View Full Version : Corrie - time for something massive to happen

20-03-2008, 23:36
Anyone get the feeling its time for a big storyline? Im talking like big as in Richard Hillman type of thing. Something to get everybody talking about the show again! When he was in it every episode was so gripping, it used to be seriously unmissable stuff. But its not been the same for a long time now, its just the same old mundane thing week in, week out. Storylines dragging on and going nowhere, tired characters with no purpose anymore, unimaginative plots etc. Its time to get this show back on the road and make Corrie the No.1 soap again! Or is it too late for that?

21-03-2008, 06:39
Anyone get the feeling its time for a big storyline? Im talking like big as in Richard Hillman type of thing. Something to get everybody talking about the show again! When he was in it every episode was so gripping, it used to be seriously unmissable stuff. But its not been the same for a long time now, its just the same old mundane thing week in, week out. Storylines dragging on and going nowhere, tired characters with no purpose anymore, unimaginative plots etc. Its time to get this show back on the road and make Corrie the No.1 soap again! Or is it too late for that?

It is never too late for Corrie to be the No. 1 soap again, it is for me anyway. I do agree though that we are having a couple of storylines that need tidying up now and come to a conclusion. The Davin/Gail/Tina story is pretty much unmissable right now, but we need more.

Chloe O'brien
22-03-2008, 01:37
I agree we need a good gripping story to keep us interested but you don't want it to be all doom and gloom like EE. Corrie has been on our screen's for more than 40 years so the writers must be doing something right.

The thing is that over the years Corrie has lost many of it's true legends Stan/Hilda, Annie Walker, Bet Lynch Ena Sharples, Mike Baldwin, Vera Duckworth and many more. They were in a different class to what is in the street today. Many of the young actors who join the soap only want to stay a couple of years and then they're off never to be heard of again. Unless its to appear on a reality show to boost their careers.

Corrie has survived many years with the laughs something that other soaps have lacked, what they need is a balance of the two.

22-03-2008, 10:09
i think people genually ageree, i know recently tehre was a big article in the Manchester evening News stating how boring it had become and in partricualr the michell Ryan saga. They were saying how it needed something to make it watchable again.