View Full Version : Samsung E570 mobile

19-05-2008, 17:13
Right, I have somewhat fallen in love with the pink (The Devil Wears Prada edition) mobile phone. Any of you have got experience and what would be your recommendations, i.e. have you had any problems with it? I remember somebody from this board warned about a chocolate coloured mobile, can't remember the make, sorry.

19-05-2008, 20:26
I love that phone! Clemmie - a girl at school has had hers for quite a whiloe and she loves it!

As for the chocolate one - do you mean the LG Chocolate? If you do, then stay away from that one! I had one for christmas but had to take it back a week later as it just died, wouldn't switch back on, and then had to take the new one back again a month ago, ended up getting the Nokia 7373 which I adore ;] V. girly!!
to be honest, in future I think i'd recommend and stick with Nokia, personally they have been very reliable.

samantha nixon
20-05-2008, 19:06
The lg chocolate is a good phones my sister has had hers for a year and hers is fine, it has a really good battery life, and shes never had any problems with it, most lg phones are realy good as my shine is and so was my viewty

20-05-2008, 19:12
I don't know if this phone is still on the market but stay away from the O2 Ice. One of my friends got it and the battery only lasted 24hrs. She sent it back and the new battery lasted a bit longer but not as long as you would expect it to.

I'd recommend Sony Ericsson. Great brand, I know lots of people with a SE and nobody has had any problems. I love mine :)

23-05-2008, 18:50
I have the Samsung E900. That was slagged off a lot because of the touch sensitive buttons, but I love it. I had the E600 before that and it played up a bit when it got a few years old, but I guess that's expected. It still works now; just says I have a text and when I go to read it it doesn't come up sometimes. If I then go into the inbox the long way it isn't in there. The Samsung E900 charger is a bit dodgy though; I had to pay £7.50 for a new charger last week.

Overall, I really like Samsungs.

23-05-2008, 22:58
I have just changed from the samsung d500 to the Samsung E900 because my d500 had a cracked screen and it was hard to read txts some times.
iam geting use to the touch sensitive buttons on the E900 now....
Samsungs are good...

23-05-2008, 23:02
But does it come in Pink? I want a pink mobile, the brighter pink the better :lol:

23-05-2008, 23:33
no sorry dont think it comes in pink.. black or red.

24-05-2008, 00:14
I agree with Abigail. Sony Ericsson is the best !! :p

24-05-2008, 07:00
no sorry dont think it comes in pink.. black or red.

Red is good too. The E900 phone is quite nice too :hmm: Choices, choices, choices. I am a typical Piesces and can never make up my mind :lol:

di marco
24-05-2008, 07:03
no sorry dont think it comes in pink.. black or red.

I am a typical Piesces and can never make up my mind :lol:

i can never make up my mind and im not a piesces lol!

24-05-2008, 09:00
Bought a Samsung E900 in pink from eBay, it is new and the dealer is not too far away so I can collect it. Saves postage and I can take it back if there is something wrong with it. :cheer: Just trying to make arrangements, can't wait.

24-05-2008, 11:15
That's the exact phone I've got. It's called pink but it's more red. The keypad is a bit more pink than the actual phone. It's a great phone though, I think.

24-05-2008, 11:24
I love Samungs and would always get one now. I used to be "addicted" to Nokias but have become a Samsung convert in recent years.

I am thinking of a Blackberry with my next upgrade though :hmm:

24-05-2008, 14:21
That's the exact phone I've got. It's called pink but it's more red. The keypad is a bit more pink than the actual phone. It's a great phone though, I think.

How do you change the ring tone on it? :searchme: I go to sound setting, incoming calls but then I am stuck. Which key do I press because so far I have set the tone for melody and vibrate and ring, but only seem to have the one silly tone as an option. Handbook states to select ring tone, but not how. Would be grateful for your advice on this. :bow:

24-05-2008, 15:17
Go to incoming call and go into that, then press the silver button in the middle which will give you a list to select where you want to source your ringtone from. Then choose one of those, select a ringtone and it will take you back to the screen which shows what you have selected. Then you just press yes, and the changes will take effect.

