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12-05-2008, 21:50
Heya, I know we had a thread in the past about the heat and a rant but It was closed. And yet again we are having quite nice warm/hot weather.
Has anyone else noticed that we seem to get our summers early now, more in May than June or July

12-05-2008, 21:51
Well last year it was awful! this year seems to be looking up! some nice hot weather this past week, quite humid air,but I love the warm so bring more I say!

12-05-2008, 21:52
Yeah it has been getting warmer. I don't like it being 27 degrees it's too hot!

Last year we didn't really have a summer though it seemed to rain all the time! :p

12-05-2008, 21:53
Yeah last year was awful more but it was still hot in May even april I think cos I remember it being hot and nice and sunny just before I left school

12-05-2008, 21:55
Yes that's true, we had a coupel of really nice weeks in May then it turned to floods for the rest of the summer, was dismal. Hope we get better his year.

12-05-2008, 21:56
Thats what Im wondering whether our summer has come early and will gone by the time it typically should be summer, or summer is early and will last :searchme:

12-05-2008, 21:57
I disagree.. simply because I prefer winter, always.
Even if your wearing ZILCH you still feel soooo hot! :(
I do think summer coming earlier because I noticed my hayefever started in March compared to the usual late April/early May!

12-05-2008, 22:01
This is just a heatwave it isn't proper summer the forecast said it would get wet and rainy - thunderstormy after Wednesday..

This is for London :crying:

Check out your area here:

12-05-2008, 22:03
Yeah but will the heat return? I mean you do get bad rain and thunderstorms with hot weather

12-05-2008, 22:04
I love the heat, so I personally hope it stays.. not good for people with hayfever though.

This is just a heatwave it isn't proper summer the forecast said it would get wet and rainy - thunderstormy after Wednesday..

Well this Sunday we practically had a storm, lots of thunder, and rain, I think the humidity built up. Now it's back to sunny and warm again.

12-05-2008, 22:11
Yeah but will the heat return? I mean you do get bad rain and thunderstorms with hot weather

Well on Friday it's rainy and 13 degrees :( Perhaps the hot weather will return...:hmm: Who knows with this crazy British weather :lol:

12-05-2008, 22:12
I love the heat, so I personally hope it stays.. not good for people with hayfever though.

This is just a heatwave it isn't proper summer the forecast said it would get wet and rainy - thunderstormy after Wednesday..

Well this Sunday we practically had a storm, lots of thunder, and rain, I think the humidity built up. Now it's back to sunny and warm again.

Yeah but will the heat return? I mean you do get bad rain and thunderstorms with hot weather

Well on Friday it's rainy and 13 degrees :( Perhaps the hot weather will return...:hmm: Who knows with this crazy British weather :lol:

Exactly so the hot weather may return. I hope it does, Ive got a bit of a tan but I want more :cheer:

12-05-2008, 22:14
dayum! I never tan in English weather, I think I need liek extremely penetrating heat to tan.

12-05-2008, 22:15
I don't tan I burn :lol:

12-05-2008, 22:16
I don't tan I burn :lol:

I has pretty bad sunburn last week, its gone now though and Im tanning. I only tan as long as I have suncream on

12-05-2008, 22:31
i've had the suncream out today, i am soo paranoid i will get burnt. Its so warm though and i have exams this week so it is going to be awful.

I'm with Spicy, i much prefer winter as it is much easier to make your self warm.

12-05-2008, 22:38
I do love that feelign of snuggling up in bed though when it's cold outside and your inside all warm, with a nice hot chocolate and marshmallows

nah what am I talking about, I'm a summer gal!

Chloe O'brien
12-05-2008, 23:02
I don't mind the summer when the sun is shining but I hate it when it goes that horrible dull clammy way as you just get even hotter. There is not much difference to any of the seasons these days last year it rained everyday up here. Summers and Winters are nothing what like they used to be because of global warning.

13-05-2008, 06:24
A works colleague of mine is a hobby farmer and he reckons we will have a great summer to look forward to because of various plants growing in abundance (can't remember which ones) so I hope that the cooler weather to come later this week will not spell the end of summer 2008.

13-05-2008, 15:33
Hopefully not. It was definately cooler today. If it stayed this temperature all the way through summer it'd be fine! Not really humid today which was nice :)

13-05-2008, 19:51
Earlier the better I say!

13-05-2008, 20:33
i've loved this past week, everyone at uni has finished their work and just been spending their days in the park and their evengings having bbqs then heading out to the clubs, it's been so much fun.

my only fear is that it'll be the same as last year, we had a few nice weeks in May then the entire summer was just horrid, with floods etc. why can't we just have nice weather for the whole summer!?

di marco
14-05-2008, 15:41
its cold today! :( i had to wear a jacket up to uni. i mean i dont really like it when its too hot but i dont want to have to bother wearing hoodies/jackets around again!

14-05-2008, 16:34
my only fear is that it'll be the same as last year, we had a few nice weeks in May then the entire summer was just horrid, with floods etc. why can't we just have nice weather for the whole summer!?

I fear about that, but it was still hot and sunny today so things are still looking good :cool:

14-05-2008, 17:29
It rained for a bit today, not for long though. Back to being sunny :cool: :thumbsup:

14-05-2008, 17:35
Sunny here today. A girl in my year wore non-uniform on the bus then changed before the exam. Going to do that when I'm in school for a revision lesson tomorrow; I was boiling on the bus today.

