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View Full Version : Corrie spoilers 16 April - 21 April

15-04-2008, 06:22
Tina says goodbye to David
Airs on Wednesday, April 16 2008

David has a few goodbyes to say before he goes to court tomorrow and leaves another message on Tina’s voicemail. Later that day, Gail is surprised when she opens the door to Tina – who’s come to speak to David. She apologises to Gail about lying but Gail harbours no resentment and asks her to stay for tea.

When David arrives home, he’s delighted to see his ex but as they eat dinner, there’s an awkward atmosphere. When they're alone, Tina tells him that she needs a break from him - she won’t be visiting him in prison and she can’t see a way back for them. She gets on the bus, leaving a heartbroken David alone on what is sure to be his last night of freedom. How will he cope in prison knowing he has lost Tina?

Roy and Becky prepare for trouble to kick off as the builders start to arrive with their vans. When a driver enters the café to ask Roy to move his car, he explains he can’t drive and the car belongs to his wife - he would ask her to move it but she happens to be in Africa so regretfully there's nothing he can do to help. The site foreman eventually arrives to try and reason with Roy who remains firm, while Becky is highly amused.

The police are called but Roy still refuses to budge and the car is legally parked, so the policeman is unable to act. As the builders resign themselves to losing a day’s work, Becky congratulates Roy on his victory and the car is moved. Tony hopes this is the end of it, but has Roy finished with him yet?

Michelle arrives back from her meeting with Alex and declares she wants him to be a real part of their lives and she’s going to take the first step to make that happen by telling her mum and dad the truth. How will they react and more importantly how will Ryan react?

David is handed a custodial sentence
Airs on Friday, April 18 2008

It's Gail’s 50th birthday and the morning of David’s sentencing. David presents Gail with some flowers and it's clear Gail is still clinging on to the hope that he won’t go down. As they arrive at court, David knows what’s coming and although he's frightened, he just wants to get on with it.

As a trembling Gail watches on, David’s told that due to the severity of his crimes and his repeated admission of wilful intent, he will have to face a custodial sentence and a training order. The reality that he’s going to prison sinks in and David mouths a silent apology to his distraught mum. How will they cope?

The builders are exasperated when the Woody shows up again and blocks their route, while Roy plays dumb and pretends to be concerned about the amount of money the investors are losing every hour it's parked there. Tony heads over to the café and asks Roy to stop his antics. Roy is determined not to give in and stands firm against Tony's threats.

However, Tony finally admits that he didn't get rid of the bats and that someone else concerned about the financial implications may have done it. Roy is slightly appeased and agrees to move his car if Tony promises to make a substantial donation to an appropriate charity. Is this the end of the trouble?

Ryan has spoken to his grandparents about the situation and Steve suggests that now everything is out in the open, Michelle goes to Ireland with both of her sons to visit her parents. Will she finally be able to play happy families with her two sons?

Elsewhere, Maria suggests she and Liam start decorating the nursery. Darryl notices that the hours and wages Jerry is advertising for his job are better and attempts to get his job back. However, Jerry explains if he wants the job he’ll have to be interviewed like everyone else.

David settles into life in young offenders'
Airs on Friday, April 18 2008

Gail is beside herself as David is led from the courtroom – her worst fear has become a reality. When she returns home, Audrey attempts to distract her with birthday cards but she's not in the mood to celebrate. However, she doesn't argue when her friends come round to wish her a happy birthday.

Meanwhile, in the young offenders' institute, David is introduced to his room-mate, Graeme. He doesn’t feel like making friends and uses his one phone call to ring Tina - who doesn't answer. Back at the house, Gail has been drowning her sorrows and as everyone sings Happy Birthday, she keeps one eye on the phone waiting for David to call. How will she get through this ordeal?

Over on the building site, Jason is furious when he overhears Rick speaking about his girlfriend and daughter.

Later, he breaks the news to a depressed Becky that Rick is virtually married with a kid. Rick turns up in the café only to be met by a furious Becky who pours a cold cup of tea over his head, punches him to the floor and rams a cream cake in his face. Will Becky ever have any luck in love?

Michelle is upset when Ryan refuses to go to Ireland with her and Alex.

Leanne is intrigued when Dan suggests she re-open the restaurant as a late-night bar and is secretly relieved when she runs the idea past Paul and he insists he’s not interested in going back into business with her. Does Paul have other plans?

Jerry makes Darryl sit through a formal interview for his old job. He eventually offers him the position but claims that now he’s a ‘proper’ employee he expects him to be punctual and hard working.

Gail visits David in the institute
Airs on Monday, April 21 2008

David is struggling to adjust to the routine in the young offenders' institute and is reluctant to get involved in the education and training programmes on offer.

When Gail arrives to visit him, she’s utterly relieved to find him in one piece and David likewise is pleased to see his mum. Struggling to hold his emotions back, he hugs her and thanks her for being there for him. Will prison force David and Gail to rebuild their relationship?

Tony reveals to Roy that he has donated a significant amount of money to a bat charity but Roy's not so quick to let him off the hook, knowing that it's a drop in the ocean for Tony; he tells him he’s still barred from Roy’s Rolls.

Becky is grateful to Jason for warning her about Rick and, mindful that he's still barred from the café, she rushes outside with a bacon butty for him telling him she owes him a pint

Elsewhere, after his first win on the horses, Vernon comes back to the bookies for more, while Harry goes to the Rovers and has a laugh with Liz.

From Digital Spy

22-04-2008, 20:53
I hope the prison for David will make him be good and normal again-though I can't remember the last time he was!
His relationship with Gail should improve...