View Full Version : Your fav childhood toy

31-03-2008, 21:51
What was your favourite toy as a child?

I had this tea set that i would spend hours playing with too, making plastic meals for my family, lol!! I ended up with a crate full of things in the tea set in the end, it was always being added to on birthdays and christmases. I loved it!! :lol:

31-03-2008, 21:58
my dolllies, i had 2 one called stephanie and one called kimberley! they had a little lock of hair in middle of head and i thought they were cute!

then it was barbie, i had loads still have some stored in loftat my mums i must have about 20 barbies and 18 of them have crew cuts as i thought their hair would grow back LOL

i got a girls world to and did the same to her!

Mum should never have left me alone with scissors haha

31-03-2008, 22:14
A teddy rabbit called Bunny. He used to go everywhere with me. We'd do so much together. Had many a teddy bear's picnic - to which he was the only one invited to all of them :D. Made movies with him, slept with him, took him to the shops :p. He's snuggled safely at my uncles now, so I do see him often, he sits on the sofa with me when we watch movies. I loves him. He only got one eye now though (they're cotton eyes).

31-03-2008, 22:19
Furbys!! Anyone remember those? They were legendary toys.

31-03-2008, 22:22
Haha yeah! I had a furby baby... the big ones were "too expensive" apparantly :p. Cheapskates :p But I used to take my furby (who I think was called coco :p), to my mates house, we got our furbys to talk to each otehr and stuff :p.

Though they were HIGHLY annoying at night when they woke up! I used to stuff mine in my draw to shut it up. One night I was in bed, it was in my bathroom, and I heard it all the way from there... "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE".. "I'm scawed"... :p so had to get up to turn it off!!! :p.

31-03-2008, 22:32
I got a furby as a present I was like *GASP* because it was yellow and red and blue :lol: I still have it actually....But the batteries have been taken out. WAY to annoying with that "Wheeeeee..." :p

Oh did anyone else have those alien things? In some sort of goo...and if you stuck their bums together they had a baby...:rotfl: (just for the record..no it didn't work)

I can identify with the destroying of barbies. Me and my sister had a tug of war with one. Gave it a crew cut. And then tatooed it with pen. :rotfl:

Tamagochi's and POGS were a lot of fun too :p

01-04-2008, 06:50
I still have my furby too, without batteries! :lol: I have always kept my Snoopy dog which is green with orange ears, take him to the dry cleaners once in a while when he gets too dusty but still love him so much. :wub:

01-04-2008, 09:25
when I was little I wanted a my little pony but they were too expensive and with 9 of us in the house, my parents couldn't afford it.. I did however get this doll which my mum said took her ages to find cause coloured dolls were next to impossible to find in the 70's.. I loved her so much and I actually still have her 30 years later (they don't make toy like they use to)

I love my brothers Tonka truck too

Chloe O'brien
01-04-2008, 20:52
I have a 3ft teddy that I got 37 years ago all the way from China. My big brother was in the Navy so he used to bring me cool pressie's back from his trips.

01-04-2008, 21:27
I loved playdough. Used to play with it for hours - making meals out of it etc. So much fun. :D

01-04-2008, 21:59
Tamagotchis all the way! I got one at the seaside after wanting one for agesss and cried when it ran out of batteries. I thought my cousins very silly when they took theirs on holiday and left them in their hotel rooms.

01-04-2008, 23:16
I would believe Edd the duck & Donald duck were my most favourites but i loved fubys and tamogotchies as well...and yeah them alien things were fab too

Kirsty :]
02-04-2008, 01:05
Haha I had a furby too... I used to shout at it to shut up because it annoyed me when it snored!

I used to have a doll house which is in my airing cupboard for my little sister when shes arrived :) I never left it alone.. and the family were animals.. sylvanian families :) Haha

I used to have this till too with a scanner and a basket and food and I used to set it up in the living room and make my Nan and Granch buy the food ahah!

