View Full Version : Week 18 Casualty Spoilers

Jessie Wallace
10-04-2008, 21:21
Ruth begins the morning on a high, jogging into work and arriving exhilarated, in this week's episode of the medical drama. Later, though, her confidence is knocked as Toby completes a medical procedure that has eluded her, and another patient dies. Abs and Maggie are both very concerned about Ruth and she struggles to deal with her feelings. She seems to be back in the dark place where she was before.

Meanwhile, a disaster occurs as a son throws petrol on his father, causing an explosion which injures him, his father and his mother.

Elsewhere, on the local Farmead Estate, a young boy staggers home with leg injuries and calls an ambulance. When the emergency call comes in, Curtis recognises the address and is troubled. Curtis and the boy appear to know each other, and another side of Curtis threatens to emerge, despite his protestations that he has changed. Later, he lays flowers at a grave.

Later, Alice is with her boyfriend, walking home after their date and planning another. They kiss, but Alice pulls away. As she enters her house and sees her mother, it becomes clear why she is so reticent.

Ruth is played by Georgia Taylor, Toby by Matthew Needham, Abs by James Redmond, Maggie by Susan Cookson, Curtis by Abdul Salis and Alice by Sam Grey.

10-04-2008, 21:39
Awwww. I hope Ruth is seeing someone? She needs to.

And awww bless Alice. She's so cute :p.

10-04-2008, 22:00
Aww noo...hope Ruth lets Maggie and Ab's help her :(

Ooh trouble brewing for Curtis :hmm: Wonder when his pandora's box of secrets will be revealed...

I didn't know Alice lived with her mother..ah well, good to see more Alice screentime :D

10-04-2008, 22:04
Okay, who IS Curtis lmao?

10-04-2008, 22:15
A paramedic :p

10-04-2008, 22:24
Ohhh him. I wondered what his name was :p

19-04-2008, 22:21
Have ya seen the pic which is on the BBC Cas page.. of Ruth..


:( She needs help :( I feel so sorry for her. I think Abs could actually help her if she let him. She needs to talk to someone. Don't think she'd talk to Maggie, she may feel embarrased as she lives with her. Can't think of anyone else other than Abs who she probs would talk to.

19-04-2008, 22:56
Yeah. She should talk to Ab's. Her emotions are just eating her up because of her inability to deal with them. I wonder if she's going to save herself or someone's going to walk in and stop her.

20-04-2008, 18:00
I reckon she'll save herself. Realise that she doesn't really want to do it..

20-04-2008, 20:36
Does this happen next week?

Why is she suicidal?

20-04-2008, 21:13
Well she's not completely right yet, and another patient dies, she gets eluded from a procedure.. so she's on another downer.

22-04-2008, 22:09
Bit more from my TV guide - general gist

Ruth's trying to be positive for a change. But she struggles to treat a patient Mr Cunningham (Derek from Eastenders) who has a dislocated shoulder but she can't do it and Toby has to do it for her. Then Maggie wants Ruth to put a chest drain in a young girl which is an easy procedure but Ruth freaks out. She's not really ready to come back to full clinical duty and as she tries to calm down, she sees a nurse going to the medicine cabinet to get some pulls and something just clicks in her head - she knows what she needs to do next....

Ruth takes some pills home, but will she attempt to take her own life again?