14-05-2008, 17:53
Been soo hot here this week! I got burnt on Sat ;[ Babysitting for 2 little girlies and we were out in the back - the two of them fell asleep on the trampoline so i covered them up with a blanket so they didn't burn and I sunbathed but burnt my chest :(

di marco
15-05-2008, 16:42
i had to wear a coat today! :eek: it was raining! :(

15-05-2008, 16:56
:( Its cloudy today, still warmish. It started of hot and I was sunbathing but at lunch the clouds came :(

15-05-2008, 16:59
It's been raining all day :(

15-05-2008, 17:04
I think the weather will pick up again by next week, it looks that way :D

15-05-2008, 17:26
It's too hot!

Never happy though are we lmao. We either complain when it's raining/cold but then it's too hot!

16-05-2008, 15:56
Okay now we got a cold day today :( But I checked the weather forecast and its supposed to pick up again for next week :D

di marco
16-05-2008, 16:17
Okay now we got a cold day today :( But I checked the weather forecast and its supposed to pick up again for next week :D

its cold here again too :( im going out tonight so it better not rain. and i hope its nice again next week cos im going to the beach!

17-05-2008, 22:22
It's rained allll day toda.
It better be nice tomorrow though, the only Sunday my Dad has had off in a while so my Mum was hoping for a BBQ!

Kirsty :]
17-05-2008, 23:44
It's been a horrible rainy week here in Wales :(
I think it's supposed to clear up from tomorrow and turn nice again :)
I really hope we have a decent summer this year!

21-05-2008, 14:18
It's sunny today! And quite warm. To bad I'm too busy revising to enjoy it lol. It's not humid sunny though which is nice. :D London has an unfortunate tendency to be very humid :thumbsdow It's a bit cloudy but I don't think it's going to rain.

24-05-2008, 12:06
Nothing special to report here.. although I did go into my Media exam on Thursday without my jumper as it was a bit hotter than normal.

24-05-2008, 16:13
:cheer: It was cloudy yesterday but now the sun is out and its really warm :D

24-05-2008, 16:32
It was a little bit sunny here a while ago, but now that's gone and it's really windy :(

24-05-2008, 16:42
It has been lovely sunny today, but very windy which reduced the warmth :( Forecast for tomorrow is rain :crying:

24-05-2008, 22:18
Yeah it has been sunny but a bit windy here too. We were going to go on a picnic with the relatives tomorrow but the rain means we are probably going to stay in.

24-05-2008, 23:48
I hope its not all downhill from here :nono: i want a good summer this year

Kirsty :]
24-05-2008, 23:50
Me too!

Today has been alrightish.
Its been sort of hazy but warm.... but the wind really cooled it down! :(
Now it's started to thunder though :(

24-05-2008, 23:55
Checked the weather, looks like we will have a little sun tomorrow, then rain early in the week, whilst it gets hotter :hmm:

25-05-2008, 12:09
its sunny :cheer:

di marco
25-05-2008, 14:54
its sunny :cheer:

its not here! :( it was sunny yesterday but today its been raining

25-05-2008, 19:25
It was raining all night but today it was sunny. Bit chilly with the wind though!

26-05-2008, 10:53
nice again here today!

Kirsty :]
26-05-2008, 11:43
We've had bad weather 3 days in a row!
It's hammering down :(

Mr Weatherman: I would actually like a summer this year please!

di marco
26-05-2008, 12:14
nice again here today!

lucky you! its pouring down with rain here! :(

26-05-2008, 12:30
come live up north di marco :D

26-05-2008, 13:29
dunno what its doing outside weather wise but its windy as i fel my window is going to fall through any minute. ITs really scary.

26-05-2008, 13:32
It's raining. And cold. :crying: :p

26-05-2008, 13:33
am i the only one with good weather lol

26-05-2008, 13:34
i think so!

26-05-2008, 13:40
you know id send you all some if i could ;) lol

26-05-2008, 13:57
:( Its not nice, cloudy and very windy :eek:

26-05-2008, 14:08
am i the only one with good weather lol

nope it boiling here had to come in cause i was burning lol

26-05-2008, 14:18
:( No fair, it was sooo cold, I just had a shower and we always have that window open and it was freezing in there!

27-05-2008, 01:26
It's been really windy here again today. At one point, I thought that it was going to start thundering! Meh Chris gets all the nice weather; I thought it was meant to be colder up North.

Chloe O'brien
28-05-2008, 11:30
Oh what a lovely summer's day we have up north NOT!! pouring rain and freezing cold.

28-05-2008, 12:49
I got woken up at 2.30 this morning by lightning :lol: I can't have been in a very deep sleep. I was thirsty so I went into the kitchen - it was really pouring down! All I can say is thank god the drains have been fixed! Last time it was a thunderstorm the drains flooded oh it smelled bad...:sick:

It's cold now....:thumbsdow

28-05-2008, 16:04
we had rain the last 2 days but it is improving now... there is a heatwave in Germany... hopefully it will move north and come here

28-05-2008, 19:21
we had rain the last 2 days but it is improving now... there is a heatwave in Germany... hopefully it will move north and come here

It is not that hot yet over here but looks as if it is coming for the weekend :cheer:

28-05-2008, 19:31
Theres a heat wave in germany? Which part maybe its where my friend lives, hope its hot when I go over there :p

28-05-2008, 19:39
Theres a heat wave in germany? Which part maybe its where my friend lives, hope its hot when I go over there :p

I live in the north of Germany, where will you be going to and when? I'll look up the long range forecast for you. :thumbsup:

28-05-2008, 20:14
well i wont lie lol.. we had rain today

28-05-2008, 20:23
Theres a heat wave in germany? Which part maybe its where my friend lives, hope its hot when I go over there :p

I live in the north of Germany, where will you be going to and when? I'll look up the long range forecast for you. :thumbsup:

Erm Im going to Isenbuttel I think.
I know Im flying into Hanover and then going there ^
Im also going to Berlin for the day

28-05-2008, 20:26
I keep thinking/reading this thread title as Ann Summers :lol:
Bad weather here too! x

28-05-2008, 20:27
:eek: Spicyspy!

Kirsty :]
28-05-2008, 20:29
I actually loled then at your comment Spicy! :lol:

The weather here is still rubbish as ever :(
Supposed to finally become sunny on Subday... which is my brothers birthday so I hope it's nice enough for a bbq!
Even though its really hammering it down here, the temperature is rising everyday.

28-05-2008, 20:29
lmao spice

28-05-2008, 20:31
I hope the weather is okay for sunday, me and mum are supposed to go do a car boot sale

28-05-2008, 20:33
Supposed to finally become sunny on Subday... which is my brothers birthday so I hope it's nice enough for a bbq!it better be nice on sunday. im goin to music live at middlesbrough, if it rains the whole days just spoilt.

Kirsty :]
28-05-2008, 20:38
Lol I wrote Subday!
Obviosuly I meant Sunday :)
Sorry! Haha :lol:

28-05-2008, 20:42
Well lets all pray for sun on sunday :D

29-05-2008, 13:50
Theres a heat wave in germany? Which part maybe its where my friend lives, hope its hot when I go over there :p

I live in the north of Germany, where will you be going to and when? I'll look up the long range forecast for you. :thumbsup:

I am going to be in WestWald at end of JUne

Kirsty :]
05-06-2008, 00:04
Been a gorgeous day here today! Really sunny and warm :D Guarentee it will be rubbish tomorrow though!!

05-06-2008, 00:31
It's been really sunny here too! Boiling! And yesterday it was pouring and freezing! What's with this weather :p I never know what to wear :lol:

di marco
05-06-2008, 00:59
it was a bit dull this morning but then it got really sunny and hot this afternoon, hope it lasts for a while

05-06-2008, 20:23
It was quite hot here today. I was boiling in the library and had to drink wayyy too much water.

05-06-2008, 23:12
Its been really nice here, juts cloudy so we had to put up with it

di marco
06-06-2008, 09:41
yesterday was really sunny in the morning, then it looked like it was going to rain for a few hours, then it was really sunny again. its hot today as well

06-06-2008, 09:56
It is nice where I am at the moment and the weekend forecast looks good with possible showers tomorrow but dry again for Sunday. However, the internet forecast for the next couple of weeks looks horrible, rain every day and temperatures down by 10 degrees C. :eek: :crying:

Kirsty :]
06-06-2008, 14:31
Don't worry Perdita, the internet forcast for my area has been for heavy showers all week... it's been sunny and hot the past 3 days in a row :)
I try my best to not listen to the weather forecast.. I jsut stick my head out of the window and decide what to wear then :lol:
The weather does what it wants to really lol

Nice and sunny and warm again here today :D

di marco
06-06-2008, 16:31
so much for it being hot when i woke up this morning, it rained all afternoon! i had to take a coat when i went out but was then hot cos it wasnt cold enough to need a coat!

Chloe O'brien
06-06-2008, 23:11
All week it has been funny weather up here. The forecast has been cloudy with showers each day so I have taken my brolly with me but it's been changing between cloudy and sunshine. I wish it would make up it's bloody mind.

Kirsty :]
06-06-2008, 23:38
Another warm sunny day here in good old Wales :D

08-06-2008, 14:06
It's boiling. Too cold now too hot arghhh :lol:

08-06-2008, 16:27
Whoooo its really hot :)

di marco
08-06-2008, 16:48
yesterday was horrible weather, kept raining! :angry: today is really nice and hot and sunny though, hope it lasts :)

08-06-2008, 17:12
I heard its suppose it last a few days :D

di marco
08-06-2008, 17:27
I heard its suppose it last a few days :D

is that it? it should be like this almost every day, its summer after all!

08-06-2008, 17:32
Yeah I just checked the 2 day forecast for my area and it will rain in thursday I think. Its suppose to me really got tomorrow, UV index is 6

di marco
08-06-2008, 17:46
Yeah I just checked the 2 day forecast for my area and it will rain in thursday I think. Its suppose to me really got tomorrow, UV index is 6

yeh just checked the weather for where i live, its gonna rain on thurs :( mon and tues look really nice and hot though :)

08-06-2008, 17:48
Yay! :D SO now I can plan what to wear to college tomorrow

Kirsty :]
08-06-2008, 18:21
Really hot here again today :D
However, this sadly resulted in me being absolutely burnt like mad. :(

08-06-2008, 18:25
Very hot where I am too, loved it, been out most of the day reading my book and the Sunday papers. Got slightly burnt on my tummy as I don't usually expose it but did the last couple of days as it was too hot and I dared sit in a bikini top and shorts :o Got a couple of nice looking tankinis of eBay though so should have this problem sorted. :D

09-06-2008, 00:07
Ahh is sooo hot... :( I can't sleep...!

09-06-2008, 02:00
Neither can I. I've been laying in bed for the last hour. Decided to get up and watch a film or something lol.

09-06-2008, 07:42
Lol Kasple, that doesnt surprise me.
Right, there isnt a cloud in the sky today :) Its gonna hot, now what shall I wear to college :hmm: :p

di marco
09-06-2008, 11:28
its hot here again too :)

09-06-2008, 12:54
Same here, I hate it! Hayfever is really playing up!

09-06-2008, 13:01
its hot here again too :)

we should be hitting 24 degrees here today!!!

