View Full Version : Week 19 EastEnders Spoilers

Jessie Wallace
17-04-2008, 12:59
Monday 5th May

Steven goes to great lengths to keep Lucy away from Ian, in the first of this week's visits to Albert Square. Elsewhere, Ben hopes that Phil doesn't find out about his dancing exam.

Meanwhile, Bianca is struggling to find another job in Walford.

Tuesday 6th May

Pat's leg is broken and it looks like more than just a simple break, in the latest slice of drama from Albert Square. Roxy, however, swears it was an accident.

At the hospital, something sinister looks set to occur in Pat's A&E cubicle.

Thursday 8th May

Clare has tricked Bradley into a very dodgy visit, in tonight's visit to Walford. Will it all end in tears?

Meanwhile, at The Vic, Roxy is acting oddly, and she and Peggy try to reassure Ben that real men do dance.

Friday 9th May

Can the Millers stand up to Sean Slater, in another action-packed episode from Albert Square?

Meanwhile, where will Roxy's unwanted hospital examination lead?

17-04-2008, 13:19
Tuesday 6th May

Pat's leg is broken and it looks like more than just a simple break, in the latest slice of drama from Albert Square. Roxy, however, swears it was an accident.

At the hospital, something sinister looks set to occur in Pat's A&E cubicle.

Sounds intruiging :hmm:

18-04-2008, 09:08
From Inside Soap:-

Will Pat Die?

Albert Square legend Pat Evans will find herself stare mortal danger next month - when she stares death in the face twice in just a matter of days! And the double dose of trauma is made even more shocking by the fact that one of the potentially fatal situations involves the much-loved bookie being assaulted by someone very close to her.

Inside Soap have agreed to keep the identity of the twisted assailant under wraps, but fans will be left speechless.

Ok, I know that it says that Roxy swears it was an accident when Pat broke her leg but this sounds as if it's either Sean or Steven??

18-04-2008, 11:20
Someone close to her would rule out Sean. I think it will be Steven, how long is it until he leaves?

18-04-2008, 19:31
I'd like to see the back of Sean. He's turned into not a very good character and his storylines are weak

18-04-2008, 20:07
Oh fun Lucy's back. :wall:

Wonder what next stunt she'll do?

Lizzie Brookes
18-04-2008, 21:02
This storyline if it is true sounds daft. Steven's supposed to be better now and why would he smash up his grandmother's buisiness? It doesn't make sense. Even when he was messed up last time he was always good to his nana Pat and half brother and sister. It is bad scriptwriting. They could give him off screen ime or write him out in a way that a return is plausible. It just seems such a waste otherwise. As for Lucy comming back this suggets to me that she either seeks out or gets in contact with Steven as she is closest to him or that Steven knows where Lucy is or has suspicions/guesses as to where she is. When the investigator asked if there was some special place I suddenly remembered that when Steven was messed up he took Lucy to a place where Cindy used to take him. I wonder if that ties in with it. I doubt she'd stay in that horrible block of flats where she witnesed her half brother acidentally shoot her stepmother.

19-04-2008, 11:27
This storyline if it is true sounds daft. Steven's supposed to be better now and why would he smash up his grandmother's buisiness? It doesn't make sense.

Where does it say he smashing up Pat's business???? :hmm:

If he does, it just shows that he is still a mentally unbalanced and messed up person...who should have stayed off screen in a mental hospital, when all the Ian hostage business came out...then we wouldn't have had to have him back at all in EE!!!! :thumbsup:

Lizzie Brookes
19-04-2008, 11:44
Well - that's your view. I liked him getting better and building bridges. As Max said people do love their family no matter what. I don't think it is true though because from what I read Steven quits while attempting to come to terms with his sexuality. I half wish they'd axed Jane instead of Steven. She annoys me to death.

Lizzie Brookes
19-04-2008, 11:46
[quote=Lizzie Brookes;568336]This storyline if it is true sounds daft. Steven's supposed to be better now and why would he smash up his grandmother's buisiness? It doesn't make sense.

Where does it say he smashing up Pat's business???? :hmm:

I don'tt know. Someone on the board said that but i don't believe it. The soap magazines often exaggerate.

19-04-2008, 12:07
According to Inside Soap Pat gets assaulted by someone very close to her, nothing about her business.

Lizzie Brookes
19-04-2008, 12:35
Oh right - but it might not necessarily be Steven. Too obvious don't you think? I think I also heard that we are going to be stunned when we find out who attacks Pat and if it is Steven everyone will say they always knew it. Who else is close to Pat? Any ideas?

19-04-2008, 13:59
Close to Pat, I would say Ian, Lucy, Peter, Bobby, Ricky, Bianca or Peggy!

My money's on Steven.

Lizzie Brookes
19-04-2008, 14:08
I still think Steven's too obvious. Could be Bianca I suppose or Lucy maybe. My money is on Bianca or Lucy.

19-04-2008, 16:33
Close to Pat, I would say Ian, Lucy, Peter, Bobby, Ricky, Bianca or Peggy!

My money's on Steven.

Same. Maybe Pat finds out about him and Christian? He seemed pretty desperate on Friday to deny he was gay or bisexual.

Monday 5th May

Steven goes to great lengths to keep Lucy away from Ian

This could be another reason, maybe Pat's getting close to where Lucy is, or finds out where Lucy is. :searchme:

He might push her down the stairs in the heat of the moment or something like that in either situation considering that fact Steven has a bit of a short temper :hmm:

Lizzie Brookes
19-04-2008, 16:36
Lucy is his half sister and he is very close to her. Anyway I thought Lucy only left because Ian slapped her. Steven had nothing to do with that so why should he stop her comming home? It doesn't make any sense.

19-04-2008, 16:39
To be honest I wouldn't be suprised if it was Bianca. Maybe it's some plan so that she can help Pat get better, you know comfort her, help her around the house w.e so she can worm her way back in.

Just a thought!

Lizzie Brookes
19-04-2008, 16:41
To be honest I wouldn't be suprised if it was Bianca. Maybe it's some plan so that she can help Pat get better, you know comfort her, help her around the house w.e so she can worm her way back in.

Just a thought!

That sounds likely actually and also it would make it totally unexpected. The "twisted assailant" is supposed to be someone unexpected and Steven is not someone unexpected.

19-04-2008, 17:05
Bianca doesn't need to worm her way back in though. Pat has put her and her children up and helps her out money wise, I don't think Bianca would want anymore from her.

Isn't there supposed to be some major secret coming out about Steven, nothing to do with his sexuality according to DS.

19-04-2008, 17:45
Close to Pat, I would say Ian, Lucy, Peter, Bobby, Ricky, Bianca or Peggy!

My money's on Steven.

Mine too!!! Could be his leaving the square storyline - lets hope anyway!!!

22-04-2008, 12:43
I've been a member of this board for over a year and never commented on anything - but Sean, Steven, Lucy, That Terrahawk who goes out with Bobby Davro, Gus, Bianca, and Tanya, are all such ridiculous characters. I've basically stopped watching Eastenders unless my wife is watching it and I can't avoid it. There needs to be more of the Mitchells, bring back Max asap, more Billy and Honey, get Jim back as soon as his health permits, and give Ross Kemp as much money as poss to get him back.

22-04-2008, 12:49
More Mitchells? Erm no thanks:thumbsdow

And as for throwing money at Ross Kemp? Again, no thanks.

22-04-2008, 13:05
Mitchells :thumbsup:

Everybody else :thumbsdow

Lizzie Brookes
22-04-2008, 15:11
I agree that it would be good to have Max and Jim back but I think Sean is a brilliant charecter as is Steven. I like Bianca when she's not shouting and Lucy when she's mature. Gus is all right and Tanya's great. I think we have more than enough Mitchels at the moment.

22-04-2008, 15:43
We have more than enough Brannings', Mitchells and Beale's IMO. I am quite sick of the sight of Tanya, Jack, R&R right now.

22-04-2008, 15:43
The whole Max getting buried thing was so off the wall. He should come back and dish out some buryings himself. In reality Sean would have had his come uppance many a time. All Bianca does is shout. Lucy has been missing for weeks - she is a school girl - surely there would be a massive manhunt looking for her??!! Gus is a non event. Maybe no more Mitchells, but get rid of Peggy and Roxy, but bring back Grant and Olive from on the buses.

22-04-2008, 18:09
Close to Pat, I would say Ian, Lucy, Peter, Bobby, Ricky, Bianca or Peggy!

My money's on Steven.

In my TV guide it says:
Steven's determined to keep the identity of his friend in the caravan a secret. When Pat learns the truth, her life is in danger.

22-04-2008, 20:56
Does Roxy find out she is pregnant-her unwanted hospital examination may lead to this

22-04-2008, 21:07
Close to Pat, I would say Ian, Lucy, Peter, Bobby, Ricky, Bianca or Peggy!

My money's on Steven.

In my TV guide it says:
Steven's determined to keep the identity of his friend in the caravan a secret. When Pat learns the truth, her life is in danger.

My theory:

Lucy is the person hiding :ninja: in the caravan and Steven is helping her hide away. Pat finds out and that is why her life is in danger. :hmm:

22-04-2008, 22:17
Close to Pat, I would say Ian, Lucy, Peter, Bobby, Ricky, Bianca or Peggy!

My money's on Steven.

In my TV guide it says:
Steven's determined to keep the identity of his friend in the caravan a secret. When Pat learns the truth, her life is in danger.

My theory:

Lucy is the person hiding :ninja: in the caravan and Steven is helping her hide away. Pat finds out and that is why her life is in danger. :hmm:

I think you could be right....as all this would lead up nicely to Steven leaving the square for good...*does a little dance*

Lizzie Brookes
23-04-2008, 13:15
To change the subject I don't get what hapens with Sean and Jean's cake. I know Gus puts some drugs in front of Sean and exposes him in front of his whole family. Then the Slaters lock him up and he gets out of the window and starts selling them again. I can assume it is the baking powder he throws down the sink as Jean finds it missing but I don't understand why her cake gets heavy.

Mr Maestro
28-04-2008, 21:06
I'd like to see the back of Sean. He's turned into not a very good character and his storylines are weak

He is pointless and he is ruining Eastenders at the moment for me, we all know bullying goes on, but for one do not want to see it in ever episode !

28-04-2008, 21:11
I agree with having Sean's bullying shoved in your face every episode, I understand they need to prepare his exit but as he is not going until Christmas or thereabouts, we are all going to be sick of his antics by then because some of us are fed up now. :angry:

Mr Maestro
28-04-2008, 21:14
I agree with having Sean's bullying shoved in your face every episode, I understand they need to prepare his exit but as he is not going until Christmas or thereabouts, we are all going to be sick of his antics by then because some of us are fed up now. :angry:

It's all Sean Slater has ever done since he arrived in the Square. I hope he is written out and that he is murdered in the most shocking way ever.

28-04-2008, 21:22
I agree with having Sean's bullying shoved in your face every episode, I understand they need to prepare his exit but as he is not going until Christmas or thereabouts, we are all going to be sick of his antics by then because some of us are fed up now. :angry:

It's all Sean Slater has ever done since he arrived in the Square. I hope he is written out and that he is murdered in the most shocking way ever.

I think there is enough shocking, horrible stuff happening in the real world, as far as I am concerned, Sean can get arrested and put into Broadmoor or any prison for mentally unstable people. As long as he can't do any more harm to anybody, that is all I want, he is a human being and a mother's son in the end afterall.

Mr Maestro
28-04-2008, 21:25
True but I just want him to suffer some pain after all the pain he has dished out

28-04-2008, 21:27
True but I just want him to suffer some pain after all the pain he has dished out

Understandable emotion but does not lessen the pain he has caused to others.

29-04-2008, 11:13
A little more on Week 19:-

Monday 05.05.08

At the caravan park, Steven's full of the joys of spring – he's been keeping Lucy locked away and persuading her that her family doesn't care about her. Lucy, however, is reaching breaking point and wants to leave.

As she paces around the caravan, Steven comes up with a plan – they're going to France. Lucy's becoming sceptical about the whole situation but Steven tells her that he has a friend over in France who they can stay with. Lucy wants to go home to say goodbye to everyone, but Steven suggests that she's safer staying where she is.

Back at the Beales', Steven roots through the sideboard drawer looking for Lucy's passport when Pat knocks on the front door. Steven tries to hide his panic. Over a cup of tea, Pat reminisces about Lucy, making Steven even more uncomfortable. Steven has second thoughts about going through with his France plan and replaces Lucy's passport just as Ian walks in.

Ian, however, is oblivious as to what Steven was actually doing. While looking at the business accounts on the computer, Steven navigates to the Eurostar website and books one ticket. He rushes off to cover for Jane and Ian in the café, but quickly hires Bianca to help out.

Jane, Ian and Pat turn up to find Bianca working and Ian is forced to accept Steven's executive decision. Pat goes to catch up with Steven at home and sees his bag with one of Lucy's old paintings sticking out of it. As she picks it up, her passport falls out.

Steven wanders down the stairs with some of Lucy's clothes. Pat's confused and begins to ask questions. He bolts out the door and Pat gives chase, but Roxy's hurtling around the corner in her Jeep. Her smiles change to horror when she sees Pat in the road and doesn't have time to stop. Steven turns to see his nan motionless on the ground…

Elsewhere, Dawn prepares a family dinner; Sean wakes up in the portacabin, much to the annoyance of Darren; Bianca goes on the hunt for a job; and Ben passes his dance exam.

