View Full Version : Casualty Quotes

14-05-2008, 23:09
Snezana: You know you're very polite young man
Curtis: Thanks
Snezana: You don't seem like other men of your age..they're vulgar and they wear ill-fitting trousers

Big Mac: (whispers) Toby *opens cubicle curtain*
Toby: Oh I hope that's not what Joanne meant

21-05-2008, 01:20
Zoe: Do you two mind?
Adam: What?
Zoe: I've got a busy ED here and all I can hear is you two bickering.
Adam: She started it.
Jessica: Grow up.

Marylin: Oh your such a dinosaur Charlie!
Charlie: Well then you'd better watch out I don't eat you for breakfast.

08-06-2008, 02:21
Toby: What do women actually do with me time?

The evil stares he got for that :lol:

21-06-2008, 15:55
Alice: If your going to be like that you can sort your own mess out. I am not the one pretending to be a war hero from Afghanistan.

05-07-2008, 22:10
Ruth: If it wasn't for alcohol and trampolines I'd be out of a job

05-07-2008, 22:42
I know this wasn't meant to be funny, but the way it was said made me laugh for some reason..

Charlie: put the scissors down...


12-07-2008, 21:44
Adam: Ok this nun walks into a bar-
Jessica: Different story.

26-07-2008, 15:01
Jeff: Be gentle with her Tess she's the grieving widow remember? Oh no he's alive. And well. And welsh.

11-08-2008, 12:30
Charlie - No matter what happens we'll always have Holby :wub:

22-09-2008, 20:17
Adam: I'm the man who got you out of there.
Patient: I hate you!
Adam: ...maybe we'll cut that bit?

Adam: UP, UP, Keep moving up! ... DOWN, DOWN, DOWN!

Adam (to Jess): Okay...this is the male toilets now and you've just walked in - you realise that right?

Nick: You know what I hate about the NHS? Cutting corners... see this door - so flimsy. Amazing how the sound travels through it. :rotfl:

Nick: In future there are two things I'd like you to remember. Golden rules if you like. One, I don't care for brown nosing, so don't do it. Two - and this is by far the most important - you must never, ever ever look inside the bag.

29-09-2008, 17:25
-Zoe, Adam and Ruth argue-
-Nick Jordan throws ball-

Nick - Hi. Two things you should be aware of. Number one, Nick Jordan, your new clinical lead. Number two, your patient has a bottle in her neck.

Adam: Who's the most important person in my resus?
Toby and Ruth: You!

Charlie: "Well doctors can sometimes be a bit arrogant."
Switches to Adam.
Adam: "I'm the most important person in the room."

29-09-2008, 18:01
Number two, your patient has a bottle in her neck. And he's throwing a ball around resus :rotfl: :rotfl:

20-10-2008, 16:14
[a flat screen for tracking patients' waiting times has just been delivered to the department]
Maggie Coldwell: What on earth is that for?
Bruno Jenkins: Action replays of your greatest life-saving moments. I love short films.
Maggie Coldwell: I see your humour implant didn't take, then.

Selena Manning: [to Maggie] You will never guess what just happened.
Maggie Coldwell: Yeah well so long as I don't get the blame I don't care.
Selena Manning: Nathan just asked my out.
Maggie Coldwell: Nathan as in Spencer?
[Selena nods]
Maggie Coldwell: Well I hope you told him to get stuffed.
[Selena looks away]
Maggie Coldwell: You didn't did you?
Selena Manning: Look, I didn't say yes. Look, he's not that bad, he's good looking, he's successful.
Maggie Coldwell: Yeah and what happened to I need a good man? He's obviously a snake, what is it with you and dodgy blokes? Please, Selena, just wait for a decent man.
Selena Manning: You might be right. Do you know what though? Do you know what was lovely? Just having someone actually ask me out, even if it was Nathan.
Kelsey Phillips: Nathan asked you out. Isn't he gay?
Maggie Coldwell: [walks away with a huge grin on her face]

[You gotta love Kelsy and Maggie :lol: :wub: ]

Maggie: I'll just tell my patient with bad respiritory effort to hold her breath then shall I?!

Charlie : No, you're not having an episode.
Abs : Who brought her back?

Jess: Shes probably broke a nail.
Toby: No it'll be something more important than that.
Jess: Yeah probably her shoes dont match her outfit. :lol:

I miss maggie and her one liner's i will be back with more :(x

29-12-2008, 14:31
Ben: "Stop throwing everyone in front of the car crash that is your life. And you; you're gay."

29-12-2008, 16:05
One of my favourite quotes is:

T.C: Paramedics?
Kelsey: Yea they drive the big brum burms with the sirens and the lights


15-03-2009, 14:42
Loved this one from the start of the series,

Jeff, "There is a rumour, that the paramedics are quite..."
Cut to Adam, "The paramedics are...lunatics,"
Cut to Kelsey, "The paramedics are completely barmy!"
Cut to Toby, "They scare me,"
Cut back to Jeff, "...sexy?"

03-05-2009, 21:29
Adam: "You know I've always loved you"
Adam: "I am family. I'm the father"
Adam: "Nothing matters anymore"
He's too cute for words:wub: :love:.

04-05-2009, 14:01
Adam: "You know I've always loved you"
Adam: "I am family. I'm the father"
Adam: "Nothing matters anymore"
He's too cute for words:wub: :love:.

:wub: I agree, I loved them. Best quotes of the episode by far