: Southampton

Studying: Psychology

Alex is a kind-hearted young woman, who’s lived a troubled life. Her father, whom she is extremely close to has brought her and her elder brother up single handily, but is now suffering from MS. Alex has spent the majority of her teenage years caring for her family – missing out on all the fun that most youngsters have. She is head strong and independent, but coming to university is a completely new lifestyle for her.

Jack Bevan (Alex Turner)

Age: 20

Hometown: London

Studying: Popular Music Performance

Jack is the epitimy of your 21st century indie rocker boy. Incredibly gifted with a guitar, Jack’s talent for music is his life. Fronting a band back home, he uses his music as a way to escape the monotony of her perfect suburban family life. Relaxed and laid back, Alex has always taken life as it comes, he’s always been popular and always been cool.

Lydia Hughes (Anna Brewster)

Age: 19

Hometown: Buckinghamshire

Studying: Performance.

Lydia is the very definition of the spoilt little rich girl. Coming from an upper class family, Lydia is daddy’s little princess, and likes to think herself of some what on an IT girl with her expensive clothes and lavish lifestyle. A full on party animal, who knows how to have a good time, drink and drugs are her best friends. She’s had countless one-night stands, but behind all of this she is incredibly insecure, with a dark and troubled past.

Micky Murphy (Ed Spleers)

Age: 19

Hometown: Dublin

Studying: Psychology

Young, free and single – just the way he likes it. There’s no denying that Micky is a good-looking lad, just a pity he lets it get to his head sometimes. Confident Micky’s a cheeky Irish chappy with an eye for the ladies. A harmless Jack the lad who has a reputation with the ladies. Always up for a laugh, a flirt and a couple of pills, Micky is popular amongst his friends and even more popular among the ladies.

Jessica ‘Jess’ Hilson (Jaime Winston)

Age: 19

Hometown: Glasgow

Studying: Fashion with Photography

Full of hormonal rages and teenage angst, Jess refuses to be given a label or conform to any of societies conventions. Confident and gutsy, Jess isn’t afraid to speak her mind and stand up for her beliefs. Despite being fiercely loyal to her friends, Jess hides her emotions, and never let’s anyone in. Behind her hard exterior is a vulnerable soul, with years of rejection from her mother eating away at her.

Reese Davies (Mitch Hewer)

Age: 18

Hometown: London

Studying: Law

Shy yet adorably sweet, Reese lack’s the confidence that everyone around him seems to have. Pushed into uni by his parents, Reese has never felt accepted by his family, and longs to earn their appraisal. Back home he has a girlfriend, Kelly, who he is smitten with, and being away from her proves to be difficult. It’s clear that uni isn’t an easy place for Reese to be, but with a helping hand from a few close friends, all is about to change.

Ashba “Ash” Haseem (Poojah Shah)

Age: 18

Hometown: Birmingham

Studying: Accountancy

No drink, no drugs and no boys, that doesn’t leave much for poor Ashba. Forever battling a big predicament – friends vs family - it’s hard to have fun when you’re forced to be a good Muslim girl. Scared to go against her parent’s wishes, Ashba is forced to stick to the rules of her religion, but uni is a new environment filled with open minded people, it’s the 21st century – it’s time to live a little, but the transition wont go without a few harsh words from her parents.

31-05-2008, 15:36

Lisa Trueman (Lara Cazalet)

Lectures: Psychology

Warm, inspiring and always there to help a troubled student - Lisa is a true credit to her profession. Lisa lectures Psychology at Solent, and thoroughly enjoys her job. Unlike most Lisa cares for her students and wants them to reach their full potential. Lisa soon becomes Alex’s source for support and guidance, and helps her balance her uni work and domestic problems. Outside of uni, she has her own problems, her and husband Rich are desperate to have a baby, but nature seems to be going against them.

Richard ‘Rich’ Trueman (James Lance)

Lectures: Popular Music Performance

Jack’s music teacher, Rich is fast approaching 40, but is young at heart. Back in the day he was the leader singer in a band that never got anywhere – he used to drink and take drugs, but then he meet Lisa and his life changed for the better. Rich sees a lot of his younger self in Jack, and the pair’s love for music helps them form a strong bond, Rich takes Jack under his wing and mentors him, hoping he can get the success that he never had.

Marcus Wilks (Jason Merells)

Lectures: Fashion with photography.

Jess’s lecturer is having his midlife crisis, stuck in a job that he really doesn’t like, teaching unaspirings teens. Marcus has lived life and has wise words of wisdom for his pupils, if only they’d listen. When no one else seems to understand Jess, Marcus seems to be the only one making sense; soon enough to pair find themselves in risky territory.

Patricia Farrow (Helena Bonam-Carter)

Lectures: Performance

Patricia Farrow or “Batty Patty” as she’s better known is Lydia’s performance lecturer. Eccentric and doped up on anti depressants, Patricia’s methods of teaching are extremely unconventional. You can never be sure if she’ll make you recite one of the bard’s soliloquies, perform a scene from Eastenders or improvise being a tree. Outside of the drama studio Patricia’s life is just as dramatic as the lessons she teaches.



Age: 27

Hometown: Bristol

Studying: Computing.

Technically James Rodgers is a mature student, but there’s no maturity beyond the title. Scruffy, stupid, and stoned 24/7, “weed” as he’s known by everyone on campus, is forever high on cannabis, and loves nothing more than a spliff and a gold old fashioned rave. He’s the man with the contacts, and the man with the simplest spaced out solutions to everyone’s problems.

Liam Jones (Sam Robertson)

Age: 27

Hometown: Newcastle

Studying: Performance.

On the same course as Lydia, Liam is openly gay and his confidence shines through. Surrounded by a big group of friends, Liam is one of the “cool” kids, his openness about his sexuality just adding to his appeal. Liam has a habit for liking boys he can’t have, and turning straight guys gay is one of his favourite pastimes.

Jayesh (Ray Panthaki)

Age: 20

Hometown: London

Studying: Tv Production

Jayesh is a typical lad, and likes to consider himself as a player. He loves clubbing and flirting with the ladies. He soon finds himself making a play for Ash, but will she fall for his boystrous charms?

Kelly Cole (April Pearson)

Kelly is Reese’s girlfriend from back home, who comes to visit him some weekends, and becomes close to his flatmates. Lovely and lively are two words to describe Kelly, she’s madly in love with Reese, and finds the long distance situation hard at times.

Principle Karen Goldsmith (Raquel Cassidy)

The Principle of Southampton Solent. Karen strikes fear into all of her staff, and rules the unversity with an iron fist. The ice queen makes sure eveything is always running smoothly. Heaven help any staff or students that feel her wrath!

William Deane (Keith Allen)

Alex’s loving father, who has been a long term suffer of MS. William has brought Alex and her brother up almost single handily, since their mother left them when Alex was young. A kind and intelligent man, William cherishes Alex, and wants the best for his daughter, but his illness ultimately makes Alex reconsider university life.

31-05-2008, 17:35
ooh this sounds good ill look forward to reading it. Sounds alot like Bangor!

31-05-2008, 17:41
This sounds great. Is it based on any of your friends at uni?

bits and bobs yeah, not entirely though, they'd kill me if i copied them for the very last detail. when your at uni you meet so many different characters, friends of friends etc, and random people you meet at parties, and from stories you hear, so much wacky stuff goes on, that would make for perfect story-telling

Lydia, the coke snorting alcholic is based on one of my ex flatmates though!!! my next door roomie :lol:

31-05-2008, 23:35
sounds good looking forward to reading it...

01-06-2008, 16:26
I'm writing the first episode atm, should be on Soapboards some time next week. Here is the first scene as a taster for you all.


Alarm clock sounds. Close up of Alex Deane, who stares directly at the camera.

Alex (Voice Over): I’m Alex. I’m 18. I guess this is all about me.



A group of chavs, dressed in their conventional get-up, loiter at a bus stop, graffiti on the timetables and intimidating an old lady who is sat waiting for the bus.

Alex (Voice Over): I’m not your typical run of the mill teenager. But judging on norm, is that really a bad thing?

Alex walks past the chavs, carrying a number of shopping bags from the local supermarket. Two chavs are tonguing one another senseless, whilst another lights his lighter up a dog’s ****.

The camera follows Alex as she walks down the street.

Alex (Voice Over): My life outside of college is…well I don’t have a life outside of college.



Alex packs away the shopping. She then starts cooking a meal.

Alex (Voice Over): All my spare time is spent looking after him.

Her dad William sits in an armchair watching Ready Steady Cook.

Alex (Voice Over): He’s my dad, and I love him to pieces. He’s got MS, so he can’t do much, I pretty much look after him all by myself.



Alex’s mother Tina is sprawled over the kitchen countertop as a big and muscular handyman humps away at her.

Alex (Voice Over): My nymphomaniac of a mother hasn’t been around for years.

Tina runs out of the house dressed in only her underwear. She looks on in horror as William throws all of her clothes out of the bedroom window.

Alex (Voice Over): She left when I was a baby, and went to live with a handyman called “Brad” in Milton Keynes.

Tina picks up her clothes and runs to Brad’s car, they drive off, leaving toddler Alex standing in the doorway alone. William soon joins her and wraps his arm around her.

Alex (Voice Over): Since then, it’s just been me and dad.



Alex sits in her bedroom, reading “Wothering Heights” by Emily Bronte.

Alex (Voice Over): You could say I’ve lived a sheltered life. All I’ve ever drunk is fizzy pop, all I’ve ever taken is paracemetmol, and the only sexual experience I’ve had is a poster of Gary Barlow when I was thirteen. I know I’m weird; I’m the only girl not to like Robbie Williams. See – told you I wasn’t normal.

Alex sits at her desk, writing thoughtfully into her diary.

Alex (Voice Over): One day I hope to see the world, to forget about my worries and just – live? You know? To do what everyone else my age is doing, to have fun, have friends, feel alive.



The postman delivers the mail, Alex jogs down the stairs and picks up the letter from the doormat. She shuffles through them, most being bills. She picks out one addressed to her and opens it.

The letter confirms her place at Southampton Solent University to study Psychology, and gives her details of when to start and what to do. She smiles for a brief second, before looking over at her father in the living room.

Alex (Voice Over): But that’s not going to happen any time soon is it?

She takes a deep breath before putting it back in the envelope and forgetting about it.

01-06-2008, 19:41
Oooh this is good so far. :D It's great that we are seeing an insight into the main character, giving us the foundations of the entire series. I think I am going to warm to Alex. :)

Good start. :thumbsup:

02-06-2008, 09:13
Its a great start, I can't wait to read more.

02-06-2008, 09:57
Think I am going to enjoy this.. very good so far BB..

02-06-2008, 11:19
Love it, love it, love it but can you hurry up with the next bit!!!

02-06-2008, 14:00
Episode 1 - New Beginnings


Alex walks into the living room and puts the post down on the coffee table. William is sat doing the crossword in his newspaper.

Alex: Morning dad.

William: Hello darling, that the post?

Alex: Yeah, it’s just bills. Did you sleep well?

William: Not really, same as always, blooming pains.

Alex: You should get yourself to the doctor.

William: Ah it’s nothing a good old spliff wont cure.

Alex: You’re not having any of that again! You just need to look at Jordan to see what it does to you!



Alex (Voice Over): Oh yes. I forget to mention – Jordan.

Jordan, lies underneath a park bench, spaced out, as the world goes on around him.

Alex (Voice Over): My no hoper pothead brother. All he’s ever succeeded at is failing. No GCSES, no future prospects, he spends his benefits on spliff, and lives in his own dream world. About as helpful as herpes.

A drunken hobo hobbles by, and urinates down the side of the bench, oblivious to Jordan being underneath it. Jordan remains where he is, a smile on his zoned out face as urine puddles up around him.


Alex walks into the kitchen and starts to cook breakfast. William picks up the post, and takes out the letter from the university.

William: Here, what’s this?

Alex: Oh it’s nothing dad.

William: It’s from Solent, hey did you get in?

Alex: Yeah, but it doesn’t matter dad.

William: Of course it does! Congratulations Alex! I’m so proud of you!

Alex: Yeah well, it’s not like I’m going to go.

William: Of course you are! Don’t be so silly! You’ve worked hard to get yourself here!

Alex: Yeah dad, but I’ve other responsibilities.

William: Like what? I wont have you throwing away a chance to make a future for yourself.

Alex: I can’t just up and leave you dad.

William: Is that what’s it about eh? Me? You haven’t got to worry about me.

Alex: Of course I have, who else is going to look after you? Jordan?

William: I’ve already talked about this with your aunt Lucy, she said she’d put in a couple of hours a day helping me around the house.

Alex: That’s not enough dad, you need constant care!

William: I’m not a total invalid you know Alex, I can fend for myself.

Alex: But you shouldn’t have to, I should be hear looking after you.

William: Bless you my darling, but I can’t expect you to spend your life looking after me. I want you to go to university and have the time of your life.

Alex: Well maybe I don’t wont to…

William: Tough, because you are? Okay? It’s about time I let you go and enjoy yourself, you’ve done so much for me kid, you’ve earnt it.

Alex: But what if you get ill? What if you need me?

William: Halls are only half an hour away; all I need to do is give you a call. But honestly bab’, I’m gonna be fine, don’t you worry about me. Us Deanes are made of strong stuff you know.

Alex: I really don’t know dad, I mean I want to go to uni, of course I do, but…

William: Alex. Enough already, you’re going, and you’re gonna love every minute of it, d’ya hear me?

Alex looks at her father with deep affection, he grabs hold of her hand and holds it tight, smiling at her.

Alex: Thanks dad.

William: Come here.

The pair hug one another. Close up of Alex who looks happy, yet uneasy at the same time.

Alex (Voice Over): Maybe I’m going to get my chance after all. God – what am I letting myself in for?

02-06-2008, 14:04

Alex walks through the gates to the student halls, a large bag pack on her back, and a couple of smaller bags in her hands.

She looks up at the student flats, several stories high and continues walking. All around her students and their parents are carrying bags and boxes into the different blocks.

Alex stops outside Drake Block, looking back at her accommodation letter to check she’s at the right place.

Outside Micky Murphy is lying against the brick wall, getting off with a girl. Alex smiles to herself at the sight of young love.



A few minutes later Alex opens the door to her floor, taking her first steps into the corridor of her flat. Several doors are open, with piles of bags, pots and pans scattered everywhere.

Alex heads towards her room, the strong Scottish accent of Jess Hilson can be heard blasting out into the corridor. Alex’s walk’s past, as Jess is arguing with her mother and stepfather.

Jess: Oh, why don’t you just go **** yourself Karl!?

Karl: Oh shut up you ****ing little punk bitch!

Jess: Are you gonna let him talk to me like that mom!?

Choosing to avoid the drama Alex carries on to her room. She puts down her bags and digs into her pocket for her keys. She overhears Ash Haseem’s parents lecturing her from the room next door.

Mrs Haseem: Now you remember that you have a religion to abide by Ashba. Don’t you go letting anybody corrupt your morals, do you understand!?

Ash: Yes mom.

Mr Haseem: No drinking, no drugs, no boys, is that clear?

Ash: Yes dad.



Alex unlocks her door and walks into her room. It is plain and empty, except for the basic pieces of furniture. She takes a sniff of the musky air and opens a window.

She takes the bagpack off her back and sits down on the mattresses. She takes a deep breath and smiles to herself. Day one begins.

02-06-2008, 14:08
Apologies for swearing in this scene, wont usually be this bad, it's just to show the lifestyle Jess is used to.


Jess Hilson is stood in her room with her mother Mary and step-father Karl. She is dressed in punk clothing, with dyed hair and a lip piercing.

Mary is helping Jess unpack her things, whilst Karl sits on his ****, getting in the way. The room is filled with strong Scottish accents, as they throw insults at one another.

Jess: Are you actually gonna help us unpack Karl, or you gonna stay sitting on your fat **** all afternoon?

Karl: Oh shut up Jess! (Mutters) Stupid bitch…

Jess: Oh, why don’t you just go **** yourself Karl!?

Karl: Oh shut up you ****ing little punk bitch!

Jess: Are you gonna let him talk to me like that mom!?

Mary: Will the pair of you just stop arguing!? Honestly! Can’t you just get on, for my sake!?

Jess stares at Karl with contempt, before smiling at him.

Jess: Never.

Karl: Well the feeling’s ****ing mutual, you dirty little greeb.

Jess: One minute I’m a punk? Then I’m a grebe!?

Karl: **** you!

Jess: **** you right back!

Mary: Oh for ****’s sake, the pair of you! Just give it a ****ing rest will you!?

Jess: Coming to uni is the best thing ever if it means leaving him behind.

Mary: Oh don’t say that Jess, he’s done a lot for you…

Jess: Yeah, sure he has.

Karl: I’ve driven all the way across the ****ing country for you!

Jess: Yeah and I’ve give you petrol money, but you’ll only piss it away down the pub!

Karl: The sooner we leave you here, the ****ing better!

Jess: D’ya know what, maybe by Christmas mom will have realised what a ****ing bell end you are, and kicked you out!

Mary: Right! That’s it! Karl, go and sit in the car, I’ve had enough of this!

Karl: But she ****ing started it!

Mary: (Loud) And I’m ****ing finishing it! Now go! And if I catch you wanking off to Razzle I’ll shove the ****ing magazine you’re throat, d’ya hear me!?

Mary throws the car keys at Karl. Jess looks at him smugly as he leaves. She is left alone with her mother.

Mary: I don’t know Jess, it upsets me to see you too arguing all the time.

Jess: He’s such a ****ing moron mom, I don’t get what you see in him?

Mary: When you get to my age, you settle for anything. You should learn not to rise to him.

Jess: Whatever mom. If you’d let me live with dad…

Mary: No chance. Hopefully this time away will help clear the air between you and Karl. I’m not having you two fing and blinding over the Queens Speech again this year, d’ya hear me?

Jess doesn’t respond.

Mary: You’re such an angry young woman Jess, I wish you’d loose this attitude and be a nicer person…

Jess: Is it any wonder why I am the way I am, having to put up with him, and pricks like him that judge me every day of my life!?

Mary: Hey! I brought you up to be stronger than that! **** what others think and say, hold you head up high, and be proud of who you are.

Jess doesn’t want to discuss the matter further, it’s clearly something that upsets her.

Jess: Isn’t it time you got going mom?

Mary: Are you gonna be ok here?

Jess: I’ll be fine mom. Go.

Not wanting to show her emotions, she tries to hurry her mother out.

Mary: You take good care of yourself, and keep in touch. If you need anything…

Jess: Mom. Go.

Mary gives Jess a hug and a kiss, before leaving, coming over all emotional.

Jess sits down on the bed, feeling vulnerable following her mother’s intimate chat with her. She looks at herself in the mirror.

Jess: Get a ****ing grip of yourself Jess.

She takes a deep breath, frizzes up her air and gets up, continuing to unpack her things.

02-06-2008, 14:28
cool!!! I love it..

Chloe O'brien
02-06-2008, 14:56
Looking good Bryan. It's gonna be another cracker.

02-06-2008, 17:49
This is awesome! Think I'm really gonna like this..

Made me laugh when Mary said "Not having you to fing and blinding over the Queens Speech again this year" :rotfl:.

I really like Jess already. She may be a little angry, but obv there's more to her! Can't wait for the next bit!

02-06-2008, 18:05
can i be cheaky and ask for comments from people when they read it, just so as know people are reading it/enjoying it lol, it encourages me to right more then, and of course you all want to read more don't you? :p :lol:

02-06-2008, 19:24
I love it Bry - the characterisation and scene setting are both fab.

Do the Scottish people live in Scotland - if so there is no way the parents - especially the step-dad- would have driven down to Southhampton. It is a long, long way.

My folks are relatively well off middle class people who doted on me and they took me to the train station in Glasgow when I went to London and visited me once a year, lol.

02-06-2008, 20:08
I love it. My favourite part is when Jess is unpacking, all the f-ing and blinding give a real sense of the atmosphere and tension between Jess and her step dad.

When's the next part going to be up?

02-06-2008, 20:09
I love it Bry - the characterisation and scene setting are both fab.

Do the Scottish people live in Scotland - if so there is no way the parents - especially the step-dad- would have driven down to Southhampton. It is a long, long way.

My folks are relatively well off middle class people who doted on me and they took me to the train station in Glasgow when I went to London and visited me once a year, lol.

Indeed it would be a massize journey. I know it's a mamouth amount of time on train alone. But i'd have envisaged them stopping half way and staying in a travel lodge on the way down. Karl thinks that taking her all that way is justification enough for her to treat him with respect.

Good spotting though :D Hope you continue reading Trinity! Appreciate the comment!

02-06-2008, 20:10
I love it. My favourite part is when Jess is unpacking, all the f-ing and blinding give a real sense of the atmosphere and tension between Jess and her step dad.

When's the next part going to be up?

I've got all of episode 1 written, but I'll only post 3 scenes a day, if i wrote anymore no one would wanna read a big amount in one go!!! So, some more tomorrow! :D

02-06-2008, 21:26
Ooh i'm liking it :)
I like the complete contrast between Alex and Jess, and it will be interesting to read more about them and see how they develop.
Oh its like being at Uni already!

03-06-2008, 11:17
Loving this so far! I thought the scene with Karl, Jess and Mary was brilliant. :rotfl: Love the hate between Karl and Jess!

03-06-2008, 11:24
Its really good so far. Love the introduction to the two characters.

Quick question what does Ext and Int mean when describing the scene?

Sorry for sounding a bit thick.

03-06-2008, 11:25
I think it means external and internal i.e. inside or outside.

03-06-2008, 11:30
oh right! Now i really sound thick!!!

03-06-2008, 11:31
oh right! Now i really sound thick!!!

It took me a while to figure them out when I first read.

03-06-2008, 13:40

Ashba “Ash” Haseem is sat in the bedroom, dressed in traditional Muslim clothing. Her mother and father are dressed in similar attire. Mrs Haseem is finishing hanging Ashba’s clothes in the wardrobe.

Mrs Haseem: Make sure you wash your clothes regularly, and use that conditioner that I gave you.

Ash: Yes mom.

Mrs Haseem: I don’t want you coming home at Christmas with bags full of washing, have respect for your clothing.

Mr Haseem: And make sure you eat healthy, don’t turn into one of these fast food junkies. Just because you’re at university doesn’t mean you have to slip into bad habits.

Ash: Yes dad.

Mrs Haseem: Now you remember that you have a religion to abide by Ashba. Don’t you go letting anybody corrupt your morals, do you understand!?

Ash: Yes mom.

Mr Haseem: No drinking, no drugs, no boys, is that clear?

Ash: Yes dad.

Mr Haseem: I don’t you want you coming back some teenage delinquent! We’ve paid good money for you to come here and become an accountant! Don’t you let us down.

Ash: I wont dad!

Mr Haseem: You’re uncle Suki has kindly offered you a job, don’t disappoint us.

Ash: I said I wont!

The sound of Mary shouting out to Karl in the coridoor can be heard from Ashba’s room.

Mary: (Loud) And I’m ****ing finishing it! Now go! And if I catch you wanking off to Razzle I’ll shove the ****ing magazine you’re throat, d’ya hear me!?

Mr and Mrs Haseem look at one another in disgust.

Mrs Haseem: What kind of talk is that!?

Ash: It’s nothing I haven’t heard before mom.

Mrs Haseem: Even so, you shouldn’t be subjected to that kind of foul language.

Ash: It’s fine mom…

Mr Haseem: I don’t want you hanging with gutter mouths like that, do you hear me?

Ash: I’m sure they’re very nice people dad…

Mr Haseem: I doubt that very much. You stay clear of them, I don’t want them being a bad influence on you Ashba.

Ash: I need to have friend’s dad!

Mr Haseem: You’re here for an education, not to make friends.

Ash: Dad!

Mrs Haseem: Don’t argue with your father Ashba!

Ashba’s father looks at his watch.

Mr Haseem: It’s time for us to be leaving now Ashba, we must get back to pick up your younger brother from his tutoring.

Ash: Right, off you go then.

Mrs Haseem: You make sure you phone me every evening okay? And if you need money, just ask.

Ash: Thanks mom…

Mr Haseem: And remember everything we’ve said, don’t you go turning wild now you have some freedom. You’re a young woman now, act responsibly.

Ash: Bye dad.

The three of them hug one another and say their goodbyes before leaving. Ashba waits for the flat door to close, before she pulls off her Hijab. She picks up a box from under her bed, and opens it, pulling out some fashionable clothes. She shakes her head in disbleif at her parents.

03-06-2008, 13:43

Micky Murphy is still lying against the brick wall getting off with a girl. He seems to be a good kisser. He pulls away. A cheeky grin on his face.

Micky: So then, you gonna come upstairs and...?

The girl slaps him hard around the face.

Girl: What kind of a girl do you think I am!?

Micky: Well if you’re using tounges on a first kiss, I’d say easy…

Horrified by his rudeness, she slaps him once more before storming off.

Micky: You’ve got my number, give me a call yeah?

Micky licks his lips, laughing it off casually. He walks around the corner and passes James “Weed” Rodgers, a scruffy looking 27 year old, stoned off his face.

Weed: Dude, wanna buy some spliff?

Micky: No right now bud

Weed: Come on, I’ve got bags full…

Micky: Maybe later.

Micky walks off, leaving Weed to harass another student. Micky sees a couple of girls struggling to carry a few boxes into their block. He walks over confidently, hands in his pockets, a grin on his face.

Micky: Ladies, need a helping hand?

The girls look at one another, unimpressed by his arrogance.

Girl 1: We’re ok thanks…

Micky: You sure, you look like you’re struggling…

Girl 2: We’re fine…

Micky: Honestly…pride…

Girl 1: You what?

Micky: We all know girls aint made for carrying heavy bages, it’s man’s work. I’m a man, let me do it for you.

Girl 2: You fancy yourself a bit don’t you?

Micky: Of course, do you blame me? Look at me – sex on legs.

The girls laugh at one another, unimpressed.

Micky: Oh come on, don’t be modest, you know you want it.

Girl 1: Not so much…

Micky: Ooo, hard to get, I love it. The thrill is in the chase as they say….look they don’t call me 9 inch Nigel for nothing…ah now you’re interested…

Girl 2: We never said we wasn’t…

Micky: All that talk about size not mattering…then the first talk of 9 inches and you’re there…

Girl 1: We haven’t said we’re going anywhere…

Micky: Oh come on, I’ve got cheap vodka, Jonnies, and a plasma tv, what more can a man offer you?

Girl 2: Help us with our bags and we’ll see…

Micky gets his hands out of his pockets and rubs them together in glee.

Micky: Now we’re talking! Come on ladies, pass them here!

The girls hand Micky their bags, he almost collapses with the weight of them.

Girl 1: Oh come on, thought men could carry heavy bags…you are man enough aren’t you, cus if you’re not…

Micky: No…I’m fine (he clealry isn’t)

Girl 1: Good, cus when you’ve carried them, there’s another car’s worth in the car park.

Micky: You what!? How much do you need!?

Girl 2: I’m sure we could ask them strapping young lads over there to help us.

Micky: No! No need! I can handle it! Course I can handle it!

Girl 1: Come on then, we aint got all day.

Micky: God, you strike a hard bargain ladies, but you’re worth it I guess.

Micky follows the girls into their block with their bags.

Micky: I tell ya, you don’t know how lucky you are. Once you’ve been with Micky Murphy, you don’t want to go anywhere else.

Girl 1: I thought your name was Nigel?

Micky: Yeah, that’s just a nickname darling, do I look like a bloody Nigel!?

The girls laugh with Micky as they walk inside. Micky has a grin plastered on face, having managed to pull the pair of them.

03-06-2008, 13:47

Reese Davis is sat on his bed, snogging his girlfriend Kelly. The pair are savouring their last moment together.

All of a sudden Reese’s mother, father and younger brother Luke walk into the room carrying boxes. His father coughs to get their attention. They pull away from one another, embarrassed.

Reese: Sorry…

Mr Davies: Don’t be, making the most of your last moments eh?

The pair look at one another, upset.

Reese: (Upset) Something like that…

Mrs Davies: Well I think that’s the last of your stuff…

Mr Davies: You never guess what we just saw in the car park, disgusting…

Kelly: What?

Luke: Some old dude wanking off to Razzle, it was sick man!

Mrs Davies: (Embarrassed) Yeah enough of that. Let’s leave these two to it, shall we?

Mr Davies: We’ll wait for you at the car Kelly, okay?

Kelly: Thanks Mr Davies.

Mrs Davies walks over to Reese, tears welling up. She hugs him, Reese’s father and brother follow, they all say their goodbyes before leaving. Reese and Kelly are left alone.

Reese: I’m gonna miss you so much.

Kelly: I’ll miss you more.

Reese: This is crazy, why the hell am I leaving you? I don’t want to…

Kelly: You’ve gotta do, what you’ve gotta do babe.

Reese: Yeah but give it a few months and you’ll find someone else and I’ll…

Kelly: No I wont. Don’t be so stupid, I only want you babe.

Reese: Oh Kelz…

Kelly: Look I’ll be down whenever I can to come visit…

Reese: Yeah and I’ll try and come up and see you aswell…

Kelly: There you go then, don’t worry, it’s not like you’re moving half way across the world.

Reese: Might aswell be, still wont get to see you every day.

Kelly: Absence makes the heart grow stronger.

Reese: Yeah and makes you ****ing love sick like hell…

Kelly: You’ll be too busy having a good time to think about me Reese…

Reese: No way, I’ll be thinking about you all the time.

Kelly: You say that now, but half a bottle of vodka later you’ll be enjoying yourself.

Reese: It wont be the same without you.

Kelly: No, but we’re gonna have to deal with it babe aint we? You just make sure you don’t go pulling any hot girls whilst I’m away, d’ya hear me!?

Reese: Of course I wont! I’d never!

Kelly: (Jokes) Or any guys, I’ve heard the stories, lads go to uni straight and come back gay :p

Reese looks suddenly uneasy/shifty as she says this.

Reese: Don’t be so stupid, I’m not gay.

Kelly: Of course you’re not babe.

The sound of a car horn can be heard from outside. Kelly looks out of the window.

Kelly: That’s your dad, I best get going…

Reese starts to well up with tears.

Reese: Kelz….

Kelly: Tears, see you’re turning gay already :p

Reese gets up and kisses her passionately.

Reese: I ****ing love you! So much!

Kelly: (Emotional) I love you too.

The pair hold hands.

Kelly: Forever yeah?

Reese nods weakly, almost in tears. She kisses him tenderly before leaving. Reese bites his lips, trying to stop himself from crying.

03-06-2008, 13:47
so we have Ash the rebel and Micky the chancer.. good characters here bry

03-06-2008, 14:07
I'm really enjoying this :D

03-06-2008, 21:13
Don't like Mickey already :p.

Luke: Some old dude wanking off to Razzle, it was sick man!
Made me laugh out loud!

Hmmm... could Kelly teasing Reese about turning gay be a sub-plot :p.

Good stuff Bryan! Really love it.

04-06-2008, 09:24
great stuff love the characters we have already.

04-06-2008, 10:26

Alex is in her room, slowly unpacking her belongings. She takes out a framed picture of her and her father from her bag. She stares at it, rubbing her thumb affectionately over her father. She looks upset.

There’s a knock on the door, and in steps Lydia Hughes, dressed in the latest designer fashion.

Alex: Come in.

Lydia: Hi sweetie, I’m Lydia, alright if I come in?

Alex: Yeah sure

Alex puts down the photo and composes herself. Lydia detects she’s upset.

Lydia: You alright? You look…

Alex: I’ll be fine. Just a bit hard you know? I’m Alex…

Lydia: I wouldn’t worry Alex, it’s only first day nerves. This time next week you’ll be all settled in and living it up.

Alex: I don’t know about that…

Lydia: Oh that’s what uni is all about darling, getting ****ed off your face and ****ed in the sack.

Alex laughs nervously, unsure of what to say about this.

Alex: I wouldn’t know…

Lydia: You sound local, you from around here?

Alex: Yeah, Southampton born and bred.

Lydia: Fab. Sweet deal, you’ll be able to show us all the sights then. Starting tonight with some of the clubs!

Alex: Well I’m not much use there, I’ve never been clubbing...

Lydia: You what!? You joking me!?

Alex: Never really had the chance to…

Lydia: You’re telling me you’ve never drank!?

Alex: No

Lydia: D’ya Smoke?

Alex: Nope

Lydia: Drugs?

Alex: God no.

Lydia: Yeah but you have sex right?

Alex looks at Lydia awkwardly.

Lydia: God you’re a virgin aren’t you!? Bloody hell Alex, you’re a right little miss perfect aren’t you?

Alex: Guess so!

Lydia: Well don’t worry darling, cus you’ve got me now. Lydia Hughes – Buckinghamshire’s answer to Paris Hilton. I’ll show you a good time.

Alex: Oh I don’t know…

Lydia: Tonight Alex, you will learn how to party!

Alex is clearly uncertain about the whole clubbing experience. Lydia however is full of enthusiasm.

Alex: Cool I guess…

Lydia’s phone rings. Lydia gets up.

Lydia: Sorry, gotta take this. See you later yeah?

Alex smiles politely, overhearing Lydia’s conversation as she leaves.

Lydia: Someone told me you could fix me up with a few lines, yeah?

Alex’s eyes bulge in surprise at hearing Lydia talk so loosely about drugs. She’s unsure of what she’s getting herself into.

04-06-2008, 10:29

Reese looks out of his window, as Kelly gets into his parent’s car. The pair take one last emotional look at one another before she gets in the car and it pulls off.

He chokes up, trying to hold back the tears. There’s a knock at the door, he wipes off his tears, takes a deep breath and composes himself before turning round.

Reese: Hey…

Alex: Hi I’m Alex…

Reese: I’m Reese. Come in.

Alex: Thanks.

Reese: Excuse the mess, haven’t had a chance to unpack yet.

Alex: Oh don’t worry, I’m the same, couldn’t face it at the moment tough. How you settling in?

Reese: Not very well, just had to say goodbye to my girlfriend.

Reese tries to smiles, but his act isn’t fooling anyone. He sits down on his bed in despair.

Reese: She’s my whole life, the only good thing going for me, what the hell am I gonna do without her!?

Alex: Hey, I’m sure you’ll be ok. It’s just gonna take a bit of getting used to that’s all…

Reese: I’ve failed at everything apart from her, god I don’t even wanna be here…

Alex: Of course you do, you wouldn’t have come all this way otherwise.

Reese: No. My parents want me to be here. Can’t do anything right in their eyes. So here I am, stuck here, alone.

Alex: You’re not alone, you’ve got all of us lot…granted they all seem a bit mad but it’s only first impressions…

Reese: Yeah. God, look at me, spewing my feelings out to you, you don’t even know me. Sorry…

Alex: No, it’s okay, I’m sure you wont be the only one. Look if it’s any consolation it’s clear you love your girlfriend…

Reese: Yeah I do, totally…

Alex: Well if she loves you as much as you love her, I’m sure everything will be ok. If there’s one thing I believe, it’s that true-love never dies. You two being apart will only make you stronger…

Reese: Yeah I guess so…

Alex: Lydia’s talking about us all going out later, not really my cup of tea, but it should be alright, getting to know everyone one, take your mind off your girlfriend for a couple of hours…

Reese: Yeah that’ll be cool.

Alex: And don’t worry okay? If you need someone to talk to, my room’s only down the hall :)

Reese: Thanks

Alex: I’ll leave you in peace; best say hi to the others.

As Alex leaves Reese receives a text from “Josh”.

"Hey sexy. Will miss u lots : ( X”

Reese holds the phone close to his chest, feeling uneasy. What is he hiding

04-06-2008, 10:31

Jack Bevan is sat in his room, playing his guitar. Slowly he plays “Under the Bridge” by The Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Every chord is played to perfection, he is clearly talented.

Jack: (Sings) I don't ever want to feel, Like I did that day. Take me to the place I love, Take me all the way.

Alex appears in the doorway, having heard his singing.

Alex: The chillis eh?

Jack stops playing and looks up at Alex, pleased she knows who they are.

Jack: You a fan?

Alex: God yeah, one of my favourite bands.

Jack: Thank god, I thought I’d be stuck with a bunch who love R&B.

Alex: No, rocker girl at heart me.

Jack: Glad to hear it. Come on in. I’m Jack.

Alex: Alex…

Alex sits down beside Jack.

Jack: So who else you into then?

Alex: God loads, Elliot Minor, Fall Out Boy, Led Zep…

Jack: Oh my god! Led Zep is like my favourite band ever!

Alex: Yeah, my dad brought up on their songs.

Jack: Well he raised you well.

Alex: Yeah. I’m gonna miss him.

Jack: Hey, don’t worry, he’s only a train ride away…

Jack grabs hold of her hand, Alex looks at him, and smiles.

Alex: Yeah, ‘suppose. I take it your doing music here then?

Jack: Yeah, how about you?

Alex: Psychology.

Jack: Ooo, wanna get into all our mind’s do you?

Alex: More like my own, let’s just say my life is…

Jack: Pretty ****ed up? Who’s isn’t man? I’d be concerned if it wasn’t…

Alex: God I don’t know if this is the right decision, what if I don’t fit in?

Jack: Hey, of course you’ll fit in.

Alex: Yeah but Lydia…

Jack: She’s just showing off, she’s all front, but she’ll be alright given time.

Alex: I know but…

Jack: Look it’s new times for all of us, you’re not the only one to have second thoughts, just stick with it though, see how it goes. And if all goes tits up we can just whack on a Led Zep record and forget about the world, how’s that sound?

Alex: That sounds great. Thanks :)

Jack: No worries. Now how about we go meet the others. Come on.

The pair get up. Alex smiles at Jack, grateful for his words of support.

04-06-2008, 13:12
I sense some chemistry between Alex and Jack.

Please write more :D

04-06-2008, 13:22
really like moving in day.

Great stuff can't wait to read more. Theres defniitly a secret that Reese is hiding.

04-06-2008, 17:10
I want to know what Reese is hiding - its obviously something.
And Jack and Alex :wub: Its love already :p

04-06-2008, 17:18
Awww Jack and Alex are cute.

05-06-2008, 10:13
Reese is bi?? he has a girlfriend but getting texts from Josh.. mmm I am looking forward to seen how that goes.. i sense a bitch in Lydia

05-06-2008, 10:38
Love it, I can actuall feel myself being there with them. Well done and keep going.

05-06-2008, 12:25

Jess is sat at her desk, checking her emails on her laptop. All she can hear from next door is the noise of a bed frame banging against the wall, and a lot of moaning and groaning.

She bites her lips in annoyance, and tries to ignore it, but the noises continue to get louder. She gets up, clearly angry at being disturbed.

She storms out into the coridoor and bangs fiercely on Micky’s door.


Jess: Open the ****ing door!

A few moments later Micky opens the door, dressed in only his underpants, his hair is ruffled and he looks flustered.

Micky: Jess isn’t it?

Jess: Yeah…

Micky: You kind of caught me in the middle of something…

Jess: So I heard, keep it down will you?

Micky: Eh?

Jess: They can probably hear you in Portsmouth; have some ****ing respect for everyone else yeah?

Micky: Easy on girl, I’m only having a bit of fun.

In the background the two girls from earlier shuffle around in Micky’s bed, agitated.

Jess: Yeah well, do it quietly or something…

Micky: You can’t control the sounds of passion…

Jess: It’s called a gag.

Micky: Look I don’t know what you get up to in the privacy of your own room, but…

Jess: Just cut the wise remarks and give it a rest yeah?

Micky: What’s your problem exactly?

Jess: Stop being a prick and just do what I ask!

Micky: God you’re a fiery one, I like it. You sure you don’t want to join us? I’ve never had a manage et quatre before, but I’m open to new things…

Jess: I’d rather eat my own faeces…

Micky: Ooo kinky, you’ll have to tell me what it’s like sometime…

Jess: Threesomes? You’ve only been here five seconds!

Micky: What can I say, I move fast.

Jess: More fool them.

Micky: Oh come, on, can you blame them eh?

Jess: Jesus Christ, you’re so full of it…

Micky: Well technically I’d say they’re the ones full of…

Jess: Enough alright!? Sexist pig! You think you can just give the patter and lead anyone to bed?

Micky: Pretty much yeah…

Jess: There’s words for people like you?

Micky: Stud?

Jess: Pervert.

Micky: Harsh!

Jess: Keep it down, or I’ll call security.

Micky: If you can’t beat them, join…

Jess: Oh shut up!

Jess storms off back to her room, Micky has a grin on his face, enjoying winding her up.

Micky: Deny it all you like, you know you want me!

Jess: **** off!

Micky returns to his room, rubbing his hands together.

Micky: Right ladies, where were we?

Micky jumps onto the bed, and starts to ravage them. The scene returns to Jess’s room as she hears the loud laughter and screaming, she grinds her teeth in annoyance.

05-06-2008, 12:29

Alex, Jack, Lydia, Reese and Ash are sat in the kitchen getting to know one another.

Lydia: So you play the guitar then?

Jack: Yeah been playing since I was seven…

Lydia: Sweet, nothing hotter than a musician. I’m doing performance here, you know acting and all that…

Ash: Ah we’re sat with the next Keira Knightley then.

Lydia: God no, hope to aim higher than that stick insect.

Alex and Ash look at one another, noticing that Lydia is just as thin as Keira Knightley is. Jack looks over at Reese, who is still looking down.

Jack: You alright mate? You look down…

Reese: I’m alright I suppose, just missing my girlfriend…

Jack: Love eh? Is it worth all the trouble?

Alex: Course it is, all you need is love.

Jack: Beatles. Love it.

Alex and Jack look at one another, smiling at their musical connections. Lydia tries to turn the conversation back to her.

Lydia: Man we’re too young to be falling in love. It’s all **** anyway, people fall in and out of love all the time, men are like fashions, they change.

Alex: Oh I dunno about that…

Lydia: No offence sweetie, but you’ve as good as said you’re not expert with that. Look we’ll all young we might aswell just play the field and enjoy being single. Give it ten years, we’ll have rings on our fingers and a swarm of little brats, make the most of the time we have now.

Jack: Forever the optimist eh?

Lydia: All I’m saying is I’m not at uni to learn, I’m hear to ****ing party. Starting tonight, it’s gonna be well good.

Reese: Don’t know if I’m feeling it…

Lydia: Oh it’s just what you need, get ****ed off your face and forget all your worries! Eh Ash, you like one of them strict Muslims?

Ash: How do you mean?

Lydia: Like can you do things, or are you meant to give up all the good stuff?

Ash: Well my parents have always stopped me, but…

Lydia: Well you’re parents aint here now girl, don’t you worry I’ll show you a good time tonight.

Ash: Oh I don’t know, I’ve never drunk before…

Lydia: You dunno what you’re missing darl’!

Ash looks a little worried, Alex notices this.

Alex: Don’t worry, I’m in the same boat, we’ll just go at our own pace, don’t let anyone force you to do anything…

Lydia: Oh listen to the pair of you! We’re eighteen not eighty!

Jack: Give it a rest eh Lydia?

Alex smiles at Jack for standing up for her. Lydia realises she’s overstepped the line.

Lydia: Look I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…it’s just partying is all I know. I’ve been doing all this since I was fourteen…

Jack: Yeah well, that’s the beauty of university, we’re all different…

Lydia: Yeah, but you seem my kind of guy Jack.

Before anyone can comment, Jess walks into the room, annoyed.

Alex: Hey Jess, you alright?

Jess: No, ****ing Micky turning his room into a knock in shop, can’t hear myself think!

Lydia: Don’t blame him, make the most of it’s what I say.

Moments later Micky walks in, the usual grin on his face.

Micky: Afternoon all :D

Jess: Finished?

Micky: For now…

Jess: Well don’t make a habit of it, alright!?

Lydia: Oi guys, let’s not argue eh? It’s only day one, we’ve gotta get on…

Jess: Have we now?

Jack: Nah, Lydia’s right for once, we’ve got a year together. No good falling out is there?

Micky: Of course not! Come here Jess, give Micky a big old friendly hug!

Micky tries to grab hold of Jess but she pushes him away, annoyed. He smiles, enjoying winding her up.

Alex: Well, hear’s to a fun year together eh?

Lydia: Amen to that one darl’, bring on tonight’s all I say :D

Lydia is full of enthusiasm, but there’s mixed emotions amongst the group at the thought of a night out.

05-06-2008, 12:31

Nightfall. “Get The Party Started” By Pink plays over a montage of the gang getting ready to go out.


Lydia tries on several designer dresses and shoes, and styles her hair elegantly, looking like a supermodel.

She takes a swig from her champagne bottle, and snorts a line of cocaine. She then pouts in the mirror as she bronzes her face.



Ash looks through her wardrobe, with all her modest clothing. None of it is trendy or revealing, she agonises over what to wear.

She looks at herself in the mirror, and realises how unattractive she looks without make up, she looks over the coridoor to see Lydia glammed up and ready for a good night out, and ends up feeling disheartened.



Micky prances around his room shirtless, looking like Ricky Martin. He has a spring in his step, reading for a night on the pull.

He sprays a can full of deodorant over himself, before putting on his legendary pulling shirt – a hideous stripy Hawaiian design. He douses himself in aftershave and checks himself out in the mirror, full of confidence.



Reese sits in his roomed, dressed in the same clothes as early. He sits at his laptop and looks at a picture of him and Kelly, and another lad “Josh”, he agonises over the picture. He’s clearly not in the mood to have a fun night out.



Jess digs out the most alternative pieces of clothing she can find: fishnet tights, torn denim skirt and a black corset.

She applies a ton of black makeup to her face, and hairsprays her wild and frizzy hair. She looks like something out of a punk rock video. She is pleased to stand out from the crowd.



Alex throws all her clothes over the bed, trying to decide what to wear, she holds a series of different outfits against herself, looking into the mirror, deciding what to wear. Nothing seems to suit her.

She starts to apply make up and straighten her hair, trying to make herself look impressive for Jack.



Jack jumps around his room, air guitaring to one of his rock anthems. He scruffs up his hair in the mirror. He grabs the first thing at hand, a who t shirt and puts it on, always mr chilled, he doesn’t give what he’s wearing a second thought.

He looks over the coridoor into Alex’s room, she is unaware he is watching. He looks over at her and smiles to himself. She suddenly terms and sees him, she smiles back.



Their moment is short lived, as one by one the gang step out of their rooms, dressed up and ready for a night out on the tiles.

Lydia: Right then, cab’s waiting, everyone ready!?

Micky: Where we gonna go?

Lydia: Dunno, Alex where’s best?

Alex: Junk’s suppose to be good.

Lydia: Junk it is then! Come on people, let’s get this party started!

One by one they filter out of the flat. Reese steps out of his room, a bit down. Alex holds his hand and smiles at him.

Alex: Come on, it’ll be a laugh.

Reese locks his door, and the pair follow the rest out of the flat, ready for a night out on the tiles...

05-06-2008, 12:46
I love this. Jack and Alex suit each other. Are they going to get it on?

05-06-2008, 13:08
I think I saw a spendaholics program on 'Lydia' last year. She must be racking up the debt, or is she a 'trust fund' babe?

05-06-2008, 14:01
I'm loving alex she is sweet, i think there will definitly be something between her and Jack. I am likeing Jess as well.

05-06-2008, 14:08
I think I saw a spendaholics program on 'Lydia' last year. She must be racking up the debt, or is she a 'trust fund' babe?

I think Lydia is on Daddy's fund!!

05-06-2008, 17:33
I reckon something between Jess and Mickey? He's gonna fall in lurrrrve :p.

Great parts, love this script :D.

05-06-2008, 20:55
Jess and Micky are so opposite something is blatently going to happen between them :)
And I think Lydia is ace :p a right drama queen :)
Well done am loving this :)

06-06-2008, 12:25

Junk, a trendy nightclub is full of first-night freshers, all having a good time. “Wearing My Rolex” by Wiley is blasting out in the background, as the gang enter.

Jack: Great, RnB :rolleyes:

Alex: Give it a chance, it might not be too bad.

Jess: (To Micky) Hey Micky, aren’t they the girls you had in your room earlier?

Micky looks over to see the same too girls, all over another boy in the VIP area. Jess delights in Micky’s embarrassment.

Jess: Can’t have been that great eh?

Micky: Plenty more fish in the sea, the night’s young yet…

Jess: God help us all.

Lydia, a pro at the clubbing scene, leads the gang to the bar.

Lydia: Right, let’s all get some shots down us! On me!

The gang cheer, Ash looks uncomfortable.

Ash: I’m just gonna go to the toilet…

Alex: (Concerned) Are you ok?

Ash: I’ll be back in a bit.

Ash scurries off, Alex is left without her fellow drink virgin.

Lydia: Screw her then! Don’t mean we can’t all have a good time, eh!?

Jack detects that Alex is a bit nervous.

Jack: Hey, don’t worry, it’s only a bit of vodka…

Alex: I know…

Jack: Don’t feel forced to drink it…

Alex: No I want to. God I bet you think I’m a right looser.

Jack: Not at all, you’re the soundest person I’ve meet yet.

Alex smiles at Jack’s compliment. The barman lines up six shot glasses and fills them each with vodka. Lydia gathers the gang around the bar, as they all pick up the shot glasses.

Lydia: Come on! Three, two, one! Down the hatch!

They all neck their shots, and pull their faces at the aftertaste.

Lydia: Wooo! That’s what I’m talking about!

Jack: (To Alex) See, not too bad was it.

Lydia: (To barman) Keep them coming darling!

Reese: You sure you can afford all these?

Lydia: I’m not paying, daddy is. Hell, if I can’t treat my new friends, who can I treat eh?

Jess begins talking to Micky, presuming he still beside her.

Jess: Can’t wait to see you fail with your cheesy chat up lines.

She turns to face him, but sees that he is already getting off with some random brunette beside her. Jess pulls a face in disapproval.

Lydia gestures for the remaining guys to take another shot.

Lydia: Come on, get another one down you!

They follow her orders and shot down some more vodka. Lydia turns to Alex.

Lydia: See, you’re a natural to this! Knew you would be!

Jack: You make sure you pace yourself alright?

Lydia: Pacing is for losers, Alex knows how to handle herself. Think I’ve got myself a new drinking buddy here! You and me girl, we’re gonna be the next Paris and Nicole!

Alex: Who?

Lydia: Never mind sweetie! Come on! Let’s dance!

Lydia drags herself to the dance floor. Alex looks slightly horrified, gesturing for Jack to come with her. The others follow on.

06-06-2008, 12:29

Half an hour later “Gimme More” by Britney Spears is playing. Lydia is full of energy, dancing provocatively in the middle of the dance floor, trying to get Reese to cheer up.

Lydia: Come on darl’, let’s see a smile on your face!

Jess is talking to another punk rocker in the corner, they seem to be getting on well. Alex and Jack are dancing with one another, despite it not being their kind of music they are enjoying each other’s company.

Jack: How you feeling now?

Alex: Good yeah.

Jack: See, told you you’d be alright in the end…

Alex: Yeah, thanks.

Ash finally remerges from the toilets, she tries to avoid Lydia seeing her, as she tries to sneak out of the club, but Lydia spots her.

Lydia: Oi! Ash! Over here babe!

Ash comes over, flustered.

Ash: Look, I think I’m gonna head back to halls, this aint my scene really…

Lydia: Nonsense darl’, the night’s young yet! You aint going anywhere!

Ash feels compelled to stay; she begins dancing with Lydia and Reese. The camera moves over to Micky who is in his element dancing with anyone or anything.

He stumbles over to a girl who is dancing raunchily.

Micky: Yeah, that’s It baby, just like that, you work that booty!

She looks at him like he’s a pervert and continues dancing with her friends.

Micky: Oh don’t be like that! I’m just admiring the view!

Girl: **** off!

Micky staggers over to a couple of girls who are sat on a sofa.

Micky: Ladies! Sexy ladies! How are you all tonight?

Girl 1: Good thanks…you?

Micky: I’m absolutely bloody brilliant! Can I get you all drinks?

Girl 2: We’re good thanks!

Micky: Oh come on! Don’t play hard to get! What you drinking?

Girl 2: I’ve think you’ve had enough!

Micky: Never! I’m a Irish boy, I can handle my drink!

Girl 3: Doesn’t look like it!

Micky: Wanna bet!? You girls get yourself up to that bar now, and I’ll just show you!

Girl 1: Go and bug someone else!

Micky: Rude!

Micky staggers off, bumping into Jess.

Micky: Look who it is! Jessica!!!

Jess: Micky…

Micky: You’ll have a drink with me won’t you!?

Jess: What? Ran out of girls to chat up…

Micky: Don’t know what’s got into them all. They don’t wanna know…

Jess: So much for the charms of Micky Murphy eh?

Micky: Meh, they have no taste, Junk by name, Junk by nature eh!?

Jess: You tell yourself that…

Jess walks away from Micky.

Micky: Oi, where are you going?

Jess: Away from you!

Micky: Charming!

Micky shouts out to the club.

Micky: Come on! Who wants a quickie with Nine Inch Nigel!? Anyone!? Come one! I’ll throw in a kebab!

Everybody stares at Micky, and begins laughing at the state that he’s got himself into it.

Micky: Fine! You’re slags anyway! It’d be like throwing a sausage down a coridoor anyway!

Micky staggers to the bar, falling over and grabbing hold of a bar stoll as he lands.

Micky: Barman! A shot of your finest vodka please!

As Micky gets up, he sees a group of bouncers surrounding him.

Micky: Time to go? (They nod) Thought so! Ah well, you can’t blame a guy for trying!

06-06-2008, 12:32

Jess returns to the group, who are dancing away to the latest club anthem.

Alex: Hey Jess! Where’s Micky!?

Jess: Dunno, think I saw some bouncers chuck him out!

Alex: What for?

Jess: You shouldn’t seen the state of him! Off his face!

Lydia: Jess, come dance girl! Show these boys your moves!

Reluctantly Jess joins in dancing with Lydia, who is showing off to a group of boys.

All of a sudden the song changes to “I Bet That You Look Good On The Dance Floor” by Artic Monkies. Jack’s face suddenly lights up.

Jack: Wehey! Now we’re talking!

Jack and Alex get lost in the music as they dance away happily to the Monkies. Reese sees that Ash isn’t enjoying herself.

Reese: You alright Ash?

Ash: Not really.

Reese: What’s up?

Ash: If tonight’s anything to go by, I dunno if I’m gonna fit in!

Reese: Of course you will! You’re fab! You’ve just gotta get use to all this!

Ash: Yeah, it’s just a lot to take in y’know?

Lydia returns to the pair of them, wrapping her arms around them.

Lydia: What you too standing around for!? Dance already!

Reese: Not really feeling it Lyd’…

Lydia: What you like, you moody buggers eh? Come on, let’s get some drinks down us…

Lydia drags the pair of them to the bar.

Ash: I really don’t know about this Lydia…

Lydia: Oh don’t be so silly Ash, you’ve gotta try it sooner or later.

Reese: She hasn’t gotta do anything…

Lydia: God’s sake! Lighten up a little and live! What person our age don’t drink!?

Ash: If my parents found out…

Lydia: They aint gonna find out darling, unless you tell ‘em!

Ash: I dunno Lydia.

Lydia: Come on, one drink, that’s all I ask. If you don’t like it – I’ll leave you alone. What d’ya say eh?

Ash: Ok then…

Lydia: Great! How about you Reese, anything?

Reese: Suppose, can’t make me feel any worse!

Lydia: That’s the spirit! Barman! Three Kyrptonites!

Ash: (Worried) What’s a Kryptonite?

Lydia: Oh they’re lush babe, 1 shot of abysinth, 3 shots of vodka and some port!

Reese: Jeeze! You tryna kill the girl!?

Lydia: Relax! It’s like fizzy pop! It might kill Superman, but it’ll take a damn lot more to kill me!

Lydia hands them all their drinks.

Lydia: Come on, down the hatch! Cheers!

They all drink their Kyrptonites.

Ash: This is actually quite nice!

Lydia: Wehey! Get it down you then girl! That’s more like it! A few more of them and you’ll be ready to party!

Ash continues drinking her drink.

Lydia: I know it’s hard darl, finding your feet and all, but we’ll help you out! Starting tomorrow!

Ash: Why? What’s happening tomorrow?

Lydia: You think I aint seen the clothes you’ve got in that wardrobe of yours! I’m taking you shopping girl! On me!

Ash suddenly looks a lot more relaxed, Reese smiles at her encouragingly; she begins to feel as though she could enjoy herself at university.

06-06-2008, 13:30
Lydia: Oh they’re lush babe, 1 shot of abysinth, 3 shots of vodka and some port!

either I am seriously out of touch or this drink really does sound like vomit

06-06-2008, 13:48
Lydia: Oh they’re lush babe, 1 shot of abysinth, 3 shots of vodka and some port!

either I am seriously out of touch or this drink really does sound like vomit

If it doesn't taste of it, it will certainly induce it - I though abysinth was illegal?

06-06-2008, 13:51
Lydia: Oh they’re lush babe, 1 shot of abysinth, 3 shots of vodka and some port!

either I am seriously out of touch or this drink really does sound like vomit

no it's suprisingly nice, but you regret it the morning after!

06-06-2008, 13:52
Lydia: Oh they’re lush babe, 1 shot of abysinth, 3 shots of vodka and some port!

either I am seriously out of touch or this drink really does sound like vomit

If it doesn't taste of it, it will certainly induce it - I though abysinth was illegal?

there's difference types of abysnth, the really strong stuff, over 60% is illegal i think, as that is really lethal, but the 40% stuff is still available in bars etc

06-06-2008, 13:56
Lydia: Oh they’re lush babe, 1 shot of abysinth, 3 shots of vodka and some port!

either I am seriously out of touch or this drink really does sound like vomit

If it doesn't taste of it, it will certainly induce it - I though abysinth was illegal?

there's difference types of abysnth, the really strong stuff, over 60% is illegal i think, as that is really lethal, but the 40% stuff is still available in bars etc

I checked and it is illegal in France and the USA, but as you say some version are legal in UK.

06-06-2008, 14:02
no it's suprisingly nice, but you regret it the morning after!

sound like you are speaking from experience.. mind you in UNI you try everything and don't ever think of the morning after

06-06-2008, 14:06
Ha! Went right through Uni without once drinking alcohol, or touching drugs.

I didn't drink until I moved to London and didn't have a car - up til then I had to drive everywhere, lol

06-06-2008, 19:25
absinthe, like you say she'll definitly regret that in the morning. I certainly did!

Chloe O'brien
06-06-2008, 23:57
Man I had four pages to catch up on: Anyway poor Ash you can just imaging any parent going on like that. Sparks are flying between Mickey and Jess, he'd better hope he doesn't catch anything with all that bed hopping. As for Lydia I can't make up my mind if she's a little rich girl using Daddy's money like Demi Moore in St Elmo's Fire or is she on the game to feed her habit.

07-06-2008, 00:01
You think Lydia is a dock fairy? I hadn't considered that before :hmm:

Chloe O'brien
07-06-2008, 01:30
She's either been tossed off to uni by Daddy so she's out of the road so he can spend time with his girlfriend who's not much older than Lyida so she's hitting the drink and drugs as a cry for help and attention or she is on the game.

07-06-2008, 16:22

A while later. Jack and Alex are still dancing with another, clearly enjoying one another’s company. Alex stops dancing, looking tired.

Jack: You alright? D’ya need some air?

Alex: No I’ll be alright (To Jess) do you think we should go after Micky?

Jess: No, he’ll be fine, he’s probably chatting some girl up in another club as we speak…

Jack: (Jokes) Lucky girl…

The club goes mental as “Ayo Technology” by 50 cent & Justin Timberlake plays. Everyone starts to dance with one another. A group of lads start checking out Jess as she dances.

Lad 1: Alright sexy.

Jess ignores them and continues to dance with Jack and Alex.

Lad 2: Oi, wanna dance babycakes?

Lad 1: “Babycakes”? What the ****!? ****!

Jack: (To Jess) They talking to you?

Jess: Just ignore them.

Lad 1: Yo, punk bitch, I’m talking to you!

Jess turns to face the group of lads, annoyed at being insulted.

Jess: What the **** did you say!?

Lad 1: Wanna dance?

Jess: With you!?

Lad 1: What’s wrong with me!?

Jess: What’s right with you!? Chav!

Lad 2: Yo, ya wanna shut up ennit, tramp!

Jess: You ****ing what!?

Jess goes mad and starts pushing one of the lads. They react badly, ready for a fight, Alex looks scared as Jack intervenes.

Jess: You wanna ****ing say that again!? Moron!

Lad 1: ****ing frigid bitch!

Lad 2: Dyke!

Jess pushes Jack aside and launches herself at the lads, grabbing their hair and clawing at their face.

Lad 1: **** off, psycho bitch!

Alex: Jack! Do something!

Noticing the commotion, the bouncers head over to the dancefloor and try and separate them all.

Bouncer: Oi! Cut it out! Now!

Lad 2: Dirty little sket man!

Jess: Let me at them! ****ers!

One of the bouncers grabs Jess but she smacks him around the face.

Bouncer: Right. That’s it. Out.

Jack: You what!? She didn’t start it! It was them twats!

Bouncer: And we’re finishing it, come on, out, all of you!

The bouncers grabs hold of Jack, Alex and Jess, and escort them out of the club.

Jess: Get the **** off me!

On the way out they pass Lydia, Ash and Reese at the bar.

Lydia: What’s going on?

Jack: They’re throwing us out!

Lydia: What for!?

Reese: Come on Lyds, we’ve gotta go with ‘em…

Ash: But we can’t man! What about drinks!?

Lydia: Don’t worry, I’ve got loads back at halls, come on.

The three of them get up and follow Alex, Jack and Jess out of the club.

Ash: But the night’s young…

Reese: There’s plenty more nights Ash.

Reese wraps his arm around her as they leave the club.

Lydia: So much for 3am! :rolleyes:

07-06-2008, 16:26

The group are thrown out of the club by the bouncers.

Bouncer: Don’t think coming back here any time soon!

Jess: Stuff your poxy club! £2.50 a shot!? Rip off!

The group walk down the street away from the club.

Lydia: I don’t think I’ve ever left a club that early in my life.

Jack: Oh, how will you live it down?

Alex laughs at Jack’s attempt to lighten the mood.

Jess: I canny believe they didn’t throw out that perves! ****ing patriarchal society!

Reese and Ash follow behind, Ash is tipsy, with Reese helping her walk straight.

Ash: I was having so much fun, I wanted to stay! Can we stay?

Reese: It’s best we go Ash, we came together, we leave together…

Ash: But I want another drinky…

Reese: I think you’ve had enough for tonight love.

Up front, Jack walks between Lydia and Alex.

Lydia: So, you guys have a good night?

Jack: Yeah, it weren’t too bad.

Jess: Yeah, until them twats ruined the night!

Lydia: Hey isn’t that Micky?

At the end of the street is Micky. He sits on a bench next to an old Chinese man, who can’t speak a word of English. The pair are staring at a bottle of mineral water on the pavement.

Micky: You see, it’s like…life…it’s just so…confined you know? It’s like someone is bottling us up, and selling us life at £1.50 a bottle, and if you want to live you’ve gotta pay it! You know!? It’s like…paying for life! And that’s like…so…totally wrong?

Jack: Micky?

Micky: Jack! My main man! What you doing here!?

Jack: I could ask you the same question.

Micky: Why aren’t you in the club!?

Lydia: We got kicked out! So we’re taking the party back to halls!

Micky: Sounds like a plan to me!

All of a sudden “Weed” staggers out of an alleyway and hugs Micky.

Weed: Dude!

Micky: Dude!?

Weed: Wanna buy some weed!?

Lydia: God yeah! That’ll help us wind down! Nothing like a spliff to get the party started!

Weed: Sweet. Where’s the party at!?

Lydia: Drake block, come along.

Weed: Coooool.

Jack and Jess help Micky up. Micky looks at the Chinese man.

Micky: Care to join us Wu?

Bewildered, he gets up and follows the group, as they head down the street.

Micky: I’m forever blowing bubbles! Pretty bubbles in the air!

Before long the group all begin chanting along with Micky as they head back off to halls.

Lydia: How about you Al’, you enjoy yourself?

Alex: Yeah. I really did, I think I’m gonna fit in well around here.

Jack: That’s great to hear.

Jack grabs hold of Alex’s hand; she looks up at him and smiles.

Alex (Voice Over): I never imagined my first night at uni would involve us all stoned in a coridoor with a pot dealer and some random Chinese man, but for all it was worth, I’d made a great set of friends. It looked like I was going to enjoy university after all.

Fades out to “Time To Pretend” by MGMT.


07-06-2008, 21:57
Alex (Voice Over): I never imagined my first night at uni would involve us all stoned in a coridoor with a pot dealer and some random Chinese man, but for all it was worth, I’d made a great set of friends. It looked like I was going to enjoy university after all.

:rotfl: I love this. Today's scenes made me laugh so much.

08-06-2008, 15:44
brilliant first episode, i love it.

08-06-2008, 17:08
When's the next episode going to be? I really love this, can't wait for more :D

08-06-2008, 17:09
When's the next episode going to be? I really love this, can't wait for more :D

it'll start tomorrow, great to see i have you addicted lol :D

08-06-2008, 17:17
When's the next episode going to be? I really love this, can't wait for more :D

it'll start tomorrow, great to see i have you addicted lol :D

lol, I am addicted already :thumbsup:

I'm reading it during my revision breaks, it's a welcome relief.

08-06-2008, 20:06
Wooo awesome. Can't wait for episode 2. Should get better now that we know the characters :cheer:.

09-06-2008, 09:58
excellent first epi bry.. can't wait for the next lot!!

09-06-2008, 12:04
Episode 2 - Rules Of Attraction


The morning after. Alex, Ash and Micky are sat in the kitchen, each feeling the effects of the previous night.

Alex (Voice Over): Alcohol – the staple part of any Student’s diet. Who ever invented it has a lot to answer for – the biggest being the unpleasant feeling known as a hang over…

Micky: Never…again…

Alex: Until the next time eh?

Micky: No, I swear, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so rough in my life! And it was the first time I’ve not pulled in a club! I must be loosing my charm!

Alex: I’m sure it was just a blip Mick’.

Micky: Better be, don’t want to send mr porky into retirement just yet.

Alex: (laughs aloud) “Mr Porky”!?

Micky: Don’t ask.

The kitchen door opens and in staggers “Weed”, stoned as usual.

Micky: Dude! What you doing in our flat!?

Weed: Breakfast man.

Weed gets a carton of milk out of the fridge and starts drinking some.

Micky: What you doing!? That’s my milk man!

Weed: Sweet…

Micky grabs the milk off Weed.

Micky: No, not sweet! You try it you buy it!

Weed: It’s just milk dude…

Micky: No, it’s 88p for 2 litres, now come on, sod off out of our flat!

Micky ushers Weed out of the flat, as they leave Jack walks into the kitchen.

Jack: Morning…

Alex’s face lights up at the sight of Jack.

Alex: Morning, sleep well?

Jack: Yeah, that was some lethal weed last night…

Alex: Was my first time…

Jack: I don’t make a habit of it, it can **** your head up.

Alex: Yeah, I saw it with my brother…

Jack sits down, and looks over at Ash, who has her head buried in her hands.

Jack: You alright Ash?

Ash barely manages to let out a groan.

Alex: Get some aspiring down you Ash, that should make you feel better…

Jack: Where is everyone?

Alex: Reese and Jess have gone to enrol, I think Lydia’s still sleeping…

Jack: She doesn’t strike me as a morning person…

Alex: Just us then…

Jack smiles, their moment alone is cut short when Micky returns.

Micky: I tell ya, that Weed, off his head…

Alex: You ready to head into uni with me Mick?

Micky: In a bit yeah, but we have a problem…

Jack: What’s that mate?

Micky: What we gonna do with Wu?

The camera pans over to the other side of the kitchen where Wu, the old Chinese man from the night before, is crawled up asleep hugging a bottle of vodka.

The three look at one another, and then burst into laughter.

09-06-2008, 12:05

Jess is sat in the lecture room, having an introduction to her course, by course leader Marcus Wilks.

Marcus walks up and down the centre of the classroom, trying to suss out each of his students. The majority are airheads dressed in the latest fashions.

Marcus: I’ve seen a lot of students over the years on this course, and they all think it’s plain sailing, but I hate to tell you all, it’s going to be hard work.

Several groans from some of the students, Jess rolls her eyes at them, and listens to Marcus attentively.

Marcus: I expect the best from my students, because in the real world any less wont get you anywhere. I want you all to be rivalling Stella McCartney and Jasper Conran. I’m gonna separate the wheat from the chaff, and I want you all to give me 100%.

Girl:(Jokes) So much for uni being a doss eh?

Jess: If that’s how you feel why don’t you just go back home and work in MacDonald’s?

The classroom goes silent, students start to laugh and talk between themselves, the girl looks embarrassed. Marcus looks over to Jess.

Marcus: Thank you…?

Jess: Jess…

Marcus: Jess…well as Jess said, if you don’t hard work, then this isn’t the right place for you.

Marcus smiles at Jess, silently thanking her. Jess keeps her head down as the girl looks over at her, casting her a scornful look.

Marcus: To survive this course you’ve got to have a real love for fashion. And I don’t just mean you like shopping, and you like wearing clothes…fashion is more than that. Fashion in it’s truest sense is an art form, and it encompasses a lot. A piece of clothing can be just as much as masterpiece as a film or a painting.

Marcus’ lecture seems to be boring the majority of the class, Jess being one of the few exceptions.

Marcus: When you design you’re clothes, and make them I want to feel that every last drop of you is in there somewhere. All that creativity, passion, emotion is reflected in your work. I expect good things from you all, so you’d all better deliver.

Jess: (To herself) Oh I’ll deliver alright, don’t you worry…

Jess looks over at Marcus as he continues speaking, she is clearly impressed by his passion for the subject he’s teaching.

09-06-2008, 12:08

Alex and Micky are sat next to one another in their Psychology induction. Lisa Trueman is sat at the front of the room, projecting herself to the class.

Lisa: I know uni work can seem a bit dull at times, but I’m going to do my best to liven it all up for you, and make it as fun as possible. I know you’ll here to have a good time, and I encourage it, make the most of this freedom whilst you have it…but also know when to draw the line. Know when it’s time to get your head down and do some work.

Micky is sat admiring Lisa, not paying attention to what she is saying. Alex nudges him.

Alex: You’re drooling…

Micky: (To Jess) Now she is a TILF if ever I saw one…

Alex: Dare I ask?

Alex shakes her head, laughing it off, before listening once more to Lisa.

Lisa: I don’t want you thinking I’m just a lecturer; I’d like you all to see me as a friend. If you need someone to talk to, or help with anything my office is only in the next block. I hope to get to know you all over the next year, and look forward to seeing what work you all produce. Now off you go…student union awaits, enjoy yourself.

The class get up and start packing their bags.

Lisa: Remember, first lecture 12 noon tomorrow, no excuses you’ve got a long enough lye in…see you all then!

Alex and Micky get up, Micky’s eyes are focused on a couple of girls who are leaving the room.

Alex: Fancy getting some lunch Mick’?

Micky: Erm…no I ate earlier…I’m gonna erm…

Alex detects what he is looking at.

Alex: Go on, off you go, work your magic on them :p

Micky: Cheers Al’, we’ll go for a drink later yeah!?

Alex: Sure :)

Micky hurries off in pursuit of the girls. Alex smiles, amused at Micky’s carefree approach to life. Alex grabs her back and heads out to the front to leave.

Lisa looks down her list, and then moves over towards Alex.

Lisa: Hi. Alex isn’t it?

Alex: Yeah…cool lecture, I look forward to starting work..

Lisa: Ah that’s good to hear, nice to know I didn’t bore you all to death

Alex: Oh no, not at all.

Lisa: I’ve been looking over your application Alex, I noticed the additional notes about your father…

Alex: Oh, is there a problem?

Lisa: No, not at all. I just thought you might want to talk about it…

Alex: What’s there to talk about? He’s got MS, it’s nothing major…

Lisa: No, it’s just…I can imagine it’s hard on you, looking after your father all these years

Alex: You kind of get used to it, you know?

Lisa: It’s very brave of you, not many girls you age would be able to cope.

Alex: Well it’s a case of having to really.

Lisa: I hope you don’t think I’m prying Alex, but if you ever need anyone to talk to about it, if anything goes wrong at home, and you find yourself struggling…

Alex: I won’t, I can manage…

Lisa: I’m sure you can, but I can imagine it’s a great burden to juggle university and looking after your father. It might seem like everything is stacking up against you, but just so as you know, I’m here if you need me.

Alex: Thanks I guess…

Lisa: Don’t mention it. Anyways, I’ll leave you to get on, see you tomorrow.

Alex: Yeah, see you tomorrow.

Alex leaves. Lisa smiles, her heart warmed by such a bright and nice mannered young girl. Feeling sorry for her predicament.

09-06-2008, 12:24
What are we going to do about Mr Wu?? :lol::lol: funniest line ever!!

I see Jess and Marcus having an affair, naughty naughty lecturer

09-06-2008, 16:05
I'd forgot all about Mr Wu, that was a brilliant line. I am warming to Mickey as a character now as well.

09-06-2008, 17:00
:rotfl: That was a good line with Wu :p.

Marcus looks over at Marcus as he continues speaking, she is clearly impressed by his passion for the subject he’s teaching.
Mistake here I think??

I agree Siobhan I think Marcus and Jess are gonna have a fling. Awww :p. V naughty.

Great start to ep 2 :).

10-06-2008, 11:22

Jack is sat in the performance studio with a handful of other students. Rich Trueman is stood in the middle, as one by one the students show him a sample of their music style.

One of the girls in the class plays the piano, and sings “Back To Black” by Amy Winehouse.

Faith: Black, black, black, black, black, black, black, I go back to, I go back to…
We only said good-bye with words, I died a hundred times, You go back to her
And I go back to black….

The group clap as she finishes her performance.

Rich: Impressive Faith. Love the piano skills. Right, last of all…Jack, care to give us a performance?

Jack: Sure, I’ll sing Wild World, is that okay?

Rich: Yeah, great, go for it.

Jack plays “Wild World” by Cat Stevens to perfect on his guitar. His voice and his musical talent captures the attention of all in the room, especially Rich. Upon finishing he meets with a huge round of applause.

Rich: That was really something else Jack, well done I really enjoyed it.

Jack: Thanks.

Rich: It’s good to hear what all of you performed today, gives me an idea of the kind of direction I can take this class. You’ve all got some real talent, and hopefully we can work on that over the next year. Now I wont be seeing you until next week, in the mean time I want you to write me a song. About anything, but make it good. C’ya next week.

The group pack up their instruments and head out of the studio. Rich walks over to Jack.

Rich: Jack, how’s it going?

Jack: You alright sir?

Rich: Really did enjoy your performance today, best of the lot by far.

Jack: Cheers sir, glad you liked it.

Rich: It’s very rare to see someone your age so good with the guitar. Did you teach yourself?

Jack: Yeah, been playing since I was seven.

Rich: Really? That’s pretty impressive.

Jack: Yeah well music’s my life. I live for it.

Rich: You sound a lot like I did when I was your age.

Jack: I dunno it’s just, my one escape you know? Life is so dull at times, especially with my family. When I’m with my guitar, I dunno, I just seem to forget about everything…

Rich: Which is exactly what music’s there for. What kind of music do you listen to then?

Jack: Any kind of rock, mostly the oldies – Led Zep, The Stones, The Who

Rich: God, never thought I’d hear these bands coming out of the mouth of a student. It’s great to hear not everyone listens to the stuff in the charts. You know, I used to have my own band.

Jack: Really? Wow.

Rich: Nothing brilliant really, never got anywhere other than doing the circuits. But you remind me a lot of how I used to be.

Jack: Hope that’s a good thing…

Rich: Yeah, it is. You’ve got a real talent Jack, I look forward to working with you. Stick with me and I’ll have you signed to a record label in no time.

Jack: Wow sir, cheers.

Rich: Anytime Jack, always there to help a student. Off you go now.

Jack picks up his guitar and hurries out of the studio, full of enthusiasm.

10-06-2008, 11:25

Lydia and the other performance students are sat on the floor in the drama studio. Patricia Farrow, who is dressed in eccentric clothing walks around the room, full of emotion.

Patricia: Performance is at the heart of any aspiring act-or! You are the next generation of talented thespians and it is my job to milk the talent from your oozing udders! I am surrounded by next Laurence Oliviers and Audrey Hepburns! You each have already shown me a spark of delight, and I am shall turn that spark in a shining supernova!

Lydia turns to the lad beside her, Liam, and mutters a comment.

Lydia: I’ll have whatever she’s on.

Girl: **** probably…

Liam: Count me in then.

Patricia: I shall guide you all into the valley of success, and turn you into the next big thing!

Liam: The bigger the better…

Patricia: Alas! Forgive me! I have been carried away in my words to you all! I have yet to introduce myself! My name is Patricia Farrow, but I’m more commonly referred to by students as “Batty Patty”.

There are a several laughs amongst the students at this.

Patricia: “Batty” as in mad, not as in “batty boy”! I’ll have you know I am 100 per cent heterosexual; all I have ever desired is a stiff penis! There is no other substitute!

Liam: This woman speaks volumes….

Patricia: You may mock, but eccentricity should never be mistaken for insanity! Eccentricity is what makes us performers! It’s what makes us stand out from the crowd and absorb the radiance of the limelight!

Lydia: She’s absolutely barking mad…

Patricia: Today! You shall all perform a five minute condensed version of the bard’s finest! Now into groups all of you please!

The students separate into groups. Lydia groups herself with Liam and a couple of other girls.

Patricia: You – Macbeth! You – King Lear! You – Othello! You – Hamlet! Now, snap snap! Time is of the essence! Every minute is a moment wasted!

Liam: Great, Othello, my favourite…yawn:rolleyes:

Lydia: Shakespeare is so last century…

Liam: Try four…

Lydia: Whatever, if it aint new it aint worth doing if you ask me. By the way –Lydia.

Liam: Liam. Didn’t I see you getting booted out of Junk last night?

Lydia: God yeah, don’t ask, my saps of flatmates.

Liam: That bad eh?

Lydia: Nah, they’re alright, just don’t think they’re into the clubbing scene.

Liam: You’re with the wrong crowd then babe, you should come out with us lot.

Lydia: Got yourself a little posse?

Liam: It’s not little, I don’t do little. I’ve got the guys, the girls and the gays. Stick with me and you’ll have a good time Lyd’.

Lydia: Sounds like fun, where you off to tonight?

Liam: Probably the OC. Bring some of your flatmates along, see if we can mould them into shape.

Lydia: Yeah, I will do, don’t you worry.

Patricia: Lydia! Liam! There’s no time for idle chat chat! Gossip is the mass murder of time and creativity! The works of the bard require total focus and dedication!

Lydia and Liam laugh off Patricia’s wackiness, and get down to working on their performance.

10-06-2008, 11:28

Lisa is sat in her lecture room looking over some third year proposals. There’s a knock on the door.

Lisa: Come in.

In walks Rich, carrying a bag from Starbucks.

Rich: I come bearing coffee…

Lisa: Oh hi babe, god you must have read my mind, sit down.

Rich sits down on beside Lisa.

Rich: How were your first years?

Lisa: Not too bad, them seem like a nice enough bunch. How about yours? Found the next Bob Dylan amongst them?

Rich: Funny you should say that…heard a lad today, I tell you, he’s got some real talent babe…

Lisa: Really?

Rich: Yeah, he reminds me so much of be at his age, the resemblance is scary.

Lisa: Well let’s hope he doesn’t end up down the road of self destruction like you eh?

Rich: Nah, he seems to have a level head on him, he wont be that stupid.

