View Full Version : Weight Watchers Weigh-in

29-04-2008, 16:26
I have everything I need to be able to do WeightWatchers as a family friend used to do it before they moved to CA. But I was thinking of actually going to the meetings with my Mum, she doesn't need to but for moral support I guess, but I was just wondering (if any of you guys know) whether they weigh you infront of everyone? I mean, I'm not morbidly obese or w.e they call it now or anything but I'm so body concious. I know they have to weigh you to keep track of weight loss but do they tell the others how much you weigh or anything?

Sorry if i've rambled!

29-04-2008, 16:31
When my mum went to slimming world yonks ago they weighed everybody at the start of the meeting. Everybody sat down and talked for a bit whilst others were getting weighed. The weighing bit was all confidential so nobody knew their weight unless somebody hit a target and got a sticker or certificate.

Remember, you're all there to achieve the same goal. I'm sure there will be people that are bigger than you attending.

29-04-2008, 16:40
I went once with my mum to a WW weigh in and I was shocked by the woman.. she weighed all of 8 stone (skinny little thing) and gave out to my mother like a teacher would a child cause she put on 1lb... I thought you were suppose to be encouraged not yelled at.
My mum switched WW and she found one she like where she is encouraged and not yelled at.

29-04-2008, 16:42
Thanks :D

I'm not too worried about my weight, I think (going off some charts) I'm about right for my height - i'm slightly tall at 5ft8"! - but I still wanna lose some.

That's awful!
That's one of the reasons that people end up with eating disorders, people like her telling you off for something like that!

29-04-2008, 16:45
i go to sw and the group is so friendly and if you don't do so well the group and class lady are so nice

Kirsty :]
29-04-2008, 20:00
At the weight watchers I went to... you went in queued up and was weighed... only you, the person weighing and the person holding the meetings will know your weight... no-one else will know.

Slimming World is the same :)... Imo I prefer Slimming World... it's more lenient (sp?) on the foods you can eat and how much :)

30-04-2008, 15:00
how many points are you allowed at weight watchers per day?

30-04-2008, 15:02
Thanks for that Kirsty ; ]

It depends on your weight ;]

30-04-2008, 15:05
Thanks for that Kirsty ; ]

It depends on your weight ;]
really! i thought you just got points so if someone was lets say 13 stone how many points would they get

30-04-2008, 15:19
Less than 150 lb: 20 pts
150-174 lb: 22 pts
175-199 lb: 24 pts
200-224 lb: 26 pts
225-249 lb: 28 pts
250-274 lb: 30 pts
275-299 lb: 31 pts
300-324 lb: 32 pts
325-349 lb: 33 pts
350 lb or over: 34 pts

Sorry couldn't find one with stone on ;S

30-04-2008, 15:35
There are fourteen pounds in a stone, 2.2lbs in a kilo if you're metric.

< 10st 7lb = 20pts
10st 7lb - 12st 4lb = 22pts
12st 5lb - 14st 2lb = 24pts
14st 3lb - 16st = 26pts
16st - 17st 8lb = 28pts
17st 9lb - 19st 6lb = 30pts
19st 6lb - 21st 4lb = 31pts
21st 4lb - 23st 1lb = 32pts
23st 2lb - 24st 9lb = 33pts
> 25st = 34pts

< 68kg = 20pts
68kg - 79kg = 22pts
79.5kg - 90.5kg = 24pts
90.9kg - 101.8kg = 26pts
102.3kg - 113.2kg = 28pts
113.6kg - 124.5kg = 30pts
125kg - 135.9kg = 31pts
136.4kg - 147.3kg = 32pts
147.8kg - 158.6kg = 33pts
> 159kg = 34pts

30-04-2008, 15:46
thanks for that just need to find a converter now :lol:

Kirsty :]
30-04-2008, 16:34
Thanks for that Kirsty ; ]

It depends on your weight ;]
really! i thought you just got points so if someone was lets say 13 stone how many points would they get

Well I was 13st 3lbs and I was allowed 23 points per day.
I'm so determined to get this weight off.. it's killing me emotionally and literally I expect!!

I have Slimming World tonight and it's my first weigh in... wish me luck :)

30-04-2008, 16:36
Good Luck babe.x

Let us know how you get on :D

Kirsty :]
30-04-2008, 16:40
Will do :)

30-04-2008, 19:36

Thanks for that Kirsty ; ]

It depends on your weight ;]
really! i thought you just got points so if someone was lets say 13 stone how many points would they get

Well I was 13st 3lbs and I was allowed 23 points per day.
I'm so determined to get this weight off.. it's killing me emotionally and literally I expect!!

I have Slimming World tonight and it's my first weigh in... wish me luck :)
good luck babe x it was my 2nd weigh-in last night!

Kirsty :]
30-04-2008, 20:45
:( I put on a pound!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm gutted :(
My Nan put on 6 though!

We were trelling the woman what we had eaten though and we mentioned Granary Bread....

Turns out that Granary Bread is actually white bread and since it had nuts in I was having more "healthy extras" than I should have been... and it wokrs out about 8 syns for a slice!.. I'd been having 2 which would be 16 syns and we're only meant to have 10 a day!

At least now I know where I've gone wrong :)
I think this is also in the wrong forum because the thread is weight watchers weigh-in and I'm on about Slimming World lol

How are you doing with your weigh-ins Sindydoll?

30-04-2008, 22:23
well last week (my first weigh-in) i lost 2and half pounds and last nights weigh-in i lost 4 pounds!
you must stay off granary bread! have you signed up to the website because you can check your syns before you eat something

also keep a food diary every time you eat something write it in!
now the lady who runs my group says we can have between 5-15 syns a day!
which isnt bad! if possable stick to green days you can eat more than on original! good luck any questions please dont hesitate to ask me! good luck x

Kirsty :]
30-04-2008, 22:27
Oohhh well done!! :)
Half a pound and you've lost half a stone!!

See I didn't write anythiugn down last week and was having too many healthy extras and all that
I'm just cutting bread out completely and taking lots of pasta and cous cous with salad to school instead
Yeahh we can have 5-15 syns a day too... but I aim for 10 most of the time.
I do green days anyways... you can eat so much more and I don't eat much meat anyways... only a tiny bit of chicken usually and then tuna and haddock.

Thanks I will ask if I need help :)
It's good on here because everyone is there for everyone :D It's really nice lol

01-05-2008, 13:05
friendley bunch :)

01-05-2008, 16:11
Well done girlies! :D
I'm gonna start again on Monday :D

04-05-2008, 20:44
omg i have my weigh-in on tuesday night and ive completly gone off the rails this weekend friday: 1 bottle of red wine, fish n chips...saturday: 1 bottle of red wine 1 large pizza 2 scoops of ice cream :crying: :crying: :crying:

Kirsty :]
04-05-2008, 21:41
Oh nooo!
Its ok! Everyone has off times!

Yesterday I had 1/4 can of Strongbow, 12" pizza (I did leave 2 slices) Half a garlic dip and half of a small chips you get from the pizza place too!

I'm just being extremely good now and excercising to make up for it!
It's all you can do really :)
So don't worry about it :)

05-05-2008, 22:00
;570934']Oh nooo!
Its ok! Everyone has off times!

Yesterday I had 1/4 can of Strongbow, 12" pizza (I did leave 2 slices) Half a garlic dip and half of a small chips you get from the pizza place too!

I'm just being extremely good now and excercising to make up for it!
It's all you can do really :)
So don't worry about it :)

thank you for your support but ive been a bad bad girl and im scared incase ive put weight on

15-05-2008, 16:19
I didn't actually go to the weight watchers place, but I used the thingy at boots and in a week I lost 4lb :D

Kirsty :]
16-05-2008, 13:14
Aww well done Hollie! :D

I've now lost 11lbs in 3 weeks... so I'm going for another 3 lb loss this week to reach my stone loss :D

16-05-2008, 17:06
ive lost 8 pound i got my half stone award last tuesday

16-05-2008, 17:20
Well done Sindydoll.. well done everyone else.. keep up the good work

16-05-2008, 19:07
Well done you guys!
I think it makes it better & easier when you know people will support you ;]
I know we don't know each other personally but you know what I mean :D

16-05-2008, 20:24
i think so too hollie :thumbsup:

Kirsty :]
17-05-2008, 00:44
I agree... it makes things more.. easier? :)

20-05-2008, 22:41
i lost 2 pounds this week :cheer: thats 10 pound in 6 weeks :cheer:

Kirsty :]
20-05-2008, 22:45
Aww well done Sindydoll!!
I got my weigh in tomorrow night
No doubt I've put on this week
I don't mind though because I know I've gone way off track!
Its all been since I would have a treat the night I got back form weighing and since then I'd have a bad week... so this week no treats and get back on track! I need to lose my 3 pounds for my stone :( Wouldn't be surprised if I've put about 4 pounds on this week!! Haha never mind rant over
No-one else put the food in my mouth only me :)

20-05-2008, 22:47
;573822']Aww well done Sindydoll!!
I got my weigh in tomorrow night
No doubt I've put on this week
I don't mind though because I know I've gone way off track!
Its all been since I would have a treat the night I got back form weighing and since then I'd have a bad week... so this week no treats and get back on track! I need to lose my 3 pounds for my stone :( Wouldn't be surprised if I've put about 4 pounds on this week!! Haha never mind rant over
No-one else put the food in my mouth only me :)
god luck for tomorrow! dont forget to tell us how you did :thumbsup:

Kirsty :]
20-05-2008, 22:48
Will do :D
Lost 11 pounds in 3 weeks
I was really banking on my stone in a month but never mind... no point in rushing myself
Will let you know how it went :D

21-05-2008, 15:30
Well done both of you!

Kirsty, if you say that there is 4 weekes in a month, thn you just to lose 3pounds in a week again for the stone don't you?

Kirsty :]
21-05-2008, 17:32
Yeahhh but it means I would have had to have lost the 3 pounds this week if I wanted to achieve a stone in a month... but I've beenr eally bad so I've put on this week Im guessing
Never mind! I'll get back on it after tonight :D

Kirsty :]
21-05-2008, 20:23
I lost 1 1/2 lbs!! :D
Sooo happy!
Was expecting to put on!

1 1/2 lbs until my stone!

Although our new consultant can't count and short changed us of a quid and said I had 3 1/2 pounds to lose until my stone.
Oh well
Nearly at a stone :D

21-05-2008, 20:25
Wow Well done Kirsty, you must be proud

Kirsty :]
21-05-2008, 20:28
I really am :D I have a grin form ear to ear.. I'm determined to get my stone this week!!

21-05-2008, 20:30
Im sure you will :) I mean if you thought you were going to gain this week but you lost Im sure 1 1/2 pounds to loose will be easy

Kirsty :]
21-05-2008, 20:46
I hope so!
Either that or all the bad stuff form last week will catch up with me :eek:
Ah well I have my dvd which I've been doing and I go dancing twice a week too and I power walk to school now so hopefuly I'll be fine :)

21-05-2008, 20:48
I know that Slimming World or Weight Watchers etc. help you to lose weight, but how do you stay at your target weight? You are talking about being worried that you have put weight on because of sinning here and there, but surely you have to start "sinning" at some time or you waste away? :confused: :searchme:

21-05-2008, 20:51
I know that Slimming World or Weight Watchers etc. help you to lose weight, but how do you stay at your target weight? You are talking about being worried that you have put weight on because of sinning here and there, but surely you have to start "sinning" at some time or you waste away? :confused: :searchme:

Thats why diets often don't work. People think once they have lost the weight they can go back to what they ate before and not put on weight. Obviously if you go back to a high fat unhealthy diet then the weight will creep back on.

21-05-2008, 20:53
I would of though regular exercise would help keep weight off

21-05-2008, 20:56
I know that Slimming World or Weight Watchers etc. help you to lose weight, but how do you stay at your target weight? You are talking about being worried that you have put weight on because of sinning here and there, but surely you have to start "sinning" at some time or you waste away? :confused: :searchme:

Thats why diets often don't work. People think once they have lost the weight they can go back to what they ate before and not put on weight. Obviously if you go back to a high fat unhealthy diet then the weight will creep back on.

I realise that, but if I follow a particular diet like WW or SW and I don't go back to what I ate before and not the amounts etc., I must continue to lose weight until I am gone. :confused: I suppose you eat a little more so you don't lose any more weight but keep exercising (:( ) to keep unwanted weight off? :searchme:

21-05-2008, 21:05
I dont know cos If you change your diet right at first you start to loose lots of weight and then it slows down, and wont most of it depend on how much you brun off?
Cos I mean I have a regular way of eating and excerising and my weight stays pretty much the same

21-05-2008, 21:11
You are probably right, did not think of the weight loss slowing down after a while. You are right with the burning off, the more you are physically active, the less likely you are to put weight on, unless you are me, no amount of physcial activity will shift extra unwanted weight :crying:

21-05-2008, 21:13
You are probably right, did not think of the weight loss slowing down after a while. You are right with the burning off, the more you are physically active, the less likely you are to put weight on, unless you are me, no amount of physcial activity will shift extra unwanted weight :crying:

You just have to keep at it, and remember the only weigh to reallt loose to weight is to burn off my calories than you eat

21-05-2008, 21:16
You are probably right, did not think of the weight loss slowing down after a while. You are right with the burning off, the more you are physically active, the less likely you are to put weight on, unless you are me, no amount of physcial activity will shift extra unwanted weight :crying:

You just have to keep at it, and remember the only weigh to reallt loose to weight is to burn off my calories than you eat

I know, but when you have to sit in front of a computer all day, providing stats to game hungry people, burning off calories is not easy :rotfl: :rotfl:

21-05-2008, 21:16
;574044']I lost 1 1/2 lbs!! :D
Sooo happy!
Was expecting to put on!

1 1/2 lbs until my stone!

Although our new consultant can't count and short changed us of a quid and said I had 3 1/2 pounds to lose until my stone.
Oh well
Nearly at a stone :D
:cheer: well done :cheer:

21-05-2008, 21:20
You are probably right, did not think of the weight loss slowing down after a while. You are right with the burning off, the more you are physically active, the less likely you are to put weight on, unless you are me, no amount of physcial activity will shift extra unwanted weight :crying:

You just have to keep at it, and remember the only weigh to reallt loose to weight is to burn off my calories than you eat

I know, but when you have to sit in front of a computer all day, providing stats to game hungry people, burning off calories is not easy :rotfl: :rotfl:

Do bum clenches :p

21-05-2008, 21:22
You are probably right, did not think of the weight loss slowing down after a while. You are right with the burning off, the more you are physically active, the less likely you are to put weight on, unless you are me, no amount of physcial activity will shift extra unwanted weight :crying:

You just have to keep at it, and remember the only weigh to reallt loose to weight is to burn off my calories than you eat

I know, but when you have to sit in front of a computer all day, providing stats to game hungry people, burning off calories is not easy :rotfl: :rotfl:

Do bum clenches :p

The size of my bum I could not do enough to burn off anything :rotfl:

21-05-2008, 21:25
Do bum clenches :p

:lol: :lol: :lol: You just made me laugh out loud.

Part of it is to do with your metabolism. If you have a high metabolism you're more likely to be slim and active than somebody who has a low metabolic rate.

Just a random fact, it takes an extra 3500 calories to put a pound on.

21-05-2008, 21:27
I know, but when you have to sit in front of a computer all day, providing stats to game hungry people, burning off calories is not easy :rotfl: :rotfl:

Get one of the cycle things that are like bikes but just the peddles. Stick it under your desk then when you're working you can peddle and burn calories. Could be terribly annoying though having your legs go up and down all the time.

21-05-2008, 21:27
Do bum clenches :p

:lol: :lol: :lol: You just made me laugh out loud.

Part of it is to do with your metabolism. If you have a high metabolism you're more likely to be slim and active than somebody who has a low metabolic rate.

Just a random fact, it takes an extra 3500 calories to put a pound on.

Is that per day or per week? :eek: I just need to look at 3500 calories and they are on my hips and tummy, I swear. :crying:

21-05-2008, 21:28
Do bum clenches :p

:lol: :lol: :lol: You just made me laugh out loud.

Part of it is to do with your metabolism. If you have a high metabolism you're more likely to be slim and active than somebody who has a low metabolic rate.

Just a random fact, it takes an extra 3500 calories to put a pound on.

:thumbsup: lol thats What Im here for :p

Wow I never knew it took that much!

21-05-2008, 21:28
Is there anything you can do to stimulate your metabolism to get off its fat backside and work a little harder?

21-05-2008, 21:31
Well Done Kirsty :D
You must be dead chuffed ;]

21-05-2008, 21:31
Is that per day or per week? :eek: I just need to look at 3500 calories and they are on my hips and tummy, I swear. :crying:

Dunno actually. Just a random fact I leaned somewhere. I guess it could be an accumulation of calories over the week. Women are supposed to have 2000 calories per day so an extra 3500 in a week would be like having an extra two days in the week.

That probably doesn't make any sense, I'm too tired to think about these things :lol:

21-05-2008, 21:33
Is that per day or per week? :eek: I just need to look at 3500 calories and they are on my hips and tummy, I swear. :crying:

Dunno actually. Just a random fact I leaned somewhere. I guess it could be an accumulation of calories over the week. Women are supposed to have 2000 calories per day so an extra 3500 in a week would be like having an extra two days in the week.

That probably doesn't make any sense, I'm too tired to think about these things :lol:
:lol: It does make sense. If we stick to our reccomended allowence we stay the same weight-ish, but if we start over eating by twice as much we start to gain a lot

21-05-2008, 21:33
Is there anything you can do to stimulate your metabolism to get off its fat backside and work a little harder?

To increase your metabolic rate you need to exercise. Cardio training is good for the metabolism I think. You should do cardio (jogging, running, anything that increases your heart rate) at least three times a week for 30 mins. Its good for your heart too.

21-05-2008, 21:34
:lol: It does make sense. If we stick to our reccomended allowence we stay the same weight-ish, but if we start over eating by twice as much we start to gain a lot

Thats the gist of it :D

21-05-2008, 21:52
You are probably right, did not think of the weight loss slowing down after a while. You are right with the burning off, the more you are physically active, the less likely you are to put weight on, unless you are me, no amount of physcial activity will shift extra unwanted weight :crying:

You just have to keep at it, and remember the only weigh to reallt loose to weight is to burn off my calories than you eat

I know, but when you have to sit in front of a computer all day, providing stats to game hungry people, burning off calories is not easy :rotfl: :rotfl:

Do bum clenches :pi do those when i want a poo in public places :lol:

21-05-2008, 21:53
:lol: Lol, I wont ask why

21-05-2008, 21:53
Is there anything you can do to stimulate your metabolism to get off its fat backside and work a little harder?

To increase your metabolic rate you need to exercise. Cardio training is good for the metabolism I think. You should do cardio (jogging, running, anything that increases your heart rate) at least three times a week for 30 mins. Its good for your heart too.

The dreaded 'e' word again (exercise). I suffer from osteoarthritis in most of my joints and find jogging or running too painful after a short while. I exercise to my DVDs when I feel up to it (not nearly often enough, I know) and do bellydancing once a week, but shall try to go for walks more often when I can fit into my shoes (bunions are soooo painful).

Kirsty :]
21-05-2008, 22:04
I know that Slimming World or Weight Watchers etc. help you to lose weight, but how do you stay at your target weight? You are talking about being worried that you have put weight on because of sinning here and there, but surely you have to start "sinning" at some time or you waste away? :confused: :searchme:

At SW you are supposed to have 5-15 sins a day anyways.
And you set yourself a target of where you want to be in your weight loss (they decide if it's too low or not)
Then when you hit that target weight as long as you stay within 3lbs up or down of your weight each week... you don't have to pay anymore.
Most people there say that wehn they hit their target weight they will carry on the week being good... but will do what they like on the weekends which is fine too :)

di marco
22-05-2008, 10:28
well done kirsty, and everyone else, youve all done really well! :)

di marco
22-05-2008, 10:30
Is there anything you can do to stimulate your metabolism to get off its fat backside and work a little harder?

To increase your metabolic rate you need to exercise. Cardio training is good for the metabolism I think. You should do cardio (jogging, running, anything that increases your heart rate) at least three times a week for 30 mins. Its good for your heart too.

another thing you should do is eat brekkie. it helps your metabolism cos it starts your digestive system working earlier in the day

di marco
22-05-2008, 10:33
You are probably right, did not think of the weight loss slowing down after a while. You are right with the burning off, the more you are physically active, the less likely you are to put weight on, unless you are me, no amount of physcial activity will shift extra unwanted weight :crying:

You just have to keep at it, and remember the only weigh to reallt loose to weight is to burn off my calories than you eat

