View Full Version : Bill Spoilers 23rd and 24th April 2008

08-04-2008, 17:43
23 April 2008

A hungover DC Mickey Webb (Chris Simmons) is introduced to new recruit, DC Jacob Banks (Patrick Robinson) at a crime scene, where private detective Harry Burroughs has been found murdered.

Elsewhere, PC Emma Keane (Melanie Gutteridge) and Sergeant Stone (Sam Callis) continue to clash when Stone gives her the grim task of informing Harry’s wife about his death. Knowing that Stone has a special relationship with his other PCs, Emma feels frustrated and takes it out on PC Sally Armstrong (Ali Bastian) who is left feeling guilty.

Back at the station, the investigation offers a long list of suspects. Jenny Curtis (Carol Starks) is interviewed about her ex-husband’s hatred towards Harry after he uncovered a huge secret which tore his family apart, but she is adamant he wouldn’t harm anyone.

Later, Jim Lawson (Gordon Kennedy) is tracked down as Harry’s most recent client and he tells the officers that the detective had recently been investigating the disappearance of his daughter. When the culprit is finally uncovered, the officers are shocked but pleased to get a result and, at the end of day, Jacob bonds with his new colleagues, Stone and PC Nate Roberts (Ben Richards).

24 April 2008

Dressed in a sharp suit and killer heels PC Sally Armstrong (Ali Bastian) walks through the busy foyer of a city trading house and doesn’t fail to turn a few heads. As Sally emerges onto the street to get lunch, DCI Jack Meadows (Simon Rouse) pulls up in his car and she fills him in on how her first week undercover has gone.

Jack is pleased when she admits she has managed to get in with one of the suspects Andrew Shield (Laurence Hobbs) in the case of missing twenty-one year old, Geraldine. Back at the nick, Jack fills Geraldine’s worried father, Jim (Gordon Kennedy) in on the case and says there are three main suspects who were all at the bar the night his daughter went missing and they are getting closer to tracking down her last movements.

Elsewhere, Sergeant Stone (Sam Callis) feels vindicated his suggestion of using Sally is paying off and he can’t help letting PC Emma Keane (Melanie Gutteridge) know this as he gives the frustrated PC a routine task to perform. Emma demands to know what his problem is and why he insists on keeping her on the outside of his little gang. She says she thinks he wants someone he can control and she’s too much for him to handle. Emma moves in closer and whispers that maybe he’d like to handle her but he just doesn’t have the balls and before he can react, Emma walks away leaving the Sergeant hot under the collar.

Later, Sally is delighted when she is invited to a boozy night out with the traders. She tells Jack all of the suspects will be there and they’ve
told her to bring a friend along and Sally believes Emma is perfect.

During the evening, Emma starts to connect with Shield - he is clearly carrying around a lot of secrets and she seems like the sort of person he wants to off-load to. Emma boldly goes back to his place knowing she’s close to being taken into his confidence but how far will she go to get the truth out of him?

Looks like the Kiddiecop :sick: is still off. EXCELLENT. Lets hope the boys and girls of Sun Hill can cope without her amazing help and great insight into Master Criminals and International Terrorism

08-04-2008, 22:42
Looks like the Kiddiecop :sick: is still off. EXCELLENT. Lets hope the boys and girls of Sun Hill can cope without her amazing help and great insight into Master Criminals and International Terrorism

Louisa Lytton is on a three month tour with Strictly Come Dancing so we won't be seeing much of her for a while.

08-04-2008, 23:50
Looks like the Kiddiecop :sick: is still off. EXCELLENT. Lets hope the boys and girls of Sun Hill can cope without her amazing help and great insight into Master Criminals and International Terrorism

Louisa Lytton is on a three month tour with Strictly Come Dancing so we won't be seeing much of her for a while.
Pity its only for 3 months and not 3 years:lol: :lol: