View Full Version : Why does Electro music go so unnoticed chart-wise?

07-04-2008, 22:22
IMO it is one of the most modern genres in todays industry yet still fails to make little impact on the charts. In recent years we've had the likes of original acts like Mylo (remember the amazing Drop The Pressure?) try his luck by producing an album, which of course has now been totally forgotten about and more recently the brilliant Calvin Harris who may be well known club wise but fails to set the charts alight despite some amazingly catchy releases. And now Kylie's electro filled album 'X' which compared to every single one of her previous pop-domineered albums has made little effect for her comeback at all.

Do you think todays music industry is too R&B/Pop dominated to accept this type of music inevitably making us behind with the times, or on the whole is it just not popular enough to go anywhere beyond the club scene?

07-04-2008, 23:05
No2, I think it is not popular enough to go anywhere beyong the club scene!
I personally like my R&B music a bit too much so maybe that's why I choose that one but I barely hear anyone listening to the Electro music anyhow! x

07-04-2008, 23:23
I think R&B will still overtake the charts for years to come, its became so mainstream over the past 10-15 years that I can't see it going anywhere for a while yet. Its not a personal fave of mine but I do enjoy parts of it, especially a certain lady as you know spicy :D

07-04-2008, 23:30
Hopefully what you say is right because I would hate to see it go lol.. :searchme: I have no idea who you are talking about :rolleyes: Does HER name start with R...and SHE likes the rain alot dosen't she? :p

07-04-2008, 23:36
R&B and covers the charts I think, sometimes I think thats all we hear and then we have pop, but is a more, well classy comepared to the 90's :lol:
I would prefer to see a wider range of music in the charts and by that I mean the top 10. Okay we do have a wider range but still somtimes it feels R&B dominated

08-04-2008, 10:55
I also think indie/rock music goes unnoticed. There are a fair few indie bands in the charts like the Kooks and the Killers but hardly any rock bands. Nickelback seem to be doing well with a single that they released several years ago that didn't do well but I doubt that their next single will do as well.

Its a shame that more rock bands can't break into the mainstream, there is so much talent out there that isn't being recognised.

08-04-2008, 12:40
in answer to the thread question: cause it is poop!! only good for club not great for the general public.. beside since the sales of CD went into supermarkets, Housewives are controlling the charts (this is statically true)

08-04-2008, 20:49
in answer to the thread question: cause it is poop!! only good for club not great for the general public.. beside since the sales of CD went into supermarkets, Housewives are controlling the charts (this is statically true)

I agree, sales in supermarkets are heavily influenced by housewives who have the best taste :p that is why R&B will always come out on top :cheer:

08-04-2008, 22:31
in answer to the thread question: cause it is poop!! only good for club not great for the general public.. beside since the sales of CD went into supermarkets, Housewives are controlling the charts (this is statically true)

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. Electro is rubbish (sorry Chris!).

08-04-2008, 22:38
In response to Abigail - I think that indie and rock music; indie in particular, has become way more popular within the last year and I think this year will also be really popular with it. I couldn't used to listen to radio 1, as it was usually dominated by RnB and Rap - which I HATE.. but now I find it has loads of indie stuff on, which is great, I can actually listen to the station now :p.