Tuesday 06.05.08

Pat lies in agony on the ground clutching her leg after Roxy ran her over. She cries out for help as Steve watches from a distance and quickly hurries off. Peggy climbs from the car, while Roxy and Ben look on in horror at the scene before them. Pat grabs Peggy and only manages to utter a couple of words - 'Ian, Lucy'. Ian and Jane, meanwhile, are having a meal in the Arjee Bargee and Ian ignores Peggy's call, while on the allotments, Steven sits panicking about what he's going to do next.

It becomes clear that Pat has broken her leg and Roxy identifies herself as the driver of the vehicle. Bianca and Ricky hurtle towards the accident and are shocked to see Pat lying on a stretcher being put into the ambulance. Bianca is fuming when she realises who was driving the car. As Ian and Jane enter The Vic, they hear about Pat's accident and Roxy tells Ian that Pat was trying to say something about Lucy. Ian calls Steven who's still in a state and rejects his call.

On reaching the hospital, Ian and Jane speak to Peggy, who informs them that Pat kept repeating Lucy's name. Ian finally makes contact with Steven who plays the role of caring grandson, but he's more bothered about Ian saying that Pat had some news about Lucy before she was run over. When Steven eventually reaches the hospital, he realises that Pat hasn't spoken to anyone yet. He suggests that he can sit with his nan. Steven calmly closes the curtains around Pat's cubicle, takes off her oxygen mask and attempts to smother her with a pillow…

Elsewhere, Ben's distressed by the accident; Clare agrees to a Star Wars night with Bradley; Arnold, an ex of Clare's, turns up at Booty; and Clare seduces Bradley in a Princess Leia costume.

Thursday 08.05.08

Steven's suffocating Pat in a bid to prevent her from revealing all about him knowing the whereabouts of Lucy. Just as Steven believes that he's murdered his nan in cold blood, she stirs and tries to reason with him. Ian walks into the cubicle and Pat manages to choke out a complete sentence and firmly points the finger at Steven.

Steven bolts, while Ian chases after him. A nurse, meanwhile, tends to Pat's mysterious coughing fit. Father and son have a head-to-head in the hospital car park, as Steven tries to persuade Ian that Lucy begged him to keep here location a secret.

Steven returns to the Square and hurriedly speaks to Lucy on the phone. He gathers Lucy's clothes and passport and goes up to his room. Jane returns home and is surprised to find Steven there. Devious Steven pretends that Yolande's on the phone asking after Pat when it's really Lucy.

Ian calls Jane and tells her that Steven knows exactly where Lucy is. Jane challenges him, but she can see right through his lies. When Peter arrives, Steven seizes on his opportunity to scarper again. Jane rushes after him, but he's vanished.

Ian frantically questions Jane and Peter about their confrontation with Steven, and Peter shows his father that the last website Steven visited was the Eurostar page.

Tensions are rising at St Pancras as Lucy hurries to meet a harassed-looking Steven. Ian spots Lucy on the concourse with tickets in hand. He pleads with Lucy to go home with him. She seems hesitant but when Ian turns to the café and suggest they grab a coffee and talk about things, he turns his head back and they've disappeared into the crowd. Ian's beside himself.

Elsewhere, Clare confesses to Bradley of having an affair with a married man; Peggy tries to put Ben's mind at rest about his dancing; Jase and Mickey realise that someone's got it in for them; Roxy feints after complaining that she's not feeling too well.

Friday 09.05.08
Ian's in despair in St Pancras as a tense scene unfolds between father and daughter. He manages to persuade Lucy to go to King's Cross with him but she doesn't see Steven as the wrongdoer. Lucy tells Ian that he was shocked to learn of the callous attitude towards her over Jane's birthday meal. Ian is appalled by the depth of Steven's lies but his heart-felt pleas touch Lucy as they embrace. Steven, however, has vanished from their sight.

Ian's car pulls up outside the Beales' and a tearful Lucy sits beside her father and worries what everyone's going to say about her. It's not long before Lucy bolts again, while Ian and Steven become locked in a head-to-head exchange, prompting Steven to walk away.

Lucy returns to the Beales' and the discussion turns to Lucy, her weight and where she's been living. Off her food, Lucy heads upstairs to make a phone call…

Elsewhere, Ricky quizzes Whitney about Tony; Clare continues to flirt with Bradley; Arnold returns to the Square to see Clare; Liam has a revelation for Ricky and Bianca; and Ricky and Bianca make their feelings for each other known.

05-05-2008, 09:05
Cannot wait for all things bad that are going to happen this week.. Stephen finally gets exposed.