24-05-2008, 16:10
Thanks Kim, managed to get it sorted. :thumbsup: One more question please. My previous had had the facility for me to allocate a ring tone to certain contacts, I don't see this on this new one. Could you help with this too please? :angel:

24-05-2008, 16:30
Go into your ringtones, select the one you want to assign, go to set as, then it gives you a list of two options. The second is caller ringtone, which is the one you want. Select that, then it takes you into your phone book. Scroll to the person you want to assign the tone to, and press select.

You can also assign by group; just give me a shout if you want to do that, or anything else.

24-05-2008, 16:37
Go into your ringtones, select the one you want to assign, go to set as, then it gives you a list of two options. The second is caller ringtone, which is the one you want. Select that, then it takes you into your phone book. Scroll to the person you want to assign the tone to, and press select.

You can also assign by group; just give me a shout if you want to do that, or anything else.

I don't seem to have the Go Set As option : I can only save the ringtone I select, that's it. Thanks for your advice though.

24-05-2008, 16:42
I assigned my contacts to the music on my mp3. If you wanted to add some tracks to yours to do that, I could help you.

24-05-2008, 16:44
I assigned my contacts to the music on my mp3. If you wanted to add some tracks to yours to do that, I could help you.

Yes please. :thumbsup:

24-05-2008, 16:52
Right first you need to install Samsung Pc Studio disc onto your computer, and find the music you want to put onto it. This can be on CD's, or you could download from somewhere if you want to do that. Without a memory card, I've only been able to get 18 or 19 songs max on it, but it depends on the file sizes of the songs you choose.

Let me know once you've done that, and I'll tell you the next step. If you have any problems with that, just ask.

24-05-2008, 17:10
I need to connect my phone to the pc but can't open the bit at the side of the phone where it says mp3. I presume that is where I would put the connection cable. I am sorry but this is the most advanced phone I have ever had and I am a techno phobe and have no idea :o

24-05-2008, 17:12
That's the shortcut to mp3 button. The lead to connect the phone to the computer goes in the same place as the charger. It's the bit down further from the button that says mp3.

24-05-2008, 17:16
I stored the disc on my desktop, easier to find for me. Now I have a million icons, phone is connected to pc, now I am stuck with what to do next.

24-05-2008, 17:21
Do you have the songs you want to put on the phone on the computer?

24-05-2008, 17:22
Got one song, yes

24-05-2008, 17:25
Open up the Samsung Pc Studio, and click manage files, which is the top right icon on that screen. Then you need to locate the song on the pc in the bottom left, select it and click to phone, which is on the second bar from the top of the screen.

24-05-2008, 17:30
It says Operation is not supported. I think I am going to leave it for now, might get a friend or colleague to sit with me. Thanks for your help but I am sure you have better things to do then talk me through this for the rest of the night. :lol: At least you helped me with finding different ringtones which was the most important thing for me. Have a drink and a box of chocolates on me :lol:

24-05-2008, 17:35
No problem. If they can't do it then let me know and I could do screen caps of how to do it when I have some time.

Chloe O'brien
25-05-2008, 00:37
By the way how easy is it to download songs from the computer on to your phone's memory card. Marley either wants the O2 Samsung J-600 Blue or O2 Samsung D900! Pink for her birthday.

25-05-2008, 07:09
By the way how easy is it to download songs from the computer on to your phone's memory card. Marley either wants the O2 Samsung J-600 Blue or O2 Samsung D900! Pink for her birthday.

Got the Samsung E900 pink yesterday, it is lovely. Have not downloaded anything yet because I am blonde and don't know how, despite Kim being very kind and trying to tell me how to. My basic background knowledge is non existant, must find an 8 year old to teach me :lol:

25-05-2008, 11:40
By the way how easy is it to download songs from the computer on to your phone's memory card. Marley either wants the O2 Samsung J-600 Blue or O2 Samsung D900! Pink for her birthday.

I find it easy to get the music to the phone, but I don't have a memory card in it. I can't imagine it being that much harder to get it to a memory card. I don't know if the software would be the same, but I'll try helping to do it if Marley can't do it.

25-05-2008, 21:43
I got a bluetooth dongle connect it to your pc turn your bluetooth on on your phone search devices and then they both connect your pc opens up a window and u just drag and drop your music in to it and its on your phone....

25-05-2008, 21:48
By the way how easy is it to download songs from the computer on to your phone's memory card. Marley either wants the O2 Samsung J-600 Blue or O2 Samsung D900! Pink for her birthday.

Its just the same method as transferring onto the internal memory. Just plug it in and put the songs on as you normally would onto the internal memory. Make sure the memory card is in though

samantha nixon
26-05-2008, 18:35
By the way how easy is it to download songs from the computer on to your phone's memory card. Marley either wants the O2 Samsung J-600 Blue or O2 Samsung D900! Pink for her birthday.

its easy to do, especially if you have a slot on your laptop for cards it only takes me about a minute to put songs on it, it also makes it really easy to get pictures of, of it aswell

27-06-2008, 12:52
I somebody can help me please. I wish to download (?) a couple of photos from my laptop to my Samsung E900 to save a screensaver/wallpaper. I connected the phone to the laptop, switched on bluetooth but the laptop cannot find software (I did put the CD I got with the phone into the laptop). :confused: What else do I need to do? :searchme:

27-06-2008, 13:19
The connection does play up from time to time; make sure you connect the USB lead to the computer before you connect the lead to the phone. You don't need to use the bluetooth to do it.

30-06-2008, 17:06
Right, I think I have got all on my laptop now, downloaded everything they offered, samsung pc studio, usb connection, favourite files etc. However, it does not support jpeg, gif etc. which is what all the photos are saved as when I try to get photo to phone. What am I doing wrong? :crying: I feel so near and yet so far. :o

samantha nixon
30-06-2008, 17:09
Does it say what files are compatable with it? as if so you can get a file converter to convert them, have you checked you dont have one as im sure i got one with my viewty on the disc, if not it was my dad who got one lol but one of us did

30-06-2008, 17:14
No, it only stated what files it does not support, not which ones it does :(
This is so frustrating, how can a total technophobe like myself ever learn how to do things if it is not written anywhere? The manual is useless as far as I am concerned. Would not know what to do if it were not for you clever lot on here, thank you so much for your help :clap: and sorry for being a pest. :o

30-06-2008, 22:59
I tried to get some files on, I don't remember which type they were though. I couldn't be bothered to convert them and just gave up. Do you have an image editor like Jasc Paint Shop Pro? If it's just the odd image then it should be quite quick to convert it to a type that the phone actually takes. I'd try png and see if it takes that.

Chloe O'brien
24-08-2008, 01:28
Marley has her eye on the new Samsung J700 pink on the O2 network what do you think.


24-08-2008, 01:37
The camera isn't very good at all.. mine's 2 mega pixels and I don't rate that very highly at all. That's 1.3. 10MB internal memory on there too, I have 80MB and I'm only just managing to make do with that. An external memory card would be a good idea to buy along with the phone; it tells you that it takes MicroSD cards. It has a music player, bluetooth and that kind of thing so that's good. Talk time isn't outstandingly high; 3 hours. It depends what she wants it for really. It's a pretty good phone for the price.

Chloe O'brien
24-08-2008, 01:41
She's got her eye on an Iphone because her cousin and his wife have them, aint gonna happen. She mainly wants it for the bluetooth and mp3 so she can download and listen to music.

24-08-2008, 01:52
Yeah it's pretty good for that. It's got FM radio too so she has a bit of an option about music. My battery only has half an hour more in talk time and is less is standby time; I've done long car journeys with it so she should be fine for the battery and listening to music.

Only thing is the memory card. I've only been able to get a maximum of 20 songs on an 80MB internal memory, so you'll only get about 2 or 3 on a 10MB that that's got. It all depends on the file size of the song of course, but it won't vary that much. A memory card would be essential for music with that phone, but that's a pretty good price for a phone that has MP3, bluetooth and FM Radio. Mine was £79.99 I think and it doesn't have FM radio.

02-09-2008, 18:16
She's got her eye on an Iphone because her cousin and his wife have them, aint gonna happen. She mainly wants it for the bluetooth and mp3 so she can download and listen to music.

I know you said it's not gonna happen hehe but if she wants it for the bluetooth I wouldn't reccommend the iPhone. 2 relatives of mine, a teacher and a couple of friends have said they can't get the bluetooth to connect to anything but another product of Apple. I don't know why, but they've all said it. I would have got one if it wasn't for this ):

I'd reccommend the Nokia 7373 though, it's a bit of an older phone - not much, I still know loadsa people with it but that had FM radio and I got a 128MB memory card with mine and had loadsa of songs on it. Realatively cheap too.

11-09-2008, 19:05
I need some help again please with using my Samsung E900 mobile. I have noticed that it does not send text messages. When I enter the text I get the send option Phonebook, Group, Recent recipients etc. I select phonebook and my contacts appear. I then highlight my contact and I get the message: No Entry. What the **** is that about? I then enter the phone number manually, I get confirmation that the message has been sent but it never arrives. Also, my Sent Messages, Outbox and Draft folder are empty. What am I doing wrong? I would be grateful for your advice, thanks.

di marco
12-09-2008, 10:51
I need some help again please with using my Samsung E900 mobile. I have noticed that it does not send text messages. When I enter the text I get the send option Phonebook, Group, Recent recipients etc. I select phonebook and my contacts appear. I then highlight my contact and I get the message: No Entry. What the **** is that about? I then enter the phone number manually, I get confirmation that the message has been sent but it never arrives. Also, my Sent Messages, Outbox and Draft folder are empty. What am I doing wrong? I would be grateful for your advice, thanks.

im not sure, but ive got a samsung and one thing ive noticed is if you go into the phonebook to get a contact to send the text to, you have to tick the contact you want before you press select. im not sure if im explaining this that well, but for example, if i wanna send a text to my mum, i go onto my contacts and scroll down til mum mobile is highlighed in orange, if you just press select then it will say no entry, instead on my screen along the bottom is select on one side, back on the other side, and a tick in the middle, you have to select the tick first (mine works by pressing the menu button as thats my middle key) and then once the contact has a tick next to it then press select and the contact should have been added to the text. im not sure why the messages arent being sent or why there arent any messages in your sentbox etc though. hope that made some sort of sense! :)

12-09-2008, 20:40
If you slide down the slider in the middle of a text then providing you have the memory space available, the message is automatically saved in drafts.

Sentbox - The phone saves sent MMS messages only.

Outbox - Haven't actually used mine but I think the message saves in there if you select the 'save and send' option.

12-09-2008, 21:43
On mine if you select send and save option it saves the text in sentbox. dont really no why its got a outbox.....

12-09-2008, 21:45
Nor me, I had a Nokia once that had a move to outbox option, that phone doesn't have that though.

Chloe O'brien
12-09-2008, 23:07
Marley got her phone this morning and loved it. She's already taken loads of photos and got plenty of tunes on it.

di marco
13-09-2008, 08:48
If you slide down the slider in the middle of a text then providing you have the memory space available, the message is automatically saved in drafts.

Sentbox - The phone saves sent MMS messages only.

Outbox - Haven't actually used mine but I think the message saves in there if you select the 'save and send' option.

ive only ever had one or two saved in outbox, it saves it in outbox if for some reason it cant send the message, it saves it in there and automatically sends it later

19-09-2008, 23:52
Oh, mine just says 'retry?' then you have to select yes or no.

What model do you have?

22-09-2008, 06:34
I think I have sussed it, I go into the contacts list, select my contact and then select 'send a text message' from the menu and it works. :thumbsup: