View Full Version : Laptop Won't Start Up.. HELP!

11-04-2008, 14:05
My laptop kept popping up with signs such as 'computer needs to update restart now or later' . I clicked later, but left my laptop for a while and it automaticaly shut down. When I went to turn it back on it wouldn't restart. When i would press the on button, it came up with a black screen, saying there had been an error.
I could start it normally, in safe mode or in some other modes. I tried normally and it came up with the windows sign when it loads and then went back to the menu and shut down.
I tried all of the other options as well but it won't start up.

Has anyone had the same problem?
Or know how to fix this?


11-04-2008, 14:15
It sounds very similar to a problem I had with my computer when it wouldn't start up, did all that choose mode thing, turned out to be a virus in the hard drive and it had to be replaced costing about £150- also annoying since I lost all my memory! (you can recover memory but it costs about £120)

If it's still on warranty take it back to the shop and get it checked out. If it isn't go to a computer specialist (which is what we did). You could try ringing them up before hand to ask what they think it is.

11-04-2008, 14:23
What do you mean a computer specialist??

So when it was saying that it has updates, did it mean it had a virus or something?

Thanks for your help.

11-04-2008, 14:32
Just a shop that just deals with computers, e.g. Curry's wouldn't be that great to go with because they do loads of products. Just a place where they know their stuff and won't mess you around :p If it needs fixing look around for quotes because some places charge an arm and a leg!

I don't remember what the computer said beforehand :p I just shut it down and when I opened it about an hour later it just came up with all this random modes stuff.. :rolleyes: