View Full Version : Ty's mum and Mr Stape to return to Corrie?

28-04-2008, 21:35
Coronation Street characters Jackie Dobbs and John Stape are to reprise their Weatherfield roles later this year.

Margi Clarke, who originally appeared in the ITV soap for one year between 1998 and 1999, will return as Tyrone's (Alan Halsall) mum Jackie Dobbs.

A source for the Manchester-based soap told DS: "Margi's return is heavily penciled in but she's not signed her contract yet. We really do hope she does make a comeback as it ties in perfectly with the development of Tyrone and Molly.

"We also meet Molly's Auntie Pam at the same time, too. We have high hopes for Tyrone and Molly – we hope they'll be the new Jack and Vera."

Meanwhile, Graeme Hawley will make his comeback as secondary school teacher John Stape, last seen in Weatherfield begging Fiz for forgiveness following his sordid affair with pupil Rosie Webster (Helen Flanagan).

The source added: "Graeme's returning, too, and there's a huge storyline coming up for him over the summer, so he'll be around for a while…"

28-04-2008, 21:52
I cant remember her, but I think she would be great plus he needs a good storyline

28-04-2008, 21:59
ooh good about Jackie coming back! wait till Deirdre sees her haha

29-04-2008, 07:03
ooh good about Jackie coming back! wait till Deirdre sees her haha

i remember Jackie, but what happened with Deirdre?

29-04-2008, 07:15
ooh good about Jackie coming back! wait till Deirdre sees her haha

i remember Jackie, but what happened with Deirdre?

They shared a prison cell once.

Jackie proves to be an old hand at prison knowing how to adapt to the system. We learn that she has had at least one prior spell in jail when she spots an old friend from an earlier stretch in Styal prison. (The prison Deirdre and Jackie are in is not named though is likely to be Risley, part way between Manchester and Liverpool, which has a female wing. Strangeways is much closer to Weatherfield/Salford but does not hold female prisoners). Jackie initially gives Deirdre a hard time but claims this is for her own good as she is guaranteed a tough spell in prison if she thinks she is better than the other inmates.

Jackie's protective attitude towards Deirdre is demonstrated when she punches a prison warder, Officer Veitch, on Deirdre's behalf, who took particular pleasure in baiting Deirdre. Jackie knows that Deirdre is due out on appeal and declares that as she is in for at least six more months Deirdre can "have this one on me" as she floors Veitch. Just before Deirdre leaves prison Jackie makes it clear that she owes her.

Jackie calls the debt in by turning up unannounced on Deirdre's doorstep some seven months later. Jackie is out on parole and finding that her man has taken up with another woman she looks to Deirdre for help. Jackie makes herself comfortable, though unwelcome, at Deirdre's flat.

Jackie soon shows she is a chancer out for a good time by sizing up the male clientele of the Rovers and latching on to Les Battersby who she gets to buy her drinks by declaring he has "come to bed eyes". Jackie continues this throughout her stay on the street teasing Les and leading him on, usually to get him to buy her more drink.

Jackie rapidly establishes her credentials as a mouthy troublemaker by embarrassing Audrey Roberts when she makes it clear that she does not want to let her rent the flat above the hairdressers. Jackie loudly announces that Audrey is a "stuck up cow" and shouts to the salon customers that she "hopes they all get nits".

Jackie manages to talk Mike Baldwin into giving her a job at Underworld and regales the girls with tales of lurid goings on during Deirdre's spell in prison.

Jackie's next surprise for Deirdre is the arrival of her delinquent son Tyrone, who has been thrown out on the streets by his father. Tyrone breaks into No 7, left empty by Curly Watts. Jackie and Tyrone end up squatting at Curly's place when Deirdre's patience finally cracks at their abuse of her hospitality.

Jackie again gets help from Deirdre when she is sacked from Underworld after she is caught stealing knickers. Deirdre persuades Mike not to call in the Police as this would probably end up with Jackie being sent straight back to prison.

Jackie asks Alma Baldwin, who is looking after No 7 in Curly's absence, to allow her and Tyrone to stay on a more formal basis paying rent (or at least Social Security will pay rent on her behalf). Alma has her hand forced when Jackie tells her that the building society is looking to repossess the house as the mortgage is not being paid.

Jackie is one of the few women who can match Janice Battersby in a stand up row. This is confirmed when they both turn up at the Valentines Day fancy dress disco as the same character, Blondie's Debbie Harry. Janice sees Les frisking Jackie after he catches her attempting to steal some of his prized records. Janice thinks they are in a romantic clinch and when she steams over a catfight ensues.

Jackie's life becomes complicated with the return of Curly Watts who, understandably, wants his house back. Jackie prepares for a siege pouring water over Curly's head as he bangs on the door demanding to be let in his own house. Jackie gets Les Battersby to change all the locks by again leading him on, inviting him round for the evening but arranging for Tyrone to arrive home early. She manages to steal Les's wallet which leads to her eventual downfall as Les gives Curly a spare key in revenge when he realises what she has done.

Curly, assisted by Spider, lets himself back into his own house and a stalemate ensues as both sides prepare to sit it out. Tyrone announces that he has phoned his father who is on his way and since he is prepared to do anything for Jackie he will soon be sorting Curly and Spider out. Jackie tells Curly she will move on in exchange for £1000 but he refuses. She promises that now "her fella" is on the way Curly has "signed his own death warrant". When Jackie's fella, Darren, eventually arrives he turns out, despite his fearsome appearance, to be quite a reasonable chap and whisks her back off to Liverpool, where her replacement has moved out.

29-04-2008, 09:14
Jackie was brilliant, i loved Margi when shewas in it. I hope she does come back. As for John i dont really like him so i am not too bothered/

29-04-2008, 18:35
I quite like John Stape, so I'll be interested to see what they have lined up for him.

30-04-2008, 06:24
I quite like John Stape, so I'll be interested to see what they have lined up for him.

I believe he will try to get back with Fiz but don't know whether she is going to give him another chance or not. I hope she does not.

03-05-2008, 17:50
I don't mind John, but the Rosie thing dragged on for too long, by the time it was all out in the open at Christmas I wasn't bothered to be honest!