I was obsessed with Barbies. Polly Pockets! Wow she was so cool!
Lego and PlayDoh- They never get old!

And of course my Gogger Bear which is all tatty now... but my Great Granchy Gogger gave it to me as my first teddy so I would never give my Gogger Bear up :)

02-04-2008, 22:58
Lego and Brio were my fave. I always had them out in my bedroom, building railways and houses when I should be sleeping :lol:

03-04-2008, 00:12
I had glitter play dough at one point :D :p

Lego was blatantly the best :p

03-04-2008, 18:32
What's Brio??

04-04-2008, 10:55
What's Brio??

They are wooden toys, but look a little like LEGO. I believe they were called educational toys.

04-04-2008, 12:36
What's Brio??

They are wooden toys, but look a little like LEGO. I believe they were called educational toys.

My Brio was a wooden train set with trains, tracks, bridges, trees, carriages with wooden logs and loads of other things.

05-04-2008, 19:48
I loved all my dolls, like barbie dolls, I also had dolls like that who werent babrie, I used love polly pockets, I had a disney version, it was so cool :D

06-04-2008, 22:49
i loved my big trak and spectrum 48k......i still got it....

yes i am a geek.....

06-04-2008, 23:00
i loved my big trak and spectrum 48k

Whats are they?

06-04-2008, 23:20
i must be old!!

big trak:

zx spectrum

spectrum was the best computer out then!!! you can get more stuff on a memory stick now.....
it was bc floppy disc.......

although before that i had a acorn electron....now we are going back some

06-04-2008, 23:48
spectrum was the best computer out then
Was just looking at the link you provided for the spectrum and saw another link for the Commodore 64... I had one of them :lol: Was awesome, would spend many an hour on that playing on a Postman Pat game I had. Seems really old now looking back. Took AGES to load a game, and was constantly freezing and stuff :lol:. Wish I still had it though, would be good to have a look at that again :p.

07-04-2008, 13:45
My friend had a Commodore 64. Never quite understood it :lol: We played pacman on it.

07-04-2008, 15:03
yes an hour to load a game!!! and you would get 58 minutes into it then it would go wrong!!!!

i remember horrace goes skiing that was great...

my fav was repton 2 though!!

after my spectrum i progressed to an atari st (still got that too) and spent my entire life on dungeon master!!

you can download spectrum and commodore emulators and play all the old games if you want to!! they only take 2 seconds to load up now though, you won't have to wait an hour!

07-04-2008, 17:51
Hungry Hippoes are a classic!

07-04-2008, 17:55
Frustration was one of my favourites too. I loved popping the dice in the middle.

07-04-2008, 18:00
Oh and Bukeroo!!!!!! (Sp? :o)

07-04-2008, 18:19
Oh and Bukeroo!!!!!! (Sp? :o)

Buckaroo. That was great.

Chloe O'brien
07-04-2008, 22:15
I used to have an Atari games console about 25 years ago ~(coughs).:eek: It was brilliant you used a joystick to play games like PacMan and Space invaders.

07-04-2008, 22:19
spectrum was the best computer out then
Was just looking at the link you provided for the spectrum and saw another link for the Commodore 64... I had one of them :lol: Was awesome, would spend many an hour on that playing on a Postman Pat game I had. Seems really old now looking back. Took AGES to load a game, and was constantly freezing and stuff :lol:. Wish I still had it though, would be good to have a look at that again :p.

we had a commodore 64 too, had a game called fire ant that we were all addicted to! i remember me and mum playing for hours :lol: at the time we thought ti was fab.

18-04-2008, 22:33
My fave thing as a kid was a little pink bunny teddy that I got when I was 3. I used to chew his (<--yup, although it's pink it's still a boy!) ears in bed when I was tired. However immature it may be I still do it lmao. 12 years old and he has never had a name...only just realised that actually.

When I was a little older, I think I had just started school, we got a Sega Megadrive which I used to love! I loved the Sonic games which now my 5 year old brother can't keep away from as we just bought a game for the Play Station!