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14-04-2008, 20:57
Doctor Who Quotes :D

Lucius: The Prophecies of woman are limited and dull, only the men folk have have the capacity for true perception
Donna: I'll tell you which way the wind's blowing now, mate...

Donna: Don't tell me the TARDIS is gone.
The Doctor: Okay.
Donna: Then where is it?
The Doctor: But you told me not to tell you.
Donna: Don't get clever in Latin.

Donna: You fought her off...with a water pistol!!...I bloody love you!

14-04-2008, 22:11

Doctor: I just want a mate
Donna: You just want to mate

19-04-2008, 23:25
Donna: You have a Police Box and he has a ferrari!

^^^ I nearly spat out my pizza at that! I knew I should have eaten earlier :lol:

Donna: Why did you call me Miss? Do I look single?!

19-04-2008, 23:51
PA women: Now then, Doctor Noble, Mrs Noble, if you'd like to come with me
The Doctor: Oh no no no we're not married
Donna: We're so not married
The Doctor: Never
Donna: Never ever


29-04-2008, 21:11
Donna (To Martha): Didn't take you long to get over it though, who's the lucky man?

The Doctor: What man? Lucky what?

Donna: She's engaged, you prawn.:lol:

29-04-2008, 21:15
:eek: You reminded me I missed that episode! Must go watch it now :lol: Love the quote btw :p

Jessie Wallace
04-05-2008, 13:09
When the Doctor put's on the Gas Mask "Are you my Mummy" cracked me up, i love the subtlety of this show and using quotes for previous series.

And then again with Donna when the hit the Sontaran, and goes "In the back of the Neck" it's the way she say's, her character has me in stitches some times.

Chloe O'brien
04-05-2008, 22:07
I loved the part when the Dr and Martha were reunited and Martha hugged him while Donna just gave him a slap on the arm.

18-05-2008, 11:49
Donna: And we've just given directions to captain nutjob

18-05-2008, 12:18
Donna: Cocktail shaker! You want a Harvey Wallbanger?
The Doctor: Harvey Wallbanger?!
Donna: Well, I don't know!
The Doctor: How is "Harvey Wallbanger" one word?!
Agatha Christie: What do you need, Doctor?
The Doctor: Salt! I need salt! I was miming salt, I need something salty!

[Donna grabs a brown bag]

Donna: What about this?
The Doctor: What is it?!
Donna: Salt!
The Doctor: That's too salty!

And her "shock" made me laugh too Lol

18-05-2008, 14:05
Donna: Oh come on it's not like we could drive cross country and find Enid Blyton having tea with Noddy. Could we?! Noddy's not real. Is he?! Tell me Noddy's not real.
The Doctor: There's no Noddy.
Donna: Next thing you know you'll be telling me it's like murder on the Orient express and they ALL did it

18-05-2008, 20:26
Donna: I don't know CAMPTOWN RACES

18-05-2008, 20:31
Donna: Oh come on it's not like we could drive cross country and find Enid Blyton having tea with Noddy. Could we?! Noddy's not real. Is he?! Tell me Noddy's not real.
The Doctor: There's no Noddy.
Donna: Next thing you know you'll be telling me it's like murder on the Orient express and they ALL did it

:lol: Thats was sooo funny, Noddy :rotfl:

18-05-2008, 20:41
Doctor: It was you Donna Noble
Donna: What?! who did i kill?!
Doctor: No...

Donna: So she killed them
Doctor: No! But she wrote the books

Donna: So she did kill them
Doctor: NOOO

Donna: So he killed them, yes, Definitely

18-05-2008, 20:43
:rotfl: Loved that scene

18-05-2008, 20:45
Doctor: It was you Donna Noble
Donna: What?! who did i kill?!
Doctor: No...

