View Full Version : why are people on ee boards saying different things???????

eastenders mad
23-05-2005, 17:20
I have been looking at different sources for how they find Dens body.
How do you know which one is going to be true because some of them can't be true can they be.

why can't people wait until they find out what is going to happen instead of saying diffrent things.

Sorry if i am being a bit nasty but i am just saying my point.

23-05-2005, 17:28
A little unfair, but not nasty! Don't forget that EE leak storyline, fake as well as accurate, in order to keep us all interested, a source might be correct sometimes and fall for a fake another. If all spoilers were true what would be the point in watching the programme?

23-05-2005, 18:03
not a spoiler