09-06-2008, 19:56
It got up do 28 degrees here :eek:

It's going to be 16 degrees overnight....:S

09-06-2008, 21:58
Whooooo love it :p
My friend has very bad sunburn, its so funny :D

Kirsty :]
09-06-2008, 22:25
Really hot here again today :)
I'll enjoy the nice weather again when my sunburn is gone ahha
Until then I will hate it for a little while :)

di marco
22-06-2008, 16:09
didnt know where to put this so thought id put it here, from msn news:

Britain braced for bad weather

People in parts of Britain have been warned to expect gales of up to 65mph.

Forecasters said the UK should brace itself for "unusual summer weather" with high-wind storms and heavy rains.

It is thought the weather would be at its worst in north-west England, Wales and the lower parts of Scotland.

Strong gusts are also expected as far south as the Bristol channel, Wales, the Midlands and parts of East Anglia.

Southern Scotland has so far seen the worst of the heavy rain, with 38mm falling in Dundrennan, on the south-western coast of Scotland.

A Met Office spokesman said the "severe gusts" could cause problems for motorists towing caravans and high-sided vehicles.


22-06-2008, 19:30
:( Hopefully should be ok though as I'm a bit further South than Bristol.. I had been hoping for a nice summer after the one last year.. looks like we had a three in one summer in 2006!

23-06-2008, 09:45
I live in the North west and believe me the winds yesterday were awful!!!

Chloe O'brien
25-06-2008, 14:51
More rain last night and more rain the rest of the week, just in time for the school holidays begining.

25-06-2008, 14:54
It's boiling in the South. Muahaha :p

Chloe O'brien
25-06-2008, 15:14
It's boiling in the South. Muahaha :p

Well do you think you could send some up our way darling. :D

25-06-2008, 16:11
Not particularly hot here; some down further South please Stars! Quite windy here too :(

25-06-2008, 16:17
Lovely here in Germany, not too hot, around 22 - 24 Celsius, the occasional cloud but then you can't have it all, can you.

25-06-2008, 16:42
Lovely here in Germany, not too hot, around 22 - 24 Celsius, the occasional cloud but then you can't have it all, can you.

I will be joining you tomorrow

25-06-2008, 16:44
Welcome, have a great time. :D

25-06-2008, 17:05
Weather's been so so here

25-06-2008, 17:09
what i want to know is when the real summer will be coming?

up in the midlands we've had a few good days on and off, but for the most part it's just been horrible cloudy days where the sun pokes it head out for half an hour!

i'm just hoping when i move down South next week the weather might be a bit better down there!

25-06-2008, 17:22
what i want to know is when the real summer will be coming?

up in the midlands we've had a few good days on and off, but for the most part it's just been horrible cloudy days where the sun pokes it head out for half an hour!

i'm just hoping when i move down South next week the weather might be a bit better down there!

According to the internet, you will experience much the same down south for the next couple of weeks. :( At least it is not pouring down all the time the way it did last year.

25-06-2008, 17:32
I have no idea what the weathers like, Ive been inside all day :(

My friend says its gonna be warmmer/hotter where we are going to Germany On sunday than it is here :cheer:

25-06-2008, 17:35
I have no idea what the weathers like, Ive been inside all day :(

My friend says its gonna be warmmer/hotter where we are going to Germany On sunday than it is here :cheer:

Where in Germany are you going to? I could try to find out for you what the forecast is :D

25-06-2008, 17:40
Okay she lives in Isenbuttel (sp?)
We are flying in to Hanover you see.
One day we are going to Hamburg and another day to Berlin.
We are also going to Braunschwig and Wolfsburg i we can :D

25-06-2008, 17:46
Forecast says sunny spells mainly and occasional showers apart from 5th and 6th July which is supposed to be pants, but then this forecast changes on a daily basis :lol: The temperatures are quite good though, lower to middle 20s, so ideal if you are going to be out and about a lot. Enjoy. :)

25-06-2008, 17:48
Its good then cos I leave on the 4th :D

di marco
26-06-2008, 08:53
been really nice here, i went to the beach! :D

26-06-2008, 12:34
I'm going to the beach on Wednesday! :thumbsup: Hopefully the weather will still be nice then :p

26-06-2008, 16:22
I think it's safe to say our summer's over! Up here it's lashing it down. The entire ground floor of school is flooded. Looks like I've got a day off tomorrow!

26-06-2008, 16:26
Same here, well not the flooding part but it has been lashing it down, :eek: Scary!

26-06-2008, 16:29
It was this time last year when all the really bad floods happened. Lets hope it's not gonna be a repeat!

Chloe O'brien
28-06-2008, 01:47
God I hope its not like last year. The schools are now on holiday for 7 weeks up here and traditionally it's called the Edinburgh trades fortnight were it usually rains for the two weeks. Last year it rained almost all of the summer I remember the wedding on 11 August were it pi$$ed down all day.

05-07-2008, 00:28
Well the weather was very hot in Germnay :thumbsup:

di marco
05-07-2008, 00:31
its still really nice here, it rained for a bit on wednesday but apart from that its been really sunny for weeks and really hot too :D hope it stays like that but i bet ive jinxed it now!

05-07-2008, 00:34
Hopefully Ive brought some of the weather back with me :p

05-07-2008, 00:48
We've had some quite good weather this week! They said it would pour on Wednesday and it drizzled and then was sunny for the rest of the week :lol: Unfortunately I think there is a low pressure thingy coming...:p

05-07-2008, 00:51
Arent they depressions? Or are those the start of Hurricanes :hmm:
OMG I think Ive forgotten AS Geography already :eek:

di marco
05-07-2008, 00:58
Arent they depressions? Or are those the start of Hurricanes :hmm:
OMG I think Ive forgotten AS Geography already :eek:

we sort of learnt that in year 9, cant remember it though. all i need to know is if theres a sun on the map its going to be sunny and if theres drops of rain then its going to rain lol!

