View Full Version : Smells like burnt cat...

18-04-2008, 10:55
I know this may not seem very funny, but omg me and my Mum couldn't stop laughing when it happened - after checking he was ok!

Last night my Mum had nipped out to the shop for w.e and me and my little brother were sat watching tv. Now, we have 3 cats and a Dalmatian, for the most part they don't get on, but one of our cats Tabby (we thought he was a girl when the other cat gave birth to him and so called her Tabitha - soon found out when he was older and started walking with his tail up, that it was pretty obvious he was a boy, so Tabby just stuck as he is a full tabby.) Anyways Tabby liks to wind the dog up by following him round and then smacking him in the chops when the dogs sniffs at him.

So this time the dog decided to follow the cat into the front room where myself and my brother Adam were sat. Unfortunately Tabby got a little too close to the new fire... I spent the next 2 minutes seepwing up charcoaly bits up off the carpet. Luckily he only burnt the fur from his tail as he has such thick fur and so didn't burn any skin. It was, and I know I shouldn't laugh, funny as I hade to walk behind him trying to bat the flame off his tail!

We had to wack on all the plug in air fresheners that night as it smelt sooo bad! Anyone else had anything similar hehe

(sorry it's sooo long!!)

18-04-2008, 11:07
:rotfl: Thats funny.

My three year old neice put her Pinky (teddy) on the gas fire to "warm him up" and set him on fire :lol: She was mortified.

18-04-2008, 11:09
Aww bless!!

Chloe O'brien
18-04-2008, 11:28
My sister's ex husband was sitting on the couch one day cleaning his ears with a cotton bud. my niece who is 24 now was 3 at the time sat watching what her Dad was doing. They had a ginger cat at the time who was sleeping on the back of the sofa. Cherie picked up a cotton bud and I won't tell you were she stuck the cotton bud, but it was no where near the cat's ears. The cat shot up of the couch screeching and ran out of the house and was never seen again.

19-04-2008, 12:05
My sister's ex husband was sitting on the couch one day cleaning his ears with a cotton bud. my niece who is 24 now was 3 at the time sat watching what her Dad was doing. They had a ginger cat at the time who was sleeping on the back of the sofa. Cherie picked up a cotton bud and I won't tell you were she stuck the cotton bud, but it was no where near the cat's ears. The cat shot up of the couch screeching and ran out of the house and was never seen again.

:eek: What, you never saw the cat again? Aww.:crying:

Chloe O'brien
19-04-2008, 23:19
No my sister looked for the cat for days around the streets and neightbourhood but she never found him. Can't blame the poor beast mind you. If I was a Cat and some kid stuck a cotton but up my a$$ when I was alseep I would leave home as well.

19-04-2008, 23:54
I was in Year 3 (think I was 8 years old at the time,) and we'd done salt dough in school. For some reason I wasn't happy with mine (don't even remember why now, so I asked if I could do one at home. My parents agreed; we'd been told how to do them at home in school. I made it and you have to put it in the microwave to finish it or something... Mum asked how long it had to be in for and I said 10 minutes. We were all in the living room watching tv while this salt dough was in the microwave and after about 5 minutes or something the kitchen was literally FULL of smoke! And my mum was like, "Kim, are you sure Mrs Simpson (my teacher at the time) said to put this in the microwave for ten minutes? 10 seconds, maybe."

Me: Ummmm...

Dad went crazy!

Chloe O'brien
20-04-2008, 01:55
Are you sure it was dough and not dog you put in the microwave Kim (man in columbo coat from britain's got talent showing his bum)

20-04-2008, 01:56
Yes it was Salt Dough, toilet broadcaster :p My dogs are perfectly fine downstairs thankyou :p

20-04-2008, 17:43
Awwww bless
Ive never had anything like that happen, plus we dont have real fires