View Full Version : Week 17 Casualty Spoilers

Jessie Wallace
03-04-2008, 18:42
Jessica and Sean's home life is revealed in this week's medical drama offering. Jessica gets the kids ready for school, whilst Sean prepares for work. Sean's mind, however, is on other things as he sends Zoe a text asking to see her.

In the ED, Kelsey, Adam and Ruth are getting ready for their shift. Ruth has returned to work and is starting back on clinical duties, but she is apprehensive. The staff are surprised to see Zoe in early, for once – she has decided to turn over a new leaf, which means there is no room for Sean in her life and she deletes his message without even reading it.

Elsewhere, a 14-year-old boy jumps from the emergency exit of a bus and is hit by an oncoming car. Zoe, Sean and Jessica have to work together to deal with his injuries and memory loss.

Meanwhile, Abs's friend, Stacey, loses his job and consoles himself with a drink. He later burns his arm and ends up in the ED, but when Abs confronts him on the state of his liver, he gets into his car, despite still being drunk, and tries to drive off – narrowly missing Abs.

Jessica later turns down an invitation from Adam, but he is determined to impress her and make her see what she is missing. With Alice as his accomplice, he whisks Jessica away for lunch in his car. The lunch has been cooking on Adam's car engine – which Alice has had to drive around the car park for an hour. Jessica is won over and they share a kiss but, catching sight of her husband, she breaks away. Adam walks off, and doesn't look back.

Jessica is played by Gillian Kearney, Sean by Richard Dillane, Zoe by Sunetra Sarker, Kelsey by Janine Mellor, Adam by Tristan Gemmill, Ruth by Georgia Taylor, Abs by James Redmond, Stacey by Andy Newton Lee and Alice by Sam Grey.

03-04-2008, 18:44
Omg!?!? Jessica and Sean ?? :eek:!!! Shocked !!

03-04-2008, 18:54
Jessica and Sean :eek: Blimey. I'd never have guessed! Now everything makes sense with Adam and Jessica :p

03-04-2008, 18:56
Yes! I was wandering how a girl could pass up on a bit of the Treismeister :S

03-04-2008, 19:12
well i didnt see that coming!

03-04-2008, 22:17
Another shocked one here too - that was kept quiet well!

03-04-2008, 22:41
I didn't read it as if they were together. They don't seem a likely couple.

:lol: Cooking dinner on a car engine

03-04-2008, 22:53
If it wasn't meant that they were together.. then wouldn't it have read.. "Jessica gets HER kids ready for school"?

03-04-2008, 22:57
Yeah, it would.

Do Jessica wear a wedding ring?

03-04-2008, 22:59
Dunno. Haven't noticed one.. neither has Adam by the looks of things. But she might have taken it off because of work.. maybe she feels more comfortable with it off like..

Although my mother doesn't wear a wedding ring. So she might just not want to wear one?? I wouldn't haha .. I hate rings :p.

03-04-2008, 23:04
Hmm you could have a point though - who knows - could be a play on words but it just seems like they've connected them in the way they've statemented that.

Too much thinking for my brain to have to endure at this time of night :lol:

03-04-2008, 23:05
Dunno. Haven't noticed one.. neither has Adam by the looks of things. :p.

Would it have made a difference to Adam? :p One day I reckon he's going to chat to Sean and accidentaly tell him about him fancying Jessica/them sleeping together...

Chloe O'brien
04-04-2008, 00:02
I did read somewhere that Jessica's character was married before she joined Casualty but I never thought it would be to Sean. Well done Casualty for a corker.