05-07-2008, 09:44
Yeah, you kinda expect rain after hot and dryish weather

di marco
05-07-2008, 10:48
its still really nice here, it rained for a bit on wednesday but apart from that its been really sunny for weeks and really hot too :D hope it stays like that but i bet ive jinxed it now!

haha lol what did i say! it looks like its going to rain today, loads of black clouds! oh well, its still hot

05-07-2008, 10:58
I woke up and it was pouring of rain, it was sooo loud and scary,
Its sunny now, but cloudy

Chloe O'brien
06-07-2008, 00:08
1 week of the school holidays over already and what have we had for most of the week? Yes you guessed it RAIN :angry:

06-07-2008, 01:23
It was quite sunny where I was shopping earlier in the morning, but quite cold when I got the bus to go there. Then it started raining while I was shopping, so it's been up and down all day, really. Glad I've got an extra long summer with this nightmare weather :p

Kirsty :]
06-07-2008, 12:44
It's been raining for like a week here. So much for July being a summer month! :(

di marco
06-07-2008, 15:42
its still really nice here, it rained for a bit on wednesday but apart from that its been really sunny for weeks and really hot too :D hope it stays like that but i bet ive jinxed it now!

haha lol what did i say! it looks like its going to rain today, loads of black clouds! oh well, its still hot

it didnt actually rain yesterday after all, turned out really sunny! today i woke up and it was really sunny, but now its been raining for most of the day :(

06-07-2008, 15:43
We keep getting showers, like really heavy ones

06-07-2008, 16:50
Weather in Germany is not too bad really, quite warm, a bit sticky at times, cloudy at times but mainly sunny, only the odd shower which saves me watering the plants. :cheer: Done a fair bit of sunbathing this weekend.

06-07-2008, 16:59
We keep getting showers, like really heavy ones

So do we...today. On and off...a bit chilly too.

06-07-2008, 18:23
Weather in Germany is not too bad really, quite warm, a bit sticky at times, cloudy at times but mainly sunny, only the odd shower which saves me watering the plants. :cheer: Done a fair bit of sunbathing this weekend.

I miss Germany already :(

06-07-2008, 18:33
Come back :D

06-07-2008, 19:38
I cant 3 weeks today I'll be on my way to Florida

06-07-2008, 19:41
Ok, I suppose Germany can't compete with Florida, not seen too many Aligators roaming the streets :D

di marco
06-07-2008, 19:42
I cant 3 weeks today I'll be on my way to Florida

lucky you! its well hot out there. i was looking up prices for going there next year but dunno if i can afford it, but it said the weather was really good in july/august

06-07-2008, 19:51
been raining all day here! one day its nice the next its pouring down

di marco
07-07-2008, 11:11
its pouring down with rain! looks like its gonna be a horrible day :(

07-07-2008, 17:43
Bye Summer...hello rain :p

07-07-2008, 17:46
you can stand under my umbrella ella!

07-07-2008, 17:49
Oh no...don't...:lol:

di marco
07-07-2008, 21:20
you can stand under my umbrella ella!

haha they played that on the radio today cos it was topical lol!

di marco
10-07-2008, 14:26
its been a nice sunny day today :) not that hot but still warm enough. the rest of the week it poured down with rain all day! and looks like more rain for the weekend :( but hopefully it will be nice again next week

14-07-2008, 15:45
Well the weather was very hot in Germnay :thumbsup:

where were you Abbie.. cause on the 2nd where I was it got up to 40 degress.. It was like an oven.. even in the shade it was about 30... I miss Germany.. wanna go back

14-07-2008, 15:49
Erm well on the 1st July I went to Hamburg it got up to 35 there
On the 2nd We stayed at 'home' mates home, in Isenbuttel, its about an hours drive from Hanover. It was very hot that day, we went to the lake, it was like some kind of resort there, where we just sunbathed and swam
On the 3rd we went to Berlin, it was boiling that day!!!!! I mean it had to have nearly got up to 40 but I dunno, guess I'll never know now

16-07-2008, 08:49
Clouds are dark, raining, a lot cooler than it has been lately :( But, in 10 days I will be in Spain which should be a lot hotter and sunnier. :thumbsup:

di marco
16-07-2008, 09:00
from about saturday onwards its been quite nice, its meant to start raining again tomorrow though :(

Chloe O'brien
19-07-2008, 23:16
Three weeks into the school holidays and guess what we still have rain most days. :angry:

19-07-2008, 23:17
absolutely peeing it down today!

Kirsty :]
19-07-2008, 23:18
Lovely day today :D
Cloudy at times but soon brightened up!
Actually we've had a few nice days! :)

19-07-2008, 23:36
Chucking it down this morning then was so hot in the afternoon. Bizarre :lol:

di marco
20-07-2008, 07:51
its been nice here really. thursday and friday it rained slightly but it wasnt too bad. yesterday was alright, today looks like it gonna be a nice day

di marco
20-07-2008, 07:51
Three weeks into the school holidays and guess what we still have rain most days. :angry:

oh no really?! weve hardly had any rain here, you should come and live in the south! :D

Kirsty :]
20-07-2008, 10:44
Looks like it's going to be a nice one today :)

di marco
20-07-2008, 11:27
just been outside with my cats, its a bit cold cos of the wind but still warmish, although the suns gone in now and theres a dark cloud :( hope its not gonna rain

20-07-2008, 15:26
Just had another short thunderstorm and it is still raining a little but before it was ok, sunny at times. Supposed to get very hot again in a couple of days, upper twenties. :thumbsup:

di marco
20-07-2008, 15:36
although i said earlier i thought it was gonna rain, thankfully it didnt and its now quite nice again, although not as hot as it has been. i hope its nice and sunny and hot next week when im on hols :)

21-07-2008, 09:13
I have just been out for 20 minutes walking the dog and it is absolutely freezing, nearly put my gloves on which are still in my jacket pockets. Lots of drizzle today too, not nice at all. :(

21-07-2008, 09:34
it has been really nice in Dublin all weekend... today is pretty nice too.. bit cold cause of the breeze but some nice sunshine

21-07-2008, 18:16
Been nice here today too. Some lovely sunshine with a light breeze. :)

di marco
21-07-2008, 19:13
it was really cold this morning when i woke up, but by this afternoon it was really hot and sunny. my mum said the whole of this week is meant to be nice :)

04-08-2008, 03:15
Its very very hot :p :thumbsup:

di marco
04-08-2008, 09:51
Its very very hot :p :thumbsup:

any chance thats cos youre in florida lol?!

its been ok here, it was quite hot last week while i was on hols although it did rain a bit. this weekend was a bit cold and rainy but today looks quite nice

05-08-2008, 09:11
pouring down with rain and chilly today on The wirral! doesnt seem anything like summer!!

di marco
05-08-2008, 09:16
its raining today! :(

Kirsty :]
05-08-2008, 13:22
It's raining here too :( There should be alot more stuff indoors around my area! Everything revolves around money I don't blooming have these days!

di marco
05-08-2008, 15:21
;591183']It's raining here too :( There should be alot more stuff indoors around my area! Everything revolves around money I don't blooming have these days!

same. everything there is to do ends up being so expensive! even just getting to the place to start with

06-08-2008, 03:31
Its very very hot :p :thumbsup:

any chance thats cos youre in florida lol?!

:hmm: Florida? Is that where I am?

lol, maybe thats why :lol:

its raining today! :(
Aww, Im very sad to hear that

:ninja: Sorry

di marco
06-08-2008, 09:07
Its very very hot :p :thumbsup:

any chance thats cos youre in florida lol?!

:hmm: Florida? Is that where I am?

lol, maybe thats why :lol:

its raining today! :(
Aww, Im very sad to hear that

:ninja: Sorry

hmmmmm why do i get the impression that youre not sorry at all lol?!

06-08-2008, 17:04
It's not been particularly sunny here, and looked pretty horrid out of the window earlier. Having seen that, I put a jumper on when I went to take the dogs out with Dad and soon ended up boiling because it's surprisingly muggy out.

di marco
06-08-2008, 19:09
It's not been particularly sunny here, and looked pretty horrid out of the window earlier. Having seen that, I put a jumper on when I went to take the dogs out with Dad and soon ended up boiling because it's surprisingly muggy out.

yeh its the same here. it looked like it was gonna rain this morning but it hasnt and it was surprisingly hot outside compared to what it looked like!

di marco
07-08-2008, 09:05
had a huge thunder storm last night. the lightning was so huge and blue! i think it was one of the worst storms ive seen!

07-08-2008, 22:05
Nothing to report here; nothing particularly impressive but no storm. I hate storms; last time there was one I hid under the stairs! :lol:

di marco
07-08-2008, 22:39
Nothing to report here; nothing particularly impressive but no storm. I hate storms; last time there was one I hid under the stairs! :lol:

lol! i went and sat with my laptop in the hallway lol! :rolleyes: not cos i was scared but cos i heard something about lightning and windows and the internet and i was sitting in my room and the lightning was right by the window! then i went to bed while it was still right by the window lol!

07-08-2008, 23:58
I turn all the switches lol I'm too scared they're going to make the computer go wrong or something. I refuse to go to bed while there's a storm lol!

08-08-2008, 10:04
yeah sunny today! more rain forecast for the weekend though!!!

09-08-2008, 16:25
Aww Sorry Dm :lol:

We do get thunderstorms here so it does rain, very heavily like yesterday but its hot so we dry off quickly :p I find it kinda fun :D

di marco
09-08-2008, 17:13
it keeps changing from being really sunny and hot to being rainy! i never know what to wear lol! :rolleyes:

di marco
09-08-2008, 17:15
We do get thunderstorms here so it does rain, very heavily like yesterday but its hot so we dry off quickly :p I find it kinda fun :D

sounds like when i went to australia, a huge storm and then it was dry and sunny within 10mins lol! i bet the rain dont last as long in florida as it does here lol!

09-08-2008, 17:42
We do get thunderstorms here so it does rain, very heavily like yesterday but its hot so we dry off quickly :p I find it kinda fun :D

sounds like when i went to australia, a huge storm and then it was dry and sunny within 10mins lol! i bet the rain dont last as long in florida as it does here lol!

Nah it doesnt, although we are having loads of thunderstorms today

09-08-2008, 19:00
Rain here for some of the day, and just generally dull the rest of the time.

09-08-2008, 20:41
^ Same here Kim

Kirsty :]
10-08-2008, 18:07
Absolutely hammered down yesterday
Today has been heavy rain on and off with really nice sun.
I'm so confuseddd!

11-08-2008, 16:25
it has been pouring with rain today! a few more weeks and its september,i think summer missed us out this year!

di marco
11-08-2008, 18:07
it has been pouring with rain today! a few more weeks and its september,i think summer missed us out this year!

lol! i dont think it rained here today, but i really wanna know where all the nice weather is! :(

12-08-2008, 02:28
Not good at all today, or rather yesterday; wore a long sleeved t shirt and quite thick jacket into town.

12-08-2008, 03:17
It was rubbish weather, when we wetn to Miami, but now in Orlando its great :D

di marco
12-08-2008, 08:37
today when i woke up it was so dark and grey, i thought it was gonna be a really horrible day, but now it seems to have got a bit better, still not that sunny or hot though! :(

12-08-2008, 12:06
Pouring down again today. another crappy summer its so annoying

12-08-2008, 22:28
Chucking it down when I went offline last night and we had a thunder storm today with some flashes of lightning.

di marco
13-08-2008, 12:24
here atm its so confusing, its really hot and sunny one min then the next its pouring down with rain, about 15mins later its really hot and sunny again!

15-08-2008, 17:35
Bit of sun today, but nothing special. Guess that's most of our summer's worth, with the lack of good weather this year, lol.

Chloe O'brien
15-08-2008, 20:14
We had a lot or rain again this week. It was like a monsoon on Tuesday and Wednesday night. There is more showers forcasted for over the weekend and the schools go back up here next week. Good bye Summer again.

16-08-2008, 00:13
It was rubbish weather, when we wetn to Miami, but now in Orlando its great :D

we had a lovely summer in orlando last month for 4 weeks!!!

never trust british weather

di marco
20-08-2008, 11:32
in austria it was so hot and sunny it was really nice, but back home its all cloudy and cold! :(

20-08-2008, 16:51
So dull here; I keep getting texts from my dad's cousin saying how nice and sunny it is in Spain.

di marco
20-08-2008, 19:55
So dull here; I keep getting texts from my dad's cousin saying how nice and sunny it is in Spain.

i hate people that do that! i cant believe everywhere seems to be having nice weather apart from here! :(

21-08-2008, 00:34
It really makes me question if we ever really do have a summer in Britain anymore. I remember 10 years ago as a child, practically everyday in the summer holidays (bar a few) was nice hot weather.. now, we got a dull summer last year and the same this year, with only a few days of hot and sunny weather at most - and it's getting dark earlier too when back a few years ago, it was getting dark quite late - what's happening to our British summer?!

21-08-2008, 03:09
Tropical storm Fay is passing over us today and well was yesterday, when she goes into the Atlantic she may turn into a huricane though
So we've had rain

di marco
21-08-2008, 19:05
It really makes me question if we ever really do have a summer in Britain anymore. I remember 10 years ago as a child, practically everyday in the summer holidays (bar a few) was nice hot weather.. now, we got a dull summer last year and the same this year, with only a few days of hot and sunny weather at most - and it's getting dark earlier too when back a few years ago, it was getting dark quite late - what's happening to our British summer?!

it was pouring down with rain here last night, todays been quite nice though. i agree davey, i was thinking about how crappy our summers have become today. when i was at school i used to come home and have a freezing cold bath in the summer cos it was so hot, nowadays i still have hot baths in the summer cos its not hot enough for cold baths! seems odd i know, but for me thats how i know we dont have decent summers anymore! :(

21-08-2008, 19:10
Rush hour on the tube and humidity do not mix :S

22-08-2008, 01:08
it was pouring down with rain here last night, todays been quite nice though. i agree davey, i was thinking about how crappy our summers have become today. when i was at school i used to come home and have a freezing cold bath in the summer cos it was so hot, nowadays i still have hot baths in the summer cos its not hot enough for cold baths! seems odd i know, but for me thats how i know we dont have decent summers anymore! :(I remember when it used to be still light at 11 at night haha. been really bad here today hailstones and everything, it looked like snow at first!

22-08-2008, 01:37
Mum said I ought to take an umbrella with me when I went to get my results. I take an umbrella, only when I have to walk 2 miles to avoid waiting ages for a bus, it had to go and choose to be boiling for about half an hour. Would have preferred the rain for once.

We do seem to have no summer here any more though; it's supposed to be the worst August since 1985 or something isn't it? That was according to my Aunt, who said she read something in the paper.

di marco
22-08-2008, 10:13
it was pouring down with rain here last night, todays been quite nice though. i agree davey, i was thinking about how crappy our summers have become today. when i was at school i used to come home and have a freezing cold bath in the summer cos it was so hot, nowadays i still have hot baths in the summer cos its not hot enough for cold baths! seems odd i know, but for me thats how i know we dont have decent summers anymore! :(I remember when it used to be still light at 11 at night haha. been really bad here today hailstones and everything, it looked like snow at first!

yeh so do i! the other day it was dark here by about half 7! today looks alrightish, not great though :(

di marco
22-08-2008, 10:15
We do seem to have no summer here any more though; it's supposed to be the worst August since 1985 or something isn't it? That was according to my Aunt, who said she read something in the paper.

:eek: really? although i can believe that tbh, before the last few years i cant remember having a summer that wasnt hot and sunny most of the time

22-08-2008, 13:13
I think she said in terms of how much rain there was or something, I'll ask her again what it was when I speak to her. Another miserable day today by the looks of it. Yeah summer last year was bad, 2006 was hot though.

22-08-2008, 16:01
Nice weather here today for a change!

Kirsty :]
22-08-2008, 16:40
It's nice here too :) It's been really hot here today. Its cooled down now though :(

di marco
22-08-2008, 19:39
it got really hot here today too, nice and sunny :)

22-08-2008, 19:40
It was rubbish weather, when we wetn to Miami, but now in Orlando its great :D

we had a lovely summer in orlando last month for 4 weeks!!!

never trust british weather

ooo You went for a month too?
Im coming home today (at the airport at the moment) We've had great weather its just these last few days that have been bad cos the tropical storm, and sometimes when you have bad weather at the end it makes you feel sad, so I just keep remembering that we have had great weather, but it juts feels like so long ago now!

