View Full Version : Where'd It Go?!

29-05-2008, 11:52
Did anyone watch last night's eppy?

At the end he said "DH will be returning later on in the year"

Anyone know why?

29-05-2008, 11:54
I have no idea, I dont understand cos it cant be the writers strike cos the season finale has already aired in amercia

29-05-2008, 11:57
simple - to make way for big brother

the writers strike is over in America, and all the episodes of DH in America have aried, so Channel 4 could have shown them all now anyways.

I thought the only reason DH started in March instead of Jan was so as to avoid any break in showing eps on Ch4, but evidently not seen as they're doing this.

I have seen the rest of the series and all i can say is it's amazing, and well worth waiting for.

29-05-2008, 11:57
Yeah where did it go! Grrrr "Later in the year?!" I don't want later in the year! I'll have forgotten the storylines by then! :p

29-05-2008, 11:58
I dont want to wait :(
At least they left it at a good cliff hanger, like and end of series thing

29-05-2008, 11:58
simple - to make way for big brother

the writers strike is over in America, and all the episodes of DH in America have aried, so Channel 4 could have shown them all now anyways.

I thought the only reason DH started in March instead of Jan was so as to avoid any break in showing eps on Ch4, but evidently not seen as they're doing this.

I have seen the rest of the series and all i can say is it's amazing, and well worth waiting for.

Ohh...:( That sucks.

29-05-2008, 12:02
How many epsiodes do we have left then?

29-05-2008, 15:58
How many epsiodes do we have left then?

6 or 7 i think, cant remember what episode number channel 4 has left it at.

29-05-2008, 19:20
Last night's episode was episode 10... so they have 7 more left to show, though I heard the season finale was episode 16 and 17 together..

I can't believe they decided to pull it off air til later in the year. I think the "BB is starting" excuse is lame for Channel 4. Surely they could have still shown it at a different time for the remaining episodes sometime in the week? Just because BB is starting doesn't mean they can't fit it anywhere else in the schedule! The episode ended so brilliantly too.

29-05-2008, 19:22
I know! I wanted to know what was on that paper...:crying: :p

29-05-2008, 21:33
It really is lame excuse if its cos of BB

29-05-2008, 21:37
it's becuase BB is going back to the 10pm slot, which is when Desperate Housewives would be on, Channel 4 would never show DH at 9pm so thats why it's on a break. BB can't move to 9pm because of that new cooking show on a Wednesday night with that chef with the funny name.

29-05-2008, 21:48
Hmmm :hmm: Well I suppose the orginal plan before the strike would have meant it didnt clash with BB

31-05-2008, 00:55
I found this on DS. There was a link to this post (http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0410975/board/thread/107414103) on the IMDB forums.


Thanks for your comments regarding Desperate Housewives... As you may have now heard, series 4 is going to break over the summer, returning in the autumn.

Having read numerous comments about this across the forums (and having understood your frustrations), I contacted C4's head of scheduling to get the lowdown on the situation.

Here's the official response below - hope it answers some of your questions:


The reason we're taking a break in the run of series 4 is two-fold. Firstly, as I am sure you are aware, due to the Writers Strike, we had to delay the start of the series. Secondly, we had to plan our forthcoming schedules on the assumption that we would receive fewer (or even no further) episodes past episode 10.

Our schedules are drafted many months in advance and so during the break in production, we had to assume that Desperate Housewives would not be available to screen. It was therefore safer to assume that we would be able to play any remaining episodes which we might receive, in the Autumn.

I am happy to be able to tell you that we are planning to screen the remaining episodes of series 4 and the start of series 5 this year. That means we will be in sync with the US transmissions of the series and that we are able to screen a bumper run of the series in the Autumn, which we thought viewers would appreciate.

Again, we are sorry that events have meant we have had to interrupt the series in this way. We do try very hard to run all our series continuously, but unforeseen events conspired against us on this occasion.

31-05-2008, 01:00
I like the idea being in sync with America, the only bad thing is, we'll be soo happy not waiting in between seasons that we'l forgte for series 6 if there is one we will have to wait a year again

08-06-2008, 17:36
I know! I wanted to know what was on that paper...:crying: :p

how is it fair that the americans get to see the episodes as they are supposed to be but we get stuck with 'writers strike' and its 'goin on a short' break when actually they mean its goin off till the end of the year...they did it with lost and ugly betty! ive been waitin ages for desperate housewives to come on agin and then they take it off again! W*****s! lol

Kirsty :]
25-08-2008, 21:41
Advert jsut came on for this on Channel 4 :D

It's back on September 3rd everyone :D:D Woohoo! :cheer:

(Next Wednesday)

25-08-2008, 22:04
I saw an advert today! :cheer:

I can't remember much that happened though it's been so long :lol:

25-08-2008, 22:42
Whoooooo :D

I feel bad though cos Ive seen an epsiode of it in america, as in from this series that we havent seen the rest of. But I have no idea whch episode it was so I'll have to wait and see.
I also saw a advert for series 5 whilst I was in America :D