I know, but when you have to sit in front of a computer all day, providing stats to game hungry people, burning off calories is not easy :rotfl: :rotfl:

also i read this bit of information somewhere the other week and thought it was really useful. even if youre only eating 2000 calories a day you need to make sure youre drinking enough otherwise not all the calories will be used up. apparently 1ml of liquid is needed to burn off one calorie so you need to try and drink at least 2litres a day :)

22-05-2008, 11:06

also i read this bit of information somewhere the other week and thought it was really useful. even if youre only eating 2000 calories a day you need to make sure youre drinking enough otherwise not all the calories will be used up. apparently 1ml of liquid is needed to burn off one calorie so you need to try and drink at least 2litres a day :)[/QUOTE]

Perhaps I can persuade my boss to install my office in the toilets. On the other hand, I burn off more calories running to the loo :rotfl:

27-05-2008, 16:42
its my weigh in tonight and ive been on the vodka + lemonade for the past 3 nights :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

Kirsty :]
27-05-2008, 18:59
Ohhhh don't worry about it :)
Can't be good every week can we?
All I've done is eat rubbish this week so I know I've definately put on.
I'm sure you'll be fine :)

Let us know how you got on :D

27-05-2008, 20:41
i maintained :cheer: :cheer: ......when do you go?

Kirsty :]
27-05-2008, 22:08
Yay! Well done :D
My weigh in is tomorrow :(
I haven't felt well and been to house parties this weekend and so haven't eaten really... apart from Dominos to be honest ahaha but I've only really be eating like 1 meal in the days/nights where I just haven't been bothered or felt like it.
So I know I've put on... just how much is what scares me!! :lol:

27-05-2008, 22:10
;576007']Yay! Well done :D
My weigh in is tomorrow :(
I haven't felt well and been to house parties this weekend and so haven't eaten really... apart from Dominos to be honest ahaha but I've only really be eating like 1 meal in the days/nights where I just haven't been bothered or felt like it.
So I know I've put on... just how much is what scares me!! :lol: good luck :thumbsup:

Kirsty :]
28-05-2008, 20:26
I put on 1/2 lb
I'm pleased with that!
All the rubbish I've eaten this week and there was no dancing so not much exercise has been done either..I'm surprised I didn't put about 4 lbs on!
So yeah... very happy :)

29-05-2008, 08:32
well done! 1/2 pound is nothing anyway! youn didnt want a wee before you got on the scales did you because i know if you want a wee it can weigh our class lady always tells us to squeeze a wee

Kirsty :]
29-05-2008, 16:33
I always have a wee before I go lol.
I was waiting around because my Nan was running late though so I suppose I did kind of need to go but nevermind... I'm not distraught over that because it should be easy to get off this week if I do my exercisey stuff more... I did like no exercise at all last week lol

29-05-2008, 22:27
;576697']I always have a wee before I go lol.
I was waiting around because my Nan was running late though so I suppose I did kind of need to go but nevermind... I'm not distraught over that because it should be easy to get off this week if I do my exercisey stuff more... I did like no exercise at all last week lol yeah you will soon shift 1/2 pound!

Kirsty :]
05-06-2008, 14:34
Had my weigh in last night.
I put on 2 lbs!
I'm not surprised by it though.
What with exams and stuff and revising I ahven't been caring about what I'm eating... I've jsut been worrying about my exams and getting all worked up.
They're over now though so I have the time and concentration to get myself back on it :)

How did your weigh-in go Sindydoll?

05-06-2008, 18:49
;578429']Had my weigh in last night.
I put on 2 lbs!
I'm not surprised by it though.
What with exams and stuff and revising I ahven't been caring about what I'm eating... I've jsut been worrying about my exams and getting all worked up.
They're over now though so I have the time and concentration to get myself back on it :)

How did your weigh-in go Sindydoll? i put a 1lb on :crying:

10-06-2008, 22:22
i lost 2 1/2 pounds this week :cheer: :cheer:

Kirsty :]
10-06-2008, 22:32
Well done Sindydoll!! :D
I'm not going to my weigh in tomorrow... it clashes with my driving lesson anyways and I'm on so I know I will ahve put on.. and I am not putting on 3 weeks in a row!! Haha

10-06-2008, 22:51
i lost 2 1/2 pounds this week :cheer: :cheer:

:cheer: Well done :cheer: :thumbsup:

Kirsty :]
18-06-2008, 10:52
How did your weigh-in go last night Sindydoll??