Lisa: Just aswell, we’ve got enough Pete Doherty’s in this world as it is.

Rich: You alright, you seem a bit down?

Lisa: I’m fine…

Rich: I don’t think you are babe, you’ve been off for the past few days…

Lisa: It’s just this doctor’s appointment, I’m dreading it.

Rich: Don’t, you can’t work yourself up like this.

Lisa: I know, but if he tells us we can’t have kids…

Rich: We’ll cross that bridge when, or if, we come it, okay?

Lisa: Oh come on Rich, get real will you!? We’ve been trying so long and nothing…

Rich: These things can take time babe.

Lisa: Not eight years worth of time…

Rich: All I’m saying is, until we know for sure, just hope for the best.

Lisa: I’m just facing facts, chances are we can’t conceive, and I just can’t bear to hear it.

Rich: There’s other ways Lisa…

Lisa: False hope more like, all these treatments raise your hopes, and end up dashing them, I’m not strong enough to deal with anymore heartache Rich.

Rich: I’ll be here for you babe, not matter what, okay?

Lisa: You say that now, but what use is a Barren wife eh?

Rich: Don’t say that!

Lisa: (Emotional) Well it might be what I am. Baron. Fruitless. Maybe it’s just not meant to be eh!?

Rich grabs hold of Lisa’s hands, and stares into her eyes.

Rich: Let’s just wait ‘til next week yeah? And deal with whatever he tells us then. We’re gotta stay strong babe, no matter what.

Rich tries to stay optimistic, but Lisa’s face is one of sheer despair, unable to believe in hope.

10-06-2008, 11:36
Patricia: “Batty” as in mad, not as in “batty boy”! I’ll have you know I am 100 per cent heterosexual; all I have ever desired is a stiff penis! There is no other substitute!

I laughed out loud at this :rotfl:

10-06-2008, 12:11
I love Patricia.. she is crazy lady...

10-06-2008, 12:29
Barren - incapable of bearing off-spring

Baron - title of rank - the lowest of the peerage.

Audrey Hepburn was the actress, although there seem to be loads of Heyburns on the internet I think that they may be typos.

Loved the drama teacher!

Didn't like Rich - don't know why...

Still looking great, Bry!

10-06-2008, 17:18
Patricia reminds me of the teacher from High School Musical haha! She was pretty good Bry, she's going to be fun :p.

Jack: Wow sir, cheers.
Do you call the lecturer's sir and miss in uni?? Don't in college lol.

Can't wait for more :D. This is really addictive.

10-06-2008, 17:25
Patricia reminds me of the teacher from High School Musical haha! She was pretty good Bry, she's going to be fun :p.

Jack: Wow sir, cheers.
Do you call the lecturer's sir and miss in uni?? Don't in college lol.

Can't wait for more :D. This is really addictive.

some people did in my class at the beginning before they really knew the lecturers that well

11-06-2008, 11:01

‘Labels Or Love’ by Fergie plays over a montage of Ash and Lydia going shopping. The girls walk into various shops, and have fun as they try on different outfits, laughing and joking along the way.

With each shop they leave, they end up with more shopping bags. Exhausted, the pair leave Topshop, carrying handfuls of bags.

Lydia: And that, is how you shop lady.

Ash: You really didn’t have to do all this Lyd, spend all this money on me.

Lydia: Don’t sweat darl’, I wanted to…

Ash: But I feel guilty letting you buy all of this stuff.

Lydia: The bill goes to daddy darl’, I couldn’t care less. Besides, them clothes are gonna look a million dollars on you babe.

Ash: Do you reckon?

Lydia: Girls you almost outshined me back there, and that NEVER happens. You were looking hot girl.

Ash: Thanks.

Lydia: I just can’t believe you’re parents never let you go and bury normal clothes…

Ash: Yes but normal to them is traditional Muslim clothing. They think clothes like these are vulgar, tarty…

Lydia: “Tarty”!? Does that make me a tart for wearing them?

Ash: I didn’t say I agree with them…

Lydia: No offence, I know they’re you’re parents and all that babe, but don’t you think they’re a bit outdated, in their views and that? They sound like my Nan.

Ash: I don’t really think it’s my place to speak bad of them really.

Lydia: No, I mean I’m just saying, it’s like…we’re living in the 21st century now, religion shouldn’t get in the way of how we live our lives, know what I’m saying?

Ash: I suppose, but the very heart of religion is about giving people guidance to live their lives in a particular way.

Lydia: Yeah well don’t you think it’s a bit stupid? Being told what you can and can’t do? Living with all these strict rules.

Ash: It’s restrictive, but I wouldn’t call it stupid. My whole family has followed it for centuries.

Lydia: Don’t you think it’s time to break the mould babe? Cut ties with it all?

Ash: If my parents found out they’d disown me…

Lydia: Maybe that aint such a bad thing.

Ash: How can you say that!?

Lydia: I mean, without them dictating your life, you can start living how you wanna live.

Ash: I already am…

Lydia: Could’a fooled me babe, you were practically pissing your pants before you had your first drink yesterday…

Ash: Yeah well it’s hard, to break away! I’ve been brought up to believe all these things are wrong or forbidden, and then to go against what I’ve been taught…it seems like I’m betraying my parents, my religion…

Lydia: At the end of the day babe, **** parents, **** religion, you’ve gotta do what’s gonna make you happy. You can live for your parent’s or your god’s approval, or you can go out there and enjoy life.

Ash: I see what you’re saying Lydia, but at the moment I don’t want what to think or feel.

Lydia: Well you’re gonna have to decide soon enough babe, because the way you’re carrying on atm, it’s all just contradicting itself.

Ash sighs and nods her head, realising that Lydia is speaking sense. Sooner or later she’s going to have to decide between friends and religion.

11-06-2008, 11:04

Jack is sat outside of Drake Block, in the student gardens. He sits against a wall playing his guitar, trying to think up a song for his course assignment.

Moments later Alex walks into the garden, hearing his guitar.

Jack: Alex…

Alex: Hey, what you doing out here?

Jack: Thought I’d make the most of this sunshine whilst we have it…

Alex: It’s alright for some, mind if I join you?

Jack: ‘Course not.

Alex sits down on the grass beside Jack.

Alex: Playing your guitar?

Jack: Oh, our lecturer wants us all to write a song

Alex: That sounds exciting…

Jack: Not really, I have no inspiration.

Alex: What!? There’s inspiration all around you. Life. Love…

Jack: Wouldn’t know much about that.

Alex: Oh I’m sure you do…

Jack: I’ve never really fallen in love.

Alex: Niether have I, but you can’t give up hope.

Alex smiles optimistically, Jack looks at her for a second and smiles.

Jack: No, I suppose not..

There is a silence between the pair for a few seconds, neither one sure of what to say.

Jack: How was uni?

Alex: Yeah not too bad, my lecturer seems pretty nice. Micky ended up chasing after a couple of the girls in our class…

Jack: What’s he like eh?

Alex: He’s alright, infact everyone in our flat’s cool, couldn’t have got a better group of us if we’d tried.

Jack: No I suppose not, Lydia’s a bit of handful though…

Alex: I’m sure we’ll get used to her, but they sure broke the mould when they made her.

Jack: Thank god!

The pair laugh with one another for a moment.

Alex: So come on, wow me with your lyrical skills…

Jack: I dunno, I’ve never been brilliant with that side of things, I’ve only ever done cover stuff…

Alex: Well it’s about time you tried eh? You never know you might surprise yourself.

Jack: I’m just not creative when it comes to that…

Alex: Of course you’re creative. The way you play your guitar, you’re so talented…

Jack: Writing lyrics is completely different though…

Alex: It’s just like poetry. I love poetry.

Jack: Maybe you can help me out then? You right the lyrics and I work on the chords. How about it?

Alex: Yeah that sounds cool.

Jack: Sweet! Get writing then! Think we could make a great duo y’know!

Alex gets a pen and paper out of her bag. The pair have smiles plastered on one another’s faces.

11-06-2008, 11:07

Reese is sat in his room, feeling sorry for himself. Lydia walks past dressed in only a bakini, carrying a beach towel. She peeks into his room and sees he’s looking down.

Lydia: You alright Reese babe?

Reese: Yeah. Not too bad. Come in.

Lydia walks into his room and sits down.

Reese: Where you off to dressed like that?

Lydia: Just outside in the gardens, Alex and Jack are already down there, thought I’d catch some rays. You should come down.

Reese: Nah, think I’ll stay here. Kelly might be online in a bit…

Lydia: You can’t stay chained to your laptop in hope of her coming online…

Reese: I know but I wanna chat to her.

Lydia: And say what? The mood you’re in you’ll only depress her.

Reese: I just want to hear a familiar voice, it’s hard being away from home.

Lydia: D’ya think? I’m loving every minute of it.

Reese: Yeah well, you haven’t got anyone special back home have you?

Lydia seems to take this comment to heart a little, suddenly seeming touched by this comment.

Lydia: No, I really haven’t. My life’s here now I suppose…

Reese: Don’t you feel sad about that though?

Lydia: Nah, not at all babe. Why get yourself tied down. Why get involved with people, they’ll only hurt you in the long run…

Reese: Kelly wouldn’t do that to me.

Lydia: No of course she wouldn’t, because she’s not like every other human being is she?

Reese: Look Lyd’, you might have been hurt in the past but it doesn’t mean everyone in the world’s a *******.

Lydia: I’m just saying, if you pin all your hopes on one person, you’re opening yourself up for heartache.

Reese: You speaking from experience?

Lydia: (Touchy) I’m just saying okay!? Take my advice, or leave it. I’m only looking out for you y’know!

Lydia gets up, suddenly offended. Reese realises he has overstepped the line and calls her back.

Reese: No, wait. Lyd’s I’m sorry, I’m just tempramental at the moment.

Lydia: Yeah. No one’s saying it’s gonna be easy you being away from Kelly. But like it or not Reese you’re here in Southampton with us lot, you might aswell make the most of it, rather than mooping around. You can have fun without Kelly you know.

Reese: Yeah, I know. Soon enough I’ll realise that and chill, but at the moment, I’m just…I dunno…

Lydia: I tell you what babe, one of my course mates has asked me out to the OC tonight, why don’t you come along? It’ll be a laugh.

Reese: I dunno Lyd’, I’m still recovering from last night…

Lydia: Babe, university is all about recovering, if you aint got a permanent hangover, then you aint living life to the full.

Reese: I don’t want Kelly to think I’m ignoring her though.

Lydia: If she wants you, she’s got your number. Don’t you let her stop you from having fun d’ya hear me? Tonight, you and me are gonna get sloshed, and forget our worries, d’ya hear me?

Reese: Doubt you’re gonna take no for an answer are you?

Lydia: No, course not! :D. Anyways this skin aint gonna catch the sun by itself, I’ll see you later babe.

Lydia gets up and leaves Reese online in his room. Reese’s face lights up as he hears the sound of someone come online. His smile fades when it says “Josh”.

11-06-2008, 21:22
I can't wait to fin out who Josh is.

This is great so far :D

11-06-2008, 21:29
Awww loving Jack and Alex, can't wait to see the song, bet it will be all lovey :p.

Awww Lydia is a little loud, but I feel a little sorry for her.. don't know why yet.

12-06-2008, 08:23
I am really enjoying this, you are doing a brilliant job :clap:

12-06-2008, 09:09
Lydia really is a handful, i think thats a great description by Jack.

Can't wait for more.

12-06-2008, 10:49

Jess walks back into halls, returning from her lecture. As she enters, she bumps into a random blonde girl, who is wrapped in only a towel. She runs from the shower back to Micky’s room.



Jess grits her teeth in annoyance before marching into the kitchen, where Micky is stood making two cups of tea. He is dressed in only his boxer shorts.

Jess: What the hell are you playing at Micky?

Micky: Jess! Can I make you a cup of tea?

Jess: Who the hell was that tart I just passed in the hallway!?

Micky: I’ll have you know she’s a very nice young lady…

Jess: Who is she!?

Micky: Marie. What’s the problem?

Jess: My problem is she’s about the sixth girl you’ve had in your room since we got here!

Micky: So? What’s wrong with that?

Jess: We’ve only been here two days!

Micky: An average of 3 a day, not bad going eh!? Look you know me, I don’t waste time…

Jess: I can’t believe you’re being so casual about this!

Micky: It’s just sex, I don’t get what the big deal is.

Jess: Haven’t you got any respect for yourself? Sleeping your way around Southampton like some kind of manwhore!?

Micky: Manwhore is good! I could live with manwhore.

Jess: Jesus! It’s time’s like this when I think about going lesbian!

Micky: No that is something you should definitely do! Lesbian would suit you!

Jess: Don’t test me Micky!

Micky: Never had a lesbian before, would be fun to turn them back on the straight and narrow…

Jess: As oppose to turning all the straight girls gay!?

Micky: Hey, the amount of girls I’ve been with, the chances are high…

Jess: You make me sick Micky! The way you treat women like some kind of…

Micky: Disposable pleasure?

Jess: Exactly!

Micky: Hey they know what they’re getting when they hook up with me. No strings attached fun. We do the deed, and then get on with our lives, it’s the way it works. I’m happy, they’re happy, I don’t see what the problem is!

Jess: The problem is you’re such a sexist pig Micky! You think you can just turn on the Irish charms and talk any woman into bed!

Micky: You sound jealous Jess…

Jess: Oh don’t you start on that one! No way would I ever sleep with you! The way you treat women is disgusting! And you don’t even have the decency to admit what you’re doing is wrong!

Micky: Because it isn’t! I’m just having fun whilst I can…

Jess: And **** the thoughts of anyone else, eh!?

Micky: With all due respect Jess, what I do, and who I do it with, is nothing to do with you okay!?

Jess: Fine! Don’t wanna take my advice!? Screw yourself!

Micky: Why would I when I’ve got Marie willing to!?

Jess screams out before storming off in annoyance. Micky shakes it off casually, laughing to himself at Jess being so easily irritated by his actions.

12-06-2008, 10:52

Lydia walks outside and joins Alex and Jack in the gardens.

Lydia: Hiya guys.

Alex: Hey

Jack: Y’alright Lydia?

Lydia: How’s the song writing going?

Alex: Not too bad.

Jack: Alex has certainly got a way with words.

Lydia: Wehey, we’ll be hearing you on the charts in no time.

Jack: Not really aiming for that kind of audience…

Lydia: Why not? All the big indie bands are hitting the charts these days, Razorlight, The Kooks, Kaiser Chiefs…

Jack: (Impressed) I’m surprised you know who they are…

Lydia: Oi, I’ll have you know I’m not just a pretty face darl’ :p

Jack laughs at her, impressed. Alex feels a bit uneasy at the pair flirting with one another. Suddenly Jack’s phone rings.

Lydia: Oh, in demand I see…

Jack: It’s mom, best take it.

Jack gets up and walks off to have a conversation with his mom. Lydia checks him out as he goes. She turns to Alex, who is lying down on the grass beside her.

Lydia: Certainly a fine figure of a man there.

Alex: You reckon?

Lydia: Oh don’t be all coy Alex, you don’t fool me.

Alex: How d’ya mean?

Lydia: It’s obvious you fancy the pants off of him!

Alex: I do not!

Lydia: There’s no fooling me darl’, I’ve got a sense for these things.

Alex: Honestly Lyd’…

Lydia: There’s nothing wrong with fancying him, he’s a real catch.

Alex: Ok, maybe I like him a little…

Lydia: “A little”? Over statement of the century babe. You’ve proper got the hots for him…

Alex: Is that that obvious?

Lydia: Babe, of course it is! You’re spending every waking minute together, it’s like you’re already going out!

Alex: God, I bet he thinks I’m a right freak or something…

Lydia: From where I’m sitting darl’, he’s loving every minute of it.

Alex: D’ya think so?

Lydia: I know so. Ooo how exciting, it’s like being back at school!

Alex: I dunno, I doubt he likes me, I’ve never really had any luck with boys…

Lydia: For god’s sake babe, don’t let that get in the way of things! He’s a stunner, and if you don’t snap him up, plenty of others will.

As she says this Lydia licks her lips, checking out Jack as he stands stalking to his mother, oblivious of the pair’s topic of conversation.

Alex: Oh god. This is all just too much to take it. What should I do?

Lydia: Just tell him how you feel babe.

Alex: Yeah but…

Lydia: No buts okay? You get yourself back into halls, doll yourself up, and come out with my and Reese tonight. Bring Jack, and tell him you’ve got the hots for him. Simple as.

Alex: You say that but…

Lydia: No buts! Christ alight girl, you’re hard work when you wanna be aint ya? Get yourself in there now girl and put on your gladrags!

Looking nervous, Alex gets up and heads indoors, Lydia smiles at her encouragingly. With Alex out of sight Lydia continues eying up Jack, a contemplative look on her face.

12-06-2008, 10:52
I have got the feeling that Mickey and Jess just might end up together one day :hmm:

12-06-2008, 10:55

Ocean & Collins – a swish new club at the heart of the Solent clubbing scene. Lydia, Reese, Alex and Jack head into the club.

Alex: It seems really nice in here.

Reese: Ash would have loved it, why hasn’t she come out?

Jack: She said something about group work.

Alex: Where’s your mates Lydia?

Lydia looks over to the VIP Area, where Liam and some of her course mates are sitting, he waves over at Lydia.

Lydia: Over there in VIP, the boy knows…

Jack: How’s he wrangle that?

Lydia: God knows but that’s what we’re talking about, it’s gonna be a good night, I’ve got a feeling in my bones!

Lydia follows the group of them over to Liam & co in the VIP Area.

Liam: Lydia, thought you weren’t gonna come!

Lydia: Well you know, it’s not fashionable to be early. How did you get yourself in VIP?

Liam: Got off with one of the bouncers earlier

Lydia: Ha, love it! You’re certainly not one of these modest gays are you?

Liam: No way, 100 per cent gay and proud, no other way to be.

Alex and Jack are shocked by Liam’s openness, Reese looks uncomfortable.

Lydia: Guys this is Liam, Liam this is Alex, Jack and Reese.

They all say their hellos, and Liam introduces them to the rest of the group.

Jack: I’ll get some drinks in, you two coming?

Alex and Reese follow Jack to the bar. Liam sits down beside Liam.

Liam: Your friend is seriously hot…

Lydia: What Jack?

Liam: No the cute blonde one…

Lydia: Reese.

Liam: Cute name.

Lydia: Yeah well you’re wasting your time there. He’s straight, got a girlfriend…

Liam: And!? Turning straight guys is my speciality.

Lydia laughs at Liam’s confidence.

Liam: Oh my god! Look over there, eleven o clock.

Lydia turns around, and to their horror in walks Batty Patty, their Performance lecturer, dressed up to the nines, ready for a night on the tiles.

Lydia: What the ****!?

Liam: Who the hell invited her!?

The group laugh and joke between themselves as Patricia walks towards them.

Patricia: My beautiful students! What a surprise!

Liam: Batty, what you doing here?

Patricia: Well I overheard you all mentioning this place tonight, thought I’d tag along! Group bonding and all that!

Lydia: Doubt it’s really you’re scene miss…

Patricia: Nonscene darling! I’m hip, I’m with it. I’m down with the kids blood. Play me a bit of 50 cents, and JT. I can bust my moves sister!

Lydia can barely contain herself, the others in the group start laughing at loud at Batty Patty’s attempts to relate to her students.

Liam: This is gonna be one hell of a night.

Lydia laughs to herself in disbelief. Liam looks over towards the bar, checking out Reese...

12-06-2008, 10:57
I like Patricia.. she remind me of Edwina from Ab fab!!

12-06-2008, 11:00
how embarrasing meeting the lecturers. I've fallen on two of mine whilst drunk. took some explaining the next day.

Micky certainly is sure of himself isnt he.

12-06-2008, 11:05
I like Patricia.. she remind me of Edwina from Ab fab!!

I could not think of who it was she reminded me of, but now you mentioned it, I was thinking that too.

13-06-2008, 10:25

The cork & bottle, the local pub for students living in halls. Enraged by her argument with Micky, Jess storms into the pub and sits herself down at the bar.

Jess: Get me a shot of your strongest vodka barman!

Marcus: That bad eh?

Jess turns beside her to see Marcus, her lecturer, sitting beside her at the bar.

Marcus: Jess wasn’t it?

Jess: Yeah, what you doing here?

Marcus: Drinking myself into oblivion. It’s been one of those days.

Jess: Hasn’t it just…

The barman brings Jess her drink. Marcus hands the barman money for it.

Marcus: Here, let me pay for it.

Jess: I don’t need your money.

Marcus: You’re a student, of course you do. Besides, think of it as a thank you for earlier…

Jess: It was nothing honestly, she was annoying me…

Marcus: Well I appreciate it. The amount of students like her I’ve had over the years…it makes me wonder why I bother.

Jess: For the sake of those that do care?

Marcus: I take it you do then?

Jess: I wouldn’t be at university if I didn’t.

Marcus: Oh I dunno, some kids come to uni to live it up, a three year escape from the real world.

Jess: Well not me, I’m hear to get my head down, get the grades, and better myself.

Marcus: You’ve no idea how refreshing it is to hear that. I don’t here many students speak like that.

Jess: Yeah well I’m not your average student…

Marcus: Thank god for that, if I could have 30 of you in my class, my job would be such much more enjoyable.

Jess isn’t impressed by his attempt to charm her. She downs her shot. After an awkward silence, Marcus breaks the ice.

Marcus: So what’s got your goat then?

Jess: Sorry!?

Marcus: Shotting vodka, anyone would think you want to get drunk.

Jess: It’s just one of my moronic flatmates.

Marcus: What’s happened?

Jess: Oh it doesn’t matter, he’s not worth my time. You gonna keep them shots coming or am I gonna have to dig deep into my student funds?

Marcus laughs at this, Jess finally offering him an olive branch. He gestures for the barman to get her another drink.

Jess: So then, “one of those days”?

Marcus: Say what?

Jess: That’s why you’re hear. Why would a man of your age be sat drinking alone?

Marcus: Oh it doesn’t matter.

Jess: Playing me at my own game are you?

Marcus: Eh?

Jess: I don’t reveal my problems, you don’t reveal yours…

Marcus: It’s not important. I’d much rather sit here and get to know you a bit better.

Marcus smiles at Jess, who begins to warm to her lecturer.

13-06-2008, 10:27

The night is well under way. Batty Patty is attempting the Soulja Boy dance with some of her students. She slips over a spilt drink and lands **** over tit on the dance floor.

Jack, Alex and Reese are stood at the bar. Reese notices that Liam is checking him out.

Reese: I wish he’d stop looking at me like that, it’s creeping me out…

Jack: Oh don’t worry, he’s all mouth and no action him…

Reese: D’ya reckon?

Jack: Don’t worry mate.

Girl: Oi Reese!

Reese: Ah that’s one of my course mates; I’ll see you guys in a bit.

Reese heads off to join his course mate, leaving Jack and Alex alone at the bar.

Jack: And then there was two…

Alex laughs nervously.

Jack: You alright? You seem a bit edgy tonight?

Alex: Yeah I’m ok, just a bit tired…

Jack: If you’re not feeling this place we can head back to halls?

Alex: Oh no, I wanna stay, looks like it should be a fun night.

Jack: Cool, just say if you wanna go though.

Alex smiles at him, overwhelmed with nerves at telling him how she feels. The scene moves back to Lydia who is looking over at Jack, Liam picks up on this.

Liam: Like him don’t you?

Lydia: What, Jack?

Liam: It’s so obvious, why don’t you make a move?

Lydia: Well Alex was planning on doing so tonight…

Liam: And!? Get in there before her! Don’t pass up a chance for a bit of ****!

Lydia: No, she’s a mate.

Liam: Yeah, and he’s a potential **** buddy, screw her. She who dares…

Lydia: I suppose I could work the old Lydia Hughes charm on him

Liam: That’s the spirit girl, get your claws into him whilst you’ve got the chance!

Lydia: Doubt he’d want anything to do with that little sap anyways, she’s never even had sex before…

Liam: What and she’s eighteen!? God that is tragic!

Lydia: Me and him are much better suited.

Liam: Well what you waiting for then!? Get yourself over there and work your magic on him!

Lydia applies a new layer of lipstick onto the lips then snaps her compact mirror shut. She gets up and walks over to Jack, a confident look on her face.

13-06-2008, 10:28

Reese says goodbye to his course mate before making his way through the crowds to the toilets. Liam, who’s had his eye firmly fixed on Reese on all night downs his drink and follows him into the toilets.

Reese goes into a cubicle and locks the door, moments later Liam goes into the cubicle next to him. Reese stands for a moment, before his phone begins to ring. He looks at the screen “Josh Calling”, he turns pale.

The phone continues ringing, reluctantly he picks it up.

Reese: Look Josh, stop calling me yeah!? I can’t stand much more of this! It’s not fair!… That was a mistake okay!? I shouldn’t have done it… I’m not gay and you know it!

Liam’s face lights up as he overhears this conversation.

Reese: Shut up, you don’t even know me! I’m with Kelly, how can I be gay!?…No Josh, I’m not okay!?… Don’t, please!… Even if I wanted to I can’t! It’d be wrong! … Please, don’t call me again, just move on.

Reese hangs up and puts his phone away, he is shaking with nerves, breathing heavily. He leaves the cubicle and walks to the sings, splashing some water on his face before leaving.

Liam leaves the cubicle with a smug grin on his face, knowing Reese’s dirty little secret.

13-06-2008, 10:30

Lydia walks towards Jack and Alex who are on the dancefloor. She passes Batty Patty who is sat down, her leg in agony.

Bouncer: Can I get you an ambulance?

Patricia: **** the ambulance! Get me another drink sweetie!

Jack and Alex and dancing, smiling at one another.

Alex: Jack, I want to tell you something…

“Scream” by Timbaland plays as Lydia hits the dancefloor. She interrupts Alex before she gets a chance to reveal her feelings to Jack.

Lydia: Sweeties! How you feeling it!?

Alex: Yeah it’s good!

Jack: You wanted to tell me something?

Lydia: You can talk anytime, now’s time for dancing!

Lydia begins to dance provocatively, showing off her slim figure. She rubs her hands over her breasts trying to get Jack’s attention.

Lydia: I loooove this song!

Before long Lydia is practically rubbing herself up and down Jack, to Alex’s horror. Jack steps aside from her.

Jack: What are you doing Lydia?

Lydia: Dancing baby, you like?

Jack: No…what’s wrong with you, you’re acting like a tart!

Lydia: But I thought you liked me!?

Jack: Liked you? In what way…

Lydia: Oh come on, you’ve been giving me the eye long enough!

Alex is lost for words, feeling completely betrayed by Lydia.

Jack: You’re so wrong Lydia! I don’t like you that way…

Lydia: What!?

Jack: I’m sorry, but you’re just a friend.

Alex begins to smile as he says this, her hopes raised. Lydia pretends not to be bothered.

Lydia: Well whatever, you’re loss ennit?

Lydia walks off, back towards the VIP area. Liam hands her a glass of champagne. He has a smug look on his face.

Lydia: Not, a, word. Alright?

Liam: Babe, that was some fierce rejection there!

Lydia: I just don’t believe it, is he gay or something!?

Liam: No way, he’s too much into that girl. It’s obvious that he likes her.

Lydia: Well I don’t get what he sees in the little skank. I am that bad!?

Liam: I wouldn’t know darling, I’m gay.

Lydia: He as good as called me a tart…

Liam: The way you were dancing, I think he’s got a point…

Lydia sips her drink, giving Alex and Jack daggered looks.

Liam: Just forget about him, and find someone else babe.

Lydia: Oh no, he’s not going to fob me off that easily. I always get what I want, don’t you worry…

Lydia watches as Jack and Alex laugh with one another, she grinds her teeth, seething with jealousy.

13-06-2008, 11:13
:( Oh dear, I wouldn't like to get on Lydia's bad side. Scary lady.

13-06-2008, 11:16
:( Oh dear, I wouldn't like to get on Lydia's bad side. Scary lady.

I dont like her.. know a far too many people like her.. always wants to get "her man", splits up a couple and then dumps the guy... :angry::angry: if she only wants a bed buddy, get it on with Mickey

13-06-2008, 15:59
Grrrr don't like Lydia! Can't believe she did that!

Chloe O'brien
14-06-2008, 01:30
Oh we have a touch of the old gay/confussed issues coming out with Reece. Lydia has a lot of skeletons in the cupboard she's been starved off affection by her Dad all her life and the only way she thinks she can get it is by having sex with every guy with a pulse.

14-06-2008, 07:42
Oh we have a touch of the old gay/confussed issues coming out with Reece. Lydia has a lot of skeletons in the cupboard she's been starved off affection by her Dad all her life and the only way she thinks she can get it is by having sex with every guy with a pulse.

Do you think she is that fussy? :lol:

14-06-2008, 11:40

Jess and Marcus stumble out of the pub at closing time. Jess almost falls over, but Marcus catches her.

Marcus: Easy now…

Jess: I’m fine.

Marcus: You look it.

Jess: I’m just a little tipsy, that’s all.

Marcus: A bit more than that I’d say…

Jess: Speaks the alcoholic, you’ve been in there since three o clock…

Marcus: Ah, I blame you, you’re a bad influence on me…

Jess: Don’t you go blaming me matey, I didn’t force you to drink them pints!

Marcus: No but you gave me an incentive to stay…

There is a moments silence between the pair as they walk back towards halls.

Marcus: I’d have never have thought it, drinking with one of my students…

Jess: What, you think you’re too cool to hang with any of us?

Marcus: No, not at all. I just never thought I’d have so much in common with someone so young…

Jess: Yeah well, I’m mature for my age.

Marcus: You certainly are, and very beautiful too…

Jess: Oh shut up, you drunken fool.

Marcus: No, honestly.

The pair stop for a moment, Jess looks into Marcus’ eyes, to suss out what he’s trying to say.

Jess: You wouldn’t be coming on to me now would ya?

Marcus: Maybe…

Jess: What would the principle say about that?

Marcus: **** the principle…

Marcus leans in and kisses Jess, she responds and the pair share a passionate kiss in the middle of the street.

Jess: This is crazy!

Marcus: What is!?

Jess: You’re twice me age!

Marcus: I want you so bad!

Marcus buries himself in Jess neck, kissing her passionately once more. Jess succumbs and grabs hold of him.

Jess: Come on, let’s go back to halls.

She grabs his hand and the pair run back to her halls, giving one another lustful looks along the way.

14-06-2008, 11:43

Lydia, Reese, Liam and several others are sat in the VIP area.

Liam: God this place is dry, why don’t we liven things up a bit…

Lydia: Another round of drinks?

Liam: **** drinks, let’s have some fun, how about truth or dare?

The group seem to liven up at the prospect of playing the game.

Lydia: That’s what we’re talking about!

Liam: Up for it Reese?

Reese: Oh I dunno…

Liam: Go on, you might enjoy it :p

Reese is a bit put off by Liam’s flirtatious nature.

Liam: Lydia, you start, truth or dare?

Lydia: Truth…

Girl: Have you ever had anal?

Liam: Bloody hell gal, you don’t waste no time do ya!? Skip to the dirty questions or what!?

Girl 2: Come on, we’re all friends here…

Lydia: Ok yeah I have…

Liam: Dirty cow!

Lydia: What can I say? I was drunk? Try everything once!

Girl 1: Sick!

The group laugh at Lydia’s openness.

Liam: How about you Reese, you done it doggy style?

Reese: No…of course not…

Liam: Yeah sure, I’ll believe you…

Reese: I haven’t!

Liam: We’ll get the truth out of you one way or another.

Reese begins to feel uneasy around Liam.

Lydia: Who’s next?

Liam: Reese! Truth or dare!?

Reese suddenly looks worried, and does anything to avoid further questioning.

Reese: Dare.

Girl 1: Ooooo!

Liam: I dare you…to get off with me…

Reese: What the ****!? No way!

Liam: Oh come, where’s the harm?

Reese: I’m not gay man, it’s sick!

Liam: If you aint gay, then what’s the problem? It’s just a kiss!

Reese: Fine!

Reese leans in for a brief kiss, but Liam grabs hold of him and lowers him onto the sofa, launching himself in for a full on snog. The group are speechless, some amused, some horrified.

Reese: Get the **** off me man!

Reese runs off, to the entertainment of the others.

Lydia: What the **** was that about Liam!?

Liam: I wanted to see if he was gay…

Lydia: And!?

Liam: He’s gay alright, no doubt about it.

Liam has a look of satisfaction on his face, as she sees a worried Reese run off.

14-06-2008, 11:45

Jack and Alex are sat down having a drink, Reese storms past them clearly upset.

Alex: Reese, are you okay!?

Reese: Just leave me alone!

Reese hurries out of the club. Alex looks at Jack, concerned.

Alex: We’d best go with him…

Jack: No, leave him, he probably wants some space…

Alex: I hope he’s okay…

Jack: He’s probably just a little drink.

Alex takes a sip of her drink, and stops worrying about Reese.

Jack: So, what were you gonna tell me earlier?

Alex: Eh?

Jack: Before Lydia interrupted…

Alex: Oh it doesn’t matter…

Jack: It sounded important…

Alex: Forget it, it’s nothing…

Jack: I think I know what this is about…

Alex: You do?

Jack: You like me don’t you?

Alex: Who told you!?

Jack: No one, but you do don’t you?

Alex: Yeah…I kinda do…

Jack: Well I like you too…

Alex’s face lights up, hearing this.

Jack: I don’t suppose you wanna go on a date sometime, see how things go…

Alex: Yeah, I’d love to!

Jack: Great…

Jack holds out his hand and Alex holds it, she looks longingly into his eyes.

14-06-2008, 11:47
Alex (Voice Over): A date!? Me! Little Alex! The doomed romantic! I might have chickened out of telling him, but it all turned out well in.



Jess unlocks her room, and pushes Marcus inside. The pair are barley able to control their passion as they rip clothes off one another.

Alex (Voice Over): Relationships are like roundabouts, forever changing. One minute a couple are getting together…



Reese rushes outside, and down an alleyway, he looks at picture of him and Kelly on his phone before throwing it against a wall. He falls to the floor in tears.

Alex (Voice Over): But at the same time, it looks like others are doomed…


Alex and Jack are on the dancefloor, enjoying one another’s company, now aware of their shared feelings for one another.

Alex (Voice Over): Love is a gamble. For some it pays off…

Lydia sits beside Liam, looking over at the pair, green with jealousy.

Alex (Voice Over): For other’s it doesn’t…

Jack smiles at Alex, she smiles back at him.

Alex (Voice Over): For once it looks like things are finally going in my favour…



Alex’s house. William Deane, Alex’s father, gets out of bed and walks across the landing in darkness. He suddenly trips up, and falls down the staircase. He lies at the bottom, screaming out in pain, unable to get up or call for help.


14-06-2008, 13:48
Oh dear, just as things go right for Alex something goes wrong.

These scenes made me laugh so much :lol:

14-06-2008, 17:26
Awww :eek: Alex would never forgive herself if something happends to her dad!!

14-06-2008, 18:08
What an ending, i wasnt expending that. Just as things were starting to go right.

Jess and her lecturer naughty naughty!

14-06-2008, 18:19
Just caught up - :eek:
I hope Alex's dad is okay - one thing goes right and then that happens...
And Jess and Marcus .... i wonder whats going to happen there.

Chloe O'brien
15-06-2008, 01:18
Bryan I'm going to start charging you for my predictions.

Alex had to rush home to care for her dad. This give Lydia time to make a play for Jack as we all know it comes down to sex. So just put me out of my misery you know Jack is going to break Alex'a heart.

16-06-2008, 06:34
I hope he does not. :(

16-06-2008, 09:27
Episode 3 –Borders


Alex’s alarm clock wakes her. She gets up and stretches her arms, and thinks back to last night with Jack:

Jack: Well I like you too…

Alex’s face lights up, hearing this.

Jack: I don’t suppose you wanna go on a date sometime, see how things go…

Alex: Yeah, I’d love to!

Jack: Great…

Jack holds out his hand and Alex holds it, she looks longingly into his eyes.

Alex’s face lights up. “Love is in the air” plays over a montage of her getting ready for another day, a grin of happiness plastered over her face.

Alex (Voice Over): Love! Love really is in the air! Jack, seemingly mr perfect, asked me, Alex the no-hoper, on a date! It seems as if miracles really do take place when you least expect it.

Alex looks at herself in the mirror, her clothes, hair and make up looking stunning. She smiles to herself before going into the kitchen.



Alex walks into the kitchen, where Ash is sat doing some work.

Alex: Morning Ash, you alright?

Ash: Yeah not too bad ta. Good night last night?

Alex: Yeah, it was really good…

Ash: Anything exciting happen?

Alex tries to contain herself by making it sound casual.

Alex: Oh…nothing much…I just got asked out on a date…

Ash: You what!? Who!?

Alex: Jack!

Ash gets up and screams in delight, running over to Alex, the pair hug one another and jump around excited.

Ash: I just knew you two would get together!

Alex: It’s only a date, we’re not together yet!

Ash: A date’s good though! Step in the right direction! Oh my god, how exciting!

Alex: Yeah, I’m really looking forward to it.

Ash: Oh I’m so happy for you babe!

Jack walks into the room, picking up the vibes of happiness from the pair of them.

Jack: Morning…

Alex: Morning J

Ash: I’m just gonna…erm do…muslim girl stuff…

Ash scurries off, a smile on her face, Jack laughs then turns to Alex.

Jack: I take it you told her then?

Alex: Sorry, I couldn’t keep it to myself…

Jack: Nah, it’s cool. I’m really looking forward to it.

Alex: Me too!

Jack: Even more now I’ve got us two tickets to see The Wombats.

Alex: Seriously!? Oh my god Jack, that must have cost a fortune!

Jack: Yeah, well I know how much you like them. Got them off ebay just in time for tonight. Gotta pick them up later.

Alex: Jack, you shouldn’t have!

Jack: No, I wanted to. Look I’ve gotta go now, but I’ll see you later yeah?

Alex: Sure :)

Jack looks at her and smiles before leaving. Alex jumps up and down in delight.

16-06-2008, 09:29

The camera pans across the floor, where a pile of clothes leads up to Jess’ bed. In it she lies with Marcus, who has clearly spent the night with her.

Marcus receives a text on his phone, the noise waking him up. He reads it then gets out of bed, stretching. He starts to put on his trousers, the noise awaking Jess.

Jess: Morning…

Marcus: Morning yourself…

Jess: You’re not going are you?

Marcus: I’ve got lectures…

Jess: Oh, I see…

Marcus: Look, I’d stay if I could, but work’s work…

Jess: I should have known it’d be like this…

Marcus: Like what?

Jess: A night together, then nothing…

Marcus: I’m not saying I don’t wanna see you again, last night was great…

Jess: Great?

Marcus: More than great…

Jess: Maybe it’s best we leave it this eh?

Marcus: Is that what you want?

Jess: It’s probably for the best…

Marcus turns to face her.

Marcus: Look I know it’s messy, but…if you want to, we can see each other again…

Jess: What if someone found out?

Marcus: They won’t.

Jess: But if they did, you could loose your job.

Marcus: Perhaps that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

Jess: I’m being serious Marcus!

Marcus buttons up his shirt, and puts on his shoes.

Marcus: Yeah I know. Look? Why ruin a good thing eh? We both had fun last night, I don’t see why it can’t continue…

Jess: I’m not just gonna be some casual plaything…

Marcus: Just see how it goes eh? Take things as they come, and have some fun?

Jess: If that’s what you want…

Marcus: Yeah, I think it is. Look I’ll give a call later maybe. You take care.

Marcus kisses Jess and heads out of her room. She watches him leave then takes a deep sigh, unsure of what she’s letting herself in for.

16-06-2008, 09:32

Reese stirs from his bed, to see Liam sharing a bed with him

Reese: What the **** are you doing in my room!?

Liam: What d’ya think I’m doing…

Reese: Get out!

Liam: That’s not what you were saying last night.

Reese: I don’t want this…

Liam: You know you want this…

Liam leans in and kisses Reese passionately, Reese responds and them end up in a passionate embrace. Then suddenly…

Reese wakes up, having just had a frightening dream. He is sweating and breathes heavily. He gets up and looks at himself in the mirror.

Reese: Jesus…



Reese walks into the kitchen, a look of total devastation on his face, overwhelmed by the events of the previous evening. Alex is making breakfast.

Alex: Morning Reese, you alright?

Reese: Not really…

Alex: Why, what’s up?

Lydia marches into the kitchen, dressed up to the nines, a confident look on her face.

Lydia: Oi oi Gayboy, how’s your head this morning?

Reese: Shut up!

Lydia: Remember much about last night Reese?

Alex: What are you on about?

Liam: What, didn’t you see!? Reese had his tongue down Liam’s throat!

Reese: More like the other way round!

Liam: Well it looked like you were enjoying it from where I was sitting!

Reese: Shut up Lydia, you don’t know what you’re on about.

Lydia: Ooo, touchy…

Alex, already annoyed at Lydia for her actions last night, steps in to defend Reese.

Alex: Lydia, just leave him alone…

Lydia: Ok, I was only messing.

Reese: It was a mistake alright? Just some drunken dare…

Lydia: Sure it was…

Reese: I’ve got a girlfriend Lydia for ****’s sake!

Lydia: So did Craig in Hollyoaks, don’t stop him from…

Alex: Lydia! For god’s sake just drop it will you!

Lydia: What’s your problem eh Alex? This is nothing to do with you!

Alex: I’m looking out for a friend!

Lydia: That’s right, saint Alex, who everyone seems to bloody love!

Alex: D’ya know what? Forget it…you’re pathetic sometimes…

Alex walks out of the kitchen, annoyed at Lydia. Lydia realises she’s overstepped the line again.

Lydia: Look Reese…me and my big mouth, I don’t think before I speak…

Reese: Yeah well maybe you should…

Lydia: I’m sorry okay?

Reese: Oh, whatever, I can’t be doing with all of this at the moment…

Reese walks out of the kitchen, clearly upset. Lydia is left alone, feeling guilty.

16-06-2008, 11:33
Oooh, trouble in camp already.

16-06-2008, 16:30
So did Craig freom Hollyoaks. - Brilliant line.

16-06-2008, 18:49
Ooh drama drama drama. I want more on Jess and Marcus, and Jack and Alex :wub:
And hopefully Lydia has realised that she often needs to take it down a notch!

17-06-2008, 18:17

Alex sits in her room eating her breakfast, whilst looking over some course notes. There’s a knock on the door, as Lydia cautiously walks in.

Lydia: Alex?

Alex: What do you want now Lydia?

Lydia: To apologise…

Alex: What for!?

Lydia: Everything, I don’t think before I speak….

Alex: Well you need to work on that, because you’ve been upsetting a lot of people recently…

Lydia: It’s just my nature I suppose, not that I’m excusing it…

Alex: Lydia, you’ve gotta start treating everyone with a bit more respect…

Lydia: I know, it’s just I’ve never really had proper friends like you lot before, I’ve always had to fight for what I want, always had to stand my ground…

Alex: Well surely you should see you don’t have to with us. If we’re you’re friends you should treating us like we are.

Lydia: I know…look I’m sorry okay?

Alex: So you’ve already said, but sorry can’t make up for all your wrongs…

Lydia: For god’s sake babe it was only a few harsh words…

Alex: I’m not just on about this morning. Last night?

Lydia: What about it?

Alex: Don’t pretend you don’t know. Jack.

Lydia: What about Jack?

Alex: You came on to him!

Lydia: Yeah, so?

Alex: You knew how much I liked him! And you knew I was going to tell him!

Lydia: Babe I was drunk!

Alex: Alchool is no excuse, you shouldn’t have acted the way you did!

Lydia: Oh come on, it was hardly the biggest crime in the world…

Alex: It was to me Lydia! I thought you and me were friends…

Lydia: We are babe!

Alex: No, we’re not! Because friends don’t stab each other in the back like that! Why would you do that to me, I thought we some kind of bond!

Lydia: Come on sweetie, you knew full well you weren’t gonna tell him you liked him, you hadn’t got the guts…

Alex: I was getting round to it…

Lydia: You’d still be dwelling over it come third year! I just thought if you weren’t gonna make a play for him, I would…

Alex: Oh right, and screw everyone else yeah?

Lydia: If there’s one thing I’ve learnt in life, it’s to look out for number one, because no one else is likely to…

Alex: You could get any boy you wanted at uni, so why go for Jack!?

Lydia: Look, he aint your boyfriend or anything Alex, so you aint got no claim to him alright!

Alex: Yeah well, despite your best efforts, me and him are going on a date tonight.

Lydia: You are?

Alex: Yeah, so you’ll just have to flaunt yourself at someone else from now on, okay?

Lydia is about to respond, but Alex’s phone rings. She looks worried as she picks it up.

Alex: Aunt Lucy, is everything okay?…. God! He is alright!?… I’ll be there right away!

Alex puts down the phone, looking as pale as a ghost.

Lydia: Alex babe, are you alright?

Alex: It’s my dad, he’s in hospital..

Lydia tries to wrap her arms around Alex in support, but Alex pushes her away.

Alex: Get off me! I’ve gotta go! Tell Jack okay!?

Lydia: Yeah sure…

Alex grabs her bag and rushes off, concerned for her father’s condition.

17-06-2008, 18:22

Jess walks out of her room and steps into the coridoor, she has a smile plastered on her face. At the same time Micky walks out of his room.

Micky: Morning Jess…

Jess: Oh hi Micky, you alright?

Micky is taken a back by Jess’ politeness; he pinches himself to check that it’s real.

Micky: Jess?

Jess: Yeah?

Micky: Are you okay?

Jess: I’m brilliant thanks…

Micky: Okay, what’s going on, you aren’t being your normal self…

Jess: And what’s my “normal self”?

Micky: Hormonal, moody, aggressive…

Jess: Yeah well, today is a good day to me…

Micky: Apparently so..

Jess: I’m making some coffee, fancy one?

Micky: Sure, thanks.

Micky follows Jess into the kitchen, curious at her sudden personality change.

Micky: Why you in such a good mood then?

Jess: Am I not aloud to be happy?

Micky: No, of course…

Jess: I thought you’d appreciate me not snapping at you…

Micky: Oh I do, it’s just…weird, are you sure you’re Jess? :p

Jess: Very funny Micky…

Micky: No, seriously though, have you won the lottery or something?

Jess: No…

Micky: Come into some inheritance?

Jess: No!

Micky stands there trying to piece together the clues, and then it suddenly clicks.

Micky: Oh my god you’ve got laid!

Just laughs at Micky.

Micky: I’m right aren’t I!? You sly god! Who is he!?

Jess: Never you mind…

Micky: Oh come on, we’re all friends here…

Jess: It’s early days yet, I don’t want to curse it…

Micky: See…all these moody women, all you need is a bit of ****, and your problems are solved. It’s the new Prozac, they should give to women on the menopause…

Jess: What, over the counter penis prescriptions!?

Micky: Hell, if I was Minster of health, I’d make it be!

Jess laughs at Micky’s attempt to humour her.

Micky: See! The first laugh I’ve got out of you all year!

Jess: I do have a sense of humour Micky, it’s just your jokes are usually lame…

Micky: Harsh!

Jess’ phone rings, her face lights up hoping it’s Marcus, but it isn’t, she answers it.

Jess: Mom?… What, you’re here?…Alright, I’ll be down in a sec…

Jess hangs up her phone. Micky looks at her curious.

Micky: Everything okay?

Jess: Dunno, my mom’s come to see me, she said she’s got something important to tell me…

Half curious, half concerned, Jess grabs her keys and heads down stairs. Micky shouts after her.

Micky: Oi! What about my coffee!? Pftt, Women…

17-06-2008, 18:26

Lydia and Liam are sat in their classroom, waiting for their lecture to begin.

Liam: Good night last night…

Lydia: We should do it again soon.

Liam: Definitely…spoke to Gayboy this morning?

Lydia: Oh don’t get me started on him. He’s already been protesting to me how much of a mistake it was…

Liam: Poor little kitten, I’ll eat him alive…

Lydia: I think you should leave off him Liam, it’s not funny…

Liam: Hell will I, he’s too fit to give up on…

Lydia: He aint interested babe.

Liam: Did you see that kiss last night!? He was well up for it!

Lydia: Don’t chase him, let him come to you…

Liam: Yeah right, he’s so in closest he’s hiding being Aslan. I need to drag him out of it…

Before Lydia can comment, Batty Patty walks into the room, wearing a headscarf and large sunglasses. She looks very fragile, clearly hung over. The class cheers, and starts to tease her for her antics last night!

Liam: Wehey! Batty! You feeling the effects?

Patricia: Not so loud my children! Spare a thought for the intoxicated!

Liam: Hung over then?

Patricia: In the words of Miss Winehouse “I shall never drink again”

Lydia: And look what happened to her…

Liam: You’re looking rough Batty…

Patricia: I feel like a field mouse that’s been sexually ravaged by an Alsatian.

Lydia: Sure you don’t wanna go and sober up and let us off early?

Patricia: No, you are hear to be educated, and an education is what shall be provided!

Liam: Great…

Patricia: Today, I want you to get into small groups and have a read through Waiting For Godot…

Liam: We did that last lesson Patricia!

Patricia: And you’re doing it again today! I am too fragile to tackle a next text today.

Liam: What exactly do we pay our 3 grand for?

Patricia: Lord knows, but now is not the time to discuss it…

The class splits into small groups, getting their copies of the play out of their bag. Batty Patty sits down at the front and buries her head in her hand, groaning loudly.

Liam: So then…Reese…

Lydia: You wont drop it, will you?

Liam: No, I know I’m on to a winner when I see it…

Lydia: Do you get off on turning straight men gay?

Liam: It’s my speciality babe, but if you ask me he don’t require much turning…

Lydia: I don’t reckon you’re gonna get anywhere with it…

Liam: Wanna bet?

Lydia: You what?

Liam: £50 quid. If I shag him, you give me £50 quid.

Lydia: It’s never gonna happen!

Liam: If you’re so sure, put your money where your mouth is.

Lydia: Fine, you’ve got yourself a deal.

Lydia and Liam shake hands on in. Liam has a confident grin on his face.

17-06-2008, 23:19
This is shaping up be to a great script :D

18-06-2008, 10:16

Alex rushes into the ward where her father is situated. William is lying on one of the beds, resting. Alex is flustered, sick with worry.

Alex: Dad!

William: Alex, how did you…?

Alex: Aunt Lucy told me, I came as soon as I could!

William: I told her not to tell you…

Alex: What!? I’m glad she did…

William: I didn’t want to worry you, it’s nothing serious.

Alex: Serious enough to be in hospital, what happened?

William: Oh it’s just me being careless, I feel down the stairs in the middle of the night…

Alex: Oh god dad! Are you alright?

William: Just a few bumps and bruises, nothing serious…

Alex: I wish you’d have told me dad, instead of me having to hear it from Aunt Lucy!

William: I didn’t want to distract you from your studies love…

Alex: Stuff studies, you’re more important dad…

William: I knew if you found out you’d only worry, but I’m okay…

Alex: This time. You’re lucky. It could have been a lot worse!

William: Looks like him upstairs aint ready to take me yet.

Alex: Don’t talk like that dad!

William: Ah, I’m made of tough stuff love, it’s gonna take more than fall down the stairs to finish me off.

Alex: I knew I shouldn’t have left you alone…

William: Don’t be so silly, you’ve got more important things to worry about now…

Alex: None of it matters dad, I should have been there for you…

William: I’ve been fine up until now darling, it was just a blip.

Alex: I can’t go back now, knowing this has happened, I’ll have to leave halls…

William: No, you don’t.

Alex: I can still travel to uni for my lectures…

William: I don’t expect you too. You’ve said on the phone how much you enjoy living in halls, I don’t want to spoil that for you…

Alex: I’m prepared to make that sacrifice dad…

William: Well I’m not, okay?

Alex: It’s selfish of me to be enjoying myself when you’re like this.

William: I’ll be out of here by tomorrow, and then your Aunty Lucy will keep an eye on me for a few days, even Jordan will pull his weight…

Alex: Like that’s going to happen…

William: Don’t you worry about me okay!?

Alex: It’ll be hard not to dad.

William holds out his hand and Alex grabs it.

William: You just go back to your friends and enjoy yourself. I’ll be ok. I promise you.

Alex: You need anything, anything at all, you just call me okay?

William: Ok, I will. But I’ll be fine Alex, honestly. You don’t have to hang around here if you don’t want to.

Alex: I might aswell stay a while…

William: Haven’t you got any plans?

Alex: They can wait…

Alex tries to stay optimistic, but her worries about her father overwhelm her.

18-06-2008, 10:21

Reese and Ash walk into the student union, fresh from a morning of lectures. Many students are sat relaxing during their lunch break. Reese is still clearly troubled from the events of last night.

As they walk in people stare at him, and whisper between themselves.

Boy 1: Oi, isn’t that the faggot from last night?

Boy 2: Yeah man, did you see it? It was well sick!

Reese looks upset as he hears this, Ash holds his hand tightly.

Ash: Ignore them okay…

They walk towards the bar, where two girls are discussing it.

Boy 3: Where you at the OC last night? Apparently…

Girl 1: Liam was going on about it in class this morning, he got off with some lad or something…

Boy 3: ****, it’s him over there…

Reese is unable to take any more of it.

Reese: For god’s sake I’ve had enough of this!

Ash: Just don’t rise to it, it’s what they all want…

Reese: How can I not, when they’re calling me all this ****!?

Ash: It’ll be old news soon enough, they’ll move on to the next scandal…

Reese: What, so I’m supposed to just take it until then?

Ash: Well you know it’s not true, so…

Reese doesn’t respond. Ash picks up on his uneasiness.

Ash: I don’t mean to be out of line, but are you sure that you’re not…

Reese: For god’s sake Ash! I thought I could at least rely on you!

Ash: You can, I was just asking…

Reese: Forget it! No-one obvious believes me do they!?

Upset, Reese storms off out of the union.

Ash: No, Reese! Wait up!

Ash tries to follow him but he has already disappeared out of sight. She returns to the bar and sits down, deflated. A young Asian lad takes a seat beside her and turns to speak to her.

Jayesh: One of those days eh?

Ash: You could say that…

Jayesh: How about I get you a drink?

Ash: Erm, I dunno…

Jayesh: Go on, just the one…

Ash: Okay then, a lemonade please…

Jayesh: Just a lemonade?

Ash: Go on then, throw a shot of vodka in with it…

Jayesh: That’s more like it :D

Jayesh smiles at Ash, who smiles back at him…

18-06-2008, 10:24

Jess walks out of drake block and greets her mother who is standing out. Her step father Karl is sat in the car casting her dirty looks.

Jess: Mom, what are you doing here?

Mary: I thought I’m come and see how you’re doing…

Jess: You love over 400 miles away, couldn’t you have just phoned?

Mary: I figured I best come in person…

Jess: (Worried) Why? What’s happened?

Mary: Nothing’s happened…

Jess: Is it dad? Is he okay?

Mary: Chance would be a fine thing…

Jess: Mom!?

Mary: He’s ok, look it’s nothing serious, I just needed to tell you something…

Jess: You’re worrying me mom…

Mary: Don’t be, it doesn’t really effect you, but I thought you should know…

Jess: Just spit it out mom, the suspense is killing me…

Mary: Me and Karl have been talking things over, and…

Jess: You’re splitting up? Oh please tell me you’re splitting up!

Mary: For ****’s sake Jess, we aren’t splitting up! Far from it…

Jess: Oh, please don’t tell me you’re having a baby, because at your age that’s seriously sick…

Mary: No Jess! We’re moving away…

Jess: Moving? Moving where?

Mary: To Spain…

Jess: Spain!? What the hell!?

Mary: One of Karl’s friends owns a bar out there, he’s selling up and…

Jess: You don’t know the first thing about running a bar!

Mary: Yes, but Karl wants us to move out there and give it a go…

Jess: Oh I’m sure he does! So that’s it is it? You pack up all your things and move on a whim because he says so!?

Mary: It’s not like that Jess…

Jess: Sounds like it to me! And what about me eh!?

Mary: Well you’re down here, so we figured it doesn’t really matter…

Jess: And what about Christmas? Easter? After uni?

Mary: You can come and stay with us…

Jess: In Spain!? You must be joking!

Mary: Most girls your age would be thrilled to move over there!

Jess: Yes well I’m not most girls! I have roots in Glasgow mom! Friends! Family! What am I supposed to do now eh!?

Mary: It’s not final yet…

Jess: Really!? It sounds it! Like you’re actually gonna care what I think about the matter!

Mary: Of course we care…

Mary tries to touch Jess but she pushes her away.

Jess: D’ya know what? Just do what you want, don’t let me get in the way of your exotic plans!

Mary: Jess!

Jess: Sod off to Spain, see if I care! But don’t expect me to ever come over there!

Jess storms off back inside, emotional. Karl has a grin plastered over his face. Mary storms back to the car and notices it.

Mary: And you can wipe that grin off your face you useless ****er!

Chloe O'brien
18-06-2008, 11:19
Poor Reece his life is going to be made a misery.

18-06-2008, 16:04
Poor Jess as if Glasgow wasnt far enough her mam wants to move to spain. There not making life easy for Reese.

18-06-2008, 18:48
Won't be around tomorrow guys, so I'm posting tomorrow's 3 chunks today!


Lydia is sat in the kitchen painting her nails and reading a glossy celeb magazine. Jack hurries into the room, looking a bit worried.

Lydia: You alright Jack?

Jack: Where’s Alex!?

Lydia: Alex?

Jack: We’re meant to be heading to this gig like now! I’ve looked all over her and she aint answering her phone…

Lydia: She’s had to go to the hospital…

Jack: What!? Is she okay!?

Lydia: Something about her dad. She said she’s sorry.

Jack: Sorry!? I spent 60 quid on these tickets!

Lydia: To see who?

Jack: The Wombats…

Lydia: You were robbed. Can’t you sell them on to someone around halls?

Jack: I suppose. But that’s not the point. I was really looking forward to that date…

Lydia: You can still go…

Jack: There’s no point without Alex. I wouldn’t enjoy myself now.

Lydia: Look I’m sure she’d have be here if she could. But like I say, she got a call about her dad and she had to rush off…

Jack sits down beside Lydia, feeling deflated.

Jack: Guess it just wasn’t meant to be eh?

Lydia: There’s always another time. Just arrange something when she gets back.

Jack: Whenever that is…

There is a moments silence, then Lydia breaks the ice.

Lydia: Look Jack, I want to apologise for how I acted last night…

Jack: Don’t worry about it.

Lydia: No, I feel really bad. Acting the way I did…

Jack: You were drunk, I’m sure you didn’t mean it.

Lydia: Well I do like you, I guess I just went about it in the wrong way.

Jack: Lydia…we’re great mates and all that, but…

Lydia: Save your words…

Jack: It’s just that I’ve…

Lydia: “Got the hots for Alex?”…yeah I kinda guessed. Don’t worry about it…

Jack: I dunno, I go for months without attention, then two girls come along at once.

Lydia: Aint it always the way though…

Jack: I mean yeah you’re hot and all that, but I owe Alex another chance, not her fault about her father after all…

Lydia: Don’t worry Jack. I’m a big girl, I’ll get over it.

Jack: I never guessed I’d be having this conversation with you.

Lydia: Yeah well, I seem to surprise people from time to time. They think of me as this shallow superficial girl, nothing going on beneath the surface…

Jack: Well they’d be wrong then. I know there’s a kind hearted girl aching to come out there somewhere.

Lydia: Yeah, just a hell of a lot of slap to get through first…

Jack: One day you’ll find yourself the right guy, and you’ll be able. Until then, just try and be yourself, don’t feel like you need to be the way you are to get friends…

Lydia: You know Jack, you’re the first person to speak to me like that in a long while.

Jack: I just hope it does you some good to hear all this…

Lydia: Yeah, I really think it will

Lydia smiles at Jack optimistically, suddenly feeling a lot more herself.

