View Full Version : Casualty Week 19 Spoilers

Jessie Wallace
17-04-2008, 12:57
It's Ruth's day off and she is alone in her room and again on the verge of suicide, as the medical drama continues. She goes for a run but witnesses an accident and pulls one of the victims out of the way of a motorbike. Her subsequent care and treatment of those involved is praised by her colleagues, and offers her a glimpse of hope.

In ED, Jessica and Adam are drawn to each other, unable to keep apart. However, an innocent mistake in resuscitation reveals Jessica's secret to everyone. Jessica retrieves Sean's watch, which has fallen off in surgery. When he comes back for it, her simple act speaks volumes, and it is clear they are husband and wife. Adam is hurt and furious, while Zoë is astonished.

Meanwhile, a father (played by Alexander Morton) watches as his Down's syndrome daughter has to have life-saving surgery. He also has to let go and allow his daughter's boyfriend to marry her.

Elsewhere, Toby gets an ear-bashing from Sean, but later receives a kiss from Joanne, leaving him on cloud nine.

Ruth, having coped well with her day and having saved a patient's life, ends the day smiling.

Ruth is played by Georgia Taylor, Jessica by Gillian Kearney, Adam by Tristan Gemmill, Sean by Richard Dillane, Zoë by Sunetra Sarker and Toby by Matthew Needham.

17-04-2008, 13:10
It's good the writers are being relistic - Ruth wouldn't get better straight away and she will have setbacks. It's nice to see there is a light at the tunnel though :)

Jessica's secrets out...that's going to be awkward :p

Toby and Joanne...awww..cuteness :wub:

17-04-2008, 17:39
I agree about Ruth. Glad they haven't made her 'better' so quick. It's nice like this. I feel so sorry for her though, I just want to hug her :p.

Hey Kasple. It is kinda cute about Toby and Joanne.. but what about our Ruth and Toby loveage :(. :p

17-04-2008, 20:57
Hey Kasple. It is kinda cute about Toby and Joanne.. but what about our Ruth and Toby loveage :(. :p

Yeah but I don't think Ruth is well enough for Toby loveage :( There isn't much loveage going on in Casualty at the moment so any loveage is a plus :p

17-04-2008, 21:01
Toby and Ruth are suited but just not at the moment. They're both mad at each other and I don't think Toby is the right person for a suicidal person.

18-04-2008, 22:06
Who is Joanne? Is she Maggies daughter, the one that recently had a baby?

18-04-2008, 22:08
Who is Joanne? Is she Maggies daughter, the one that recently had a baby?

Yeah she is.

Chloe O'brien
19-04-2008, 00:30
The Toby and Ruth Loveage thing aint gonna happen. If Ruth is to have any romance this series it will be with the geeky Doc we met before she tried to kill herself.

19-04-2008, 18:05
I'd love Ruth to get with Dr Doom. She seemed to really like him when we saw the flashbacks.

22-04-2008, 21:33
It's Ruth's day off and she is alone in her room and again on the verge of suicide
Has Ruth received any councelling or taking any anti depressants since her suicide attempt? It seems anything can set her off again......especially in such a high stressed job that she has.

22-04-2008, 22:08
It's Ruth's day off and she is alone in her room and again on the verge of suicide
Has Ruth received any councelling or taking any anti depressants since her suicide attempt? It seems anything can set her off again......especially in such a high stressed job that she has.
Good question. Knowing Ruth she'd refuse that help if she was offered it anyway...

22-04-2008, 23:23
It's Ruth's day off and she is alone in her room and again on the verge of suicide
Has Ruth received any councelling or taking any anti depressants since her suicide attempt? It seems anything can set her off again......especially in such a high stressed job that she has.
Good question. Knowing Ruth she'd refuse that help if she was offered it anyway...

Everybody who attempts suicide has to have a psychiatric evaluation and counselling. I guess its just easier to leave that bit out so we don't see Ruth running off to therapy every five minutes.