Donna: So she killed them
Doctor: No! But she wrote the books

Donna: So she did kill them
Doctor: NOOO

Donna: So he killed them, yes, Definitely

One of my fav scenes of the episode, besides donna trying to help the doctor when he was poisioned. But in this scene :rotfl: I was always in stitches, plus she just kept sitting there eating :lol:

18-05-2008, 20:58
One of my fav scenes of the episode, besides donna trying to help the doctor when he was poisioned. But in this scene :rotfl: I was always in stitches, plus she just kept sitting there eating :lol:

Yeah it was like she was just watching a movie :rotfl:

Chloe O'brien
19-05-2008, 00:12
I'll Pluck you in a minute :lol:

19-05-2008, 09:20
Donna: What about this?
The Doctor: What is it?!
Donna: Salt!
The Doctor: That's too salty!

Yes, that salt one was a classic. :rotfl:

01-06-2008, 02:27
The Doctor: I CAN'T IT'S WOOD!

Donna: Did we just run away from a power-cut?

Professor Riversong: Got a problem with archaeologists?
The Doctor: I'm a time traveller I laugh and point at archaeologists.

The Doctor: Oh I'm pretty boy?
Donna: Yes. Ooh that came out a bit quick.
The Doctor: Pretty?
Donna: Meh

01-06-2008, 14:34
:lol: Pretty boy!
I was wondering who it was too

Chloe O'brien
01-06-2008, 23:20
The Doctor: I CAN'T IT'S WOOD!


Classic :lol:

14-06-2008, 21:04
Doctor + Sky : Shambleboobledibledooble

Doctor + Sky : Oh Doctor your so handsome, yes i am thank you.

14-06-2008, 21:05
Doctor/Sky repeating: Rose Tyler-Martha Jones-Donna Noble-TARDIS!

20-06-2008, 18:16
The midnight episode really freaked me out.

I like:

Donna: I'm waving at fat.

Sylvia: What are you doing in church?
Donna: [Exasperated] Praying!

The Doctor: [mouthing from behind soundproof glass] Donna???
Donna: [also mouthing] Doctor!!!!
The Doctor: But...what? Wha... WHAT??!?
Donna: Oh! My! God!
The Doctor: But... how?
Donna: [pointing at self] It's me!
The Doctor: Well, I can see that!
Donna: Oh this is brilliant!
The Doctor: But... what the hell are you doing there???
[Donna's just so thrilled, she waves! Big smile!]
The Doctor: But, but but, why, what, where, when?
Donna: You! I was looking for you!
The Doctor: What for?!
Donna: [miming in a surreal sense while the Doctor looks more and more confused] I, came here, trouble, read about it, internet, I thought, trouble = you! And this place is weird! Pills! So I hid. Back there. Crept along. Heard this lot. Looked. You! Cos they--
[On 'they', gestures and looks toward Miss Foster, who is staring at her. As are the guards. Penny too.]
Donna: [freezes] Oops.
Miss Foster: [out loud] Are we interrupting you?
The Doctor: [mouthing] Run

The Doctor: Oh you're not, are you? Please tell me you're not archaeologists...
Prof. River Song: Got a problem with archaeologists?
The Doctor: I'm a time traveller, I point and laugh at archaeologists.
Prof. River Song Ah. [holds out hand] Professor River Song. Archaeologist.

The Doctor & Sky Silvestry: Roast beef. Bananas. The Medusa Cascade. [Beat] BANG! [Rapidfire] Rose Tyler Martha Jones Donna Noble TARDIS! [beat] Shamble-bobble-dibble-dooble. [beat] Oh, Doctor, you're so handsome. Yes, I am, thank you.

Donna: Can't imagine you without a voice.
Doctor: Molto bene!
Donna: Molto bene!
Doctor: No, don't do that. Don't.... Don't.

And a little spoiler for the next episode:

Turn Left [4.11]

Unit Man: [on walkie-talkie, overheard by Donna] We've found a body, sir - the Doctor is dead.

Rose: [Running towards Donna] What is it... What did they find?

Rose: None of this was meant to happen. You're gonna die.

Wilf: Oh my god, the stars are going out!

27-06-2008, 20:41
Donna: Well, blonde hair might work on the men but you ain't shifting me lady!

27-06-2008, 21:12
The Doctor: Taking a big space truck with a bunch of complete strangers on the way to a
planet called Midnight?...What could possibly go wrong?

Hostess: Ladies and gentlemen, and variations thereupon

Rose: I think you dream about him sometimes, he's a man in a suit, tall, thin man. Great hair... some really great hair.

27-06-2008, 22:30
Rose: I think you dream about him sometimes, he's a man in a suit, tall, thin man. Great hair... some really great hair.

Awww great hair :wub:

27-06-2008, 22:58
Donna: 4 hours there, 4 hours back, it's like a school trip!

Donna: Listen, I don't know what sort of kids you've been flying round with in outer space but you're not telling me to shut up

Donna: Hold on a minute, that sign over there's in English, are you having me on?

Donna: What and you're in charge?
Doctor: TARDIS, timelord, yeah.
Donna: Donna, human, no!

Donna: You might have eyes on the back of your hands, but you'll have eyes on the back of your head by the time I've finished with you!

Eyes on back of hand woman: This brattling voice will cease forever!
Doctor: Oh that'll be the day!

27-06-2008, 23:07
I dont remember the last 2 quotes where are they from?

27-06-2008, 23:09
The episode where the volcanoe of Pompeii exploded because of those rock monsters

28-06-2008, 13:45
Yeah it's from the second episode of Series 4, called 'The Fires of Pompeii.'

28-06-2008, 23:21
Rose: Right.. you two can put those down or run for your lives... do you like my gun?

Jack: Martha Jones .. voice of Nightingale... tell me you put something in my drink?

Harriet Jones: Martha Jones.. former companion to the Doctor
Rose: Oi.. so was I!

Martha: But I've been trying to find him, the Doctor's got my phone on the TARDIS but I can't get through
Rose: Nor me, and I was here first

Wilf: Want to swap?

28-06-2008, 23:25
Love Rose in this episode :p

Rose: Right.. you two can put those down or run for your lives... do you like my gun?

28-06-2008, 23:29
Me too.. I skipped Big Brother to watch it again after the confidential.

Her scenes with Wilf were great too. Reunion was good, other than the Dalek shooting the Doctor and getting in the way of it.

29-06-2008, 02:05
Rose: Have you got a webcam?
Wilf: No she wouldn't let me, she said they're naughty.

Doctor: Klom.. Klom's gone.. who'd want Klom?

Donna: Are you saying bees are aliens?
Doctor: Don't be daft!

Donna: It's like an outer space facebook!

29-06-2008, 08:40
Rose: Have you got a webcam?
Wilf: No she wouldn't let me, she said they're naughty.

:rotfl: Thats the one I was gonna post :rotfl:

Chloe O'brien
30-06-2008, 00:01
I'm Harriet Jones former Prime Minister.

Yes we know who you are. :lol:

30-06-2008, 01:33
That was a good one; some of the things said by the daleks in that episode were just so unlike them. I can't believe they even knew what an apology was to say that they do not accept them. And they sounded like they were on fast forward in places.

Dalek: My vision is NOT impaired!

05-07-2008, 00:05
I'm Harriet Jones former Prime Minister.

Yes we know who you are. :lol:

:rotfl: That was so funny cos earlier in the day before the epsiode I watched the xmas speical that she was in and they kept saying that line and the it was sooo odd to see her in the last episode again, I was like omg :eek: How odd :lol:

05-07-2008, 18:49
Donna: But why me? What have I ever done? I'm just a temp from Chiswick!

Kirsty :]
05-07-2008, 18:53
Donna: It's you!!

Doctor: Oh yess :D

Donna:...You're nakedd!!

05-07-2008, 18:53
you beat me kirsty :p

Kirsty :]
05-07-2008, 18:54
Haha.. sorryyy!
Yours is more accurate though... I got caught up in the moment :D

05-07-2008, 19:19
Donna: Well don't just stand there you skinny boys in suits, get to work!

06-07-2008, 00:26
I'm Harriet Jones former Prime Minister.

Yes we know who you are. :lol:

:rotfl: That was so funny cos earlier in the day before the epsiode I watched the xmas speical that she was in and they kept saying that line and the it was sooo odd to see her in the last episode again, I was like omg :eek: How odd :lol:

Yeah, she always seemed to flash her ID around. In Series One she kept going, "Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North."

Davros: Get her away from the controls!
Donna: And spin...
Dalek: Help me... help me... help
Donna: ....And the other way

Donna: Becuase you two were just timelords... you dumbos!

Jack: Just my luck... I climb through two miles of ventilation shafts chasing life signs on this thing and who do I find? Mickey Mouse!
Mickey: You can talk, Captain Cheesecake!

Supreme Dalek: What is happening... EXPLAIN!

Mickey to Davros: Just stay where you are, Mister
Jack to Dalek: Out of the way!

Donna: Oi.. watch it, spaceman!
Human/Timelord Doctor: Oi.. watch it, Earth girl!

Rose: She's good
Martha: Who's that?
Rose: My name's Rose... Rose Tyler.
Martha: Oh my god... he found you

Jack: Captain Jack Harkness, calling all Dalek boys and girls... are you receiving me?

Doctor: What?! Who invented that? Well, someone called Austahagen, I suppose. Martha, are you insane?!

Davros: We have... an arrangement
Doctor: No no no no no.. no..I've got the word.. you're the Dalek's pet!

06-07-2008, 00:30
Doctor: Donna, you can't even change a lightbulb

06-07-2008, 01:09
It was;

Doctor: Donna you can't even change a plug
Donna: Do you want a bet, time boy?

I was going to post that one but it logged me out and lost the post because I had the window running for ages because I had it playing on iPlayer to check I got the quotes right.

06-07-2008, 15:30
Rose: She's good
Martha: Who's that?
Rose: My name's Rose... Rose Tyler.
Martha: Oh my god... he found you

:wub: I loved that moment, I wanted to cry

06-07-2008, 17:03
Davros: Get her away from the controls!
Donna: And spin...
Dalek: Help me... help me... help
Donna: ....And the other way

Hehe love this one :lol:

Loved Donna in this whole scene actually :p

06-07-2008, 21:08
Doctor2 : I love you (too) ??????

Come on, we all know he must of said it :wub: Its sooo sad at the same time :(

06-07-2008, 21:33
It was blatently;
"Me, you, here, right now" :p

06-07-2008, 21:42
Lol :p :wub: And the kiss :D Im still in two minds about it though :(

di marco
06-07-2008, 21:42
It was blatently;
"Me, you, here, right now" :p

lol im sure thats what he said!

08-07-2008, 21:47
Doctor2 : I love you (too) ??????

Come on, we all know he must of said it :wub: Its sooo sad at the same time :(

Yeah and I saw a clip of the confidential from youtube where one of the people said it had to be I love you. I don't know why else she'd have kissed the other Doctor, but I suppose she had to otherwise the timelord version would never have got away.

Yeah, ditto Abbie. When I heard the rumour about it I thought I'd like it as the ending more than I actually did - well I'm still up and down about it.

01-08-2008, 18:31

03-08-2008, 20:53
Donna: But i was going to be with you forever
The Doctor: I know

Doctor: We had the best of times, the best.

:crying: :crying:

03-08-2008, 20:56
Donna: But i was going to be with you forever
The Doctor: I know

Doctor: We had the best of times, the best.

Doctor: And for one moment, one shining moment, she was the most important woman in the whole of the universe.

Wilf: When it gets dark, and the stars come out, i'll look up on her behalf, i'll look up at the sky, and think of you.
Doctor: Thank you.

I HATE Journey's End :crying:

03-08-2008, 22:35
Doctor: These are really good handcuffs...
Donna: Well I'm glad of that; at least we've got quality!

Doctor: You better do what she says or there'll be trouble. Not from me, from her!