18-06-2008, 18:51

Ash and Jayesh are sat at the bar together, Ash sends a text to Reese checking he’s okay. The barman hands them their drinks.

Jayesh: There you go…

Ash: Thanks

Jayesh: My name’s Jayesh by the way…

Ash: Ash…

Jayesh: Short for?

Ash: Ashba

Jayesh: Cool name. You’re the first muslim girl I’ve seen since I’ve been here…

Ash: Is that a good or bad?

Jayesh: Oh good, definitely good. So what course you doing here?

Ash: Accountancy…

Jayesh: Ah, it’s like that is it?

Ash: Sorry?

Jayesh: No one in their right mind does accountancy by choice. Your parents must have made you do it?

Ash: Well, yeah they kinda did…

Jayesh: Man, you should grow a back bone and do what you want to do…

Ash is kind of offended by Ash, but takes it on the chin and doesn’t rise to it.

Ash: Should I, and be like you doing…?

Jayesh: Television production. My parent’s didn’t want me to do it, but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what they think.

Ash: Oh, you rebel…

Jayesh: But seriously I’d have enough of them telling me how to live my life all the time…

Ash: I know what you mean…

Jayesh: Do you? You still seem like a good muslim girl to me…

Ash: You’d be surprised what I can get up to.

Jayesh: Sounds…interesting. We should go out clubbing some time?

Ash: Who says there’ll be a next time?

Jayesh: Oh come on, the only available muslim boy in Solent has brought you a drink, you can’t say no to me now…

Ash: Seems like you have me caught between a rock and a hard place…

Jayesh: Is that a yes? Go on…live a little….

Ash: Okay then, what harm can a night out do eh?

Jayesh: Exactly! Live life to the full is what I say!

Ash: What would your parents say if they heard you say that eh?

Jayesh: They’d probably disown me, but that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

Ash: It’s refreshing to see some who…

Jayesh: Doesn’t give a **** about religion?…I tell you the moment you realise it’s not the be all and end all, it’s the most enlightening experience of your life. Then you can just live how you want to and have fun…

Ash: You know, you speak a lot of sense Jayesh, if only it was that easy…

Jayesh: It’s as easy as you make it. At the end of the day, you’re the only one in control of your future…Can I take you another drink?

Ash: Yeah, why not.

Ash smiles, looking at Jayesh, things start to become clear…

18-06-2008, 18:56

Jess storms back into halls, following her heated conversation with her mother. She is clearly emotional. As she walks in, she bumps into Micky.

Micky: (Concenered) Jess, what’s up?

Jess: Leave me alone Micky!

Micky: Is everything okay? What did you’re mom say?

Jess: I don’t want to talk about it!

Jess returns to her room, in a state. Micky follows her, a look of concern on his face.

Jess: Go away Micky! I want to be by myself!

Micky: In this state? No way…

Jess: I don’t want you to see me like this!

Micky: Hey, it’s nothing I aint seen before, don’t you worry…

Jess: I’ll be fine in a minute, it’s just…

Micky: Come on, what’s up? You can tell me…

Jess: It’s my bloody mother isn’t it!

Micky: Did she have bad news?

Jess: Bad for me, not for her!

Micky: I don’t understand…

Jess: She’s moving to Spain with that ******* Karl…

Micky: Oooo nice, lucky her…

Jess: No Micky! It isn’t nice! Don’t you see? If she leaves then what about me! I’m stuck here alone!

Micky: No you’re not, you’ve got all your mates…

Jess: Like any of you will give a toss about me after uni!

Micky: Don’t be silly, of course we will…

Jess: You don’t understand Micky, the one stable thing in my life is my mother, she’s the only one who’s always been there for me, and now she’s going away! And I know she doesn’t want to! It’s Karl, he’s making her go, to get back at me.

Micky: I know it’s a shock now, but you’ll get used to it…

Jess: No I wont! And she knows that! Everyone in my life has buggered off and left me at some point! Dad left home when I was five, I only see him once in a blue moon now, it’ll be the same with Mom…

Micky: Who needs parents eh?

Jess: I do. I’m nothing without my mom being there for…

Micky: You don’t strike me as a mommy’s girl…

Jess: There’s a lot you don’t know about me Micky.

Micky: Look, I’m sure you’ll get through this. You’re made of strong stuff Jess…

Jess: I might pretend to be, but I’m not…I dunno her going to Spain is like the ultimate rejection…

Micky: Don’t be so silly…

Jess: Am I really that bad a person that everyone feels the need to abandon me!?

Micky: No, of course not…

Micky wipes away her tears with his thumbs, he looks into her eyes and leans in for a kiss. Jess pulls away immediately.

Jess: What the **** are you doing Micky!?

Micky: I thought that…

Jess: For ****’s sake! Is that your tactic! Comfort the emotional girl and get laid!?

Micky: Jess I’m sorry!

Jess gets up, furious at Micky.

Jess: I thought you were a friend Micky!

Micky: I am!

Jess: Friends don’t do that! Especially when I’m like this!

Micky: I’m sorry, okay, it was a mistake!

Jess: Save it! I’ve got more important things to worry about than you!

Jess grabs her keys and storms out of her room, leaving Micky alone feeling like a fool.

20-06-2008, 18:46

Reese lies on his bed, trying to deal with everything that has been happening. His phone rings – “Kelly Calling”. He takes a deep breath before nervously answering the phone.

Reese: Hello?

Kelly: Babe, why haven’t you been answering my calls?

Reese: I’ve been busy…

Kelly: But today’s your day off…

Reese: What do you want Kel?

Kelly: Why you being so short?

Reese: I’m not. It’s just been one of those days…

Kelly: Well it aint gonna get any better…

Reese: Why? What’s up?

Kelly: I can’t come down this weekend…

Reese: You’re kidding me! Why not!?

Kelly: Well it’s Bex’s birthday and she’s asked me to come out with her and the girls…

Reese: Yeah, but what about me?

Kelly: I’m sorry babe. I’ll come down next weekend…

Reese: But I need you down this weekend!

Kelly: It’s only another week babe…

Reese: Have you any idea how much I’ve missed you!? I need you Kelly!

Kelly: Babe, I can’t just cancel on Bex…

Reese: So you cancel on me instead!?

Kelly: Reese…

Reese: Nice to know I’m appreciated…

Kelly: Of course you are, don’t be stupid. What’s up?

Reese: Apart from my girlfriend not giving a toss about me?

Kelly: Don’t be like that Reese!

Reese: Like what! It’s true isn’t it!

Kelly: Now you’re being stupid!

Reese: I don’t think I am! You said you’d be down this weekend, and now you’re ditching me for Bex!

Kelly: You’re being unreasonable…

Reese: No, you are! You can spend whenever you like with Bex! I’m your boyfriend for Christ’s sake! How are we meant to have a relationship if we never see each other!?

Kelly: If you’re that concerned, why don’t you come up?

Reese: Why should I?

Kelly: I can’t speak to you when you’re like this…

Reese: Don’t bother speaking to me at all…

Kelly: Reese!

Reese: If you gave a toss about me, you wouldn’t be doing this!

Kelly: You’re really selfish at times Reese!

Reese: So are you!

Reese hangs up his phone. In a rage, he throws it against the wall. He takes a deep breath, and tries to stop himself from crying.

20-06-2008, 18:50

Alex walks into the flat, feeling worn out from her visit to the hospital. Jack comes out of his room.

Jack: You’re back…

Alex: Yeah.

Jack: I had to sell those tickets to someone else in the end…

Alex: I’m sorry Jack.

Jack: It can’t be helped. Is your dad okay?

Alex: He say’s so, but I’m not so sure…

Jack: What happened?

Alex: I don’t want to talk about it Jack. I’m tired, I just want to go to bed…

Jack: I’m only asking…

Alex: Well don’t okay!?

Jack: You cancelled our date, I think I’m at least entitled to an explanation!

Alex: I don’t have to explain anything to you! I said I’m sorry about that!

Jack: I’m sure you could have made the effort to show up!

Alex: My dad was in hospital for Christ’s sake Jack!

Jack: Yeah, and he was being looked after, you might aswell have come home!

Alex: How can you say that!? He’s my dad, and he’s ill! I’m not just gonna turn my back on him for you!

Jack: Nice to know you think so highly of me!

Alex: I’ve only known you for a week!

Jack: Like that matters! I thought you wanted to go on a date with me, or was all that shy school girl crush all just an act!?

Alex: Don’t start Jack okay!? I’m not in the mood!

Alex unlocks her room and goes inside, Jack follows her, clearly annoyed.

Jack: Look I’m sorry okay, it’s just I was looking forward to tonight…

Alex: And so was I, you know that. But my dad comes first. I’m sorry.

Alex sits down on her bed, Jack sits down beside her.

Jack: You’ve never really spoken about your dad…

Alex: Yeah well, it’s a sensitive subject…

Jack: Yeah but you can tell me. I want to be there for you Alex.

Alex: I can’t.

Jack: You can’t, or you won’t? Why do you always keep up these borders!? Why don’t you let anyone in!?

Alex: Jack, don’t start…

Jack: I don’t get you sometimes Alex! How can you expect us to have anything if you won’t let me in!?

Alex: Because my dad has nothing to do with you!

Jack: But I want him to, he’s part of your life. I want to help.

Alex: Well I don’t want your help! I’ve done okay on my own all these years!

Jack: I really don’t get you Alex! One minute you’re blowing hot, then cold! Why can’t you just be…like Lydia!?

Alex: Because me and her are totally different Jack!

Jack: You can say that again!

Alex: Well if she’s so bloody brilliant, why don’t you go to her then!?

Jack: What about us!?

Alex: Screw us! I can’t be worrying about things like this at the moment! I need to focus on my dad! Nothing else.

Jack: Fine!… I don’t know why I even bothered!

Jack storms out of the room. Alex shouts after him.

Alex: Jack!

The front door slams shut. Alex realises she has overacted, and sits alone feeling guilty….

20-06-2008, 18:53

Jess sits outside the staff offices, with a bottle of vodka in her hands. She is an emotional wreck, following the events of the day, her mascara has run down her face. Marcus comes outside and sees the state that Jess is in.

Marcus: Jess?

Marcus sits down beside her, looking concerned, he wraps his arm around her.

Marcus: What’s wrong?

Jess: What’s right?

Marcus takes the vodka out of her hands.

Marcus: Well this isn’t going to help matters is it?

Jess: It’s the one comfort I have.

Marcus: Why the sudden change of mood? Has something happened?

Jess: Family stuff, like always.

Marcus: More trouble than they’re worth at times.

Jess: I just feel like nothing in my life can be taken for certain anymore. Everything’s changing, and I don’t know where it leaves me…

Marcus: I know what you mean, but you just have to go with the flow…

Jess: I can’t though. I’m not like that, I need security, stability…

Marcus: You don’t strike me as a dependant kind of girl…

Jess: It’s all an act…to stop me from getting hurt. This is the real me…drowning my sorrows in a bottle of vodka, cus I’m too much of a coward to face my problems head on.

Marcus: Come on, it can’t be that bad.

Jess: They are. I feel so unloved. Anyone that I’ve ever got close to has just given up hope on me, I can’t take it anymore…

Marcus: It’s there loss…

Jess: But it isn’t though is it? It’s mine! They bugger off, and I’m left alone…

Marcus: You’re never alone…

Jess: What I’m supposed to be thankful for a group of friends I’ve known a week?

Marcus: You’ve got me…

Jess: But have I though? You’ll soon get bored…

Marcus: You don’t give me much credit do you?

Jess: I’m being realistic. You’ll move on to your next student soon enough…

Marcus: I’m not like that Jess.

Jess: I can’t carry on like this. I can’t do this with you…

Marcus: This morning you were…

Jess: If I let you close, then it’ll happen again. And I can’t take anymore heartache. I’m not strong enough.

Marcus: I’m not going anywhere okay?

Jess: You say that now…

Marcus grabs Jess hands and makes her face him.

Marcus: You are a breath of fresh air for me Jess. I haven’t meet anyone like in such a long time. I don’t want this to end.

Jess: Are you sure?

Marcus: I’m positive.

Over emotional, Jess leans in for a kiss with Marcus. The pair share a long and emotional embrace.

Bluez Boy
20-06-2008, 19:00
Really good stuff, I can see Jess getting torn between Marcus and Micky as time goes on.

21-06-2008, 10:58
I hope Jack does not go off with Lydia and gives Alex another chance when she feels less emotional. Poor Reese, he should go to see Kelly rather than sulking because she wants to celebrate her friend's birthday though.

21-06-2008, 12:33
Grat stuff, i like the story between Jess and Marcus.

21-06-2008, 13:56

Jack walks towards Junk nightclub, a wave of emotions bubbling up inside him. Micky stands outside with a group of girls, having a cigarette.

Micky: Wehey, Jack the lad…

Jack: Is Lydia in there?

Micky: Yeah, she’s at the bar I think. Is everything okay?

Before Jack can respond he is already heading inside the club.

The loud music hits him as soon as he enters, he looks around for Lydia and sees her by the bar. He walks over to her, buzzing. She is surprised to see him here.

Lydia: Jack, are you okay?

Jack grabs her head and kisses her. She is taken aback by this and pulls away.

Lydia: What are you doing? What about Alex!?

Jack: **** Alex!

Jack leans in for another kiss, this time she responds.

Jack: I should have got with you a long time ago…

Lydia: I don’t understand?

Jack: She obviously doesn’t care about me, I was wasting my time with her.

Lydia: What’s happened?

Jack: It doesn’t matter now. I want you.

Lydia: I’m not gonna be sloopy seconds Jack…

Jack: You’re not. I just wish I’d realised that sooner…

Lydia smiles, overwhelmed by Jack’s sudden interest in her.

Lydia: Can I get you a drink?

Jack: **** the drinks!

Jack leans in once more and starts to fully make out with Lydia in the middle of the club. Other students stare at them and cheer them on. A group start to gather around them.

Moments later Alex pushes herself through the group and catches the pair of them making out. She looks heartbroken, and hurries off before they have a chance to notice her.

21-06-2008, 13:58

Reese walks into the student union, feeling completely dejected. A few groups of students are sat in there, but there is a somber mood about the evening.

Reese sits down at the bar and gestures for the barman to come over.

Reese: A pint of lager please…

Reese sits alone, contemplating and thinking over the events of the past few days. She takes a deep sigh and burries his head in his hands.

Liam: Cheer up Gayboy, it might never happen…

Reese looks up to see Liam standing beside him. Liam gets out some money and pays the barman for Reese’s drink.

Liam: And the same for me too…

Reese: I don’t need anything from you.

Liam: It’s just a drink…

Reese: Yeah, I don’t believe that for a second.

Liam: I didn’t come to start an argument. I saw you over here alone and thought you might want someone to talk to.

Reese: I’m alone, cus I wanna think things over. I don’t tend anyone bothering me…

Liam: Look I was in the same boat as you back in the day, it’s not easy…

Reese: What are you on about?

Liam: Don’t feel like you’ve got to hide your feelings from me. I know you’re gay…

Reese: Don’t be so stupid…

Liam: I’ve seen this so many times before, all the protesting, the hissy fits. But sooner or later they all realise it’s time to stop denying the truth…

Reese: Look, is this some kind of sick game to you or something?

Liam: You really don’t like me do you?

Reese: No, you make me feel uneasy.

Liam: And why’s that? Because you feel threatened by me? Because I’m gay?

Reese: I just don’t want you messing with me…****ing me up in the head.

Liam: Believe me it’s not your head I want to **** with…

Reese: Just stop it okay!?

Liam: Reese, I’m not the villain here okay? I just want to help you…

Reese: I don’t need your help! There’s nothing wrong with me!

Liam: Sure there isn’t. Josh is just a figment of your imagination…

Reese: (Worried) What!?

Liam: I overheard you on the phone last night, you really should be more careful where you have those kind of conversations…

Reese: It’s not what you think at all! It’s nothing like that!

Liam: Don’t worry. You’re secret’s safe with me…for now…

Reese: Please Liam, don’t push me with this…I’m not…

Liam: You are Reese. You know, and I know it.

Reese: Just leave me alone okay?

Liam: Fine. Alienate the one person who understands what you’re going through. Play your little boy lost act, but it aint gonna wash with me. Sooner…or later, you’re going end up sleeping with me…

Liam walks off, leaving Reese to agonise over what Liam has just said.

21-06-2008, 14:00

"Borders" by The Sunshine Underground plays over a series of scenes.


Alex rushes out of the nightclub, trying to stop herself from crying. She bumps into Micky, who notices she’s upset.

Micky: Alex, are you okay?

Alex: No!

Alex rushes off, in an emotional state. She flags up a taxi and gets inside. Tears roll down her face, as her mascara runs.



Jess and Marcus lies in bed, Jess stares out of the window, dwelling on the events of the day. Marcus rolls over to her and wraps his harms around her to comfort her.

Alex (Voice Over): Borders, we all have them. Keeping our true selves hidden away from the world. We’re too scared to let everyone know how we really feel, it’s a sign of weakness…

He kisses her cheek, but Jess doesn’t respond, she is clearly a million miles away, thinking about those she’s loved and lost…



William lies in his bed, clearly in pain. He looks at a picture of him and Alex, rubbing his thumb over her face affectionately.

Alex (Voice Over): Sometimes we do it to protect those that we love.

His smile slowly fades. He is suffering in silence, not wanting to hurt his daughter.



Reese sits alone at the bar, worn out from his emotional roller coaster. Liam and his friends are sat in the corner, enjoying themselves.

Alex (Voice Over): And sometimes we do it because we’re too scared to face our own inner demons.

Reese looks over at Liam, trying to deny the inevitable. She looks at the bottom of his glass and shuts his eyes.



Alex (Voice Over): Once you tear them down, you’re stripped naked, vulnerable, and open for all sorts of heartache. For some people it works…

Jack and Lydia are sat down in one of the booths. They are still making out with one another. They pull a way at look each other, but neither seems to be fully smiling – will it last?



Alex sits in the back of the cab, still crying, she stares out of the window, out onto the dark night outside.

Alex (Voice Over): And for others, like me, it just makes you feel like the world has come crashing to an end…


Chloe O'brien
22-06-2008, 00:49
I knew Jack would do the dirty on Alex with Lydia. Reece needs to talk to someone about his sexuality rather than Liam he is just in it for the bet.

23-06-2008, 11:04
Brilliant bry.. great end of episode

23-06-2008, 13:07
not sure when i'll be able to post the next episode guys!

busy this week getting everything ready for the house move next week, then wont be sure how long it'll take to get the net set up. after that i've got to see how things pan out in terms of shifts at my new job, and my holiday aswell

but i will come back to this script, as a lot of you have taken an interest in it. sorry for the break in it!

23-06-2008, 13:11
not sure when i'll be able to post the next episode guys!

busy this week getting everything ready for the house move next week, then wont be sure how long it'll take to get the net set up. after that i've got to see how things pan out in terms of shifts at my new job, and my holiday aswell

but i will come back to this script, as a lot of you have taken an interest in it. sorry for the break in it!

Well - if the script writers in hollywood can do it, lol :lol:

Do I take it that you got the job?

If so - many congrats!

23-06-2008, 13:15
not sure when i'll be able to post the next episode guys!

busy this week getting everything ready for the house move next week, then wont be sure how long it'll take to get the net set up. after that i've got to see how things pan out in terms of shifts at my new job, and my holiday aswell

but i will come back to this script, as a lot of you have taken an interest in it. sorry for the break in it!

Well - if the script writers in hollywood can do it, lol :lol:

Do I take it that you got the job?

If so - many congrats!

well exactly! :p let's call it the soapboards writers strike! I wont return until I'm paid to write the script! :lol:

Yes I did get the job, thanks very much! :D

04-09-2008, 07:28
Will you be able to continue, Bry? (:angel:)

04-09-2008, 08:47
there's no way i can even think about starting this until SBBB is out of the way. after that it'll depend on how busy my uni schedule is.

04-09-2008, 09:11
there's no way i can even think about starting this until SBBB is out of the way. after that it'll depend on how busy my uni schedule is.

and you promised me DS would be back