23-08-2008, 15:04
really nice here today, big improvement :cool: haha

23-08-2008, 18:04
Im home now and the weather seems okay, but Im freezing!!!!

Kirsty :]
23-08-2008, 18:47
It was alright this morning but it's just got all rainy and yucky now :( Boohoo :(

di marco
23-08-2008, 20:54
it was really sunny all day but it was quite cold as well

23-08-2008, 21:56
Dm, your in lodon right? Well near or something like that?
I was in london this morning, it was sunny, I mean when we were landing the sun was really bright, but yeah it was cold, I wasnt sure if that was just us or not since we need to get used to it all over again :rolleyes:

di marco
23-08-2008, 22:03
Dm, your in lodon right? Well near or something like that?
I was in london this morning, it was sunny, I mean when we were landing the sun was really bright, but yeah it was cold, I wasnt sure if that was just us or not since we need to get used to it all over again :rolleyes:

yeh, just south of london. and no it was cold, the sun was very deceiving lol!

23-08-2008, 22:06
Yeah lol it was and I was still in my shorts
God I miss the sun already. I mean it had been raining the last 2 days but still it was hot, like mid-late 20 degrees

di marco
23-08-2008, 22:09
Yeah lol it was and I was still in my shorts
God I miss the sun already. I mean it had been raining the last 2 days but still it was hot, like mid-late 20 degrees

lol! when i came back off hols, i told my mum i wanted to carry my coat cos it might be cold in london even though it was boiling in austria, she told me not to be stupid and packed my coat! in germany when we had to change flights it was raining and when we got back it was cold! and we had to walk home once we got off the train, i wasnt impressed!

23-08-2008, 22:11
Awwww lol
We had to sawp flights in Charlotte, North Carolina. It was nice there. But thats cos the tropical storm hasnt reached them and I dont think it will. Im so tempted to search on the internet and see whats going on with Fay. I mean now that I cant look at the weather channel anymore :lol:

di marco
23-08-2008, 22:19
Awwww lol
We had to sawp flights in Charlotte, North Carolina. It was nice there. But thats cos the tropical storm hasnt reached them and I dont think it will. Im so tempted to search on the internet and see whats going on with Fay. I mean now that I cant look at the weather channel anymore :lol:

lol! stopping off at germany would have been ok apart from the fact that the planes stop miles from the airport and we had to walk in the rain from the plane onto a bus, and there was someone walking really slowly in front of me!

23-08-2008, 22:20
You see at orlando international airport cos the planes land co far form the terminals they have shuttle you have to get.

di marco
24-08-2008, 10:50
horrible weather today, raining and cold :(

24-08-2008, 11:17
Been raining this morning, but looks to be brightening up now. Opportunity to take Motorbike out

di marco
24-08-2008, 12:45
Been raining this morning, but looks to be brightening up now. Opportunity to take Motorbike out

lucky you, its still horrible here! hopefully we will have a few nice days next week, probably wont though

24-08-2008, 17:26
Its quite nice here, although still cold!!!!!!

di marco
25-08-2008, 10:18
it got really sunny yesterday afternoon. today when i woke up it looked nice and sunny but now it looks like its gonna rain!

29-08-2008, 15:53
August is on course to be one of the dullest and wettest on record with the month's final days unlikely to bring relief from the unseasonal gloom. Britain has so far had just 96 hours of sunshine overs the past three-and-a-half weeks - 58 per cent below the month's average of 169 hours and way behind the record of 257 hours enjoyed in 1947. Furthermore, 130mm (5in) of rain has already fallen this month - significantly above the average of 84mm (3in). This puts this August in 12th place on the all-time wettest list, with a number of days of potential rain still to be logged by the Met Office. Forecasters say the next few days should be dry across Britain but the North may suffer some showers.

Oh joy.

29-08-2008, 15:57
Sounds like a climate really is changing, maybe this is the way its going to be from now on

di marco
30-08-2008, 10:07
August is on course to be one of the dullest and wettest on record with the month's final days unlikely to bring relief from the unseasonal gloom. Britain has so far had just 96 hours of sunshine overs the past three-and-a-half weeks - 58 per cent below the month's average of 169 hours and way behind the record of 257 hours enjoyed in 1947. Furthermore, 130mm (5in) of rain has already fallen this month - significantly above the average of 84mm (3in). This puts this August in 12th place on the all-time wettest list, with a number of days of potential rain still to be logged by the Met Office. Forecasters say the next few days should be dry across Britain but the North may suffer some showers.

Oh joy.

great! :rolleyes: yesterday was hotish but dull, today is meant to be really nice though, but tomorrow its meant to rain! :( i heard september is meant to be really nice weather and sunny! :D i hope so!

30-08-2008, 11:55
According to the weather report last night there's going to be thunderstorms tomorrow.

di marco
31-08-2008, 08:29
According to the weather report last night there's going to be thunderstorms tomorrow.

i know, and it looks horrible now so i can believe there will probably be storms! :( it was really nice and hot and sunny yesterday though, shame it didnt last!

EDIT: its just started raining!

31-08-2008, 08:50
Have woken up to rain this morning - cloudy and dull with it drizzling now. Apparently its how its going to be all week too - the joys of walking to school in the rain :rolleyes:

31-08-2008, 10:59
This weather is very depressing. So if we didnt get a hot summer I hope we get a cold snowy winter....doubt that will happen though, we never get the weather we want