Mine's tonight... I really hope I've lost weight! If I ahven't I will actually be gutted since I've been 10 times better this week! :(

di marco
18-06-2008, 11:30
;581681']How did your weigh-in go last night Sindydoll??

Mine's tonight... I really hope I've lost weight! If I ahven't I will actually be gutted since I've been 10 times better this week! :(

good luck tonight kirsty :)

Kirsty :]
18-06-2008, 18:44
I lost 2 1/2 lbs!!!
Yay!! :D:D:D:D
I've lost the weight I put on these past 2/3 weeks.
1 1/2 until my stone!! I will get there this week!
It would feel amazing to lose a stone before the Sixth Form Party next week!! :D

18-06-2008, 20:25
;581751']I lost 2 1/2 lbs!!!
Yay!! :D:D:D:D
I've lost the weight I put on these past 2/3 weeks.
1 1/2 until my stone!! I will get there this week!
It would feel amazing to lose a stone before the Sixth Form Party next week!! :D
well done im really pleased for you!:cheer: i put on half a pound:crying:

Kirsty :]
18-06-2008, 20:37
Awww don't worry! That shuld be easy to get off this week :) Just keep going :)

18-06-2008, 21:22
Completely forgot about this thread! Woops!
Starting again tomorrow. I said I would before but it's always 'tomorrow' with me and diets!

Well done you guys! You should be proud of yourselves! x

24-06-2008, 22:23
i didnt go tonight i chickened out :(

Kirsty :]
25-06-2008, 00:04
Awww :( Never mind.. I chickened out a few weeks ago.. but my motivation is back :D
Don't worry just think about what motivates you most to do it..and jsut keep that on mind when nyou start to go off track :)

25-06-2008, 14:19
;582746']Awww :( Never mind.. I chickened out a few weeks ago.. but my motivation is back :D
Don't worry just think about what motivates you most to do it..and jsut keep that on mind when nyou start to go off track :)
im been really good today! im getting ready for next week

Kirsty :]
25-06-2008, 14:59
Yay well done :D
My weigh in is tonight :(
I've been ok-ish.
I haven't done as much exercise as I'd have like too :/ So I may do my dvd in a bit.
If I lose tonight I'll be so chuffed! I'm aiming for 1 1/2..that way I get my stone if I lose it! I really hope I do. I'd jsut feel amazing and it would keep me motivated :)

25-06-2008, 17:57
good luck tonight kirsty

Kirsty :]
25-06-2008, 20:31
I lost 1lb!!!
1/2 lb away form a stone!! :D
I'm sooo happy! :D

25-06-2008, 20:33
;582960']I lost 1lb!!!
1/2 lb away form a stone!! :D
I'm sooo happy! :D

Well done, Kirsty, the other 1/2 lb should not prove any problem with your dedication. :clap:

25-06-2008, 20:34
;582960']I lost 1lb!!!
1/2 lb away form a stone!! :D
I'm sooo happy! :D

:cheer: well done, youll be at your stone next week :cheer: :thumbsup:

Kirsty :]
25-06-2008, 20:36
;582960']I lost 1lb!!!
1/2 lb away form a stone!! :D
I'm sooo happy! :D

Well done, Kirsty, the other 1/2 lb should not prove any problem with your dedication. :clap:

I hope so :)
I regret going through my little patch where I put on otherwise I would be ahead of myself right now.
But I just lost all motivation, but when I started feeling bad about myself again I was motivated to carry on so I am :D
And it's proving well anyways because well.. I don't know everything is getting better this past week and I can actually say I'm happy :)
Sorry for the essay :lol:

di marco
26-06-2008, 08:45
;582960']I lost 1lb!!!
1/2 lb away form a stone!! :D
I'm sooo happy! :D

well done kirsty :)

26-06-2008, 12:56
;582960']I lost 1lb!!!
1/2 lb away form a stone!! :D
I'm sooo happy! :D well done! :cheer: i feel like a failure :lol:

Kirsty :]
26-06-2008, 17:11
Sindydoll you're not a filure and you shouldn't feel liek one either!!
Everyone does bad at some point.

26-06-2008, 17:17
Well Done Kirst!

1/2 lb's nothing if you keep going at the rate you have been doing!

01-07-2008, 23:03
i havnt been to slimming world for 2 weeks but i plucked up the courage to go tonight and to my amazment i lost 2 1/2 pounds

Kirsty :]
01-07-2008, 23:14
Yay!! Well done!! Really proud of you! :D
I think it's the whole.. I;m scared that if I go I'll put on loads. It jsut taes the courage really :)
I;m not going tomorrow to Slimming World
I've been very bad
And I feel very very ill
So I'll jsut go next week :)

Well done again though Sindydoll :D

di marco
02-07-2008, 08:34
i havnt been to slimming world for 2 weeks but i plucked up the courage to go tonight and to my amazment i lost 2 1/2 pounds

well done :)

02-07-2008, 08:35
i havnt been to slimming world for 2 weeks but i plucked up the courage to go tonight and to my amazment i lost 2 1/2 pounds

Well done, wish there was a SW near where I live :(

02-07-2008, 09:53
;584093']Yay!! Well done!! Really proud of you! :D
I think it's the whole.. I;m scared that if I go I'll put on loads. It jsut taes the courage really :)
I;m not going tomorrow to Slimming World
I've been very bad
And I feel very very ill
So I'll jsut go next week :)

Well done again though Sindydoll :D
i went to boots yesterday to weigh myself before deciding to go back to slimming world :lol:

02-07-2008, 11:03
Well done to you all keep going.........

Chloe O'brien
05-07-2008, 23:16
My niece has started going to Scottish Slimmers. She has put on a lot of weight over the last few months due to the steroids she was taken because of her illness. She hasn't told us what she weighs and has been dieting for about three months. She went back to work last months after being off sick for 10 months and two weeks ago she joined SS with a friend of work. At the club she found out that she had lost 1 & 1/2 stone through dieting and this week she has lost another 5lb. I am going to buy the books from the slimming club.

Kirsty :]
06-07-2008, 01:08
Woww! She has done so well! She should be very very proud of herself! :D

07-07-2008, 10:06
My niece has started going to Scottish Slimmers. She has put on a lot of weight over the last few months due to the steroids she was taken because of her illness. She hasn't told us what she weighs and has been dieting for about three months. She went back to work last months after being off sick for 10 months and two weeks ago she joined SS with a friend of work. At the club she found out that she had lost 1 & 1/2 stone through dieting and this week she has lost another 5lb. I am going to buy the books from the slimming club.
oh wow!! thats a lot to lose!! well done her! i wish i could :(

09-07-2008, 15:19
i didnt go last night!

Kirsty :]
09-07-2008, 17:43
Aww no how come??

I'm not going to mine tonight either. I;ve been so bad and don't have money tbh so I can't really afford it tonight and it's tipping it down and I have alot further to walk now.. so I'm giving it a miss.

09-07-2008, 18:53
;585708']Aww no how come??

I'm not going to mine tonight either. I;ve been so bad and don't have money tbh so I can't really afford it tonight and it's tipping it down and I have alot further to walk now.. so I'm giving it a miss.
ive been naughty :lol:

16-07-2008, 21:06
i went to slimming world and maintained :nono: anyone else been to their weigh-in?

Kirsty :]
16-07-2008, 22:48
Well done Sindydoll! Better than putting on!! :)

Noo. I've jsut stopped going. My Nan stopped ging and so the food in the house jsut went back to junk and our leader was jsut annoying.
But my Nan has been complaining of feeling frumpy again so I've told her we need to go back! But she wants to go to Weight watchers now... because there's more to cook apparently lol so she said we'd start after our holidays.. but thats in 3 weeks!! I need to get back on it now if I want to look ok for our dancing show in October! So I think I'm starting back next week... but this time to Weight Watchers.

Kirsty :]
31-07-2008, 23:19
Sindydoll did you go to your weigh in Tuesday?
If so how did you do?? :)

01-08-2008, 17:14
;590625']Sindydoll did you go to your weigh in Tuesday?
If so how did you do?? :)
no i didnt i havnt been for 2 weeks :( have you been

Kirsty :]
01-08-2008, 17:26
Aww :( Noo I stopped going. Just lost track basically :(
I am trying to get back into it, but I just cannot do it on my own.

13-08-2008, 16:25
i havnt been for 4 weeks now! ive lost track too :(