Doctor: That's like donating a park bench...
Donna: It chose me a face it thought I'd like!

Something like that anyway.

04-08-2008, 02:56
Donna: But i was going to be with you forever
The Doctor: I know

Doctor: We had the best of times, the best.

Doctor: And for one moment, one shining moment, she was the most important woman in the whole of the universe.

Wilf: When it gets dark, and the stars come out, i'll look up on her behalf, i'll look up at the sky, and think of you.
Doctor: Thank you.

I HATE Journey's End :crying:

:( Omg, dont you'll start me off :crying:

07-08-2008, 14:13
Doctor: I'm old and thick, I need a bigger head!

Something like that.

27-08-2008, 17:27
(taken from TV.com) Great Doctor who quotes on a t-shirt:

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Wibbely wobbley. time wimey.

Excuse me, do you mind not farting while i try and ave the world.

What are you going to do, mosturize me?

Headmaster sir? good evening sir? come to give me a caning sir? would you like that sir?

alonzi, alonso..

Are you my mommy?

Well i'm the lord of time

Your are not alone.


You know what this new hand. Is a fighting hand.

(obviously) bigger on the inside

He's like fire ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun. he's acienct and forever. he burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe. and he's.. he's wonderful.

Nice place. no shop downstairs. i'd have a shop not a big one just a shop so eople can shop.

I'm the Doctor, I'm a Time Lord, I'm 903 years old, I'm the man whose going to save all your lives and the six billion people on the planet below - You got a problem with that?

lots of places have a north

did i mention it travels intime.

Slim and just a little bit sexy.


I want to find a blond in a Union Jack. I mean a specific one, I didn't just wake up this morning with a craving

The first 19 years of my life, nothing happened. And then I met a man called "The Doctor"... He took me away from home in his magical machine. He showed me the whole of time and space... I thought it would never end...

Citizens rejoice, Your Lord and Master stands on high

There comes a time, Time Lord, when every lonely little boy must learn to dance

Go to your room.

We're in pompeii. And it's volcano day. Even the word 'Doctor' is false. Your real name is hidden. It burns in the stars. In the cascade of Medusa herself. You are a lord, sir. A lord of time.

I better stop before i get caried away. Defently get some of these made.. :P

27-08-2008, 22:08
Ooh further back than Series 4, I love them.

Jack: Ok, plan of attack. We assume a basic 57 56 strategy covering all available exits on the ground floor. Doctor, you go face to face, that'll designate exit one. I'll cover exit two, Rose you exit three, Mickey Smith you take exit four. Hope you've got that.

Doctor: Excuse me, who's in charge?

Jack: Sorry. Awaiting orders, sir.

Margaret the Slitheen: This is persecution. Why can't you leave me alone, what did I ever do to you?

Doctor: You tried to kill me and destroy this entire planet.

Margaret the Slitheen: Apart from that?

Cassandra/Rose: It's like being inside a bouncy castle.

27-08-2008, 22:21
Ooh further back than Series 4, I love them.

Jack: Ok, plan of attack. We assume a basic 57 56 strategy covering all available exits on the ground floor. Doctor, you go face to face, that'll designate exit one. I'll cover exit two, Rose you exit three, Mickey Smith you take exit four. Hope you've got that.

Doctor: Excuse me, who's in charge?

Jack: Sorry. Awaiting orders, sir.

Margaret the Slitheen: This is persecution. Why can't you leave me alone, what did I ever do to you?

Doctor: You tried to kill me and destroy this entire planet.

Margaret the Slitheen: Apart from that?

lol, have you been watching Series 1 on BBC 3?

27-08-2008, 22:39
No I bought the DVD's. I caught the last couple of confidential cut downs on BBC 3 though.

27-08-2008, 22:41
I hate the cut down versions, I want them to play the proper versions

27-08-2008, 22:47
Yeah me too. And replay them over and over again like UK Gold do with Series 1 and 2 eps. They were playing Series 4 eps and cut down confidentials about a month ago, but it looks like there's the Christmas Invasion showing tomorrow with no confidential, then no more. Unless they keep taking month breaks of playing them or something.

27-08-2008, 22:54
Yeah they might do that.
I just wish there was somewhere I could wacth the full versions of the confidentials

27-08-2008, 23:06
Same, I only started watching them from when Rose came back in Series 4.

28-08-2008, 19:50
From an old episode that was just on -

Random government guy: It's a helmet, maybe they're like us!.....*alien takes helmet off* ...maybe not.

The Doctor: You could take someone's eye out with that!

The Doctor: You just can't get the staff.

*While swordfighting with an alien*
Rose: Look out!
The Doctor: Yeah that helps I'd never have thought of that!

28-08-2008, 21:56
Hehe that was out of the Christmas invasion

01-09-2008, 21:43
Love the can't get the staff bit.

Sycorax: If I might interrupt...
The Doctor: Sorry big fella

The Doctor: How did they get away from us?
Rose: I'm surprised they didn't turn back and arrest you for reckless driving; have you even passed your test?

05-09-2008, 16:42
Council man - "You just took a council axe from a council van and now your digging up a council road - i'm reporting you to the council"

Rose - ... "Not a council spaceship im afraid"

05-09-2008, 16:47
Awww series 2 :wub:

05-09-2008, 22:38
Rose: Does anyone notice anything strange about this, rats in school?
Sarah Jane: Well obviously they use them in Biology lessons, they dissect them. Or maybe you haven't reached that bit yet, how old are you?
Rose: Excuse me, no one dissects rats in school any more; they haven't done that for years. Where are you from, the dark ages?

07-10-2008, 11:04
[series 1 trailer]
The Doctor: Do you wanna come with me? 'Cause if you do then I should warn you, you're gonna see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past; Aliens from the future; the day the Earth died in a ball of flame; It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: the trip of a lifetime.

[series 3 trailer]
Martha Jones: I battle with textbooks.
The Doctor: I battle with monsters.
Martha Jones: I've tried to save money.
The Doctor: I've tried to save the universe.
Martha Jones: I'm going to be a doctor.
The Doctor: I *am* the Doctor.
Martha Jones: Well, let's hope this box is big enough for the both of us.

[series 4 trailer]
Donna Noble: There are things waiting in the darkness. Creatures of metal, fire and blood. But he's out there, burning through time, facing a thousand dangers across the stars and never giving up. He looks like a man but he's a legend and his name is the Doctor. He'll come back to save us and this time I'm going to be ready. Then just like that...
Donna Noble, The Doctor: We'll be gone.

The Doctor: Go to your room. Go to your room! I mean it. I'm very, very angry with you. I'm very, very cross! Go to your room!
[The children lurch away.]
The Doctor: I'm really glad that worked. Those would have been terrible last words.

12-04-2009, 00:11
The Doctor: I'll just step inside this police box and arrest myself.

Chloe O'brien
12-04-2009, 00:26
Carmen: Be carful Doctor your song is coming to an end :crying: :crying: No please don't go.

12-04-2009, 02:18
Christina: That card paying device thing, that's a lobster card, am I right?
Bus driver: Oyster card
Christina: Ah, well, that's the problem you see, I only use my Oyster when there's an r in the month.
Bus driver: It's April

13-04-2009, 20:04
The Doctor: "Gotta remember the number, very important number"
"Hello pizza geronimo?"

*The doctor has reached an automated telephone system*
The Doctor: "Oh I hate these things"
Passenger: "If you keep your finger pressed on 0 you get through to a real person. I saw it on watchdog."

20-04-2009, 19:25
Doctor: Rose take Arthur and Mickey ...
Rose: Arthur?
Doctor: Good name for a horse
Rose: Ooh no - your not keeping the horse
Doctor: Why - i let you keep Mickey

Doctor: Have you met the French - they know how to Party!

Doctor:...Because your thick, Mr thick, thickedidy thick from thick land, thickania - and so's your dad